Walaupun saya tidak Graduate on Time (GOT), namun tak bermakna anda tidak boleh GOT. Learn from my mistakes. Learn from those who knows how…
Reference : http://getalifephd.blogspot.my/2012/01/ten-ways-to-write-every-day.html
Program Luar (dahulu dikenali sebagai Program Pesisir) merupakan program pengajian siswazah UTM secara separuh masa yangย dikendalikan di luar waktu pejabat atau di luar kampus universiti bagi memberikan peluang kepada golongan bekerja meningkatkan kelulusan profesional mereka selari dengan kehendak pengajian tinggi negara. Lazimnya sesi pengkuliahan Program Luar (Pesisir) dijalankan pada setiap hujung minggu (hari Sabtu dan Ahad).
Untuk program Teknologi Pendidikan (Kod Program : MPPB1BJD), UTM telah membuka penawaran bagi sesi 2014/2015 semester 2 ini bertempat di Muar. Bagi anda yang menetap dan bekerja di kawasan Melaka, Muar dan Batu Pahat bolehlah berdaftar di laman berikut sekiranya berminat.
Untuk maklumat lanjut mengenai program pesisir yang ditawarkan oleh UTM, boleh klik link berikut. Semester 2 sesi 2014/2015 akan bermula pada 22 Februari 2015.
Senarai pensyarah bidang Teknologi pendidikan di Fakulti pendidikan boleh dilihat pada laman berikut
Kenapa anda perlu belajar di UTM? Sebab ni
Belajar di tempat yang terbaik, bermakna anda adalah antara yang terbaik daripada yang terbaik.
Cream of the Cream…
If you’re interested to further your study ( Master or PhD program) within the scope ofย Mathematics Education, feel free to visit this link.
Some research area that you can try are Mathematics education, Engineering education, Blended Learning, Creative problem solving, Process of Mathematics Curriulum and many more.
“Great Mind Think Alike”
If you’re interested to further your study ( Master or PhD program) within the scope ofย Chemistry Education, feel free to visit this link.
Some research area that you can try are Teaching and Learning in Chemistry through psychology approach, Verbal Interaction Analysis. Scientific Inquiry, and many more.
“Knowing Something Backwards and Forewords”
If you’re interested to further your study ( Master or PhD program) within the scope ofย Physics Education, feel free to visit this link.
Some research area that you can try are Creativity & Innovation in Physics, Physics Curriculum, Physics Teaching & Learning Models, Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK), Computers in Physics Education, STEM Education, and many more.
“Know the Ropes, Learn the Ropes”
If you’re interested to further your study ( Master or PhD program) within the scope of educational tehnology, feel free to visit this link.
Hope to see u in UTM ๐