Day 203 Task – Miscellaneous Tasks

Today, I am not going to specify a special official task. I will be sharing a few that I will do today and that include:

  1. Improving and making correction for ICLCA manuscript after receiving comments from reviewers few days ago.
  2. To do review for Education for Chemical Engineer (ECE) journal.
  3. To work on my Master student research paper.
  4. To follow up on my PhD students job progress – Four of them at the moment which I am the main SV.
  5.  To work on HTGYE book.
  6. To check and review my task as External / Industrial Panel for UMS Chemical Engineering Plant Design Project this coming Thursday.

OK, let’s just see at the end of the day if I managed to complete all of it. If I can complete more than half of the list, that’s still good enough, good progress for me.

Read all my “1 Official Task Per Day Record Challenge for 2020” —>