Day 320 Task – Reading and Grading ITE-ISP Student’s Reflection Journal

We have 35 students in our ITE and ISP class. All of them are required to write 2 page Reflection Journal after 3 weeks of study. This is the first Reflection Journal that they write. There will be another 3 more till the end of the course.

Reading the students reflection journal is important and it is not as easy as reading a novel. We have to identify what they have learned and give marks accordingly, followed by providing constructive comments. The elements that we grade include the content, analysis, reflective thinking, evaluation and feedback. I always try to recall all of this point by its abbreviation = CAREF. These are derived from the Gibbs Reflective Cycle, which help people to learn from experiences.

Read all my “1 Official Task Per Day Record Challenge for 2020” — >