Alhamdululillah today CEE UTM conducted the continuity of the OBE Training for Indonesian Lecturers (3 days from 23 to 25 March 2021). Previous trainings for the same group have been conducted before in February Day 4 , Feb Day 3, Feb Day 1. So, even though today is an official holiday in Johor Bahru, we still work and dedicate our time for this great purpose.
Other tasks highlighted for today:
- Completing the correction and submission of Renewable Energy Journal.
- Completing the correction and submission for BCREC – ICSEC2021.
- Communicated with freelance website designer for seem.my website.
- Set up blank RCEE2021 website and passed it to the Marketing department (got help from the freelance designer).
- Paid ReCase2021 Fee and also submitted the revised version of Extended Abstract.
- AJEE Management
- Finalized latest Editorial Board of AJEE.