2022 Day 40 Task – RAE SCEE Proposal Preparation

The due for RAE SCEE is around the corner and my main challenge (or rate limiting reaction) is the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). This has been the toughest one for me and I anticipate that the Theory or change and Budgeting will be the next one.

Other tasks of the day:

  • Discussion on SPC22
  • Discussion on carpet and paint for C09
  • Meeting Mataf with company that can help on the fundraising purpose (9pm)

2022 Day 35 Task – Reviewed Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery Journal (BCAB)

I didn’t realized that I accepted to review a manuscript from Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery at the end of December 2021. Anyway, I received a reminder about it yesterday and managed to complete the review just before attending my Friday prayer.

Other tasks for the day:

  • Review EIF Proposal
  • Commenced to update my Daily Tasks for the year
  • Attended to my RAE SCEE grant application.

2022 Day 34 Task – 4th Workshop of 2022: MALAYSIA NGINEERING PROGRAM DIRECTION

This was in fact multigoal workshop that focuses on the “Halatuju Program Kejuruteraan” and to revise the interview protocol for the FGD and the consortium research.Towards a better engineering, science and technology environment in Malaysia 🙂

For more information, click here and here.

Other tasks for the day:

  • FYP (PSM) Mock Presentation with 5 of my students in the morning from 9-11am.

2021 Day 231 Task – Reviewed Frontier Psychology Manuscript

I am already a Review Editor in Bioenergy and Biofuels, under Frontier Publication. It’s normal that I received manuscript in the niche of biofuel, bioenergy, catalysis and others to be reviewed. However, yesterday I received a totally different manuscript which is related to Education Psychology. I am not sure yet how they found me and appointed me to be the reviewer because I am still very new in the Engineering Education arena. Somehow, maybe some of the engineering education papers that I co-authored were detected by the Editor in Front. Psychol. – Educational Psychology; and also they found out that I have reviewed other Engineering Education publications.

Nevertheless, I accepted the invitation and made the review. Definitely a new experience for me. Thanks Editor.

2021 Day 226 Task – Reviewing Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering

Before receiving this invite from the Editor, I never have heard about The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering (CJCE), which is part of Wiley Publication.

Here’s some information about The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering (IF: 2.007), published by Wiley on behalf of The Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering, is the forum for publication of high quality original research articles, new theoretical interpretation or experimental findings and critical reviews in the science or industrial practice of chemical and biochemical processes.

Thanks a lot for providing me the opportunity to read an interesting research work.

2021 Day 225 Task – Updating SEEM Website and MyHE FB Page

I spent quite some time to update SEEM Website and MyHE FB Page. I am the Head of Visibility and Networking Committee in SEEM and a committee in charge of Facebook Page for the My Higher Education Cluster under Akademi Professor Malaysia.

The above tasks are not my direct tasks as academician, but certainly something that I can contribute to the society and community. Alhamdulillah, I was given the opportunity to contribute.

2021 Day 206 Task – Workshop on Effective Implementation of Student-Centred Learning

2021 Day 205 Task – Course Assessment Report (CAR) for Refinery and Petrochemical Technology

Alhamdulillah I managed to complete the Course Assessment Report (CAR) for the subject that I taught this semester. The student’s performance were very good and I can foresee this from their attitude in class. All the students were awesome, very discipline, tentative, cooperative and fun.

So far this was the highest number of students I have ever had for this course. Before this it was so little. But as the time goes on, the number of students keep increasing. I’m not sure of how it would be like in the future… But I will definitely take the comments from the students to improve my class in the future. Especially if I’ll still be teaching online.

Some of the feedbacks I received for this class:

  1. One of the best Drs. in UTM, He delivers Knowledge in very various, interesting and exciting ways. He feels the students and treat them very kindly and professionally. I am very lucky to have him as my lecturer. ^_^
  2. I really hope that I can be successful similar like dr zaki.
  3. Dr is very good
  4. In overall, this class was fun and it was an honored to have an experienced senior lecturer as our lecturer. However, the assessments distribution were close to unrealistic since we have to do presentation almost every weeks. Here, we found it that we did not learned much. We were so busy preparing and being nervous for the 5 minutes presentation. Hence, we tend to show lack of interest to stay focus throughout the class. From my view. the lecturer should have variations in the teaching method.
  5. The lecturer is really caring towards the students.
  6. Lecturer is passionate in conducting quizziz. The in-class presentation is not favourable by the students to do every week. Maybe 5 times in one semester is enough. Anyways, great effort tot he lecturer by inviting a former practiced engineer to give insights on the natural gas plant.

2021 Day 204 Task – AJEE and Review Manuscript Tasks

Today, Saturday, I managed AJEE manuscript that has been submitted. I hope in the near future we can come out with the new edition. In Syaa Allah.

Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery under Springer Publisher is one new journal that I have not reviewed any manuscript from it before.

Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery presents articles and information on research, development and applications in thermo-chemical conversion; physico-chemical conversion and bio-chemical conversion, including all necessary steps for the provision and preparation of the biomass as well as all possible downstream processing steps for the environmentally sound and economically viable provision of energy and chemical products.

  • Focuses on the technical, chemical, and system aspects of the processes of biomass conversion and biorefinery.
  • Operates in the topical areas of Bioengineering, Renewable Energy, and Environmental Protection.
  • According to a 2019 survey, 97% of previous authors would be very likely to submit a manuscript to this journal again.

2021 Day 195 Task – MC for Green Laboratory Audit Competition Virtual Award Ceremony

Today, I became the emcee for this event – Green Laboratory Audit Competition Virtual Award Ceremony. The event took place at 10am today and lasted for about 35 minutes. We did rehearsed the event yesterday and it seems everything was fine. It was a great event where 14 COE and RG from SCEE participated in this event which heavily promotes sustainability.

After the program I rushed to be vaccinated at Dewan Raya Taman Universiti, Skudai. I received my 1st dosed of Pfizer. The second dose will be obtained 3 weeks from now. In Syaa Allah.

Subsequently, I rushed back home to be the examiner for MKKL Master program for 2 students that started at 2.30pm till 5pm.