2021 Day 91 Tasks – CEE Core Group Meeting

As the new CEE Director, I am still in need of opinion and advice from far more experienced research fellow. And because of that I hosted a meeting with Prof. Khairiyah and Prof. Fatin to discuss few important CEE issues that requires some discussion and decision. Despite of our hectic schedule on the weekdays, we had to have the meeting on a Friday, which is our public weekend holiday, which at the same time, I am in Desaru taking a weekend get away with my family and parents. Alhamdulillah, several issues were decided and resolved. I appreciate both Fellows help. Definitely.

2021 Day 89 Tasks – Prototype Research Grant Scheme (PRGS) Presentation to KPT

Dr. Muhammad Tahir, my colleague, invited me last week to join him together in the PRGS project that he will present to KPT today. I am one of the project team member alongside with Prof NASA, with Dr. Tahir as the Project Leader. It was my first time in the PRGS presentation (9.40am-10.30am) session which lasted almost 50 minutes. The panels were very well aware of the research area and asked several detail technical questions. Fortunately Dr. Tahir managed to addressed all questions. I hope that this PRGS will be granted to us… Insya Allah.

Other highlighted tasks of the day:

  • Meeting and discussion with AzriHanis, my new SPACE PSM student (8.30am-9.15am).
  • Obtained signature and approval from Chair and Head of Department for the Teaching Award form (8.00am-8.30am).
  • Refinery and Petrochemical Class (2pm-5pm).

2021 Day 83 Tasks – Master Viva for Wesam

Wesam was one of my previous Master Chemical Engineering in the course of Safety and Health in Chemical Plants. Today, I became one of his examiner for his dissertation research presentation. He did very well in his research which is about photocatalysis to produce hydrogen by using titania MOF catalyst.

2021 Day 75 Tasks – Refinery and Petrochemical Technology First Class This Semester

It’s the first week of the new semester and I held my first Refinery and Petrochemical Technology today starting from today for every Wednesday. The class was great and I was glad to have great internet line. There were all together 32 students in my class.

Other Highlighted Tasks:

  • AJEE system successfully set up under Penerbit UTM. Alhamdulillah. Need to explore the system tomorrow.
  • Check Raihan’s final draft
  • Class preparation.
  • Learned how to use Break up room in Webex and also also made Personal Student form using Google Doc

2021 Day 74 Tasks – Meeting, Meeting, Meeting

Today, I have several meetings qued… will update this soon
Among the highlights for today:

  • PSM meeting with new students for their PSM1 – 8am
  • Meeting with Sham Shazid – 9.25am
  • Plant Design Project (PDP) group 1st meeting – 11am.

2021 Day 73 Tasks – CEE Coffee Table Book Discussion

I was invited to this UTM-TORCH discussion 2 weeks ago. I have no idea what TORCH is but a brief query to the PIC revealed that it is something to do with Teaching. However, the meeting was postponed 45 minutes before it started, hence I changed the Topic for today’s post as above…. 🙂

I discussed with Izzati and Faizah, both CEE staffs about the content creation of the Coffee book. InsyaAllah we already have a good plan and I’m hopeful to have this done by the end of 2 quarter.

Other highlighted task of the day:

  • UTM-TORCH Meeting supposed to be held today, but postponed.
  • HiCOE Keyword search project almost done.
  • HiCOE Meeting @ 2pm.
  • Work on ReCASE2021 conference papers.
  • Abstract for CREG Book Chapter submission.

2021 Day 72 Tasks – First MKKK Plant Safety and Health Class

I had my very 1st class for MKKK1653 today which started at 9am. There were only 3 students, one from Lotte Pasir Gudang Johor, One from Iraq and One from Libya. The session was fine, but it was quite difficult to conduct online class such as this. I just hope in future it will be better. InsyaAllah

But my happiest moment was when I submitted the Safety Champion in Engineering Education (SCEE) Fellowship, Royal Academy of Engineering (RAE) application. I finally did it. It was a true struggle to squeeze my limited time to pull things together to fill up this form which synergize 3 institution like a consortium. Now I will leave my faith to Allah, after my hard work and also my collaborators hard work as well.

2021 Day 67 Tasks – Rehearsal for the Coming Distinguished Lecture Series (DLS)

I was invited by Faculty Engineering Dean, Dato’ Prof. Ir. Dr. MOHAMMED RAFIQ BIN ABDUL KADIR to be the moderator for USA Professor Cynthia Atman upcoming Distinguished Lecture Series which will take place this coming Thursday. But before that, we need to perform a dry run or rehearsal to ensure the smoothness of the actual program. Wish me luck! Image above is the overlay for FE Streamyard that featured me as the moderator.

During the dry run session today.

Other selected highlighted tasks:

  • Read and check Abdilrahim’s Chapter 1
  • Read and check Raihan’s thesis
  • Micro managing some areas within CEE
  • SCEE RAE matters

2021 Day 65 Tasks – Entering CEE Director’s Office for the 1st Time

I was officially appointed to be the new Director for CEE, UTM on the 1st of February 2021. But then, it was the pandemic era and we are asked to work from home and because of that I have not been to my new office. However, the permission to WFH has been lifted on the 5th of March 2021 and all UTM staffs have to come to workplace for work.

So here I am at my new office. I did a little bit of cleaning and arranging which took 30 minutes or so. Subsequently I continued to work.

Other highlights for today:

  • Preparing of SCEE RAE Documentation
  • Working on Consortium grant keyword project
  • Checked Raihan’s thesis
  • Checked Abdelrahim’s Chapter 1
  • IJET Corrections

2021 Day 64 Tasks – Mock Presentation 1st Stage MKKK for my Master Student

Today in the morning I arranged for this mock presentation with my master dissertation student from Libya. Various research management matters to be completed and reported at the end of the day. InsyaAllah. Stay tune

Other highlighted official tasks of the day:

  • Checked Efa’s Master Thesis corrected version for the last time, hopefully and signed her thesis.