2021 Day 63 Tasks – Miscellaneous Post Graduate Students Matters

The fact that it is a Friday allowed me to relax a bit today. After all, I have been working very hard, almost non-stop since since several weeks. I need some break and once in a while breaking my daily pattern. I did not immediately work in the morning as usual, but I pampered myself with waking up a bit late… haha…

After that, I woke up and strategize my day. I started by listing down tasks to do for today while waiting for my laptop to stabilize after I switched it on (it’s a 7 year old laptop and it takes time for it to get ready after i pressed the on button).

I checked Efa’s (my full time research master student) abstract again, after my other half corrected it yesterday. It looked simple but it really is not that simple. Need to carefully check both English and Malay version of the abstract. After completing it I emailed it back to Efa.

Other highlighted official tasks of the day:

  • Checked Wirda’s paper for the 3rd time (Pak didi’s student).
  • Checked and commented ABSI’s (my Master Mixed-mode student) presentation slide since he’ll be presenting his 1st stage this coming Sunday).
  • Fast scan AbdelRahim’s (my Engineering Education PhD student from Egypt/Sudan) Chapter 1 draft, but still need to read in great detail tomorrow.
  • Passed Ammaru’s thesis to Sham for references on the analysis part.
  • Communicated with Anwar Hazeem (my ex-MKKH master student from 2017) on his new manuscript project.
  • Hosted Zaqwan who visited us at our home after Friday prayers. He wanted to consult about IEM Mentorship.

2021 Day 62 Tasks – CEE C09 Building Renovation Meeting

Hopefully this will be the last meeting for us that will allow us to meet the budget after sacrificing numerous needs for CEE. The meeting date and time was earlier set since last week between me and Aizat from Jabatan Harta Bina (JHB) UTM and Alhamdulillah we managed to get together in a virtual meeting at 2pm and ended nicely at 3.10pm. Among CEE reps that were present apart from me were Prof Khairiyah, Dr. Fadzil, Dr. Noraini, Dr. Effiyana and Izzati.

Other highlights of the day:

  • Consortium keyword meeting – 8am-9.30am via skype.
  • RCEE Meeting #1 – 3.30pm – 4.30pm.
  • Following of on SCEE RAE stuffs.
  • Prepared and completed CRR for ISP course.
  • Prepared and completed CRR for ITE course.
  • Prepared and completed CRR for Environmental Management MKKH course.
  • Checked and dealt with Efa’s correction of master thesis.

2021 Day 61 Tasks – Koperasi Surau Bestari Meeting

Today, as usual, my schedule is packed with numerous activities. But the main activity that I want to highlight for today is the Koperasi Surau Bestari Meeting that was conducted around 9pm evening. I am the Chairman of the Ahli Lembaga Koperasi (ALK) for Koperasi Surau Bestari Berhad.

Other activities highlighted for today:

2021 Day 60 Tasks – Student Advisory Performance Presentation to Head of Program

Image snipped during the RAE SCL Training
At the end of the Training for the 2nd day with part of the participants

Today, we are scheduled to do the presentation of our own Student Advisory Performance (Penasihat Akademik (PA)) to our Head of Department. My PA students now are in the 3rd year and there are numerous patterns of result. I realized that I need to follow up and check on several of my students that have dropped their points.

Other miscellaneous selected tasks of the day to be shared here:

2021 Day 59 Tasks – 21st Century Learning for Engaging Millennials, Part 1: Effective Implementation of Active Learning

Today, we started another online training which is the continuity from the 1st RAE Training for Indonesian Lecturer. This will be a 3-days workshop that will help clarify the lecturers about Active Learning (AL). Apart from the Indonesian lecturers, there are 4 lecturers from SCEE UTM who participated as well.

2021 Day 58 Tasks – Drafting Mathwork Process Control Problem

Today I was more focused on preparing of Mathwork Tank Storage problem. The problem need to be real industrial problem that students can learn and appreciate. I included real Autocad drawing so it will look real and student can imagine what they will face later when they practice as an engineer.

Other tasks:

  • Finalized marks for the course I taught.
  • Met Dr. Kamaruddin for discussion on the Mathwork problem.
  • Managed bit of the ReCASE 2021 conference and papers.

2021 Day 57 Tasks – Final Grading of Environmental Management Course

Today is a Saturday, but we have to work. No excuse. There are still several assignments and tests from my Environmental Management course that need to be marked. At the end of the day, I managed to complete almost all of the marking of the course. Alhamdulillah.

2021 Day 56 Tasks – Finalizing Final Marks for ITE and ISP Course, while…

This is part of what was covered in the Training today for UTM FTIR
This is part of what was covered in the Training today for UTM FTIR

After weeks of carefully inserting and checking data marks, we finally concluded it and reveal it to the students via AIMS system. I am not interested to discuss or comment anything on the marks. Different students have different commitment, attitude and capabilities.

Other Tasks of the day (Friday – Public Holiday):

  • 2nd full day training, refer yesterday’s post
  • Continue marking and finalizing Environmental Management marks
  • Plan for Renewable Energy manuscript correction
  • etc etc

2021 Day 55 Tasks – Workshop on Effective Implementation of Student-Centred Learning, Part 1: Active Learning.

Another day, another 2-day training, operating from another room from my house. We keep on developing more work spaces in the house. Our client now is UTM Razak Faculty of Technology and Informatics (RFTI), Kuala Lumpur. A new session with 30 academic staffs that have background coming from engineering, policy, social science, urban design/architecture and informatics discipline.

Workshop on Effective Implementation of Student-Centred Learning, Part 1: Active Learning.Training Provider: Centre for Engineering Education (CEE), UTM.Day & Time: Thursday – Friday, 8.30am to 5pm.

Hoping to deliver impactful and fruitful training for our client. InsyaAllah 🙂Next week (1 to 3 March), we will deliver another Active Learning training to our 100 Indonesian Lecturer friends under the Royal Academy of Engineering (RAE) Project.

2021 Day 54 Tasks – Charring CEE Meeting for the 1st Time as Director

Today I chaired CEE Meeting no. 3 for 2021 as the new CEE Director from 2-4pm.

Other activities include:

  • Koperasi Surau Bestari Meeting with Angkasa at 11am-1pm.
  • ITE Final Marks meeting 4pm -5pm
  • Preparation for CEE Meeting in the morning.
  • Auditing and checking marks for ITE course.