Day 250 Task – Perfecting Abstract and Graphical Abstract for My Review Paper

It was not a good Saturday start as I pampered myself lazily. But I know I really needed a piece of break from my hectic career life and super weirdo interest. I tried to use the late morning to perfect my abstract and graphical abstract for my review paper. This paper was prepared by my master student and it is really a very long paper.  It also took me a while to check and finalize this. I will be continuing this work and feel positive to submit this manuscript within this week. InsyaAllah.

Read all my “1 Official Task Per Day Record Challenge for 2020” —> 

Day 243 Task – Deciding the Approach of the New Chicken Bone Catalyst Biodiesel Research

I have downloaded quite a number of manuscripts that investigated the application of chicken bones as catalyst. This is mainly because one of my undergraduate students, Sham Shazid is working on a new catalyst from chicken bone for the extraction of CaO as the core content to be used as heterogeneous catalyst for the biodiesel reaction of PFAD.

Read all my “1 Official Task Per Day Record Challenge for 2020” —> 

Thermodynamic analysis of hydrogen production from ethanol-glycerol mixture through dry reforming, Energy Procedia Elsevier

Another of the paper I presented in ICAE 2014, Taiwan also got published in Energy Procedia Elsevier 2014. Alhamdulillah.

Z.Y. Zakaria, M. Jusoh, A. Johari, M.A.A. Zaini, F.H. Kasim, Thermodynamic analysis of hydrogen production from ethanol-glycerol mixture through dry reformingEnergy Procedia Elsevier, 2014.

More of my published journals are published here.