Day 314 Task – Master Environmental Class Day 2

Today is the second day of the 9 to 5 MKKH1513 class. In order to plan and prepare for this class, I have to stay up late until 2.30am. I completely prepared a new set of presentation slide for the Sustainability, Sustainable development and also Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) slide. I also rehearsed the slide with my other half to ensure the videos that I wanted to play during class will be smooth, unlike the disaster that I had with Dr. Siti Hajjar during our ITE class presentation on Sunday, 6 days ago.

The tricky part of the preparation for the class is designing how to run the class. I only successfully managed to think and decided the approach at 11.30pm the day before, that’s 9 hours plus before the actual class started. Being a lecturer who have some background experiences on student centered learning kind of induced me to have a different style of teaching and I want it to be very effective for the student. It’s a a long class and if the method of teaching is a conventional style, it will be very difficult to engage with the students and to get them follow through the class.

Alhamdulillah the class, in my opinion was fruitful at the end, eventually. Instead of asking students to key in padlet like yesterday, I asked them to write a reflection on what they have learned from Saturday and Sunday class. I also asked them to prepare a timeline of all the regulations, acts, declaration, summits etc that happen international regarding international laws related to environment. I really hope the student gained new environmental management knowledge from this class. amin.

Read all my “1 Official Task Per Day Record Challenge for 2020” —> 

Day 286 Task – Check Draft of Project Description for a Consultation Project

Today, we work from home because of the covid quarantine. As an academician, working from home does not mean we cannot be productive. Alhamdulillah, I managed to work on several tasks. But the one that I would like to highlight here is my task in an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Consultation Project. I’m just a member of the project which involves a paper recycling company. Working on a consultancy project like this is very interesting and fun because I am a chemical engineer, and real industrial tasks like this make us learn new technical things.

Read all my “1 Official Task Per Day Record Challenge for 2020” —>