Day 177 Task – Preparation of Manuscript to be submitted to ICLCA2020

Today, I dedicated the morning to focus on the preparation and submission of paper entitled ESTABLISHMENT OF INDUSTRIAL ENERGY BENCHMARKING IN MALAYSIAN DOWNSTREAM PALM OIL INDUSTRY, which was prepared by my PSM student Nasyitah Husniyah Mahbob end of 2019.  This manuscript is to be submitted to the International Conference of Low Carbon Society 2020 (ICLCA)

Read all my “1 Official Task Per Day Record Challenge for 2020” —> 

Day 7 Task: Linking Roundcube Web-Based Email to Gmail

Today, I explored a way to control roundcube web-based email to gmail. This is for the new website. Being able to control the email having the will be easier for us the secretariat to communicate and disseminate information to others. I am doing this task since I am in charge of website and social media for the

Besides that, I also had a special meeting at Institute of Biotechnology Development (IBD), UTM. It was a one hour meeting which is quite a big one for me. The meeting was between Prof Hesham, me, Dr. Ika and Maizatul (RO). Let’s hope this project materialize. If it does, it will be one of a great and significant contribution from me and I am glad to be involved in this project.

I also started marking the Meta Reflection Journal which is quite a huge tasks. Imagine reading 41 students reflection. Each of them write 4 pages.

Read all my “1 Official Task Per Day Record Challenge for 2020” —>