Day 152 Task – Toyota Empathy Grant Meeting #3

Since the grant project proposal is so much just around the corner, we have no choice than to have this meeting to check and finalize on the scope and methodology of this subject. We just had a meeting 3 days ago and we met again today. Still we are working on the best approach, the best way for this project. Wish us the best of luck!

Details on the The Toyota Foundation grant information can be found here.

Program Title: Cultivating Empathy Through Learning from Our Neighbors: Practitioners’ Exchange on Common Issues in Asia

Program Objectives

The grant program focuses on deepening mutual understanding and knowledge-sharing among people on the ground in East and Southeast Asia who are finding solutions to shared issues. Through promoting direct interaction among key players, the grant program aims to survey and analyze situations in target countries, obtain new perspectives, and expand the potential of future generations.

With multinational teams comprised of participants from diverse backgrounds, projects can avoid conventional linear relationships, such as “supporter and supported” or “instructor and trainee,” and instead form cooperative and creative alliances that consider, act on, and construct solutions to shared issues. The grant program anticipates that these partnerships, which extend beyond such factors as nationality, age, and organizational affiliation, will produce significant social change through fostering a process of mutual learning.

Read all my “1 Official Task Per Day Record Challenge for 2020” —>