Cathodic Protection Survey Procedures

Cathodic Protection Survey Procedures

By W. Brian Holtsbaum

Price USD 90 (RM 386) this book available at PSZ library TA418.74 H65

This comprehensive second edition provides a detailed step-by-step procedure for onshore cathodic protection (CP) tests including rectifier inspections and troubleshooting, structure-to-electrolyte (pipe-to-soil) potential measurements, direct current (DC) measurement, diagnostic testing (troubleshooting CP systems), adjustive surveys, commissioning of CP systems, close interval potential surveys, DC stray current testing, electrical isolation tests, road casing isolation testing, alternating current hazardous voltages on pipelines, soil resistivity measurements, well casing tests, above-ground storage tank tests and under-ground storage tank tests. Each of these test procedures was prepared as modules that can be used independent of each other. The text will be especially useful to CP technicians in assisting with their fields tests to CP technologist in the analysis of the tests data and for persons involved in the training of CP personnel.

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