School of Education EXPLORIA and FSSH Gotong Royong 2020

School of Education EXPLORIA and FSSH Gotong Royong 2020 was conducted on 1 October 2020 (Thursday).  We were divided into groups.  Our group composed of academic and non-academic staff.  The dynamic our group is awesome.  We strategized to pick the places and how to pose and who would the be tracker since there are members in our group who are not in the best of health.

We had to detour a bit as it was starting to rain when we were about to take pictures nearby the Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying. We switched on our touristy mode. So, when we came across murals on the column at the faculty, we strike a pose.

As a tracker, it was my responsibility to walk as far I could, whereas the others who with health conditions would take the short-cut to go back to our faculty.  I am definitely not the fittest in this group but I tried my best to walk the farthest as I could.  I thought that I walked quite far but only managed to walk 1.7km.  I was not satisfied but my members said that it is enough when I showed them the results.  They were waiting for me at the designated place.  Some of them were panting and feeling breathless.  Age is catching up.  Indeed.

We walked 1.7km. I was assigned as the tracker. My average speed is 2.2 (Don’t know what it means though).
There are nine of us (not in any order): Prof. Madya Dr. Aede Hatib bin Musta’amal, Dr. Muhamad Abd.Hadi bin Bunyamin, Encik Mohd.Rafiz bin Abu Bakar, Puan Roziah binti Tamin, Encik Rosli bin Mohamad, Puan Mas Aminah binti A.Kadir, Encik Razeed bin Md.Supaai, Encik Zulraizam bin Shamsudin and me. The one who took the picture is Mas. Being young and energetic, we assigned her to take pictures for us.
Our Chair, Prof Fatin Aliah Phang and Dr Shahrul Ridwan were among the earliest to reach at the meeting point
A usual practice. Take picture before we start anything

COVID-19: Quizziz

I have been using Quizziz since 2016 (after I attended a one-day course at PULAU – Pusat Latihan UTM).  It is free.  Still is BUT if you want to have extra features, you have to pay USD24 per year (USD2 per month).  My first reaction is “What?” My brain starts to calculate the cost that I might have to pay in the future.  I have paid more than RM500 to subscribe few things. One of my friends said “If you are hesitant to pay, just use the free version.  The free version is still ok”.  Then later on, I find out that this friend is using the subscribed version which opposite from the advice given to me.

Should I upgrade my Quizziz to the payable version?  I am still thinking about it.  One of my seniors said that if I am serious in choosing teaching as my differentiated career path, I should invest on such tools that can help me to improve my teaching.  Ok.  One thing at a time.  For the time being, I will use Quizziz (the free version) and since I do not know the difference between the free version and the paid version, I will wait for a while.  I will look at some reviews first before deciding.

COVID-19: Doodlemaker

To prepare my class notes for next semester which I have to conduct 100% using online format, other than Prezi, I decide to explore other options such as video.  Yup.  I am not a video maker.  Some even commented that my videos are not professional looking and yada yada yada.  But, with zero experience of video making and editing and I never had any professional training in computer science field, creating a video is not my game.

Yet, I have little choice when I have to diversify my lesson delivery format.  I notice that my students have no difficulty to get accessed to Youtube even though they claim that they have difficulty to get my Powerpoint (audio) notes from Google Drive.  What kind of choice do I have other than exploring other options, right?  So, here I am using Moovly, Powtoon, Biteable and whatsnot to explore online video editing since I find out that using offline video editing platform will  require large storage (for the videos).

So far, I use the free version such as Moovly, Powtoon and Biteable (to the max).  One of my seniors said that 20 videos might be considered as a lot for her, so if she was me, she would use the free version of Moovly.  Yeah, right.  20 videos (each video is only 3 minutes long).  That is not an option if you need to have a slightly longer video.  But coming from someone who never even explore whatever options of video editing, I just brushed off her comments.  Not a valid comment to be considered.

I ask around before I make any decision to explore new video editing platform.  Alhamdulillah I keep in touch back with my old primary schoolmates who work in IT and whatsnot.  So, they advise me about available video editing platform and share some tips (technical stuff) which I try to implement.  It is not easy for someone like me to learn about something technical but with the support that they give me, they notice that I have improved (even though deep inside my heart, I don’t 100% believe it).  But, what matters most is their support in my journey to improve my skills.

So, this is my first video using Doodlemaker for my research methodology class.  The title of the video is: Quantitative sampling design. 

What I like about Doodlemaker is they have voice annotation that have several options that I can explore.  Unlike other video making platform, I need to record my own voice and upload it to suit with the video that I am making.  The thing is, I don’t know how to copy past audio recording and stuff (a basic thing that I do not have any mastery yet).  So, what are the options that Doodlemaker has?  I can use my own recorded voice or I can type the script of my explanation and choose a voice that I want.  I can select British, American, Australian and Indian accents.  Cool, huh?  I also can choose either I want to have a male or female voice.  Cool, isn’t it?  For the time being, since I paid USD49 for that subcription, I better use it to the maximum.  Like Prezi, I have calculated that if I have only 10 notes per year, it means that each of my note costs USD6.  I need to have more than 10 notes to reduce the cost, right?  That’s what I am doing now.


COVID-19: How to use VoteBot and QuizBot in Telegram?


On the main page of your Telegram (either on your phone or computer), type VoteBot on Search bar.

As you can see, since I have use VoteBot before, it is already appeared in the list

Once you have click the Search bar and type VoteBot, you will be guided to create your polls.  Don’t worry, it is kind of straight forward thing.  You don’t have to download anything.



On the main page of your Telegram (either on your phone or computer), type QuizBot on Search bar

You will see this once you type Quizbot (and click enter). You will be guided to create your quiz.
You will see this and just follow the easy instruction to create your quiz. You will find similar prompt when you use VoteBot


If you are like me and need further explanation, you may find more information about Telegram on this website or you can watch Youtube (for VoteBot) / (for QuizBot)

COVID-19: Using Telegram, rather than Whatsapp for teaching

Last semester, when the  COVID-19 hit us all over the globe (well, except some remote islands like Vanuatu and such), I was thrown into a realm of uncertainty.  There goes my hands-on activities and the worksheet that I have prepared but I know that I cannot let myself into the abyss of despair.  Knowing my own ability on ICT and whatsnot, I know that I have to learn something new.  I push myself to learn something that I would never think to try such as video making and editing.  But I am still learning it though.  Even though I have created five videos so far, I am still far from being an expert.  Nope.  One thing at a time.

Some said that rather than using Whatsapp, using Telegram is much helpful.  Full stop.  No specific explanation is given.  I know that I cannot rely on others to learn new things but there are so many things on my hand that I could handle.  This is how I feel at times.

Alhamdulillah, I met a junior who is willing to show me how she uses Telegram by showing one or two examples from her last semester class.  So, since the only small group that I have is the English teachers group that I have since Latihan Ikhtisas, I asked them if I could run a test by using them as my guinea pig.  Well, being ever willing to be in any of my project and experiment, they said ok.  So, I did a quick test on them when I created a poll using VoteBot on Telegram.  Darn!  How I wish I learn this before.  It could make the class discussion more interactive because I can pose a question like MCQ and whatnot by using VoteBot.

There are so many other things that I need to learn but one thing at a time.  Alhamdulillah.

FSSH Adjunct Professor Lecture Series: YBhg. Datuk Dr Habibah Abdul Rahim

Malaysia Education Blueprint 2013-2025:….. Examining the journey thus far

Key points:

  • Challenges due to unforeseen event i.e. COVID-19 pandemic prompt teachers, parents and students to adjust to the new norms.  It is not easy to ensure the practice of physical distance yet learning has to happen no matter what.  It prompts all respective parties to use digital learning to the max.
  • The priorities of education would always have to be translated into action regardless of whatever event that could derail the progress of learning at institutions level (schools and higher education institutions).
  • Malaysia Education Blueprint set the stage of where our education is heading forward but we have to understand the current performance and challenges of education system, establish a vision and aspirations for the system and students and outline the transformation program for the system.
  • Outlining the current blueprint is not about just preparing the document but how we would deliver the vision and aspirations (policies) at various levels through dedicated teams.
  • There are 11 key shifts to achieve aspiration (refer to the first 4 chapters in the blueprint): access, quality, equity, unity, efficiency, empower, ICT, transform (accountability), partnership, budget, transparency
  • Rigorous monitoring process: with KPIs, charters and budgeting to ensure continuous supports are delivered and accountability to be assured.
  • 2-12% of students are not in schools for various reasons and yet, there are various attempts, efforts and programmes have been and are being delivered.
  • Access to technical and vocational education is one of the main agenda = to enhance technical skills among students
  • Address the issue of transitioning and dropping out especially among the most disadvantaged i.e. students from Orang Asli community (the rate of completion is still low)
  • New assessment i.e. UPSR and such somehow poses another challenge to improve and bridge the gap of dropping out and school completion among students especially the disadvantaged.
  • Participation in STEM subjects especially in pure sciences subjects has been steadily declined over the years especially as students pursue their education at higher level i.e. post secondary education.  1/5 of students who originally from pure science stream would going to further their study in pure sciences field at post secondary education.
  • The quality of education system would not exceed the quality of teachers.  The quality of education depends on the quality of teachers.  Thus, it is important to ensure we provide the best training teacher education to pre-service teachers.  450k teachers (young teachers) are currently work as teachers in Malaysia and to enhance proficiency in English based on the alignment of CEFR.  For the time being, it is only meant for English teachers.
  • Digital competency among students (primary and secondary) is skewed in which those who go to schools equip with good ICT facilities would have better digital competency.
  • The ecosystem within the school is related to students’ competency on digital skills.

  • Zero Reject Policy is in motion with various programmes such as programmes for special needs students, programmes for children of migrants or asylum seekers, ziarah cakna and such.
  • The emphasis on the results is still prevalent in Malaysia.  We often ask “How many As do you get?” rather on the question “What have you learned over the 11 years of schooling?”
  • The societal value (in Malaysia) makes it a challenge to change the current practice in which teachers still practice “teaching to the test” i.e. teachers teach what would be “appeared” in the examination.
  • School completion requires students to have minimum expected skills and knowledge as set by the Ministry of Education (education system) to ensure our future generations would be future proof to face 4IR challenges.
  • Selection of those undergoing teaching training programmes has been improved and also, there are continuous programmes given to current teachers to enhance their teaching practice.
  • School leadership is the 2nd biggest factor influencing students’ learning after teachers’ instructional delivery.  Thus, it is important to emphasise on the preparation of instructional planning and delivery than administrative aspects.
  • COVID-19 has given impacts on society at various levels especially the most affected are the vulnerable (the disadvantaged).
  • DELIMa (Digital Educational Learning Initiative Malaysia) is a culmination of efforts from the ministry along with Google, Microsoft and Apple.  Yet, it is all go back to the issues of teachers and students’ preparedness in online learning, digital divide and connectivity as well as providing support to the most vulnerable including students with disability.
  • The accuracy of information and speed of information delivers from various parties to different levels of parties.

Hasan Langgulung

Someone asked me if I was Pak Hasan’s student.  Pak Hasan is a nickname that we (his students) fondly use to call him.  His real name is Hasan Langgulung.  He passed away in 2008.  Al-fatihah.

When I was his student in 2003, he was already nearly 70.  He used to go swimming before Zuhr with a colleague.  I used to see him waiting with his sport bag nearby the car park of IIUM Kulliyyah of Education (now it is known as Institute of Education or INSTED).

What I vividly remember until now is, there were six of us taking his Personality Psychology class.  Each of us had to present three times.  Yup.  With only six students in a class, what do you expect?  Our presentation would be based on either article review or our thoughts on Western and Islamic views of Personality.  For the Islamic views, we have to pour over the Holy Qur’an and such.  Of course, there is no direct comparison between theories by the western scholars with Islamic scholars like Al-Ghazali. But, it prompted us to think critically.  Talk about HOTs and whatsnot.  Well, it has been practiced long time ago before OBE and whatsnot.

Another thing that I remember well is there would be one of us who would go to his room before class and this person would walk with Pak Hassan to class.  While walking, this person would have the privilege to have a chat with Pak Hassan.  Normally, the male students would do it.  Or if we wanted to do it, there would be two of us female students who would “on a pretext of having something-to-discuss-with-you” go to his room and walk with him to class after our discussion.  Such a precious moment!  Of course, we could not do that with other lecturers but with him, he is like a father who we could discuss about intellectual stuff.

Calling him Pak Hasan rather than Professor (even though his official salutary title is Professor) shows the kind of relationship that we had as student-teacher.  Oh how I miss those moments!  Do I wish that I could have such relationship with my own students?   That is a question that I do not have any answer yet.


COVID-19: Face mask connector

The school where I did my Latihan Ikhtisas asked for my opinion for this week co-curricular activity.  They were going to do an activity involving sewing.  So, I suggested to make a simple face mask connector using left-over fabrics.  To cut cost.  But, due to time constraint, they opt to buy the materials instead.

So, here are some examples of the output.

well, they need to sew the corners to make it more proper. As a start, not bad, huh?


My personal collection. One might ask me why do I need to have more than one face mask connector. Well, I need to have extra, just in case I accidentally lose one. So, I have a “back-up” face mask connector.