IUCEL 2022: Gather Space

I am struggling to get myself familiar with this Gather Space platform. When I got the tentative program, my turn for presentation is on 29 June 2022 (Wednesday) from 2 to 5pm. During the briefing, it is suggested that we wait nearby our poster during the evaluation session. If we want to move out from the session, we can do so but we need to let the evaluators know. However, I do not know how to do it at first but after several attempts, I find that there is a space in which I can type a notification about my status. This is really interesting!

UPM has done a well done job in preparing this year IUCEL using Gather Space platform. I know from Dr Chong about Gather Space and he mentioned about using it for his students. They interact using metaverse mode in Gather Town. For someone like me who takes extra time to learn new things like Gather Town, knowing this platform gives me an idea about what I can do for the MyDigitalEducator module. But it might be a bit too overidealistic on my part as I am still struggling to create a content/collection in Wakelet (LOL to myself). It is a challenge that I set for myself but I will take it in a stride.

What can I conclude from the briefing?

During this briefing, there are so many things to digest though. I feel a bit cognitive overload but I will try out according to my own pace. Chill!

How to share Wakelet content/collection with your students?

There are two options that we can choose to share the content/collection with students.

  1. Share without allowing students to write or add any response.
  2. Share by allowing students to add their work, leave comments and such.

Either way, first we need to set the sharing option. After clicking the Share button which appears like a locked lock on the right side, we will see this

This is the normal setting. The collection is private. So we need to change it either to Public or Unlisted. Based on the videos that I have watched, it is suggested that we select it as unlisted because it will only appear to those which whom we share the share link. If we select Public, any Wakelet user can get access to our content/collection.

Option 1: Students cannot add anything

Once we click Unlisted, we will see this option. For this option, students will be able to access the materials but they cannot add any comment or cannot upload any link, PDF file or image. To share the collection with students, just copy the link and we can share the link with students via Telegram, Elearning and such. Other than link, we can use QRCode or embed method. If we have Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft Teams or Google Classroom etc., we can use that method as well.

Option 2: Students are the collaborator of the content/collection

To enable students to be collaborators in our content/collection, click INVITE COLLABORATORS. There are few options that we can add them as collaborators. Option ONE: Copy link and later on share the link with students. Personally, I think this is the straight and direct method. Option TWO: Copy code and share the code with students. Option THREE: Click the Microsoft Teams or Google Classroom icon to share the collection to students who are already in Microsoft Teams or Google Classroom list. Option FOUR: We can invite students who might be Wakelet users or invite them via email. Don’t forget to click the Invite button to activate the action.

Note: Wakelet has an academy (Wakelet Academy). I double check my notes by referring to the Wakelet Academy. Some of the points are similar in YouTube videos too. So, if I leave out anything, you may directly refer to Wakelet Academy to find out more information.

I created a note for myself to remind myself the steps that I should follow when creating a content/collection in Wakelet. I put it HERE for anyone to use.

How to create a content/collection in Wakelet?

This is the note that I took while watching Youtube videos. This is also a reminder to myself the steps that I need to follow to use Wakelet to create a content or known as collection. I categorize the steps into three parts. It seems that Wakelet is useful to organise materials, activities and assessments as a one-stop center. Wakelet is free. It is a good alternative to Padlet (I subscribed to Padlet and since there is a change of the pricing, I am thinking about unsubscribed it)

Part 1: Before (Things that are needed)

a) A topic

  • Have a topic that you want to create a content/collection in Wakelet. In my case, the topic is a weekly topic. So, I might have sub-topics but it will be included under one content/collection only.
  • In addition, if the topic has many sub-topics, it is suggested that there is a picture or a banner to separate the sub-topics. It will give students the direction of the tasks that they need to complete.

b) Weblinks

  • Be prepared to have few weblinks that you are intended to use in your lesson. The link could be link to your own videos uploaded in YouTube, online assessment that you have created in different platforms like Quizziz, Kahoot, Socrative and such or any links related to your topic. It could be a link to a journal article (this is when you do not want to upload a PDF version of that journal article).
  • If you do have your own videos uploaded in YouTube or elsewhere, this is one of the tips that I got from Wakelet. Try copying and pasting any link from the web. A YouTube video, news article, podcast or website is usually a good start! – Wakelet

c) Personal touch

Share your own creative work in Wakelet.

  • If you have a video in Youtube, Flipgrid or a video that you save in Google Drive, you can link the video as well.
  • If you have a frame in Padlet which contains instructions for an activity, you can link that as well. No problem!
  • CHOOSE the layout first before you add items. But according to Wakelet Academy, they suggest you choose the layout after you have added items. Errmm…. a bit tricky for someone like me to adjust the layout later.

Part 2: During (Let’s get started!)

a) In your home area, click ‘create collection’, and start by giving your content/collection a title and description!

b) You can add a cover image. If you do not have any image of your own, just browse through the integrated Unsplash library and you may find interesting and eye-catching images. You are spoilt with lots of choices.

c) This is just an additional option. If you want to add a background, you may add the background like you add the cover page.

d) Now, you can add some items to your collection by clicking on the plus (➕) icon to begin. You may choose to add text, image, file and so many more! If you have a video on YouTube, Flipgrid, Tik Tok etc., just copy and paste the link. You may add a thumbnail, title and description for your items. If you make any mistake while doing this, you may change the thumbnail, the title, and the description of each item.

Here you go! You have a content/collection. Basic one. If you want to spice up your content/collection, you may look at more steps on Part 3.

Part 3: After (Want to spice up your collection?)

a) It is suggested that you explore collection layouts! There are five different ways (layouts) you can organize your collections on Wakelet!

I took this image from Wakelet Academy

b) To get access to the layouts, click the palette icon.

On your content/collection frame, on your left side corner, click the palette icon.

The videos that I have watched on YouTube use either media or compact layout. So, I also use either media or compact layout. But it depends on your preference and imagination. I am still struggling to use Wakelet and thus, I just follow whatever examples as shown in the videos that I watch. But apparently, if you choose the layout setting AFTER you have add items, some of the items might be missing.

Now, your content/collection is ready to be shared with your students. Let’s look at the steps!

Wakelet ke Padlet ke Trello?: Tibanya masa untuk bertukar angin

Aku menghadiri sesi perkongsian tentang e-content pada Khamis lepas (16 Jun 2022). Aku mengakui aku memang kerap menghadiri sesi sebegini kerana aku perasan ada sahaja maklumat terkini yang dikongsi oleh fasilitator. Jadi, aku kena memastikan aku mendapat maklumat terkini tentang e-content dari mereka meskipun sesi sebegini dilaksanakan hampir setiap semester.

Apa yang aku pelajari kali ini ialah bagaimana membina bahan e-content yang padat, jelas dan terperinci bagi pelajar menggunakannya tanpa memerlukan bantuan pensyarah menerangkan secara bersemuka (ataupun secara alam maya menggunakan medium WebEx atau Zoom dan sebagainya). Dr Nihra menunjukkan contoh Trello yang digunakannya selain dari Padlet. Baginya, Padlet adalah sesuatu yang tidak menarik lagi perhatiannya. Bagi aku yang telah melanggan Padlet dengan bayaran tertentu, suka atau tidak, menarik atau tidak, aku memaksa diri aku menggunakan Padlet semaksima mungkin untuk memastikan bayarannya berbaloi dengan penggunaannya. Kalau aku menggunakan kurang dari 10 kerangka (frame) dalam Padlet setahun, setiap satu kerangka itu berharga RM14.40 (Setahun aku membayar RM144.00).

Padlet telah menaikkan harga langganan pada tahun ini. Harga langganan terkini bagi Premium adalah RM199.90 (atau RM19.90 sebulan). Kenaikan harga sebanyak RM50 bagi tahun ini. Ini membuatkan aku terfikir untuk menukar jenis langganan bagi tahun depan (2023) sekiranya Padlet “memaksa” aku untuk membayar RM199.90, bukan RM144.00 apabila aku perlu memperbaharui langganan.

Trello bagi aku lebih sesuai bagi pengurusan projek. Versi percuma mempunyai 10 kerangka sahaja yang dibenarkan dan ada ciri tertentu yang tidak boleh digunakan kecuali apabila menukar ke versi langganan. Mungkin aku boleh menggunakannya untuk pelajar di bawah penyeliaanku untuk memastikan kemajuan pengajian mereka. Akan tetapi mengikut pengalaman sedia ada, aku menggunakan aplikasi yang lebih ringkas pun mereka tidak menghantar dokumen yang diperlukan untuk menunjukkan kemajuan pengajian mereka. Terpulanglah kepada mereka. Aku sebagai penyelia adalah tidak beretika sekiranya aku yang menulis bab untuk mereka. Tiada penulisan dari mereka, itu masalah mereka. Buku penulisan tesis melambak. Video tentang tips penulisan tesis pun banyak. Sebagai pelajar yang dianggap sebagai berdikari, aku perlu melayan mereka sebagai individu yang berdikari. Sekiranya mereka tidak dapat berdikari, adakah aku perlu memimpin tangan mereka seperti kanak-kanak melintas jalan? Apa pun buat masa ini, aku masih lagi mempelajari Trello dan buat masa ini, aku masih lagi terkial-kial menyelongkar ciri-ciri yang ada di Trello.

Dalam masa yang sama, aku terjumpa Wakelet. Rupanya seramai 75 orang (pada saat aku menulis catatan ini) telah mempunyai akaun dan mungkin telah menggunakan Wakelet dari UTM. Bagaimanakan aku mengetahui hal ini? Aku mendapat email dari Wakelet dan ada tertera maklumat aku adalah orang ke 76 yang mempunyai akaun Wakelet di UTM. Cuma aku tidak mengetahui identiti individu tersebut. Kalau aku mengetahui identiti mereka, telah lama aku menghubungi mereka untuk mendapatkan maklumat lanjut,

Buat masa ini, Wakelet masih percuma. Apa yang diperlukan ialah email rasmi organisasi untuk membuka akaun. Tiada kategori Premium, Gold atau sebagainya seperti Padlet. Trello mempunyai persamaan dengan Padlet di mana ada kategori yang percuma tetapi mempunyai had dari segi saiz penyimpanan maklumat. Senang cerita, versi langganan mempunyai banyak keistimewaan dari versi percuma. Harganya sedikit mahal dari Padlet (dalam US5 sebulan atau USD60 setahun. Kadar pertukaran wang adalah mengikut pada tarikh kita membayar langganan tersebut).

Oleh yang demikian, aku rasa sekiranya aku ingin menjimatkan perbelanjaan pada tahun hadapan, aku akan bertukar kepada Wakelet sepenuhnya. Ini adalah kerana aku hanya menghadkan jumlah tertentu sahaja untuk langganan aplikasi yang membantu aku dalam pengajaran. Ada rakan mengusik, “Kalau naik pangkat ke Prof Madya, dengan gaji Prof Madya lagi banyak boleh kau langgan aplikasi-aplikasi ni“. Lagi banyak aplikasi yang perlu aku guna, lagi banyak masa diperlukan untuk mempelajari aplikasi tersebut, bukan sekadar aspek kewangan sahaja yang perlu diambil kira. Anda rasa saya ada masa untuk sakit kepala?” – Panadol Malaysia

Nota: Setelah meluangkan masa melebih dari 48 jam untuk menonton video di YouTube dan merujuk kepada nota di Wakelet Academy untuk belajar cara menggunakan Wakelet, akhirnya aku berjaya menghasilkan satu bahan pengajaran digital dengan menggunakan Wakelet ini (harapnya boleh lah dapat 5 markah bonus untuk e-content – tongue in cheek remark!). Ini adalah bahan yang aku bina sebagai salah satu tugasan MyDigitalEducator@MOHE dan oleh yang demikian, tidak akan dikira sebagai bahan pengajaran e-content mengikut kursus yang didaftarkan di UTM.

Genially? Canva? Mana yang best?

Ada orang bertanya pendapat saya tentang Genial.ly dan Canva. Sejujurnya, terpulang kepada masing-masing bagi menentukan mana aplikasi yang sesuai digunakan untuk membina bahan pengajaran. Kalau mempunyai bajet yang tiada had, Canva boleh dijadikan keutamaan.

Bagi saya yang mempunyai bajet yang agak terhad untuk melanggan aplikasi yang saya gunakan untuk pengajaran, saya memilih aplikasi yang lebih murah dan mempunyai ciri-ciri yang mudah untuk digunakan. Saya memilih Genial.ly. Saya diperkenalkan dengan Genial.ly apabila mengikuti satu webinar yang dipengerusikan oleh Prof Abd Karim Alias (USM) pada tahun 2020 (ketika pandemik COVID-19). Selepas itu, saya mula mencari video tutorial yang mudah. Salah satu video yang bagi saya, pengajar itu dapat menjelaskan langkah-langkah yang ditunjukkan dalam video tersebut dengan ringkas dan mudah ialah video yang dibangunkan oleh Meghan dari Vestal’s 21st Century Classroom. Selepas menonton videonya beberapa kali, saya dapat menghasilkan satu bahan.

Cara saya menggunakan video tersebut ialah, saya menonton langkah-langkah sambil menulis dalam buku nota. Selepas itu, saya akan terus mencuba membina satu bahan dengan langkah-langkah tersebut. Ketika itu, saya belum lagi melanggan Genial.ly. Selepas menghasilkan satu bahan, saya menunjukkannya kepada pelajar saya. Saya meminta pandangan mereka. Apa yang mereka tidak suka dengan bahan tersebut. Bahan yang dibina ini saya gunakan ketika sesi tidak segerak (asynchronous session).

Akan tetapi, versi percuma mempunyai beberapa ciri yang terhad dan video yang saya lihat rata-rata menggunakan versi berbayar (termasuk yang Prof Abd Karim guna – tetapi beliau mengaku yang beliau melanggan Genial.ly). Prof Abd Karim telah menggunakan Genial.ly sebelum pandemik COVID-19 lagi. Jadi ketika orang tercari-cari aplikasi yang sesuai untuk digunakan ketika pandemik COVID-19, beliau telah mempunyai beberapa video yang dibangunkan dengan menggunakan Genial.ly. Amat mengagumkan kerana meskipun beliau bukannya dari bidang komputeran atau multimedia, tetapi pengetahuan beliau agak terkini.

Bagi saya, sekiranya mempunyai masa yang lebih untuk belajar sesuatu perkara yang baru, boleh mencuba mencari alternatif selain dari Genial.ly dan Canva. Tetapi, bagi saya yang mengambil masa agak lama untuk memahirkan menggunakan sesuatu aplikasi, saya agak memilih. Saya hanya menumpukan masa untuk memahirkan diri dalam satu aplikasi bagi satu tempoh masa tertentu. Setelah betul-betul mahir, baru saya akan mencuba sesuatu yang baru dan sekiranya ianya perlu dilanggan, saya tidak meluangkan masa yang lama untuk meninjau ciri-ciri yang ada dalam satu aplikasi tersebut.

Meskipun saya telah menggunakan Canva beberapa tahun untuk membuat poster, kad ucapan dan penanda buku, saya tidak pernah membangunkan video menggunakan Canva. Buat masa ini, saya masih lagi belum mahir menggunakan Genial.ly (asyik ada ciri-ciri yang lagi menarik tetapi perlu dipelajari). Genial.ly mempunyai beberapa ciri yang agak kerap berubah (kepada yang lebih baik) jadi saya mengambil masa sedikit mempelajari ciri baru yang selalunya akan berubah dalam beberapa kali setahun. Kadang-kadang ada templat baru yang lebih menarik (pun kena biasakan diri menggunakan ciri yang ada dalam templat yang berbeza).

Apapun, sekiranya diberi pilihan sama ada Genial.ly atau Canva, buat masa ini saya lebih cenderung untuk menggunakan Genial.ly.

Part 1 – MyDigital EDUCATOR@MOHE program: What???

Since UTM will subscribe the basic Google with 30GB storage, I need to clean up my email inbox, Google Drive etc. Accidentally, I deleted an email from MOHE. I only realize this after asking another colleague and she asked me if I was accidentally deleted the email while cleaning up my inbox. Opss….. I might did that unintentionally. Don’t ask what I was thinking at that time! I might be in a panicky mode with lots of deadlines end of May and thus, that thing happened. Later, I received an email on 2 June 2022 in which I was given a password to get access to the webpage. When I looked at the modules, it made me realize what a deep ……. (fill in the blank) I was in.

After watching a recorded video (which I missed) on 30 May 2022, I started to explore the webpage. I experienced my first technical glitch. I contacted the person-in-charge who is so patient to guide me to solve the technical problem. I could not solve the problem which made him gave me few more solutions. Both of us were nearly gave up. It was 12 noon so I told him that I would try again after zuhur. Alhamdulillah. Things were ok after zuhur. Miracle?

So, I spent few hours to start looking at the materials in 8 modules (7 modules plus 1 module – introduction). The seven modules are:

  1. How to personalize your course?
  2. Engaging participants in online learning
  3. Developing digital content
  4. Developing digital content: Part 1
  5. Developing digital content: Part 2
  6. ID in digital content development
  7. Implementing and evaluating of digital content

When I go through the materials closely, I identify some materials are similar with certain courses that I have attended before. Well, it is by the same instructors so it is understandable. But the irony is, even though I have attended the similar courses before, it feels like as if it is the first time I am seeing it. It does resonate with the fact that I am still struggling to understand certain concepts. Repeated exposures do not change much of my understanding. It is my fault. I should spend more time to practice but I realize that it is time consuming to learn many things within shorter time. But it is a challenge that I have to face.

Other than the materials, I need to prepare 9 materials (digital content, digital activity and digital assessment) for 3 topics. My first thought is “Which course that I will choose to create those materials?” I need to use that materials in front of another 2 or 3 colleagues. Sigh…. I feel cringed already. I am still learning and thus my materials are not perfect. It is not something that I will proudly share with others. I have to complete this assignment by the end of July. July will be the busiest month because of final examination and whatsnot. Sigh

What is Self-instructional materials or SIM?

The concept of “Teaching through self-instruction” was coined by Derek Rowntree in 1986. It is the title of his book. He also wrote other books about teaching strategy (i.e. material-based learning), classroom instructions and others. What I want to focus in this post is on self-instructional materials. So, don’t expect that this post will give more information about his other works (I am still finding out more about his work. I will try to get a copy of his book so I can know more about his work).

Self-instructional materials are teaching materials that specifically meant to enable students to self-learn (or independently learn on their own) about a topic/issue etc. Rowntree also referred this materials as “tutorial-in-print”. The word in print does resonate with the time when he proposed this idea back in the 80s.

There are six characteristics of self-instructional teaching in which the materials used must comply to these six (6) characteristics too:

  • 1) Self-learning

Students learn independently without direct instruction from the instructor/teacher. It means that students use whatever materials given to them by the instructor/teacher and follow the guideline (instruction) that is given with the material. Having a checklist is helpful to make sure students understand the expectations that they need to comply. Some of the things that needed to be included in the checklist are:

i) Lesson outline or objective(s): This should be based and aligned with course information (weekly topics etc.)

ii) Specific instruction and description of tasks that need to be completed: We can use H5P (on Elearning) or we can subscribe any SIM application or platform (you have to pay – so better use the Free Version)

iii) Formative assessment: It is suggested that the assessment to be ungraded because students would feel less stressful to assess themselves as it does not involve any graded marks. Marks can be given that serves as an indicator of performance or understanding. For example: 10 marks might indicate that students have understood certain concepts well as compared to 1 mark.

  • 2) Self-motivational

Students are expected to be internally motivated in their learning. Even though as instructor, we can guide, scaffold and motivate students, yet as learners, nothing can sustain their motivation except themselves. In their book “Why we do what we do”, Edward L. Deci and Richard Flaste they propose that rather than giving students the carrot stick hanging in front of them, as instructors, we should encourage students to be self-motivated. In this sense, rather than doing something for the sake of grade, rewards etc., students should learn to enjoy the process of learning or doing things without expecting any reward. Of course, it is not easy to motivate others as research has shown that internal motivation is prevalent in sustaining the effort that ones put in completing a task. In short, it depends on student individual motivation. Indeed.

  • 3) Self-explanatory

The instruction and description given to students must be clear to describe what students need to do based on the materials given (the instruction must be clear to guide students without you explaining to them on the instruction physically or virtually. One of the tips that was shared yesterday is: The instruction and description must be Clear, Not ambiguous, Direct. In short, students do not need the instructor to understand what is needed to be done.

  • 4) Self-directed

The self-instructional materials must be interesting, interactive, reflective and able to capture students interest to engage in any task assigned with the given materials. So, we should diversify materials used such as videos, short articles, case study etc. The materials do not necessarily our own but it is advisable that at least one material is created by us. In short, the materials given to students need to be stand-alone (it does not require you as the instructor/lecturer to be there to explain the materials and tasks)

For example:

The topic of discussion: Global Citizenship Education (GCED)

Materials: a YouTube video that we create on our own (10 minutes) on GCED, a short article (4 pages) from UNESCO guideline, a case study that we craft based on a scenario and a short webinar video (20 minutes) from the Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU). The materials given here must be understandable and sufficient to provide information to students to understand GCED.

Instruction: You are given four (4) materials that guide your learning. Please do the following tasks:

i) watch the videos (YouTube and APCEIU) for 30 minutes,

To guide you while watching the videos, please pay extra attention to these key concepts:

*definition of Global Citizenship Education (GCED)

*characteristics of GCED

*teaching strategies relevant for GCED

ii) download and read a short article about GCED (suggested time: 30 minutes)

To guide you in your reading of the article, think about these following questions:

*What are the objectives of UNESCO in promoting GCED?

*What are the relevant issues related to the urgency and importance of implementing GCED?

*……………….. (you may add more questions to guide their reading)


iii) read the case study given (Elearning).

To guide you in your understanding of the case, think about these following questions:

*What are the issues that you could identify from the case?

*If you are Adam, what would do to …….

*……………….. (you may add more questions to guide their reading)

Note: The instruction should be clear to prompt students to be focused.

  • 5) Self-contained

The materials provided should be sufficient in itself to be used for learning and completing any task or assessment. In this case, the instructor/lecturer/teacher must ensure that materials given to students are relevant and appropriate to be used. Students do not need to spend time finding relevant materials on their own unless they wish to know more about the topic that is being discussed. In short, students are not instructed to find materials on their own (but it is highly suggested to instruct students to find other materials that could be used to enhance their understanding and share with their peers).

  • 6) Self-evaluating

To assess students’ understanding and any misconception that might happen, assessment is needed. One of the tips that was shared yesterday (16 May 2022) is we can give formative assessment (ungraded to lessen students anxiety) in which it helps students to evaluate their understanding of the topic based on self-learned materials given to them. I think, personally, using Quizziz or ELearning with pre-set feedback is useful. In this case, students do not need us to explain why the wrong response or answer. The feedback can be set together with the question and answer.

In what way SIM is related to ODL?

ODL involves a wide range of learning devices. It is relatively low proportion of text as compared to learning devices. The space that is often provided for learning and it is generous layout overall (need spaces for instruction, student to answer and your feedback).


  1. The materials from the facilitators can be accessed HERE (make sure you have a valid UTM email)
  2. The recording can be accessed through the following links:

Streaming recording link:https://utm.webex.com/utm/ldr.php?RCID=97684dfe686236261a2854381c6e368d

Download recording link:https://utm.webex.com/utm/lsr.php?RCID=52d7d75a522453737299539e8785b9f0

A new look? Nay…

It has been a while since the last post. I am in a middle of preparing whatever is needed for whatever award. It is kind of challenging as I need to find whatever evidence needed. It is time consuming and having back to back meetings almost every day is not helping. I do not do work related stuff after maghrib. I am no longer switch on my laptop after working hours and on weekends. I have been doing that for nearly a month and I am so proud of myself that finally, I stick to a new routine that I have set.

So, when I tried to log in to People.utm.my as usual, I found there is a new feature (not the password when we want to log in – that has been quite a while now). Anyway, I need to get used and explore some of the new features. It might not be much but it does matter as a small change can be troublesome if we are not aware of it.

I was greeted by this. Interesting!

Mutiara sabah

“Dr. nak apa-apa tak? Saya kat Sabah ni” mesej yang diterima dari seorang pelajar. “Dr nak mutiara Sabah tak?” tanyanya lagi.

Aku melihat mesej yang dihantarnya malam semalam. Hati aku sedikit terhibur apabila ada orang masih mengingati diri ini ketika dia bercuti. “Mutiara? Mahal” balasku pendek. “Tak mahal. Murah je” dia membalas.

Mutiara kalau murah, dah lama Mikimoto tutup kedai” ujarku. Agak lama dia mengambil masa membalas mesejku kali ini. Mesti dia mencari maklumat tentang Mikimoto.

Tu mutiara lain. Ini mutiara Sabah” balasnya lagi. “Bila awak nak hantar RS2?” tanyaku mengingatkan dirinya tentang tesisnya yang belum dihantar lagi. “Ala Dr ni. Ingatkan saya pula. Saya dah buat pembetulan. Esok saya nak hantar. Nanti borang Dr tanda tangan ya?” balasnya

Dr nak tak mutiara Sabah? Saya offer ni?” dia bertanya lagi. “Tak payah la beli apa-apa. Janji awak hantar tesis esok” balasku.

Daripada mendapat mutiara darinya tetapi dia gagal menghantar tesisnya, lagi memeningkan kepala aku. Elok tak dapat mutiara tapi tesisnya dia hantar.

Nota: Ini adalah pelajar perempuan. Pelajar lelaki selalunya tidak akan menawarkan untuk membeli barang perhiasan sebegini. Hadiah dari pelajar lelaki yang aku pernah terima adalah buku dan penanda buku.