I killed someone in …..

The first time I went to Edinburgh was in autumn 2008 with some friends by bus (aka Rombongan Cik Kiah).  The trip was organised by the International Student Association of Durham University.  With just GBP10, off we went to Ediburgh.  It took us around 4 hours to arrive.  We departed from Durham Students’ Union (something like SUB in UTM) at 6am and arrived in Edinburgh at 10ish.  We went back to Durham from Edinburgh at 6pm.  So, technically we were in Edinburgh for around 8 hours.  There is a mosque and Islamic Centre not far from the castle (well, technically we had to walk around 45-60 minutes from the train station).  

How time flies!  It has been more than 11 years since I killed this medieval female warrior at the Edinburgh castle i.e. its yard (err, not the actual killing though!  If not, I won’t be in Malaysia to tell this story 😀 )

If I am not mistaken, we had to pay GBP10 for admission fee to get into Edinburgh castle (it’s worth it).   It was in autumn.  It was cold as it can be.  The castle is on top of a hill (for safety reason). 

MUET oh MUET: Academic Camping 2019

Ita called me few days ago asking my availability to conduct a session for the form 6 students.  MUET.  Yup.  Like last year, I conducted the session twice because they had the camp twice a year.  So, I still continue my “service” even after my Latihan Ikhtisas.  Well, I enjoy doing it.  Some said that I should register the program with CCIN and whatsnot.  What a headache just to think about it though!  

Well, I need to prepare some materials for the camp.  Well, I can easily recycle last year’s materials but I feel that I need to edit some of the things.  Ita requested that I do reading activity with them because she has not done it yet.  Reading!  It is quite tedious to prepare the materials for reading.  Why?  I need to find examples of reading comprehension that I can use for the activity.  I need to craft questions and whatsnot.  The ones that I have from last year are just enough for one 2 hours session.  Ita requested that I do something a little bit more extensive.  Well, I am cracking my head now to add more elements to make it “extensive”.  I find this article from The Guardian.  I need to edit some of the texts to shorten it a bit.  😀  

Car Free Day UTM July: Reply to various comments and questions


*Apa itu CFD?*

Program yang dimulakan pada 2016 diteruskan dengan kesinambungan dan fasa mengenai kesedaran awam dan warga kampus mengenai budaya pengurangan kenderaan persendirian di dalam kampus yg menjangkau sehingga 20,000 sehari mengikut waktu puncak. Selain itu, program ini adalah acuan UTM dgn mengambilkira kepentingan penyuraian aliran trafik yg padat pd waktu puncak, pergerakan kenderaan staf dalam kampus, zon pelajar aktif berkenderaan dan seterusnya pengetahuan secara teknikal mengenai meminimakan impak karbon dalam kampus

*Mengapa Hanya Zon Tertentu Dipilih?*

Sejak 2016, UTM telah mengenalpasti zon laluan, trafik, kesesakan dan intensiti waktu puncak. Bermula dgn itu, pihak UTM merasakan perlu ada kesedaran di pelbagai peringkat terutamanya di zon utama, pentadbiran, akademik dan kediaman. Justeru, diwujudkan laluan zon yg mempunyai isu dan kaedah mengurangkan kenderaan persendirian. Komitmen utama ialah membentuk minda positif dan menerima pembaharuan mengikut fasa. Sementara itu, pihak UTM sedang melaksanakan kerangka baru terutama melibatkan polisi, perlaksanaan dan penguatkuasaan yg akan membantu peningkatan keperluan fasiliti spt lorong berbasikal, pejalan kaki, susur berbumbung dsbg. Selepas 3 siri CFD dilaksanakan, pihak UTM mendapati adalah wajar zon laluan diluaskan sehingga satu Universiti boleh dilaksanakan. Konsep penutupan sepenuhnya laluan ke UTM akan dimulakan pada bulan Ogos dengan membuat 2 atau 3 simulasi sebelum dapatan data teknikal dibentangkan kepada umum. Insyallah, UTM menuju ke arah “Zon Kampus Tanpa Kenderaan” menjelang 2022. Menerusi agenda ini, UTM akan memperbaiki segala kelemahan dan kekurangan fasiliti. Insyallah

*Mengapa CFD masih belum dapat diterima di peringkat UTM?*

Pihak UTM mempunyai misi dan visi yang jelas mengenai usaha dan elemen mendidik minda lestari. Pihak UTMCS telah mengadakan perbincangan awal dgn bbrp PTJ dan individu yg memerlukan perlu ada lonjakan minda kelas pertama berdasarkan pakej Karbon Rendah Karbon dan komitmen Universiti sejak tahun 2015 lagi. Pakej kelestarian yang dibentuk pada spt ini adalah utk menyakinkan warga kampus bahawa iltizam UTM bukan hanya di atas kertas. UTM perlu mendepani cabaran baru dan menambahbaik keperluan semasa selaras dgn komitmen Universiti yg giat mempelopori SDGs bagi jaminan masa depan. CFD hanyalah satu daripada beribu program yg diatur bagi tujuan tersebut.

*Benarkah CFD ini tidak jelas halatuju dan misi/visinya?*

Setiap perancangan awal yg dibuat telah diteliti kesan dan impaknya. Manusia merancang dan perancangan daripadaNya adalah lebih baik. Bagaimanapun, penutupan laluan tidak 100 menyusahkan, malah utk rekod UTMCS telah cuba membuat pelbagai rujuk-silang, komen dan sedikit data yang membantu urusan berkaitan CFD. Pengecualian juga diberikan mengikut hebahan yang dinyatakan termasuk bagi yg mengandung dan petugas.

*Masa CFD pada kali ini?*
Masa beroperasi semua sekatan CFD adalah bermula jam 8.00 pagi sehingga 3.30 petang sahaja. Laluan trafik akan dibuka sepenuhnya selepas itu terutama utk lingkaran ilmu

-Sekian, Terima Kasih-

When people.utm.my was out of service for a while

I had difficulty to get access to people.utm.my for few days.  I asked around to find out the reason behind this.  When I tried to look at Norah’s webpage, I could not get access too.  So, I emailed the PIC through aduit@utm.my.  I got a reply from them a day later BUT with no explanation.  

I met Norah yesterday when we had a workshop on curriculum revision.  I told her since the day she told me to post at least one thing per day on my webpage, I have been diligently doing so until now.  It is not easy.  Normally I would do it before 8am and during lunch break or when I think I need to take a quick break.   But when I could not log in to my webpage, I admit that I start to freak out a bit.  When that happened, I was thinking “Is is something that I do to make the server crashed? or “Are they upgrading the server without prior notice?”  

Yesterday afternoon, I received a WhatsApp message from Norah.  She said that the ICT people are reviewing and upgrading the system, so that’s why the website cannot be reached.  Phew… what a relief!