Congratulations to Saif Hameed Abbood Al-Waeli who passed his PhD viva with correction on 8 June 2023 (Thursday).
His thesis was on “INTERPRETABLE CLASSIFICATION FRAMEWORK FOR DIABETIC RETINOPATHY” supervised by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Haza Nuzly bin Abdull Hame and Prof. Dr. Mohd Shafry bin Mohd Rahim.
His examiners were Prof. Dr. Habibollah bin Haron and Prof. Ir. Dr. Riza bin Sulaiman (UKM).
The viva session was chaired by Prof. Ts. Dr. Dayang Norhayati binti Abang Jawawi and recorded by Ts. Dr. Goh Eg Su.
Well done and congratulations on a good presentation and defense.