
Prestasi Pencapaian eLPPT 2011-2019

Alhamdulillah, untuk lima tahun berturut-turut dari tahun 2015 sehingga 2019 saya dapat mengekalkan pencapaian markah eLPPT melebihi 90%. Segala puji dan syukur hanya untuk Allah SWT dan salawat dan salam untuk Nabi Muhammad SAW. Terima kasih kepada semua di atas pencapaian ini dengan bantuan dan kerjasama secara langsung dan tidak disedari, hanya Allah SWT sahaja yang layak membalasnya; khususnya buat keluarga, rakan-rakan seperjuangan dan semua pelajar-pelajar saya.

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Best Postgraduate Student Award 2019

Milestone Achievement Unveiled: Dr. Ir. Fazilah Bt Mat Yatim Completes Intensive Research Pursuit, Garnering Well-Deserved Commendations In a triumphant culmination of her academic journey, Dr. Ir. Fazilah Bt Mat Yatim, a dedicated and accomplished PhD student, has reached the pinnacle of her research endeavor, marking a significant milestone in the field of [Field of Study]. With profound admiration and hearty congratulations, her peers, mentors, and the academic community at large join together to acknowledge her

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Development of Web-Based Application for Shapefile Coordinate System Conversion for Malaysia

By Elysonia Alim and Shahabuddin Amerudin It is difficult to process GIS vector data when they are not aligned with one another. The need for different coordinate systems rose from the fact that some coordinate systems are better fitted to describe the geographical phenomenon occurring in a specific area. However, even commercial software had been proven to have questionable accuracy in coordinate system conversions. The purpose of this study is to develop a web application

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