Berusaha Mencapai Keseimbangan Hidup

Kita sebagai manusia, khalifah di atas muka bumi ini memerlukan kehidupan yang seimbang. Keseimbangan hidup membolehkan kita mencapai kebahagian, kepuasan, kesedaran dan beberapa elemen lain yang penting.

Kategori-kategori  Keseimbangan

Teori #1

Aspek ini tentunya berbeza-beza dari seorang insan ke insan yang lain. Ia bergantung kepada kesedaran, sasaran hidup, ilmu pengetahuan dan keimanan. Pelbagai orang ada definisi dan falsafah keseimbangan masing-masing, bagi yang memikirkan tentang konsep keseimbangan hidup. Ada teori yang dinamakan “The Four Burners Theory” yang menyatakan kehidupan kita boleh diwakili oleh 4 dapur pemanas (four burner). Keempat-empat dapur pemanas itu mewakili kuadran hidup kita yang utama iaitu keluarga, rakan-rakan, kesihatan dan pekerjaan kita. Mesej sebenar yang ingin disampaikan melalui teori ini adalah sekiranya kita ingin berjaya, kita perlu atau terpaksa mengabaikan satu dapur pemanas. Lebih ekstreme adalah sekiranya kita ingin sangat berjaya, kita haruslah mengabaikan atau mengurangkan masa pada 2 dapur pemanas. Bolehkah kita bayangkan situasi seperti itu?

Contohnya, kita sering melihat beberapa individu di tempat kerja kita yang sangat cemerlang dan hebat, berjaya mempamerkan prestasi kerja yang menakjubkan, naik pangkat dengan sekelip mata dan berjaya peroleh gaji lima angka yang besar, atau 6 angka (bergantung di mana dia bekerja). Kita mencemburui mereka. Kita bisik dalam hati dan sesama rakan sefikrah, bagusnya dia tu, sangat berjaya dalam kerjaya. Namun, kita tidak nampak apa yang terpaksa dikorbankan oleh si dia yang sangat berjaya. Kalau mengikut The Four Burner Theory, si dia berjaya menyemarakkan api pada dapur pemanas pekerjaan. Tetapi bagaimanakah nyala api pada dapur pemanas keluarga, rakan-rakan dan kesihatan? Perhatikan dan perhalusilah. Kemungkinan ada 1 atau 2 dapur pemanas yang nyalaan apinya hampir padam, menunjukkan si dia yang berjaya terpaksa mengorbankan dapur pemanas berkenaan.

Falsafah Datuk NC UTM

Pada perhimpunan bulanan sekitar 2017, saya tidak ingat bulan yang mana, dalam presentasi Datuk NC, ada menyatakan tentang keseimbangan hidup manusia khususnya staf UTM.


Falsafah saya

Saya berpendapat memang bukan mudah untuk memperoleh keseimbangan dalam kehidupan kita. Mungkin kita boleh bahagikan orang-orang ini kepada 2 iaitu orang yang ada banyak benda nak buat dan yang takde benda sangat nak buat. Orang-orang yang tidak ada banyak perkara yang nak dibuat. Bagi yang tidak ada apa sangat nak buat, tiadalah isunya di sini. Contohnya, pagi pergi kerja hingga ke petang. Pulang ke rumah rehat, duduk atau baring depan TV. Malam makan. Setelah selesaikan beberapa urusan di rumah dan diri, maka masuklah tidur. Simple. Mudah. Kurang cabaran. Akan tetapi, bagi kumpulan insan yang satu lagi yang ada banyak perkara untuk di buat, masa yang ada terasa tidak cukup. Banyak sangat perkara dan urusan yang perlu dibuat dan diselesaikan. Bak kata Ulama Hassan Al Banna, Pengasas Gerakan Islam, Ikhwanul Muslimin, melalui 10 wasiatnya, wasiat ke-10 menyatakan bahawa “Tanggungjawap itu lebih banyak daripada waktu”.  Memang amat benar bagi sesetengah insan. 24 jam yang ada tak sempat nak buat semua benda. Maka perlulah kita merancang dengan seelok-eloknya dan juga cuba menyeimbangkan dengan sebijak-bijaknya.

Pada saya, ada beberapa segment yang perlu dijaga iaitu:

(1) Keluarga

(2) Pekerjaan / kareer

(3) Khidmat komuniti / masyarakat / dakwah etc

(4) Bisnes / perniagaan

(5) Diri sendiri



To be continued…



Our latest publication in Journal of Cleaner Production (2018)

Our latest publication in Journal of Cleaner Production (2018). I really appreciate the collaboration with the sustainable team expert PM Dr. Haslenda and Dr. Zarina. I wish my student, Siti Mariah will also publish very soon.

Persedian Unit IT untuk FB Live untuk Program Sembang Santai FKT

  1. Persedian Unit IT untuk FB Live Pertama untuk Program Sembang Santai FKT pertama.

Ada apa dengan Prof Oki Muraza…

14 bulan lalu dia menelefonku,
Pertemuan misteri pertama di ofis baru,
Diskusi “catalyst” dan “oil and gas”,
Untaian persahabatan baru tercebis.

Sederhana orangnya tapi luarbiasa,
Sumbangan research tazkirah kehidupan,
Nukilannya rentetan pengalaman bermakna,
Membacanya bikin diriku terkesan.

Highly recommended book: “Dari Delft Hingga Madinah”. Dapatkan segera.

The photo, from left: Prof Oki Muraza, Prof Hadi Nur & me

Guide to Increase Page Indexed for Your Website – Part 1

Guide Outcome: After following through and applying the knowledge and skills shared, academicians and non-academicians who have their own website, or is a webmaster of his/her own group/center/institute/personal etc can increase the number of Page Indexed to more than 2000, in order to help UTM Faculty Webometrics, UTM Webometrics and most importantly to get that very nice 5% eLPPT extra bonus marks


I will be making a guide for all academicians and non-academicians in FCEE specially, as well as UTM staffs to adopt in order to increase your Page Indexed for your official faculty or university website. This guide/training will be published weekly, I hope I can do it weekly or whenever I managed to publish it, I will announce it via our social media channel. This is pretty much also related to Webometrics, which may be quite complicated to understand for us (accept those who have passion in this and also the Computer Faculty or CICT guys). Before we dive in further, lets try to understand what is Webometrics and why it is important to us.

Note:  I am not a real website guy or a computer geek tech person, but I am trying to provide this info so my fellow academicians and non-academicians can improve their website to a better quality and standard, mainly due to my capacity as the Facility Manager of FCEE. Expert in this area may question this guide. You are welcome to critic and help me improve this guide.

I am not that technical to explain what Webometric is. I suggest you to refer the definition and concept given by Wikipedia and Webometrics Ranking of World Universities. If you are still not sure what this is all about, don’t worry because what you really want and should do is to find a way, a strategy, a mechanism on how to keep on to increase your page indexed, which is basically the most imperative matter.

What is Page Indexed?

My own understanding :- It is the number of pages in your website that has been indexed by the search engine. Now that we are very much used to Google, and UTM is using Google Page Index to calculate some bonuses for our eLPPT and eLNPT (not sure if this apply). If you recall while filling up your eLPPT for 2016, bonus marks are given such as:

100 pages index and more = 1% bonus marks

250 pages index and more = 2% bonus marks

500 pages index and more  = 3% bonus marks

1000 pages index and more = 4% bonus marks

2000 pages index and more = 5% bonus marks

You can refer here ( for the above bonus details.  At that same link, you can also try yourself and see how many pages of your website has been indexed. Try and see now.


If yes, that’s good. Let’s move on to learn and practice how to improve and increase the number of pages indexed for your website.


A. Practical Ways to Increase Page Indexed and Increase Presence of Your Website

Following are several methods and techniques that you can adopt.

  1. Keep on adding new contents to your website. The more contents, the more page indexed.
  2. Always tick one or more “Categories” for your new post.
  3. Always add more than 5 “Tags” for your new post.
  4. Always have at least one outbound link to a reputable website, example, UTM website or government website or google websites etc. Have maximum 3 is ok. Don’t over link it.
  5. Always have some inbound links directed to your new posts. This inbound can be a link from your other previous post directed to your new post.
  6. Select good keywords for your post, but this depends the content you are writing. Target 2-5 keywords. Then you can either italic, bold or underline that keywords. You can also change the colour of it.
  7. You can add photo(s) if you want into the post. If you do so, it is better to rename the photo to the keywords and make it relevant to the post.

For now, I will leave you with only 7 points above. Some of you may wonder and would like to know further on it. I will elaborate further on all of the 7 points above. There are various techniques to be mastered for the above, but this will be continued soon, and I will update it in Telegram once new guide is published.

And as for now, you can start posting any news whenever you have the time, maybe once a day, or once a week, up to you. Or a clever way of creating new post is by asking your Postgrad students to help you with all the new post publication. You can ask them to write 1 post a day or 5 posts per week. Or even 10 posts a week. Up to you.

See you in Part 2.

– comments for improvement are welcome – you can email me at

(Time spent writing this Part 1 guide = roughly 1 hour)

New publication for 2015 – Energy Journal


This is a great opening for 2015. One of our journal paper was finally published in Energy journal. The impact factor for this journal is 4.159. The title of the publication is “The challenges and prospects of palm oil based biodiesel in Malaysia“. I would like to thank all authors especially Dr. Anwar Johari and Ir. Bembga Bevan Nyakuma for such a splendid work.

Thermodynamic analysis of hydrogen production from ethanol-glycerol mixture through dry reforming, Energy Procedia Elsevier

Another of the paper I presented in ICAE 2014, Taiwan also got published in Energy Procedia Elsevier 2014. Alhamdulillah.

Z.Y. Zakaria, M. Jusoh, A. Johari, M.A.A. Zaini, F.H. Kasim, Thermodynamic analysis of hydrogen production from ethanol-glycerol mixture through dry reformingEnergy Procedia Elsevier, 2014.

More of my published journals are published here.

Progressive Freeze Concentation of Coconut Water

A new publication of ours was just published. Here is the detail of the publication:

Mazura Jusoh*, Noor Naimah Mohamed Nor, Zaki Yamani ZakariaProgressive Freeze Concentation of Coconut WaterJurnal Teknologi, 2014 Vol. 67, No.2

Click here to read the paper from Jurnal Teknologi.


Thermodynamic analysis of glycerol conversion to olefins – Energy Procedia Elsevier

The paper that I presented in Taiwan, ICAE 2014, was finally published in Energy Procedia Elsevier.

Zaki Yamani Zakaria, Nor Aishah Saidina Amin,  Juha Linnekoski, Thermodynamic analysis of glycerol conversion to olefinsEnergy Procedia Elsevier, 2014.

More of my published journals are published here.

 Thermodynamic Analysis of Glycerol Steam Reforming to Ethylene

I finally managed to published a new journal about my thermodynamic study from my PhD in Jurnal Teknologi. Here is the detail of my publication which you can view the journal and download the paper:

Zaki Yamani Zakaria, Juha Linekoski, Nor Aishah Saidina Amin, Thermodynamic Analysis of Glycerol Steam Reforming to EthyleneJurnal Teknologi, 2014, Vol 67, No 3 (PDF).

More of my published journals are published here.