How Chemical Engineers Can Help to Discover Super Food for Survival

A few days ago, I have read a website and some articles about forgotten survival food. It kept me thinking if I am prepared or not if the day we live now become a chaotic scenario, havoc, crisis, emergency, or suddenly a war occurred. Are we ready? … [Continue reading]

2022 Day 307 – Attended Best Post Graduate Award Virtual Ceremony

It was indeed a historic day for many of the well deserved and chosen Post Graduate (PG) who were granted an award of excellence for their respective category. Two of my students were blessed as they was awarded best student. Dr. Sehar Taslim was … [Continue reading]

2022 Day 302 – 10th Regional Conference on Engineering Education (RCEE2022)

After the opening ceremony of RCEE2022 VIVA MKKK program that took place very early today Alhamdulillah, the 10th Regional Conference on Engineering Education (RCEE2022) was successfully completed and organized by Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) and … [Continue reading]

2022 Day 301 – Attended Industrial Seminar & Profession Forum

The early part of today was normal. Early in the morning, I prepared for ITE class that will take place from 11am to 1pm. We covered about CPBL, did the mosquito case and Perform PR PI for the new released problem. I hope the students are comfortable … [Continue reading]

2022 Day 299 – 4-Day PBL Workshop – Facilitation Part

Today is the 3rd day of our 4-DAy PBL Workshop. It is a wonderful Saturday, which is an off day for us, but because we are all eager to learn, we attended the workshop with a smile. This is the 2nd part of the PBL workshop which is the Facilitation … [Continue reading]

Sistem Kehadiran UTM –

Hakikatnya, UTM sangat keterhadapan dalam Sistem IT dan teknologinya. Antaranya adalah sistem kehadiran iHadir UTM yang mudah dan sistematik. Staf UTM boleh dengan mudah Slide in untuk check-in dan check-out asalkan berada dalam kawasan UTM.  Link … [Continue reading]

2022 Day 298 – RCEE2022 Meeting and Dry Run #1

  Today   … [Continue reading]

Technology Forum: The U.S Military’s Forgotten Horn of Plenty

Think about this... How can chemical engineers like us help in the development of superfood, for survival? Why is it important? What is it for?  With this superfood, you could keep your whole family well-fed on just 0.5$ a day for months on end. It’s … [Continue reading]

2022 Day 297 – 4-Days Problem-Based Learning Training

Today is the beginning of a 4-days Problem-Based Learning (PBL) training that is conducted at DEwan Seminar Jasmin, Institute of Biotechnology Development (IBD), Block N23, UTM … [Continue reading]

2022 Day 296 – Introduction to Engineering (ITE) Meeting No. 4 for This Semester

The semester has been quite full of surprise in terms of the holidays and sudden break announcements. It has disrupted our early planning which was honestly I can say a very detail one. We were lucky because the 2 Sunday breaks (due to JDT winning … [Continue reading]