2021 Day 142 Task – Contract Grant Research Proposal – Finally Complete

I have been dragging to do this Contract Research Proposal due to my stubborn procrastination trait since end of last year. It is something that I need to do and I must do… Especially that I need the money for Article Processing Cost (APC) to submit to IJET which cost quite a fortune. This is a Contract Research for me to study about Identity of An Engineer… A topic, a research that is quite interesting for me to do.

Nowadays, most of the students I taught seems not interested to be an engineer and it is imperative to seek for the main reason behind this. Some of them just listen to their parents, follow their friends, love chemistry – hence they opted for chemical engineering – which is misleading, some not sure… just select and took the course but have no passion at all for chemical engineering – they just go with the flow and many more weird reasons.

But I still can say that there are still if I can estimate 50-60% of students who really have the desire to be practicing chemical engineer. InsyaAllah.. Hence this is going to be my main study soon… Pray for me…

Other highlighted task of the day:

  • Checking my PDP student team progress.
  • Meeting with my PDP student.
  • Received invitation to review manuscript from International Journal of Energy Research. Pre-reviewed it. To be continued tomorrow.
  • Conducted 2nd CEO interview with Practicing Engineer – Audrey Then.
  • Updated SEEM website with 2 new contents – RCEE2021 and AJEE.
  • Edited CEO-001 Video – Haseeb and CEO-002 Video -Audrey a bit.

2021 Day 136 Task – Drafted Contract Research Grant in Radis System

This is indeed a long pending task that I have to do since last December 2020. Unfortunately, I procrastinated on this tasks. Today I forced myself to work on this project. It is actually a contract research grant i was given from Centre for Engineering Education (CEE) and the short title of this research is “Identity of an Engineer”, which is non-techie, non-chemical engineering but important for capacity building of an engineer.