Using Collaborative Tools and Gamification in my class (2019): SPPP 1012 Educational Psychology

I learned about Gamification back in 2016.  But, I was really struggling back then to learn using online assessment such as Kahoot!, Quizziz and others.   For my class note, I struggle to use Padlet and Prezi.

But, I challenge myself to improve my teaching to incorporate online assessment and also more interactive class notes in my class.  After all, the quiz in Kahoot! or Quizziz has this interactive features that I could not provide if I use paper-and-pencil test.  For my class notes, I find that Prezi has this unique features.  It is almost like a game in itself as students can choose to pick which bubble that they want to uncover first.

I first came across Kahoot! in my Educational Psychology class from one of the group presentations by my SPPP 1012 Educational Psychology students back in 2016.  Yep.  I learned about Kahoot! from them.  Not long after that, I attended a workshop about gamification.  Only then I learn more about gamification and various types of online assessments.

Since then, I have started to create quizzes using Kahoot! or Quizziz.   Here are some of the quizzes that I use in my class.

Using Collaborative Tools and Gamification in my class (2019): MPPU1024 Research Methodology in Education

I learned about Gamification back in 2016.  But, I was really struggling back then to learn using online assessment such as Kahoot!, Quizziz and others.   For my class note, I struggle to use Padlet and Prezi.

But, I challenge myself to improve my teaching to incorporate online assessment and also more interactive class notes in my class.  After all, the quiz in Kahoot! or Quizziz has this interactive features that I could not provide if I use paper-and-pencil test.  For my class notes, I find that Prezi has this unique features.  It is almost like a game in itself as students can choose to pick which bubble that they want to uncover first.

Here are some of the class notes that I have used several semesters but I only recently converted it into Prezi notes (pssstt… I paid USD60 for Prezi annual fees) to have more choices of interactive settings.

Here are some of the quizzes that I have used over several semesters.  There are other quizzes that I set as private because it might relate to certain articles that I use in class.  The ones that I list here are generic version.

For MPPU1024 Research Methodology in Education, here are some of the quizzes that students can take

Nota rujukan ELPPT 2.0

Di laman web Pendaftar, terdapat nota rujukan berkaitan ELPPT yang terkini.  Sila ke  dan pilih Rujukan untuk melihat nota yang berkaitan.

ATAU klik tajuk senarai nota di bawah untuk melihat nota tersebut dengan lebih lanjut.


  1. Slide Pemilihan Major dan Pengisian Data 7P: Untuk langkah-langkah pemilihan major dan pengisian data 7P
  2. Komponen Pengajaran (Teaching): untuk mengetahui sub-komponen dan skima pemarkahan maklumat mengikut sub-komponen
  3. Komponen Penyelidikan (Research): untuk mengetahui sub-komponen dan skima pemarkahan maklumat mengikut sub-komponen
  4. Komponen Amalan Profesional (Professional Practice): untuk mengetahui sub-komponen dan skima pemarkahan maklumat mengikut sub-komponen
  5. Komponen Kepimpinan (Leadership): untuk mengetahui sub-komponen dan skima pemarkahan maklumat mengikut sub-komponen


Terkini: Pemilihan major ELPPT dan kemasukan data 7P data

Pembukaan sistem untuk pemilihan Major ELPPT dan Kemasukan Data 7P (baharu) telah dibuka sebagaimana tarikh yang tertera di poster di atas. 
Sehubungan itu, kerjasama semua adalah dipohon untuk mengambil tindakan sewajarnya dalam tempoh masa yang telah ditetapkan bagi kelancaran proses penilaian prestasi. Maklumat lanjut boleh didapati di terdapat kemusykilan boleh menghubungi sambungan 30450/30433.

How to select your ELPPT major?

  1. Log in to UTM portal using your ACID ID and password
  2. Under Sistem UTM, select Sumber Manusia
  3. Under Sistem Penilaian Prestasi (blue color heading), select Pemilihan major ELPPT (click Masuk)
  4. On your right side of your device, click +Pilih major (green button)
  5. You will see
  6. Select the relevant information by scrolling down the option for Tahun (2019, 2020, 2021) and Pilihan major (Pengajaran, Penyelidikan, Amalan Professional, Kumpulan Akademik, DG/UTMSpace
  7. Click button Simpan (green color).

If you have successfully saved your selection, you will see the status as submitted

Note: You have to repeat this selection process every year until 2021.  Meaning, you can change the way you want to be evaluated within these three years.

Disclaimer: If you want to know more about how to fill select the major, HERE is the note.

ELPPT 2.0: What is that?: My two pence opinion

Yesterday, I attended a briefing on ELPPT 2.0.  Why does it call as ELPPT 2.0?   It is the latest version of ELPPT.  The ELPPT 1.0 is the one being used since its implementation back in 2009.  So, what is new on the latest ELPPT aka ELPPT 2.0?  Well, to be honest, there are lots of differences.  I am still struggling to understand it well. 

But this is a adjustment phase for me.  Like a person who just learning how to ride a bicycle, I might have difficulty to balance myself but I believe that as long as I am willing to learn and allow myself to make mistakes (and not worry too much about it), In Sha Allah I will become proficient. 

One of the big differences is the 10% marks which exclusively will be given and approved by the administrator (dean/chair/director).  The way I see it, it is a means to reinforce certain behaviour which might not necessarily will contribute to healthy culture in academia.  But, if it is used accordingly with integrity and ethics in mind, it could be a powerful way to reward others.