How to fill in information on TESDCP?_Part2: Course File

In your Course File heading (once you click this heading), there will 2 subheadings appear: Course File and Course Assessment Report (CAR).  So, all together within these two subheadings, there will be 5 evidences that are required to be uploaded. 

You need to convert all of the evidences in PDF format.  Upload your evidence in the respective title i.e. course information etc. and once you have uploaded the PDF file, don’t forget to click UPLOAD button.  There is no SAVE button in this case.  

The five evidences are: 

  1. Course information
  2. Sample of class notes (upload at least one sample)

For Class Notes, you can upload a sample of one topic OR you can combine all of your powerpoint slides in one slide (but to do so, you need to have ADOBE Creative Cloud software install in your device).  If you use Prezi, download your Prezi slides in PDF format.  Your Prezi link (as linked HERE as an example) can be used as an evidence of Learning Management System in e-content.  

3. Sample of assessments such as quiz, test etc.

4. Sample of final examination with marking or answer scheme

5.  Course Assessment Report (CAR)

To get your CAR, you need to log in to your OBE.  In stage 10 (REPORT), rather than print, choose option to save the report in PDF format.  

NOTE: If you want to know more about how to complete your TESDCP, go to the following link 

  1.  Getting Started
  2. Self-Assessment & Reflections,
  3. Professional Activities,
  4.  Measures of Student Learning and 
  5. Yearly Validation.



How to fill in information on TESDCP?_Part1: Getting started

First, log in to MYUTM (using your ACID and password) to go to UTM Staff Portal (Portal Staf UTM).  

On your left hand side under Sistem UTM, scroll down to UTMACAD (click).  On your left side (of your device), scroll down until you see TESDCP (click).

Under TESDCP, there are five (5) headings: Course File, Self-Assessment & Reflections, Professional Activities, Measures of Student Learning and Yearly Validation.

What you should do next?

  1.  Complete Course File
  2. Complete Self-Assessment & Reflections,
  3. Complete Professional Activities,
  4. Complete Measures of Student Learning and 
  5. Complete Yearly Validation.


What are the differences between TES and TESDCP [Apa beza TES dengan TESDCP?]

I have got several people asking me this question.  I am a novice in filling in TES and TESDCP.  Here are some differences that I summarise in a table form (based on my own understanding).  

Differences  between TES and TESDCP
1) It contains elements that would entitle you to get 5% bonus mark for your ELPPT i.e. e-content 1) It is your 20% ELPPT evaluation under the category of “Pengajaran [or Teaching]”

* This is why it is important for you to take this seriously regardless of your DCP track.  Teaching is our core business even though you choose Research Track.

2) No indicator of compliance [it is as if it is not compulsory for you to fill in the e-content]

*The total bonus marks that you can get for e-content are 5 marks (based on the rubric, to get 5 marks, you need to link variety of teaching and learning materials that you have created in a form of gamification, learning management system, MOOC, ODL and so forth.  If you don’t fill in the e-content, there is no SUBMIT button that you need to click unlike TESDCP.  So, it means that as if it is not compulsory for you to fill in the e-content.  But, it is better if you fill in the e-content to get the bonus marks for your ELPPT.

2)There is an indicator of compliance of your yearly validation [with Green status]

*Don’t submit your TESDCP for evaluation UNTIL all of the categories are stated as GREEN status.  Red status means that you do not provide sufficient evidences yet.

3) Under Akademik category on your UTM Staff Portal

*Once you log in to your UTM Staff Portal, choose Akademik -> Profile Akademik.  On your right side (right side of your device), Click Teaching Excellence System (there is an icon of a board and a man holding a stick pointing to the board).  For more information, go to this page.  

3) Under UTMACAD category on your UTM Staff Portal

* Once you log in to your UTM Staff Portal, choose UTMACAD.  On your left side (left side of your device), Click TESDCP (on the left bottom).


Under Akademik category on your UTM Staff Portal

Once you log in to your UTM Staff Portal, choose Akademik -> TESDCP (the last category under Akademik.  So, you need to look at the list carefully)

4) There is no SUBMIT button to submit anything that you have linked on the e-content.  To know if you are successful in linking the relevant evidences, you will see a list of e-content materials with reference number. 4) There is  a SUBMIT button to submit your yearly evaluation of your teaching.    See for ACTION button with the word “SUBMIT“.
5) Similar deadline line your ELPPT (31 December) 5) It has specific deadline i.e. for 2019 evaluation, the deadline is on 31 July 2019 (Wednesday).  Extended until 15 August 2019 (Thursday)

*You need to click the button SUBMIT (under the Yearly Evaluation page).  If not, even though your status is GREEN, your TESDCP will not be processed.  Do this at the end of the year, not when you are supposed to fill in some parts of TESDCP for FREE evaluation which has different deadline from ELPPT.  Confused?  Who doesn’t?

Bila ALLAH Tidak Redha

✍? Catatan Ustadz Maududi Abdullah,  حفظه الله

Bila Allah tidak redha dengan kita, 

Allah akan sibukkan kita dengan urusan dunia.

Allah akan sibukkan kita dengan urusan anak-anak.

Allah akan sibukkan kita dengan urusan menjalankan perniagaan dan harta

Allah akan sibukkan kita dengan urusan mengejar kerjaya, pangkat dan jabatan.

Alangkah ruginya karena kesemuanya itu akan kita tinggalkan.

Sekiranya kita mampu bertanya pada orang-orang yang telah pergi terlebih dulu menemui Allah Subhana Wa Ta’alla dan jika mereka diberi peluang untuk hidup sekali lagi,

Tentu mereka akan memilih untuk memperbanyak amal ibadah

Sudah semestinya mereka memilih tidak lagi akan bertarung mati-matian untuk merebut dunia, yang sudah jelas-jelas tidak bisa dibawa mati

Karena tujuan kita diciptakan adalah untuk menyembah Allah, beramal dan beribadah kepada Allah

Kita mungkin cemburu apabila melihat orang lain lebih dari kita, dari segi gaji, pangkat, harta, jabatan, rumah besar, kenderaan mewah

Kenapa kita tidak pernah cemburu melihat ilmu agama orang lain lebih dari kita

Kita tidak pernah cemburu melihat orang lain lebih banyak amalan dari kita

Kita tidak pernah cemburu apabila melihat orang lain bangun di sepertiga malam, solat tahajud dan bermunajat kepada Allah

Kita tidak pernah cemburu apabila melihat orang lain setiap hari solat subuh berjamaah di masjid dekat rumah kita

Kita hanya cemburu apabila melihat orang lain ganti kendaraan dengan yang lebih mewah

Kita cemburu apabila melihat orang lain mampu setiap tahun bercuti mewah

Kita hanya cemburu apabila melihat orang lain bergelimang harta, tahta dan wanita. Cemburu kerana dia dilantik jadi pemimpin, memegang jawatan dan pangkat

Tetapi jarang kita cemburu apabila melihat orang lain yang dapat khatam Al’Quran sebulan dua kali

Kita jarang cemburu apabila melihat mualaf yang faham isi Al-Qur’an

Kita jarang cemburu apabila melihat orang lain berbuat untuk menegakkan Akidah Islam

Kita jarang cemburu kepada orang yang berjihad di jalan Allah

Kita jarang cemburu kepada orang yang mewakafkan dirinya dan semua Hartanya di jalan Allah

Setiap kali menyambut hari ulang tahun, kita sibuk mau merayakan sebaik mungkin, tetapi kita telah lupa dengan bertambahnya umur kita maka panggilan Ilaahi makin bertambah dekat

Kita patut bermuhasabah mengenai persiapan ke satu perjalanan yang jauh, yang tidak akan kembali untuk selama-lamanya kerana Hidup di dunia menentukan kehidupan yg kekal nanti di akhirat







Penyesalan itu selalu terlambat
Menunda Taubat menunggu usia Tua
Itupun kalau masih sempat
Sebab syarat MATI tidak harus tua, tidak harus sakit

Penyelesaian masalah hidup adalah melalui iman dan amal.
Iman sebesar zarrah pun, Allah muliakan dgn syurga 100 kali dunia

Oleh yang demikian, mengapa kita tidak mahu menambah bekal hidup kita dengan Iman, Ibadah dan Amalan baik?

Mudah-mudahan hidup kita selamat di dunia dan Akhirat dan selalu bermanfaat untuk Ummah dan kita termasuk orang-orang yang Allah redhai untuk masuk ke syurgaNya…..

‎آمـــــين يا ربّ العالمــين

“Islam Adalah Sunnah”

Can perceived parental favoritism affects personality?

Environmental influence does affect one’s personality in one way or another.  The influence can be varied from one individual to another, so different individual might display differences and uniqueness.  

Does parental favoritism affects personality?  Well, if you look at personality traits according to OCEAN, there might be different spectrum of personality traits.  So, some researchers would look at link between one variable to another in a simpler form.  One such study is about perceived parental favoritism and its relation on narcissism.  What do you think?  

Swap challenge

One of my friends linked a video on swap challenge on Youtube.  I find it quite interesting.  I was thinking to do that with another friend.  But I don’t want to burden her to think about the things she should buy for me in exchange of what I give her.  So, I have this weird idea instead.  I asked her office address.  Since she is still doing her PhD, I got some relaxation stuff.  I can’t hardly wait to see her reaction.  

Hadiah Latihan Persekutuan (HLP)

Few months ago, my former student who works at Kolej Matrikulasi Pontian messaged me asking for my assistance to prepare an interview for HLP.  It has been a while since he went for the interview.  No news.  So, I messaged him asking if he heard any news about it.  He said that he did not get the scholarship.  He sounded sad.  

I remind him that Allah has the best plan for him.  Perhaps now is not the best time for him to further his study abroad, far away from his mom.  She suffered a minor stroke last year and is still on medication and has to undergo physiotherapy on regular basis.   To leave an ailing mom in Malaysia while you are far away in a foreign country is not easy.  I had been there.  I had decided to quit my PhD after my dad passed away in 2009.  I felt hopeless.   

But, Alhamdulillah, at that time I had my late mom, family and friends who gave me strong supports when I needed it most.   So, I persevered until I finished my PhD in 2012.  I never told this story to any of my students.  But he is the first one to know.  Well, of course I simplify the story because I don’t want him to think too much about the possibility of such thing to happen to him.  

To Z, the best timing will come sooner or later.  I always pray for you to be one of young academicians who will make difference in our future generations lives in Malaysia.  You are one of the gems.  


It’s her birthday today

I checked my FB just now.  On the notification, I saw a birthday notification.  It is her birthday.  But she passed away two years ago.  It breaks my heart.  Al-fatihah to Mimi Iznita Iqbal.  Mimi, you are sorely missed by many.  Indeed.  

Cooperative Learning: Student Teams-Achievement Division (STAD)

There are various activities that can be conducted to engage students’ team work and motivation.  In cooperative learning, we can use Student Teams-Achievement Division (STAD) where a small groups of students with different levels of ability work together to accomplish a shared learning goal.  In my case, I combine jigsaw activity with STAD.  So, the instruction that I give for jigsaw activity would also include instruction for STAD.