Research University Grant Scheme Tier 1 ~ Research Abstract (2014 – 2016)


Executive Summary of Research Proposal (PY/2014/02061)

Biodiesel is a clean burning fuel produced from renewable domestic sources such as vegetable oils and animal grease. It is biodegradable, non-inflammable,
non-toxic and has a favorable combustion–emission profile, producing much less carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide and unburned hydrocarbons than
petroleum-based diesel. The production of first generation biodiesel has grown tremendously over the past decade. InMalaysia’s context, the government has
encouraged the production of biodiesel by providing numerous incentives. In 2006, 60 biodiesel manufacturing licenses were approved. Unfortunately, almost all
biodiesel plants utilizing vegetable oil as feedstock were later forced to shut down their operation due to the sudden increasing price of vegetable oil. As a result,
substantial number of biodiesel plants were left idle, some even sold as scrap metal. Such scenario could be overcome by utilizing a cheaper and sustainable
feedstock. Palm fatty acid distillate (PFAD) could be the answer to a commercially viable biodiesel production. Hence, production of fatty acid ester (FAE) from
PFAD containing high free fatty acids (FFA) was investigated in this work. Batch esterifications of PFAD were carried out to study the influence of reaction
temperatures of 70–100 °C, molar ratios of sustainable acyl acceptors to PFAD of 0.4:1–12:1, quantity of catalysts of 0–5.50% (wt of catalyst/wt of PFAD) and
reaction times of 15–240 min. Optimum conditions, reaction kinetics and mass transfer activities will be investigated. It is expected that the amount of FFA to
reduced from more than 90% to below 5% at the end of the esterification process. FAE will be further purified with alkaline medium and the final biodiesel product
will be tested in accordance to quality standard ASTM D6751-02.

Combustion Characteristics of Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) in a Fluidized Bed Combustor

Alhamdulillah, a new publication was successfully produced. Here is detail and abstract of the new publication in Sains Malaysiana.

A. Johari*, R. Mat, H. Alias, H. Hashim, M.H. Hassim, Z.Y. Zakaria, M. Rozainee, Combustion Characteristics of Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) in a Fluidized Bed CombustorSains Malaysiana 43 (1)(2014): 103–109. Impact Factor: 0.408 (PDF).

Combustion Characteristics of Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) in a Fluidized Bed Combustor



The combustion characteristics of refuse derived fuel (RDF) in a fluidized bed have been studied. The gross heating value (GHV) of the RDF was 14.43 MJ/kg with moisture content of 25% by weight. Parameters of interest for sustainable bed combustion were the fluidization number and primary air factor. The study was performed in a rectangular fluidized bed combustor with dimensions of 0.3 m in width, 0.7 m in length and 2 m in height. Sand with mean particle size of 0.34 mm was used as a fluidization medium. The sand bed height was at 0.3 m above the standpipes air distributor. The range of fluidization number under investigation was 5–7 Umf in which 5 Umf was found to be the optimum. The study was continued for the determination of the optimum primary air factor with the selected range of primary air factors being 0.6, 0.8, 1.0 and 1.2 in experiments conducted at 5 Umf. The final results showed that the optimum primary air factor was at 0.8. An energy balance was also performed to determine the thermal efficiency of the combustion. It was concluded that the thermal efficiency depended on the bed temperature and the primary air factor being used.

Keywords: Air factor; fluidized bed combustor; fluidization number; operating parameter; refuse derived fuel (RDF); thermal efficiency

More of my published journals are published here.

What is H-index

Previously researchers are rank based on how many impact factor journals they have. However, recently, a more superior measure was used which is the h-index.

So, what is h-index?

H-index is an index that attempts to measure both the productivity and citation body of work published in the scientific and akateemisia.Indeksi based on the number most cited scientific articles and the number of citations received in other publications. The index can be applied to the productivity and effectiveness of the academic journal and a group of scientists, such as department or university or country. The index was proposed in 2005 by Jorge E. Hirsch, a physicist at UCSD, as a means to determine the relative quality of a theoretical physicist and is sometimes called the Hirsch Hirsch index or number.

The index is based on the distribution of citations received by a given researcher’s publications. Hirsch writes:

A scientist has index h if h of his/her Np papers have at least h citations each, and the other (Np − h) papers have no more than h citations each.

For more information about h-index, refer here.



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Solar Panel

The solar panel refers to both photovoltaic (PV) modules, solar hot water, or a set of (PV) modules are connected electrically and mounted on the structure of the PV. Moduł packed, meeting in accordance with the solar cell. Solar panels can be used as a component in a larger photovoltaic system to generate and distribute electricity in residential and commercial applications. Each module output DC power at standard test conditions (STC) and is usually between 100-320 watts. Skills module, which defines the module assigned to the same power rating – effective module 230 Watt 8% would double the effective area of 230 watt module is 16%. There are some panels available efficiency above 19% . Photovoltaic solar panels can produce only a limited number of energy installation consists of different solar modułów.Instalacja usually contains a number of panels or photovoltaic modules, inverters, and sometimes the connection and battery tracker and / or solar cable.


Thermodynamics is the physics associated with the relationship between heat and other features (such as pressure, density, temperature, etc.) of a substance.Especially focusing on how thermodynamic heat transfer associated with different energy changes in physical systems undergo thermodynamic processes. This process usually results in the work system and governed by the laws of thermodynamics.

Thermodynamic also study the relationship between energy and entropy, which is related to the heat and work. It is a set of theories related to the macroscopic properties which we can measure (eg, temperature, volume and pressure) for energy and the ability to provide employment. A thermodynamic system is defined as the total mass of waste and identity. Everything outside the system which is separated from the environment and environmental systems at the borders. Some applications of thermodynamics including design:

1)  AC and fridge
2)  turbo compressor motor
3)  steam turbine power plant
4)  engines used in airplanes

In the beginning of thermodynamics, which is used to warm up the engine, is working on thermal properties of materials such as steam, in order to improve efficiency and engine power. Thermodynamics then continued to study energy transfer in chemical processes, such as surveys, published in 1840, of thermal chemical reaction by Germain Hess, who was initially unclear handle the relationship between energy exchange with the heat and work.

List of Oil and Gas Companies in Malaysia

Following are a list of Oil and Gas companies in Malaysia. The list is not limited to this. If you know one that I have not listed here, please contact me to add it into this list. Thanks (Note: This post is still under construction).
Epc Oil & Gas Sdn. Bhd. InfoPhoneFaxKuala Lumpur Business Suite 19a-24-2 Level 24 Uoa Centre 19 Jalan PinangWater Treatment ChemicalsBlank DisksComputer CablesChemicalsComputer Hardware & Software

Fortuna Management & Services InfoPhoneFaxJohor Bahru 14 & 14a Jalan Kijang 1 Taman Scientex Pasir Gudang Johor Bahru…Camellia OilOther Plant & Animal OilAgricultural WasteAir Conditioning SystemOther Body Kits

Gbsb InfoWebPhoneFaxKuala Lumpur No.72 Lrg 4/8 Uep Subang Jaya Selangor (Zip/postal:51000)Camellia OilAgricultural GreenhousesOil PressersAgricultural WasteRapeseed OilBalersSesame Oil

Afiz Sriq-groups of Company SndInfoEmailPhoneFax S/l 20 Ground Floor Jln Resak Sri Aman New Township 95000 Sri Aman…Camellia OilAgricultural GreenhousesCharcoalOther Plant & Animal OilCoal

Kmi Group of Companies InfoEmailPhoneSimanggang Jln Desa Sri Aman Tun Razak 95000 Sri Aman SarawakCamellia OilAgricultural GreenhousesPlant & Animal OilAgriculture

Perusahaan Batu Tujuh Sdn Bhd InfoEmailWebPhoneFaxMelaka Lot 219 Km 13 Bertam Ulu 76450 MelakaHardwareTransportation

Global Fortune CatalystInfoEmailPhoneKuching G4 Kenyalang Comm. Complex Kuching SarawakCoalAluminum Composite PanelsFood & BeverageConstruction & Real EstateEnergy

Electro Binary Sdn Bhd InfoEmailPhone Lot 3a.029 Endah Parade No. 1 Jalan 1/149e Bandar Baru Seri Petaling…Air Cleaner PartsHealth & MedicalOther General Industrial EquipmentAnalyzersMeasurement & Analysis Instruments

Gftw Bio-energy Corp Sdn Bhd InfoWebPhoneFaxRaub No 7 Jalan Putra Bistari 2/5d Putra Heights Subang Jaya Selangor…Camellia OilOther Plant & Animal OilOil PressersFarm MachineryPlant & Animal Oil

Emcr Trades Resources InfoPhoneFaxKuala Lumpur 25 a Jln Marathon 13/31 Seksyen 13 40100 Shah Alam Selangor Shah…CoalGeographySteel ScrapGasketsCoal GasOther Teaching Resources

Dana Engineering Sdn Bhd InfoEmailWebPhoneFaxKuala Lumpur Office Suite 19-10-6 Level 10 Uoa Centre No 19 Jalan Pinang 50450…CharcoalAir Cleaner PartsNatural GasEnergyGeneral Industrial Equipment

Felcra Hose & Hose Sdn Bhd InfoPhoneFaxIpoh Kawasan Perindustrian Taman Meru Iiib Jalan Jelapang Jelapang Ipoh…AbrasivesSolid SurfacesWater MetersFlow Measuring InstrumentsHardware

Masatek (M) Sdn Bhd InfoEmailPhoneFaxKuantan No.13 Lt. 1/1011 Cherating Lama Kuantan Pahang 26080Natural GasBridal GlovesPalm FiberWedding & Evening DressesPlant Fiber

Ywc Project Consultancy Services Sdn Bhd InfoPhoneFaxSandakan Blok 22 Jln Cecily Utara Bandar Indah 90000 Sandakan Sandakan SabahCamellia OilAgricultural GreenhousesPalm OilPlant & Animal OilAgriculture InfoPhoneFax 9 &Amp 11 Jalan P/8 Bangi Industrial EstateOperating LightE-CigaretteLight GunsCigarettesBicycle Light

Censerv Solutions Sdn Bhd InfoEmailWebPhoneFaxTemerluh A43 Jalan Gebeng 2/6 Gebeng Industrial Area 26080 Kuantan Pahang .Adhesives & SealantsWater Treatment ChemicalsChemicals

Duro Kimia Sdn. Bhd. InfoEmailWebPhoneKuala Lumpur 29 Jalan Pju 3/49 Sunway Damansara Technology Park 47810 Petaling…Adhesives & Sealants Chemicals InfoEmail WebPhoneFax No. 12 Jalan Tpk 2/6 Taman Perindustrian Kinrara 47100 Puchong…Apparel MachineryMachine ToolsManufacturing & Processing Machinery

Budget Corporation Sdn Bhd InfoEmailWebPhoneFaxKuala Lumpur No 87. Jln 10 Tmn Perindustrian Ehsan Jaya 52100 Kuala Lumpur.Apparel MachineryAir Cleaner PartsOther General Industrial EquipmentManufacturing & Processing Machinery Design ServicManufacturing & Processing Machinery

Petrotek Sdn. Bhd InfoEmailPhoneFaxKuala Lumpur No. 16 the Highway Centre Jalan 51/205. 46050 Petaling Jaya SelangorGeneral Industrial EquipmentGeneral Mechanical Components

Source 1, source 2



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How to calculate Journal Impact Factor

This is indeed something that many researchers have been asking and concern off.

Is the Impact Factor (IF) an ideal and accurate measure of a journal’s credibility and quality? Aren’t there any loop holes/criticism in this type of measurement?

Calculation of the impact factor is an attempt to create a quantitative evaluation tool magazines. Represents the frequency with which the “average article” a journal is cited in a given period. For example, if there are 100 articles published in the magazine from 2009 to 2010, 100 citations of articles in this journal in 2011 Factor’2011 effect is 1 (number of articles / number of citations). As expected the IF magazine changed every vuosi. SI calculated by Thomson Reuters and you will find detailed information about:
Read related articles such as Journals.

New Journal Published – Biomass Bioenergy Journal

I just published a new journal….New Journal Published – Biomass Bioenergy Journal

Publication in Advances in Chemical Engineering and Sciences

Alhamdulillah, we managed to publish in another great journal. Here is the detail:

Mazura Jusoh, Anwar Johari, Norzita Ngadi, Zaki Yamani ZakariaProcess Optimization of Effective Partition Constant in Progressive Freeze Concentration of WastewaterAdvances in Chemical Engineering and Science, 2013, 3, 286-293 (PDF).

Process Optimization of Effective Partition Constant in Progressive Freeze Concentration of Wastewater
Mazura Jusoh, , Anwar Johari, Norzita Ngadi, Zaki Yamani Zakaria


Response surface methodology (RSM) was employed to optimize the process parameters for effective partition constant (K) in progressive freeze concentration (PFC) of wastewater. The effects of coolant temperature, circulation flowrate, initial solution concentration and circulation time on the effective partition constant were observed. Results show that the data were adequately fitted into a second-order polynomial model. The linear and quadratic of independent variables, coolant temperature, circulation flowrate, initial solution concentration and circulation time as well as their interactions have significant effects on the effective partition constant. It was predicted that the optimum process parameters within the experimental ranges for the best K would be with coolant temperature of −8.8˚C, circulation flowrate of 1051.1 ml/min, initial solution concentration of 6.59 mg/ml and circulation time of 13.9 minutes. Under these conditions, the effective partition constant is predicted to be 0.17.

Keywords: Effective Partition Constant; Wastewater Treatment; Progressive Freeze Concentration

More of my published journals are published here.

What is Plasma Technology?

Plasma technology is easy on the physical principle with matter changing. This technology is based on a simple principle. It changed the situation when he was given a solid to a liquid, and the liquid into a gas. If more power is given to gas, ionized plasma in energy-rich countries, the fourth state of things.

Plasma was first found in year 1928 by Irving Langmuir . It’s not unusual; In fact, the opposite is true. More than 99% of people who can see the universe as plasma conditions. It can be seen in its natural form in the world such as flash or light as the plants in the Arctic and Antarctic, for example. During a solar eclipse, the plasma can be accepted as a bright circle of light (corona). When it increasing energy input, the state of matter changes from solid to liquid to gaseous. If additional energy is then fed into a gas by means of electrical discharge, the gas will turn into plasma.