Workshop at Shanghai, 2011

One of the beauty of being an academician is the opportunities to travel in line of duty. Reasons could be due to attending conference, workshop, research exhibition, research competition, invited speaker, plenary speaker, research collaboration, post doctoral, research attachment and many other things.


This was in Shanghai, when we attended the first SCRIP Engineering Workshop in 2011.


Read related post such as Research attachment at Newcastle University.

Publication in Chemical Engineering Journal

Alhamdulillah, I managed to publish a new manuscript in a Q1 rated journal. The title of my paper is “Catalyst screening for conversion of glycerol to light olefins”, Chemical Engineering Journal 207–208 (2012) 803–813.

Here is the abstract:

Catalyst screening for conversion of glycerol to light olefins

Screening of modified ZSM-5 catalysts for conversion of glycerol to light olefins has been investigated. In this study HZSM-5, Al/ZSM-5, Ca/ZSM-5, Cr/ZSM-5, Cu/ZSM-5, Li/ZSM-5, Mg/ZSM-5 and Ni/ZSM-5 zeolite catalysts were prepared, tested and screened. The catalysts were characterized to relate their properties with catalyst activity. XRD and FTIR characterization results demonstrated that the structure of the catalysts remained intact while BET revealed the surface and micropore areas decreased after metal loading. TPR data exhibited the reduction phenomenon of the catalysts. NH3-TPD analysis indicated that Cu/ZSM5 catalyst has relatively more moderate and strong active acid sites compared to others. GC TCD/FID analysis detected light olefins and paraffins; methane, CO and CO2 in the gaseous product stream. The acidity of the catalyst affected olefin production, but no direct correlation between surface area and olefin yield was observed. The turnover frequency (TOF) for Cu/ZSM-5 and Cr/ZSM-5 catalysts were significantly high comparatively. Cu/ZSM-5 produced the highest light olefins selectivity and yield due to the synergistic effect of the physico-chemical properties between the parent ZSM-5 and the metals.

To read the paper, just click here to download the PDF.

It is also listed in my Publication > Journals Tab in this site.

New Journal Published : Chemical Engineering Journal

Finally my first ISI journal has been successfully published.

Research Attachment at Newcastle University

I am very lucky that during my Ph.D, I was able to do my research attachment at Newcastle University from May to June 2012 for 2 months. I was supervised by Prof. Dr. Adam Harvey and Dr. Jon Lee from the Process Intensification Unit, Chemical Engineering Department. During my 2 months stay, my goal was to work on my thermodynamic model for glycerol steam reforming to light olefins. I used combination of Aspen and Matlab software in my efforts to solve the thermodynamic problem.


Read related post such as My Ph.D is over.

Publication in Journal of Applied Sciences

Alhamdulillah, I managed to published a new manuscript titled “Catalyst Screening for catalytic conversion of glycerol to olefins”, in Journal of Applied Science 10(12): 1166-1170, 2010. This is a Scopus indexed Journal.

Following is the link to my manuscript in PDF form. It is also listed in my Publication > Journals Tab in this site.