My First Ph.D VIVA as Internal Examiner

A few months ago, I was invited to be an internal examiner for a Ph.D student under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Aishah Jalil. I received the thesis during Ramadhan month and I took quite some time to digest the thesis, which I targeted to complete during Shawal month. Unfortunately, I could not complete it due to the hustle and bustle of celebrating the festive Eid.  

The past 4 days I rallied aggressively to comprehend the thesis and prepared the report to be submitted to the Post Graduate office. Today, Alhamdulillah, the VIVA proceeded smoothly and successfully. The student, Abdelrahman Hamad Khalifa Owgi, managed to defend his thesis finely. 

Overall I am pleased and happy with my first session. I think I did quite well. Alhamdulillah. My report was quite detailed too. But I learned something from Prof Dato because he prepared an additional report. 

More pictures of the VIVA session can be viewed HERE.

Examiner for MKKE Proposal and Final Defence

  • Tarikh: 6 August 2019
  • Masa: 2.00pm -4.30pm
  • Lokasi: BMF, N01

Saya menjadi penilai (examiner) bersama-sama dengan PM Dr. Mohd Kamaruddin Abd Hamid untuk 6 orang pelajar MKKE Master Energy. Ini kali kedua saya menjadi penilai untuk pelajar Master Energy. Untuk sesi kali ini ada 2 pelajar yang membentangkan proposal, manakala 4 pelajar membentangkan final disertationnya.

Saya seronok menjadi penilai sebab dapat melihat research-research baru yang sangat menarik dan interesting. Itulah, luasnya ilmu Allah. Setinggi mana pun kita belajar, sehingga 10x phD sekalipun, takkan dapat menyamai kekuasaan ilmu yang Allah miliki. MasyaAllah.