Day 228 Task – Updating ICLCA Website

It’s a beautiful Saturday. It is also the day for ICOST2020 Conference but due to unforeseen circumstances, I could not present in the conference. I asked the committee to play my presentation video instead. I was working on other domestic project that require my urgent attention. We also took the opportunity on the late afternoon to visit my parents who lives 30 km away from my house. Later that night, I was asked to update website. Updating ICLCA Website in view to the presentation methodology that need to be in online and video mode.

Read all my “1 Official Task Per Day Record Challenge for 2020” —> 

Day 121 Task – ICLCA2020 Abstract Submission

Today, after discussing with my PhD Student Siti Mariah, I submitted the abstract to ICLCA2020 conference. The Abstract and soon to be a 6 paged paper is titled “ESI-RSPO Integrated Environmental Sustainability Index Framework: A Case Study”. This will be my first submission for this conference which will be held 100% online in view of the pandemic. InsyaAllah I will be submitting one or two more abstracts. Let’s just see.

Read all my “1 Official Task Per Day Record Challenge for 2020” —> 

Day 38 Task – Updating ICLCA Conference Website

I am one of the committee member for the International Conference on Low Carbon Association (ICLCA). My main task is on the maintenance and content addition of the ICLCA website. Today, I updated the website with some info as requested by the ICLCA Director, Prof Lee Chew Tin as well as requested by the Editor, Dr. Lim Jeng Shiun. So far so good. The website looks fine. I will keep on editing, improving the website and also adding contents for it.

Lets submit a research paper to ICLCA 2020. Accepted publication will usually be upgraded and published in CET Journal, a scopus rated journal.

Read all my “1 Official Task Per Day Record Challenge for 2020” —>

Day 7 Task: Linking Roundcube Web-Based Email to Gmail

Today, I explored a way to control roundcube web-based email to gmail. This is for the new website. Being able to control the email having the will be easier for us the secretariat to communicate and disseminate information to others. I am doing this task since I am in charge of website and social media for the

Besides that, I also had a special meeting at Institute of Biotechnology Development (IBD), UTM. It was a one hour meeting which is quite a big one for me. The meeting was between Prof Hesham, me, Dr. Ika and Maizatul (RO). Let’s hope this project materialize. If it does, it will be one of a great and significant contribution from me and I am glad to be involved in this project.

I also started marking the Meta Reflection Journal which is quite a huge tasks. Imagine reading 41 students reflection. Each of them write 4 pages.

Read all my “1 Official Task Per Day Record Challenge for 2020” —>