Jury for 3 Minute Thesis Competition

Today I became one of the jury for the 3 Minute Thesis Competition which was held in conjunction of the UTM Research Week Carnival 2019. Alongside with me was Prof. Madya. Dr. Mazura Jusoh and Prof. Madya Dr. Mohd Kamaruddin Abd Hamid. During my session, there were 16 postgraduate students contesting. At the end we chose 3 of the best to proceed to the next round.

Pakej Tidak Terduga

Pada suatu tengahari yang cerah mentari panas memancarkan sinar menerangi alam, saya menerima sepucuk email memaklumkan untuk mengambil pakej bungkusan di pejabat.

Aittt! “Bila pulak saya beli barang?”, bisik benak hati ini. Saya pun tak expect apa2 dari sesiapa. Saya pun pick up pakej itu dan terasa berat. Berat betul.

Saya pun membuka pakej bungkusan Pos Laju 1kg tersebut di ofis. Oh… Macam kitab, macam buku. Rupanya sebuah buku sangat tebal nukilan Hamka iaitu “Sejarah Umat Islam” . 3 atau 4 kali ganda lebih tebal dari laptop Lenovo saya.

Hamka sebenarnya warga Indonesia yang sangat berkebolehan dan terkenal. Beliau merupakan Ahli Falsafah, Ulama, Novelist dan Ahli Politik.

Saya hargai pemberian ini. Terima kasih Aziah Jamaludin, pelajar Master Safety MKKH saya yang baru graduasi Oktober lalu. All the best in your future undertaking.


Looking for Master / PhD Student

I am currently looking for master and/or PhD student to work on a project with me.

Following are the criteria/information for the future student.

  1. Malaysian (because scholarship can easily be obtained).
  2. Topic: related to biodiesel sustainability study.
  3. Scope: experimental, optimization, modelling and kinetics.
  4. Full time position.
  5. Trusted, honest, self discipline, self motivated, responsible.
  6. Have the desire to complete master in 2 years and phd in 3 years.
  7. Good command in English (writing especially)

If you fulfill the above criteria, you are welcome to contact me via email.
