Day 10 Task: Finishing Reading Meta Reflection of My Students

Today is a Friday, a long waited public holiday in Johor Bahru. But, early in the morning, I woke up to read nearly half of the remaining Meta Reflection from my 1st year chemical engineering students. It’s a lot to read but at the same time quite interesting to read how the student narrate the content, assessment, reflective thinking, evaluation and feedback. Finally, I managed to complete marking all and inserting the marks. Fuhh…


Read all my “1 Official Task Per Day Record Challenge for 2020” —>

New Promotional FCEE / UTM Infographic

Well done Mr. Vekes and his Post Graduate Committee members for producing a very good infographic at such a short notice. If I am a student, I will immediately fall in love with UTM after seeing this beneficial and full of facts infographics.

Chemical Engineering Energy University