How to fill in information on Teaching Excellence System (TES)?

First of all, you need to be UTM staff.

Next, log in to MYUTM (using your ACID and password) to go to UTM Staff Portal (Portal Staf UTM).  

On your left hand side under Sistem UTM, scroll down to Akademik (click).  Choose Profile Akademik (click).

On your right hand side under Quick Links, choose and click Teaching Excellence System.  

Under Teaching Excellence Report, there are four (4) headings: Blended Learning, OBE, NALI & HIEPS and E-content.  

a) Blended Learning

To look at your Blended Learning report (this is based on your eLearning), click Blended Learning.  To see a list of courses that you teach or have taught, scroll down the heading Semester Session.  Click the semester that you want to see the report.  You can see the report any time during the semester.  You don’t have to wait until the end of the semester to see the report.

There is nothing you can add here.  If you want to see the change, make any change by adding activities, notes etc. on your eLearning.

2) OBE

To look at your OBE report (this is based on your OBE), click OBE.  So, once you complete your CAR report on your OBE, the status will automatically change to Complete.  If you have a course (like a module type kind of course) that you don’t need to create a CAR report, let your IT manager knows about it.  For example, in School of Education, there are MPPU1060, MPPU1070 and MPPU1080 (for Full research and mixed mode students).  There is no final examination and there is no grading except students need to comply certain requirements to get a status of PASS or FAIL (LULUS atau GAGAL).  So, if there is this kind of course that you teach, it might appear INCOMPLETE because there is no CAR report in the OBE (Don’t worry though.  It is just a report.  During audit, you can let the auditors know that it is not normal courses with final exam and such.


To look at your NALI & HIEPS report (this is based on ePPP), click NALI & HIEPS.  In your ePPP, there are questions about your teaching practice (strategies, activities that you do in class).  But however, students might not know and aware that when you do, let’s say a discussion on cases in class refers to case based learning.  So, they might not answer the question about case-based learning accurately (they might not state that you use case-based learning in your class).  Sometimes, it is worth to highlight the activity that you do in class is related to certain teaching approach.  For example you might say “You will be given a case based assignment.  You have to do it in group.  I want to emphasize case based learning and active learning in this class.  So, I give you assignment relating to case-based learning“. 

But normally, you assign the assignment on the first two weeks of semester, so students might not remember it by the time they have to fill in the ePPP which is at the end of semester (Week 13 onwards).  So, don’t be disheartened if you don’t see any NALI strategies appear on your report even though you apply it in your teaching.  That is why it is really important to explain your teaching strategies etc. in TESDCP (this one is different from TES) on a) Goals of Student Learning, b) Philosophy, c) Beliefs and Practice of Assessment, d) Self-reflection of Teaching Development.  

4) e-Content

To look at your e-content report (this is based on whatever things you do in class as long as you use the internet), click e-content.  Then select +Add New (on your right side).  There are several headings will appear.  

The several headings are: 

  1. Reference no (no need to fill in anything here)
  2. Project name (if it is based on a project, state the name of the project.  If not, just leave it empty)
  3. Session/Semester (you need to scroll down to make your selection).
  4. Subject Code (you need to type subject code of the course that you teach/taught).
  5. Category (you need to scroll down to make your selection)
  6. URL (you need to link a webpage URL here. See further explanation below).
  7. From (this is the date/duration that you use the material) 
  8. To (this is the date/duration that you use the material) 

Make sure you have your materials ready to be linked.   For example, to add category “Gamification”, make sure you have an online quiz on Kahoot or Quizziz or elsewhere that is open for PUBLIC view.  Don’t set it as PRIVATE (that one might need you to activate the viewing with certain password or code).  After that, copy-paste the link.  For example, HERE is an online quiz that I have made for Research Methodology class (Topic: Pilot study or Kajian Rintis) for Gamification category or HERE is a note for a topic for Educational Psychology class (Topic: Classroom Management) for Learning Management System category.  Using the respective link, I paste it on URL.   

Note of plagiarism: Quizziz and Kahoot allow users as administrator of a quiz to use/take questions from other existing quizzes.  So, in this case, please make sure that you add some questions of your own even though you also take other questions from other quizzes.

Final word

For the marking and evaluation, even though you put more than one quiz under gamification category, the panel would only give one mark for that.  So, make sure you diversify your e-Content category

Disclaimer: I am a novice in this thing.  So, if you need extra help, don’t hesitate to contact Assoc Prof Dr Mohd Nihra Haruzuan (the facilitator of TES workshop).  😀  We are all together in this.  So, let’s support one another in our journey to be the best educators in our respective field.  

If you need the notes from the TES workshop that I attended on 26 June 2019 (Wednesday), click HERE I took some personal notes on TES on e-content rubric (my own interpretation though)  and others.


Teaching Excellence System (TES) workshop_Part 3

Measures of Student Learning 

Basically, the information in Average score in ePPP and Feedback and Testimony from ePPP is generated from ePPP.  So, what you can do is you have to make sure your students would evaluate you every semester without fail and request them to give narrative feedback about you.  Any narrative feedback will appear in Feedback and Testimony from ePPP.  

But, for Feedback and Testimony (From others), upload any message, cards etc.  (written feedback) that you get from your students.  If you receive a Whatsapp message from your student, screen shot it and then covert it into PDF format before uploading it to your TES.  

Psst…. so next time when your students want to say thank or whatsnot, you can request them to write it in a form of note.  No need card.  Just a simple A4 paper would be enough.  😀

Teaching Excellence System (TES) workshop_Part 2

Blended learning would be based on several aspects or criteria: Course information (CL1), Learning materials (C2), Activities (C3), Assessment (C4) and student access to elearning (C5).  

How to get marks for e-content?

  1. Get 1-2 mark (receptive): Upload a note/voice-video of your notes on (this notes have to be different from the ones that you upload on elearning).  Link the webpage ( where you put your note on your elearning so that your students will get access to it by using elearning.  In this case, you will increase your elearning hits as well as get a marks for the econtent (you will only get one mark for econtent)
  2. Get 3-4 marks (interactive): Link your Kahoot! or Quizziz to your econtent (at least 2 media i.e. if you use Kahoot and Quizziz, you comply to the requirement).  Make sure you make your online quiz at Kahoot or Quizziz as public.   As an example, for my pre-teaser quiz for Educational Psychology, I have an online quiz at Kahoot and Quizziz that I set as public.  So, anybody can get access to it.  Click HERE  (Kahoot) and HERE (Quizziz).  [Note: However, I could not upload it on my TES e-content though]

In addition, you also can link your interactive note from different sources like Padlet or Prezi.  I use Prezi (I have to pay annually to have certain features as administrator/instructor though 😀 ).  

  1. Get 5 marks (cooperative): You need to show that there is brainstorming interactive group activity/interaction 


Why do I create unrelated posts in

First of all, after I ended my Latihan Ikhtisas, I was astounded that I have to “maintain” my webpage or blog.  Norah told me that I need to maintain it on regular basis to make UTM visible.  I was thinking at time, how am I going to do thatNorah teaches me how to maintain it and in her own word “Ala, kau cuba tengok aku punya.  Tak payah letak benda-benda serious pun.  Aku letak resipi.  Nanti ada bengkel webometrik ni, jangan lupa pergi balik.  Cuba ingat balik apa yang aku dengan Nihra dulu pernah ajar.  Kau pernah pergi kan yang bengkel aku dengan Nihra buat dulu kat fakulti?”  [Translated:  Just look at mine. No need to put serious stuff.  I put recipe.  If there is a workshop on webometric, don’t forget to register and attend it.  Refresh back what Nihra and I have taught you before.  You have attended the workshop that we conducted at the faculty, right?”]  

So, I start to post various things that I think might be important to me or benefit others in one way or another especially certain posts that contain information that I get from attending workshop like TES workshop, journal and whatsnot.  Like the half-day workshop on commercialization  and Intellectual Property (IP) that I attended this morning (9 to 12 pm 25 June 2019, Tuesday),  I think I have attended similar workshop before I made some notes but I don’t remember where I put the notes now.   So, as I listen to the facilitator (and ask questions), I also write down the notes using this platform i.e.  So, perhaps there might be some colleagues who need some information about commercialization (for example), might use my webpage as a guide because I would also link whatever relevant webpage on the post (this is to ensure that I know where to get detailed information myself). 

One of my colleagues said that it is not right to just copy-paste link to here but in my case, I will make sure that I will put some introduction of the link that I provide.  That’s the least I can do.

Secondly, I am not getting any younger.  So, I have the tendency now to forget things that I write on notebook and stuff.  On top of that, I cannot share it with others immediately as compared to if I write it on a post like this.  In a way that, I want to help others and myself just in case if we need some important information relevant to our work.  

Of course, I also write nonsense random rambling like about cat, recipes and whatsnot.  This is a way that I used to do when I did my PhD.  When I experienced writer’s block, I would write blog.  So, just to make sure that I would keep on writing no matter what.  My former supervisor, Steve said to me “Hadijah, if you cannot write or edit your thesis, don’t make yourself of not writing at all in a day.  You need to keep on writing in different format, style or place.  You will not lose the writing momentum“.   After not writing any journal article for one whole year during Latihan Ikhtisas (except editing my students’ articles), I feel as if I am starting to lose my writing style.  I need to do something about this.  When I told Norah about it, with a smile on her face, she replied “Sebab tu lah kau kena tulis post kat sini, Dijah” [Translated: That’s why you need to write any post here, Dijah].  

Thirdly, sometimes I forget how to do certain things even though there are posters about it such as how to apply leave using MyUTM,  or about conferences or events like Car Free Day.  I want to make sure that I can remember those events or conferences and at the same time, help to disseminate the information to others.  

There you go.  My reasons of writing nonsense random rambling posts.  😀

What can be commercialised based on products with Intellectual Property (IP)?_Part 2 by UTIM

Commercialization of Intellectual Property 

Why do we have to commercialize?

  1. Benefit for others
  2. Income generation
  3. Create employment opportunity (spin-off company – syarikat hiliran)
  4. Experience for business and networking

What should you do before commercialization?

  1. Get Intellectual Property first
  2. Marketability (have to do market survey first)
  3. Know about commercial acts

Note: Make sure that whatever you commercialize would be based on your expertise.  For example, if you have a cosmetic product but your expertise is in educational psychology, you can file for IP but it won’t be counted in MyRA.

But let’s say you have a module but Penerbit UTM does not want to publish it, you can copyright it first under InnoComm and then print it yourself and register your training in UTIM.  So, you can use your module for every single training that you do and then even though Penerbit UTM does not hold the copyright, yet you can still commercialize it under UTIM.  In this case, you commercialise your service and product i.e. module.  


What can be registered for Intellectual Property (IP)?_Part 1 by InnoComm

Why do we file for IP protection?

  1. To protect your IP from others copying, manufacturing, selling or importing your invention without permission
  2. ELPPT purposes: as bonus (10%).  
  3. Commersialisation purpose.  

What can be registered as IP?

  1. Your research output/findings.  For example, if you have a student, you can’t copyright the whole thesis.  You only can copyright the output or findings (which is part of the thesis).  Meaning, the output is UTM property and thus, as a staff or student, you can copyright your output.
  2. Your product such as “tudung” design, song lyric etc. that you can file under “patent“.   But one product can be copyrighted under patent and also industrial design, like tudung.  The design of the tudung itself falls under the industrial design but you declare it as a product that you create, it falls under patent.
  3. Your notes using OCW (this is not under Innovation and Commersialisation Centre or ICC or InnoComm).  

Where to apply a copyright for your product?

Go to this link

But, if you want to skip the process of copyright through ICC or InnoComm, you can use UTIM or do the copyright (pay the fee for RM200) yourself.  

UTIM is a UTM company that help you to copyright your work that you wish it to be yours, not UTM if 1) it is not related to your field, 2) you don’t use UTM facilities and 3) you don’t create the product during office hours.  

Note: Your password would be the one like UTMFIN (if you forget, email the IT manager UTMFIN to reset your password for you).

Who would be the main contributor?

ONLY ONE can be the main contributor.  So, if you have other researchers in your group, please make sure that you negotiate and discuss who would be the main contributor.  

Note: You need to put the percentage of the contributors as well especially if it involves monetary thingy.  Such as a product that you produce something that you can commercialize then later on you declare to cut certain percentage of those you put as contributors.   

Which is which?

a) Patent

Patent is a technical solution.  It has to be something new.  Need to have inventive steps that not obvious to be copied easily.  It has to have industrial applicable.  

It is advisable to patent first your work before you publish.  Once you publish, it is copyrighted under the publisher.  So, technically it is can be used under the copyright of the publisher.  That’s why you cannot recycle it again elsewhere.  

Things that cannot be patented

i) Discoveries like new species of animals, plants, mathematical and scientific methods

ii) Schemes of doing business 

iii) Methods of treatment to save animals or human (kaedah merawat) not medicines (medicines can be patented).

iv) Common name like “Kimono” (this is a common name referring to Japanese traditional clothing).  So, when Kim Kardashian wants to make “Kimono” as her patented and trademark, it is not allowed.  But for Apple, their trademark is the logo of the apple, not the word “Apple” itself.  But when people want to refer to their product, of course they use the word “Apple” but not referring to the fruit, but the gadget/IT product.  

b) Utility Innovation

No need inventory steps.  You still can file it to be IP.  

c) Industrial design 

It has to be external design.  For example, the inside component of a washing machine, you cannot file it under industrial design.  It has limited time frame for 10 years and need renewal.  

d) Trademark

You cannot request for a common name like Apple.  That is why “Apple” product only IP the logo (picture).  There is no duration for renewal and no need to be renewed.  Like paracetamol (is a industrial design) and thus it can reproduced by other company other than Panadol (it is a company).  You can also file IP for “phrases” like I’m lovin’ it (McD) – under branding etc.   but if you can notice it, they make the grammatical error with purpose because if their trademark is the fully grammatically correct phrase, then it would raise the issue of using the phrase for common usage. 

e) Trade secret

Like KFC recipe, coca cola recipe etc.  You can file for Trade secret (because it won’t be disclosed as compared to patent).  Like red velvet cookies (it is your new invention, if you copyright it, it just stops people from reproduce the ingredients but does not stop people from reproducing the product, so better do it under Trade Secret).  

f) Copyright (Hakcipta)

It has to be reduced into material forms like written form, audio/sound form etc.  It has to be the 1st one copyright in Malaysia.  Like Apps, musical work, sound recording, derivative works [(karya terbitan) contohnya kerja-kerja terjemahan] but you need to get permission from the author but is the author has died, you need to wait 50 years after his/her death.  Let’s say you want to translate Terman’s books.  He passed away in 1950s, so we can translate his work after 50 years of his death without getting any permission as long as his work is not published and patented with the organisation he worked when he copyrighted his work.  

It have to be registered under MYIPO.