Why do I create unrelated posts in people.utm.my?

First of all, after I ended my Latihan Ikhtisas, I was astounded that I have to “maintain” my people.utm.my webpage or blog.  Norah told me that I need to maintain it on regular basis to make UTM visible.  I was thinking at time, how am I going to do thatNorah teaches me how to maintain it and in her own word “Ala, kau cuba tengok aku punya.  Tak payah letak benda-benda serious pun.  Aku letak resipi.  Nanti ada bengkel webometrik ni, jangan lupa pergi balik.  Cuba ingat balik apa yang aku dengan Nihra dulu pernah ajar.  Kau pernah pergi kan yang bengkel aku dengan Nihra buat dulu kat fakulti?”  [Translated:  Just look at mine. No need to put serious stuff.  I put recipe.  If there is a workshop on webometric, don’t forget to register and attend it.  Refresh back what Nihra and I have taught you before.  You have attended the workshop that we conducted at the faculty, right?”]  

So, I start to post various things that I think might be important to me or benefit others in one way or another especially certain posts that contain information that I get from attending workshop like TES workshop, journal and whatsnot.  Like the half-day workshop on commercialization  and Intellectual Property (IP) that I attended this morning (9 to 12 pm 25 June 2019, Tuesday),  I think I have attended similar workshop before I made some notes but I don’t remember where I put the notes now.   So, as I listen to the facilitator (and ask questions), I also write down the notes using this platform i.e. people.utm.my.  So, perhaps there might be some colleagues who need some information about commercialization (for example), might use my webpage as a guide because I would also link whatever relevant webpage on the post (this is to ensure that I know where to get detailed information myself). 

One of my colleagues said that it is not right to just copy-paste link to here but in my case, I will make sure that I will put some introduction of the link that I provide.  That’s the least I can do.

Secondly, I am not getting any younger.  So, I have the tendency now to forget things that I write on notebook and stuff.  On top of that, I cannot share it with others immediately as compared to if I write it on a post like this.  In a way that, I want to help others and myself just in case if we need some important information relevant to our work.  

Of course, I also write nonsense random rambling like about cat, recipes and whatsnot.  This is a way that I used to do when I did my PhD.  When I experienced writer’s block, I would write blog.  So, just to make sure that I would keep on writing no matter what.  My former supervisor, Steve said to me “Hadijah, if you cannot write or edit your thesis, don’t make yourself of not writing at all in a day.  You need to keep on writing in different format, style or place.  You will not lose the writing momentum“.   After not writing any journal article for one whole year during Latihan Ikhtisas (except editing my students’ articles), I feel as if I am starting to lose my writing style.  I need to do something about this.  When I told Norah about it, with a smile on her face, she replied “Sebab tu lah kau kena tulis post kat sini, Dijah” [Translated: That’s why you need to write any post here, Dijah].  

Thirdly, sometimes I forget how to do certain things even though there are posters about it such as how to apply leave using MyUTM,  or about conferences or events like Car Free Day.  I want to make sure that I can remember those events or conferences and at the same time, help to disseminate the information to others.  

There you go.  My reasons of writing nonsense random rambling posts.  😀

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I am who I am and what I am cannot be defined by what I have/posses or have done. Therefore, I am me.