Congratulations to Farhat Mahmoud Embarak Abdelrjal who passed his PhD viva with correction on 8 May 2023 (Monday).
His thesis was on “ONSOCIALCOM – ONLINE SOCIAL INTERACTION COMMUNITY MODEL FOR UNMET NEEDS OF OLDER PEOPLE” supervised by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nor Azman bin Ismail and Dr. Mohd Fo’ad bin Rohani.
His examiners were Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Masitah binti Ghazali and Prof. Dr. Murni binti Mahmud (IIUM).
The viva session was chaired by Prof. Ts. Dr, Mohd Fua’ad bin Rahmat and recorded by Dr. Pang Yee Yong.
Well done and congratulations on a good presentation and defense.