2021 Day 142 Task – Contract Grant Research Proposal – Finally Complete

I have been dragging to do this Contract Research Proposal due to my stubborn procrastination trait since end of last year. It is something that I need to do and I must do… Especially that I need the money for Article Processing Cost (APC) to submit to IJET which cost quite a fortune. This is a Contract Research for me to study about Identity of An Engineer… A topic, a research that is quite interesting for me to do.

Nowadays, most of the students I taught seems not interested to be an engineer and it is imperative to seek for the main reason behind this. Some of them just listen to their parents, follow their friends, love chemistry – hence they opted for chemical engineering – which is misleading, some not sure… just select and took the course but have no passion at all for chemical engineering – they just go with the flow and many more weird reasons.

But I still can say that there are still if I can estimate 50-60% of students who really have the desire to be practicing chemical engineer. InsyaAllah.. Hence this is going to be my main study soon… Pray for me…

Other highlighted task of the day:

  • Checking my PDP student team progress.
  • Meeting with my PDP student.
  • Received invitation to review manuscript from International Journal of Energy Research. Pre-reviewed it. To be continued tomorrow.
  • Conducted 2nd CEO interview with Practicing Engineer – Audrey Then.
  • Updated SEEM website with 2 new contents – RCEE2021 and AJEE.
  • Edited CEO-001 Video – Haseeb and CEO-002 Video -Audrey a bit.

2021 Day 139 Task – Plant Design Project Interim Presentation

We were all shocked from the national announcement made by MKN that UTM has been declared Enhanced Movement Control Order (EMCO) which will commence on the 21st of May 2021. In Malay this is called PKPD or Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan Diperketat. This simply means that the in and out movement to UTM will no longer be in the power of UTM but will be under the jurisdiction of MKN. It is expected that military and police will take guard UTM.

Nevertheless, live and work has to go on. Today, we are going to have the Plant Design Project Interim Presentation which will be from 2pm to 5pm.

Other highlighted tasks of the day:

  • Communicating with my PA students with regard of Covid in UTM
  • Preparing for the Chem Eng Online Interview questions and planning.
  • Coordination for RCEE2020 publication plan.

2021 Day 130 Task – CEE Coffee Table Book Project

The front page of CEE Coffee Table Book

Other highlighted tasks of the day:

  • Checked My Master Student (Raihan) final corrected dissertation and signed it.
  • Filled up recommendation for for Raihan who is applying for PhD post at ITB.
  • Final submission of the End Report Project – Uploaded it to Radis.
  • Final checked and submission of the Renewable Energy Manuscript Proof.
  • New Activity (3 activities) Request in Radis System to apply for ICLCA2021 participation.
  • Went through the FutureLearn system for Week 2 SCEE RAE program. Managed to complete up to Activity 6 so far. This was the continuity from last week’s program.

2021 Day 126 Task – Studying IOP Proceeding Details

We are going to run RCEE2021 and one of the important task for it is to publish the papers presented in this conference with a Scopus Proceeding. This is normally among the main attraction for participants and presenters, which is to have their work published in a reputable journals or proceeding, often that have Scopus status. In conjunction of that, I have been in communication with IOP to see the possibilities to work together with them to publish our RCEE2021 papers in one of their famous proceedings.

Alhamdulillah, so far so good. We have been in communication and hopefully we can make a deal. Of course there are many aspects that require detail eyes such as the requirements and others. This is truly a new experience and exposure to me because all this while I have not thought about this. I was always the person sending papers to be presented and wait for my paper published in scopus journal or proceeding.

But now, with and under CEE, I am the number 1 person in charge of this. I am learning about it and I hope with the help of my senior fellows and also other committee members, we can make this effort a massive success. InsyaAllah.

2021 Day 120 Tasks – Meeting and Site Visit for Maahad Tahfiz Al-Fateh

I am one of the committee member to develop this new Maahad Tahfiz (Mataf) Al-Fateh that will be built and Kampung Melayu Kukup Laut, Pontian area. today, I managed to join a meeting with the committee and conduct a brief site visit at the location where the Mataf will be built on. It’s interesting and amazing that I am in this team for such a noble quest. I am doing what I can to help make this happen. InsyaAllah.

As mentioned in my previous post, this is also one of the social service to the community that I am involved in. Hopefully it will be a very meaningful and significant contribution. Insya Allah.

Other highlighted tasks:

  • Finally submitted my RENE 2nd correction. Alhamduillah.
  • Work on CB Project – Adwords
  • Checked on PSM student research works.

2021 Day 119 Tasks – Delivering Zakat to Asnaf Around Our Residential Area

One of the rare and unusual activity I did today was delivering Zakat Cash to asnaf. After Friday prayer, Hj Samiin, En. Wagiman and me, we went from one house to another house at Pulai Bistari and Pulai Mesra vicinity to deliver the zakat assistance. It was my first time doing such thing but it was interesting one. Out of 20 envelops with cash amounting up to RM400, we managed to deliver to 12 recipients. Another 8 were either not at home, have moved to another address and other reasons.

Why am I mentioning this here. Well, it’s part of the community service task, as a an academia, as a member of the society and as a human 🙂

Other highlighted tasks:

  • Complete checking all PSM student research work progress.
  • Submit 2 CERD Manuscript to ReCASE2021 symposium for ShuChyi’s and Raihan’s paper.

2021 Day 118 Tasks – Collaborative Tools for Teaching and Learning

Synopsis :

Interaction is a vital part of learning. This means being able to communicate and interact with others through different modes and means. As teachers move to online methods of teaching, it can be hard to keep the same level of interaction up as there would normally be in the physical classroom. That’s why it’s important to find ways of allowing our students to continue interacting with each other, and even with those beyond the virtual classroom. One way of doing this is through online collaboration tools. Online Collaborative tools enable teachers and students to perform a wide range of tasks, such as interactive discussions, online collaboration activities, sharing and accessing electronic learning resources, and many more others. Thus, this sharing session will share several tools such as Padlet, Google Jamboard and Miro that can be applied for collaborative activities in synchronous and asynchronous teaching and learning sessions.


Title : Collaborative Tools for Teaching and Learning

Date : 29th April 2021 (Thursday)

Time : 10.00 am – 11.30 am

Speaker :

Dr. Noor Dayana Binti Abd Halim, School of Education, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, UTM Johor Bahru

I attended the above mentioned training organized by UTM Lead and I found it to be interesting. But sadly I was only there to view it after 45 minutes which means I was not there to view the early part of the training. I will definitely view the early part soon since this Collaborative Learning Tools are imperative for me to help design teaching in my class creatively.

2021 Day 113 Tasks – 2-Day Workshop on Concerned Based Adoption Model (CBAM) by Johannes Stroble

2021 Day 107 Tasks – Pengauditan Anugerah Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan 2020

Pengauditan Anugerah Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan 2020 ke atas Centre for Engineering Education (CEE) seperti ketetapan yang berikut:

Tarikh: 18 April 2021
Masa: 11.00 pagi hingga selesai
Pautan mesyuarat: meet.google.com/ruv-crca-htd

Other highlighted tasks of the day:

  • RCEE2021 miscellaneous tasks: MyCeb, Easychair, Date updates, design, email blasting etc.
  • Checking PSM students weekly report.
  • PDD Meeting with my Student Team.
  • Briefing for RAE OBE Assessment – 10am (that will be going on from 19 to 22 April 2021)
  • Correcting ReCaSe2021 ShuChyi cert.
  • Claim ReCaSe2021 Radis.
  • Follow up JHB

2021 Day 102 Tasks – Maahad Tahfiz Al Quran Muhammad Al Fateh Poster Task

Today is the 1st day of fasting month and it is a public holiday in Johor Bahru. Despite of an official break, as usual, my tasks and responsibilities keeps piling. Today, I was assigned to design a poster for the new Maahad Tahfiz Al Quran Muhammad Al Fateh that will be built in Pontian to produce Hafiz (student/people that can memorize Al-Quran) with proper official education. Alhamdulillah and I am very grateful to be invited to be part of the Pemegang Amanah (Committee) to build this Maahad Tahfiz. I’m asking my son’s help to design the poster. InsyaAllah.

Other highlighted tasks for today:

  • Meeting Programme Assessment, CQI and Reporting meeting under RAE project – 8am – 9.20am.
  • Following up / coordinating various RCEE2021 issues, which among them include to secure Scopus journal, Whatsapp marketing, finalizing the dates etc.
  • Check CEE Minutes of meeting #4.
  • Check some of my PSM and Master student research works.
  • Managing few issues on SEEM website.