Day 147 Task – Reviewing Jurnal Teknologi Manuscript

It’s the 3rd day of Hari Raya. I managed to juggle some tasks today, not many but yes, a few of them. Today I forced myself to review a manuscript assigned to me. It’s something to do with reaction and catalysis engineering.

Read all my “1 Official Task Per Day Record Challenge for 2020” —> 

Day 39 Task – Reviewing Manuscript for BCREC Journal

I spent some time to review a manuscript assigned to me by editor from Bulletin of Chemical Reaction and Catalysis (BCREC). The review was my 15th review since I started reviewing manuscript under BCREC few years ago. It is a very interesting and amazing experience since I can read other researcher’s idea in research, especially in the same research niche as myself.

One day, perhaps somewhere this year, I intend to submit a paper in this journal myself. InsyaAllah. And one day, I hope I can be an editor for this journal.

Read all my “1 Official Task Per Day Record Challenge for 2020” —>

Examiner Faisal Abdullah MKKK First Stage

  • Tarikh: 5 August 2019
  • Masa: 9.30am -10.30am
  • Lokasi: Bilik VIVA 2, N01
  • Pengerusi: Dr. Siti Hajjar Che Man
  • Examiner: Me, Dr. Mahadhir Mohamed
  • Pelajar: Faisal Abdullah
  • SV: Dr. Muhammad Tahir

Awal pagi tadi saya dengan berdedikasinya membaca proposal yang telah ditulis oleh Faisal, pelajar seliaan Dr. Muhammad Tahir. Terpaksa baca proposal master disertationnya dalam bentuk digital, sebab sangat tiba-tiba Proposal Defence ini di rancang dan dilaksana. Semalam petang baru betul-betul Koordinator MKKK Dr. Alafiza hubungi saya untuk confirm availability untuk jadi examiner. Tidak mengapa. Saya boleh baca digital version of the Proposal. Saya catatkan di kertas point-point yang perlu di highlightkan untuk teguran, komen dan improvement. Tepat 9.30am, saya tiba di Bilik VIVA 2 dan menggunakan hardcopy proposal untuk membuat rujukan akhir sambil Faisal membentangkan presentation di hadapan dengan menggunakan power point slide.

Secara keseluruhan, penyelidikan ini baik dan pelajar boleh meneruskan projek Photocatalysis nya yang menggunakan Zn/Rh/g-C3H4.