Day 120 Task – Finalized New Revised Undergraduate Research Topic

Originally the students and me, we have agreed on experimental type research topic and I can say the 4 of them have already their research proposal 60-80% complete. Unfortunately, since the university is not opened to public, and we cannot go to work and the students are all at their hometown, we are urged to change the research topic to a non experimental ones. I let my students to figure out or to come out with their own topic. Unfortunately, they have no idea and it ended up I gave them the research topic, as can see below:

Read all my “1 Official Task Per Day Record Challenge for 2020” —> 

Congrats Nasyitah for being the Best Presenter in the Modelling and Simulation Session

Thermodynamic analysis of hydrogen production from ethanol-glycerol mixture through dry reforming, Energy Procedia Elsevier

Another of the paper I presented in ICAE 2014, Taiwan also got published in Energy Procedia Elsevier 2014. Alhamdulillah.

Z.Y. Zakaria, M. Jusoh, A. Johari, M.A.A. Zaini, F.H. Kasim, Thermodynamic analysis of hydrogen production from ethanol-glycerol mixture through dry reformingEnergy Procedia Elsevier, 2014.

More of my published journals are published here.

Thermodynamic analysis of glycerol conversion to olefins – Energy Procedia Elsevier

The paper that I presented in Taiwan, ICAE 2014, was finally published in Energy Procedia Elsevier.

Zaki Yamani Zakaria, Nor Aishah Saidina Amin,  Juha Linnekoski, Thermodynamic analysis of glycerol conversion to olefinsEnergy Procedia Elsevier, 2014.

More of my published journals are published here.

 Thermodynamic Analysis of Glycerol Steam Reforming to Ethylene

I finally managed to published a new journal about my thermodynamic study from my PhD in Jurnal Teknologi. Here is the detail of my publication which you can view the journal and download the paper:

Zaki Yamani Zakaria, Juha Linekoski, Nor Aishah Saidina Amin, Thermodynamic Analysis of Glycerol Steam Reforming to EthyleneJurnal Teknologi, 2014, Vol 67, No 3 (PDF).

More of my published journals are published here.