Day 159 Task – Academic Advisor in Action

Besides those clearly visible task as a lecturer, we also have to perform our task as Academic Advisor for the students under us. There are numerous issues for the coming pre-registration course subject because the future could be uncertain due to Covid-19. My coming students will have to officially register labs for next session, but then we heard that classes will be conducted online, from home.

There are also several other issues that I need to help such as student could not pre-register due to their fee have not been paid, or they have paid but not reflected that they have paid. There are also situation where some students want to take foreign language course, but it exceeds the allowable 18 credit hours. All of these issues need to be addressed and assisted.

Read all my “1 Official Task Per Day Record Challenge for 2020” —> 

First Stage Proposal MKKK of my student


After the PDP briefing and before the TDRS presentation, I squeezed my time to be in the first stage session of my MKKK mixed mode student, Abdul Salam from Libya. We need to sit down together to improve the research project.