How to fill in information on TESDCP?_Part4: Professional Activities

In your Professional Activities heading (once you click this heading), there will appear 1) Number of Credit Taught, 2) Attendance in Teaching and Learning Training, and 3) Implementation of nonconventional T&L.  

For 1) Number of Credit Taught and 2) Attendance in Teaching and Learning Training, it would be generated automatically based on your AIMS and GSMS (for Number of Credit Taught) and UTMSmart attendance (based on the workshop or anything that you attend).   You CANNOT add anything here.  

For Implementation of nonconventional T&L, it relates to any teaching strategies that you implement in your class other than lecture (lecture is considered as conventional T&L).  On top of that, if you share your experience with others of your teaching strategies, you can put that under Workshop (and include your Workshop evidences in terms of invitation letter for the workshop etc.) but it has to be related to one teaching strategy that you implement.  You have to make sure

a) One course has to show one teaching strategy that you are really good at

b) Strategy evidence is based on a report of what you implement in class (should include testimony, students grade, certificate of blended learning, example of activity worksheet etc.)

c)  All of your courses have evidences of your teaching strategy

In my example, since Remote Supervision is similar to MPPU1024 (Research Methodology in Education) and MPPU1070 and its code does not appear in this Professional Activities section, I select any available course which is similar to Remote Supervision (based on teaching approach).  In this example, I selected MPPU1024.  So, I will upload any relevant evidences such as a scanned copy of student attendance, URL link that show I conducted the Remote Supervision course and such.  

NOTE: If you want to know more about how to complete your TESDCP, go to the following link 

  1.  Getting Started
  2. Course File
  3. Self-Assessment & Reflections,
  4.  Measures of Student Learning and 
  5. Yearly Validation.


How to fill in information on TESDCP?_Part3: Self-Assessment and Reflections

In your Self-Assessment & Reflections heading (once you click this heading), there is a column with YEAR which indicate the year of your Self-Assessment & Reflections. 

Important TIPS:  Write/ Compose your 1) Goals of Student Learning, 2) Personal Philosophy, 3) Belief and Practices of Assessment and Evaluation and 4) Self-reflection of Teaching Development over time and how this relates to future goals in Words file first. 

WHY?  If you take longer than few minutes to complete the whole sections, the system will not capture some of the things you have laboriously written/typed.  So, you might end up with only partially save work here.  THIS could drive you crazy.  

So, once you have finished writing and editing all of the four things in Words file, copy-paste from your Words file to the respective sections.    

What to do?  

  1. Click +Add New button (on your right side of your device)

2.You will see this

3.  After you have finished adding information on the relevant sections by copy-paste from Words file, Click SAVE (on the bottom right corner) – which does not appear in this picture.  

How to know that you have successfully complete this part?

You will see GREEN [COMPLETE] to indicate your success in filling in all of the four things.  As you can see from my example, for 2018, my Self-Assessment and Reflections are incomplete because there is one part in RED. 

The thing is once I have submitted the 2018 Self-Assessment & Reflections, any section left that was not completed is save.  I can’t edit this because in my 2018 ELPPT, my status is Latihan Ikhtisas so the way I was evaluated was different in 2018.  My case is an isolated case though.  


ADDITIONAL TIPS:  If you like to write your thoughts in on things related to your teaching philosophy, the way you conduct assessments in your class, you can link the URL too.   For example, if I wrote a post in about how I assess my student in my class, I can link the URL under Belief and practices of assessment.  An example of such post is HERE.  

NOTE: If you want to know more about how to complete your TESDCP, go to the following link 

  1.  Getting Started
  2. Course File,
  3. Professional Activities,
  4.  Measures of Student Learning and 
  5. Yearly Validation.

How to fill in information on TESDCP?_Part2: Course File

In your Course File heading (once you click this heading), there will 2 subheadings appear: Course File and Course Assessment Report (CAR).  So, all together within these two subheadings, there will be 5 evidences that are required to be uploaded. 

You need to convert all of the evidences in PDF format.  Upload your evidence in the respective title i.e. course information etc. and once you have uploaded the PDF file, don’t forget to click UPLOAD button.  There is no SAVE button in this case.  

The five evidences are: 

  1. Course information
  2. Sample of class notes (upload at least one sample)

For Class Notes, you can upload a sample of one topic OR you can combine all of your powerpoint slides in one slide (but to do so, you need to have ADOBE Creative Cloud software install in your device).  If you use Prezi, download your Prezi slides in PDF format.  Your Prezi link (as linked HERE as an example) can be used as an evidence of Learning Management System in e-content.  

3. Sample of assessments such as quiz, test etc.

4. Sample of final examination with marking or answer scheme

5.  Course Assessment Report (CAR)

To get your CAR, you need to log in to your OBE.  In stage 10 (REPORT), rather than print, choose option to save the report in PDF format.  

NOTE: If you want to know more about how to complete your TESDCP, go to the following link 

  1.  Getting Started
  2. Self-Assessment & Reflections,
  3. Professional Activities,
  4.  Measures of Student Learning and 
  5. Yearly Validation.



How to fill in information on TESDCP?_Part1: Getting started

First, log in to MYUTM (using your ACID and password) to go to UTM Staff Portal (Portal Staf UTM).  

On your left hand side under Sistem UTM, scroll down to UTMACAD (click).  On your left side (of your device), scroll down until you see TESDCP (click).

Under TESDCP, there are five (5) headings: Course File, Self-Assessment & Reflections, Professional Activities, Measures of Student Learning and Yearly Validation.

What you should do next?

  1.  Complete Course File
  2. Complete Self-Assessment & Reflections,
  3. Complete Professional Activities,
  4. Complete Measures of Student Learning and 
  5. Complete Yearly Validation.


What are the differences between TES and TESDCP [Apa beza TES dengan TESDCP?]

I have got several people asking me this question.  I am a novice in filling in TES and TESDCP.  Here are some differences that I summarise in a table form (based on my own understanding).  

Differences  between TES and TESDCP
1) It contains elements that would entitle you to get 5% bonus mark for your ELPPT i.e. e-content 1) It is your 20% ELPPT evaluation under the category of “Pengajaran [or Teaching]”

* This is why it is important for you to take this seriously regardless of your DCP track.  Teaching is our core business even though you choose Research Track.

2) No indicator of compliance [it is as if it is not compulsory for you to fill in the e-content]

*The total bonus marks that you can get for e-content are 5 marks (based on the rubric, to get 5 marks, you need to link variety of teaching and learning materials that you have created in a form of gamification, learning management system, MOOC, ODL and so forth.  If you don’t fill in the e-content, there is no SUBMIT button that you need to click unlike TESDCP.  So, it means that as if it is not compulsory for you to fill in the e-content.  But, it is better if you fill in the e-content to get the bonus marks for your ELPPT.

2)There is an indicator of compliance of your yearly validation [with Green status]

*Don’t submit your TESDCP for evaluation UNTIL all of the categories are stated as GREEN status.  Red status means that you do not provide sufficient evidences yet.

3) Under Akademik category on your UTM Staff Portal

*Once you log in to your UTM Staff Portal, choose Akademik -> Profile Akademik.  On your right side (right side of your device), Click Teaching Excellence System (there is an icon of a board and a man holding a stick pointing to the board).  For more information, go to this page.  

3) Under UTMACAD category on your UTM Staff Portal

* Once you log in to your UTM Staff Portal, choose UTMACAD.  On your left side (left side of your device), Click TESDCP (on the left bottom).


Under Akademik category on your UTM Staff Portal

Once you log in to your UTM Staff Portal, choose Akademik -> TESDCP (the last category under Akademik.  So, you need to look at the list carefully)

4) There is no SUBMIT button to submit anything that you have linked on the e-content.  To know if you are successful in linking the relevant evidences, you will see a list of e-content materials with reference number. 4) There is  a SUBMIT button to submit your yearly evaluation of your teaching.    See for ACTION button with the word “SUBMIT“.
5) Similar deadline line your ELPPT (31 December) 5) It has specific deadline i.e. for 2019 evaluation, the deadline is on 31 July 2019 (Wednesday).  Extended until 15 August 2019 (Thursday)

*You need to click the button SUBMIT (under the Yearly Evaluation page).  If not, even though your status is GREEN, your TESDCP will not be processed.  Do this at the end of the year, not when you are supposed to fill in some parts of TESDCP for FREE evaluation which has different deadline from ELPPT.  Confused?  Who doesn’t?

What to write in your TESDCP teaching portfolio?

There are four aspects that you need to write.  

  1. Goals of student learning,
  2. Philosophy,
  3. Beliefs and practices of assessment and
  4. Self-reflection of teaching development over time.

Some tips:

  1. Write from your heart (either in English or Malay) in Words doc file first (the system is linked to UTMPORTAL, so if you leave it for a while, you will lose all of the things that you have written if you don’t save it)
  2. Highlight NALI (use certain terms commonly related to NALI)
  3. Don’t worry too much about grammar (this is not an SPM essay though.  But, please do proofread your writing because it might reflect your language proficiency as an academician teaching at university).
  4. If you have written somewhere that reflect your belief in either one of the aspects, you can link the URL too (there is a column under each heading of the four aspects).   For example, I link a post that I wrote here in my TESDCP about my belief in assessment.