What can be registered for Intellectual Property (IP)?_Part 1 by InnoComm

Why do we file for IP protection?

  1. To protect your IP from others copying, manufacturing, selling or importing your invention without permission
  2. ELPPT purposes: as bonus (10%).  
  3. Commersialisation purpose.  

What can be registered as IP?

  1. Your research output/findings.  For example, if you have a student, you can’t copyright the whole thesis.  You only can copyright the output or findings (which is part of the thesis).  Meaning, the output is UTM property and thus, as a staff or student, you can copyright your output.
  2. Your product such as “tudung” design, song lyric etc. that you can file under “patent“.   But one product can be copyrighted under patent and also industrial design, like tudung.  The design of the tudung itself falls under the industrial design but you declare it as a product that you create, it falls under patent.
  3. Your notes using OCW (this is not under Innovation and Commersialisation Centre or ICC or InnoComm).  

Where to apply a copyright for your product?

Go to this link

But, if you want to skip the process of copyright through ICC or InnoComm, you can use UTIM or do the copyright (pay the fee for RM200) yourself.  

UTIM is a UTM company that help you to copyright your work that you wish it to be yours, not UTM if 1) it is not related to your field, 2) you don’t use UTM facilities and 3) you don’t create the product during office hours.  

Note: Your password would be the one like UTMFIN (if you forget, email the IT manager UTMFIN to reset your password for you).

Who would be the main contributor?

ONLY ONE can be the main contributor.  So, if you have other researchers in your group, please make sure that you negotiate and discuss who would be the main contributor.  

Note: You need to put the percentage of the contributors as well especially if it involves monetary thingy.  Such as a product that you produce something that you can commercialize then later on you declare to cut certain percentage of those you put as contributors.   

Which is which?

a) Patent

Patent is a technical solution.  It has to be something new.  Need to have inventive steps that not obvious to be copied easily.  It has to have industrial applicable.  

It is advisable to patent first your work before you publish.  Once you publish, it is copyrighted under the publisher.  So, technically it is can be used under the copyright of the publisher.  That’s why you cannot recycle it again elsewhere.  

Things that cannot be patented

i) Discoveries like new species of animals, plants, mathematical and scientific methods

ii) Schemes of doing business 

iii) Methods of treatment to save animals or human (kaedah merawat) not medicines (medicines can be patented).

iv) Common name like “Kimono” (this is a common name referring to Japanese traditional clothing).  So, when Kim Kardashian wants to make “Kimono” as her patented and trademark, it is not allowed.  But for Apple, their trademark is the logo of the apple, not the word “Apple” itself.  But when people want to refer to their product, of course they use the word “Apple” but not referring to the fruit, but the gadget/IT product.  

b) Utility Innovation

No need inventory steps.  You still can file it to be IP.  

c) Industrial design 

It has to be external design.  For example, the inside component of a washing machine, you cannot file it under industrial design.  It has limited time frame for 10 years and need renewal.  

d) Trademark

You cannot request for a common name like Apple.  That is why “Apple” product only IP the logo (picture).  There is no duration for renewal and no need to be renewed.  Like paracetamol (is a industrial design) and thus it can reproduced by other company other than Panadol (it is a company).  You can also file IP for “phrases” like I’m lovin’ it (McD) – under branding etc.   but if you can notice it, they make the grammatical error with purpose because if their trademark is the fully grammatically correct phrase, then it would raise the issue of using the phrase for common usage. 

e) Trade secret

Like KFC recipe, coca cola recipe etc.  You can file for Trade secret (because it won’t be disclosed as compared to patent).  Like red velvet cookies (it is your new invention, if you copyright it, it just stops people from reproduce the ingredients but does not stop people from reproducing the product, so better do it under Trade Secret).  

f) Copyright (Hakcipta)

It has to be reduced into material forms like written form, audio/sound form etc.  It has to be the 1st one copyright in Malaysia.  Like Apps, musical work, sound recording, derivative works [(karya terbitan) contohnya kerja-kerja terjemahan] but you need to get permission from the author but is the author has died, you need to wait 50 years after his/her death.  Let’s say you want to translate Terman’s books.  He passed away in 1950s, so we can translate his work after 50 years of his death without getting any permission as long as his work is not published and patented with the organisation he worked when he copyrighted his work.  

It have to be registered under MYIPO.



What are (some) of the criticism about CEFR cum new KSSM syllabus for English?

I found quite a lot criticism and concerns by various individuals mainly teachers or educators (those people who are in teaching profession) on the current implementation of CEFR based curriculum and MUET.  Here are some of those that I can find

New syllabus is good

New literature syllabus 

English Literature is a dying subject

MUET is a requirement for admission

The need to boost English proficiency 

The need for proficient English teachers 


When I assigned to teach form 6 student MUET subject, I was feeling a little bit apprehensive.  I never took MUET before.  The only similar kind of examination that I had taken is IELTS before I went to further my PhD at UK.  It is the requirement for admission to any of UK university.  So, with RM600+/-, I took IELTS once.  Alhamdulillah I got Band 7, so I could apply to any UK university that require at least Band 6.5 or 7 as application requirement.  Well, those were the days.  Things are different now for the better.  MUET is required as admission requirement as well as graduation requirement.

Last year, when I sent Amira and Shakir to SMKUT to take their MUET speaking test, they told me that they were partnered with a lady from UKM.  She failed her MUET and thus, she needed to retake MUET again as graduation requirement.  Amira and Shakir asked me if is it required to get Band 4 to graduate in Malaysian universities.   I told them that as far as I know, only the top five universities i.e. old or research universities make such requirement.  For other universities like USIM, it depends on your majoring.  If you major in Islamic Revealed Knowledge programme like Qur’an and Sunnah, it is required for you to get Band 4 to graduate.  This is what I know based on my conversation with USIM graduates who work as teaching in the school where I did my Latihan Ikhtisas.  

But now, they i.e. Ministry of Education want to make it as requirement for non-option teachers who are teaching English to take MUET too.  Of course, this move would create an uproar among teachers in Malaysia.   But, being as an outsider but somehow links to education system, I would like to see positive change in this move.   Would they become better teachers to teach CEFR curriculum if they take MUET?  What would happen to those teachers who are not excelled in their MUET?   That’s what I want to know in the future.  

What did I do while undergoing Latihan Ikhtisas_Part 5

I have to teach poetry and literature while doing my Latihan Ikhtisas.  With zero background in TEASL or BENL (Bachelor in English Language and Literature), I admit that I was struggling to get myself familiar with the poems and short stories.  I start to read poems when I was at university for leisure reading, so I don’t feel the need and pressure to understand it accurately.  I had never learned poems at secondary school (for English).  So, it was a bit stressful for me to teach the students the literature part. 

Some of the poems and literature that I have to teach are as follow.  

For form 1

  1. News Break (poem)
  2. Sad I Ams (poem)
  3. King Arthur (graphic novel)
  4. Fair’s Fair (short story)

For form 4

  1. The Living Photograph (poem)
  2. The Charge of the Light Brigade (poem)
  3. Leaving (short story)
  4. Tanjong Rhu (short story)

I constructed quizzes using Quizziz and also worksheet that I used for class activity.  Nothing much though.  For the Quizziz and worksheet, they have to do it in pair or group.  It depends on the situation.  Sometimes I used the computer room if I wanted to give them a quiz using Quizziz.  It is an element of gamification and active learning that I tried to incorporate in my class.  

Well, at least even though I am not trained in TEASL, but I just gave my best shot.  That’s my motto.  Sometimes I guess we have to be impostor.  A good one to succeed in whatever thing that we do.  In this case, to make sure that I could deliver well my lesson to the students, I become an English teacher impostor.  😀

Poems that I have to teach during Latihan Ikhtisas (and after)_Part 6

This is the first poem that I taught my form 1 students last year when I did Latihan Ikhtisas.  I taught this before the mid term examination.  I did not have the time to revise it before the mid term examination with the students.  Some of them could not answer it well.   So, I didn’t have a quiz on Quizziz on this poem.  I only used a worksheet as an activity which contains the following questions.  

Exercise: News Break

Paste this worksheet on your Literature exercise book.  Write the answer according to the questions given.  You do not need to rewrite the questions again.

  1. What is this poem about?
  2. What does the word ‘crease’ mean in stanza 2?
  3. What animal is the child compared to?
  4. In stanza 4, who does the parent think the child is?
  5. What is the actual reason for the change in the child’s behavior?
  6. Why do you think the child was behaving himself? Give a reason.

Poems that I have to teach during Latihan Ikhtisas (and after)_Part 5

This is the second poem that I taught my form 1 students last year when I did Latihan Ikhtisas.  I taught this after the mid term examination.  It was included in the final year examination.  I have a quiz on Quizziz on this poem too as an activity that I did using the computer room as formative assessment. 

I sent the results to their parents.  One parent replied my email telling me that she is thankful with what I do in class.  She knows her son performance.  But for the son, when he knew that his mom got an email from me, he was “grounded” and he has to read book instead of browsing the internet or watching the TV.  He later said “Teacher, jangan la hantar email pada mak saya.  Saya tak boleh tengok TV lama-lama atau tengok Youtube bila balik wajib.  Kena baca buku sebab mak kata teacher beritahu dia saya kurang membaca“.  [Translated: Teacher, please don’t send email to my mother.  I was grounded and cannot watch the TV or Youtube for long.  I have to read book because my mom said you told her that I don’t read a lot]. 😀






Poems that I have to teach during Latihan Ikhtisas (and after)_Part 1

There are several poems that I have to teach while undergoing Latihan Ikhtisas.  Two poems for form 1 [Sad I Ams and News Break] and another two poems for form 4 [The Living Photograph and The Charge of the Light Brigade]. 

For my form 5 tuition class, I teach the students two poems – What has happened to Lulu by Charles Causley and A Poison Tree by William Blake.

I don’t know how my teaching is effective when I was teaching the form 1 and form 4 students because some students could answer questions related to the poems well whereas some were still struggling.  But, with the CEFR curriculum, there will be no poem section in PT3 next year.   So, let’s wait and see then.  

Note: The implementation of CEFR curriculum has its own criticism.   Some research has been done relating to the implementation of CEFR.