Day 185 Task – PSM Student Mock Presentation

Today I conducted a mock presentation for my undergraduate research student. The session is important since they are going to have the first PSM presentation to present their research proposal.

The session involved 3 of my students and there are 3 different topics. The first is about catalysis engineering, second environmental sustainability index and also thermodynamic modelling simulations.

Day 14 Task: PSM Mock Presentation

Today one of the task is to check the mock presentation of one of my PSM student. Muiz will be having is PSM presentation tomorrow, together with the SPACE students.


Read all my “1 Official Task Per Day Record Challenge for 2020” —>

My PSM Students for 2014

Since I could not secure any postgraduate students yet for 2014, I have decided to take more PSM students.

In total, I am in charge of 9 PSM students. This looks quite a lot, but I am trying my best to manage them.

7 of them are working on research related to biodiesel whereas another 2 are working on thermodynamic modelling.



Read related post such as The students that I supervised.