
Flood Hotspot Identification and Implications for Flood Preparedness

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Abstract This article presents a comprehensive analysis of flood hotspots, areas highly susceptible to recurrent or severe flooding. It delves into the considerations for identifying these hotspots, focusing on the role of timeframes and frequency thresholds. The article explores various methodologies, data sources, regional variations, and the implications for flood risk mitigation and management, with a specific focus on Malaysia’s flood hotspot scenario until September 2023. Introduction Floods are complex natural phenomena […]

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Kesiapsiagaan Menghadapi Banjir di Malaysia: Menganalisa Hotspot Banjir Sehingga September 2023

Oleh Shahabuddin Amerudin Pendahuluan Banjir adalah satu ancaman semulajadi yang melanda Malaysia dari semasa ke semasa, terutamanya semasa musim monsun timur laut. Kesan-kesan banjir boleh merosakkan harta benda, infrastruktur, dan mengancam keselamatan penduduk. Oleh itu, adalah penting untuk memahami hotspot banjir, iaitu kawasan-kawasan yang berisiko tinggi mengalami banjir secara berulang. Maklumat terkini yang diperoleh dari Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran Malaysia (JPS Malaysia) mengenai jumlah hotspot banjir dan statistik mengikut negeri memberi gambaran mengenai kesiapsiagaan Malaysia

Kesiapsiagaan Menghadapi Banjir di Malaysia: Menganalisa Hotspot Banjir Sehingga September 2023 Read More »

Sociodemographic Patterns of Convicted Bribe Givers and Solicitors: Unveiling Racial Disparities

Introduction Corruption, a persistent challenge in many societies, corrodes trust in institutions and undermines the rule of law. A deeper understanding of the dynamics behind corruption can provide insights into the factors driving this illicit activity. This article delves into the sociodemographic characteristics of convicted bribe givers and bribe solicitors, shedding light on the racial disparities that emerge from the data. Understanding Bribery Bribery involves the exchange of something valuable, often money or gifts, to

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Analisis dan Komen Mengenai Laporan Perkembangan Ekonomi dan Kewangan Malaysia pada Suku Kedua 2023

Oleh Shahabuddin Amerudin Pada tarikh 18 Ogos 2023, Bank Negara Malaysia telah menerbitkan laporan mengenai perkembangan ekonomi dan kewangan Malaysia pada suku kedua tahun 2023. Laporan ini memberikan gambaran yang mendalam mengenai prestasi ekonomi negara dalam tempoh yang diulas. Mari kita lihat secara kritikal dan memberikan komen mengenai beberapa aspek yang diberikan dalam laporan ini. Pertumbuhan Ekonomi yang Sederhana Menurut laporan, ekonomi Malaysia mengalami pertumbuhan sederhana sebanyak 2.9% pada suku kedua tahun 2023. Walaupun pertumbuhan

Analisis dan Komen Mengenai Laporan Perkembangan Ekonomi dan Kewangan Malaysia pada Suku Kedua 2023 Read More »

The Impact of Time Zone Differences on Sleep Patterns and Human Life: A Case Study of Malaysia

Suggestion for Citation: Amerudin, S. (2023). The Impact of Time Zone Differences on Sleep Patterns and Human Life: A Case Study of Malaysia. [Online] Available at: (Accessed: 22 March 2023).

The Impact of Time Zone Differences on Sleep Patterns and Human Life: A Case Study of Malaysia Read More »

GDM2000, GDM2000 (Rev2006), GDM2000 (Rev2009), GDM2000 (Rev2016) and GDM2020

In addressing the effects of plate tectonic motion due to natural disasters such as earthquakes on the coordinates reference system and vertical datum systems for the whole country, JUPEM has successfully established a more accurate, precise and contemporary GDM2020. This newly derived geodetic datum system is fully aligned to ITRF2014, where velocities and PSD are modelled as an intrinsic component of the kinematic/ semi-kinematic concept of the CORS coordinates. In order to facilitate the conversion

GDM2000, GDM2000 (Rev2006), GDM2000 (Rev2009), GDM2000 (Rev2016) and GDM2020 Read More »


Merujuk kepada perkembangan semasa dan maklumat daripada pihak Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) turut mengambil langkah-langkah pengawasan wabak COVID-19 sejak ianya dikesan bagi memastikan UTM bebas daripada wabak tersebut. Sehubungan itu, pihak Pengurusan Universiti telah mengeluarkan Pekeliling Pentadbiran Bil 10/2020 bertarikh 29 Februari 2020 menasihatkan staf dan pelajar (termasuk UTM Mobility (outbound)) untuk menangguhkan perjalanan ke China dan negara-negara yang tersenarai oleh pihak KKM iaitu Korea Selatan, Jepun, Iran dan Itali. Bagi


Development of Web-Based Application for Shapefile Coordinate System Conversion for Malaysia

By Elysonia Alim Supervised by Dr. Shahabuddin Amerudin UTM Undergraduate Thesis Year 2018 It is difficult to process GIS vector data when they are not aligned with one another. The need for different coordinate systems rose from the fact that some coordinate systems are better fitted to describe the phenomenon happening in a specific area. However, even commercial software had been proven to have questionable accuracy in coordinate system conversions. The purpose of this study

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Mesyuarat kerjasama penyelidikan bersama JPS Malaysia

21 Februari 2020. Mewakili UTM di dalam jemputan kerjasama penyelidikan bersama dengan Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran Malaysia. Pembentangan dan perbincangan adalah dari Unit Korporat dan pelbagai unit lain di dalam JPS yang turut sama. Topik kajian penyelidikan ialah menggunakan Agent-Based Model (ABM) di dalam pengurusan banjir di Malaysia.

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Development of Web-Based Application for Shapefile Coordinate System Conversion for Malaysia

Elysonia Alim and Shahabuddin Amerudin Department of Geoinformation, Faculty of Geoinformation and Real Estate, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Skudai, Johor, Malaysia Email:; KEYWORDS: coordinate system, conversion, shapefile ABSTRACT: It is difficult to process GIS vector data when they are not aligned with one another. The need for different coordinate systems rose from the fact that some coordinate systems are better fitted to describe the geographical phenomenon occurring in a specific area. However, even

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