
What happened to the smartest kid in your class?

The question “What happened to the smartest kid in your class?” is a common conversation starter and can lead to interesting discussions. Here are some possible ways to approach this question: When discussing what happened to the smartest kid in your class, it’s crucial to recognize the complexity of individual journeys and the various factors that contribute to success. This conversation can lead to insights about personal growth, the pursuit of passion, and the importance […]

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Enhancing the SBEG3583 GIS Software System Course: A Comprehensive Analysis of Student Feedback and Recommendations

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Introduction The SBEG3583 Course Evaluation Survey for the GIS Software System course provided valuable insights into students’ perspectives on various aspects of the course, including course content, teaching methods, knowledge gained, and overall learning experience. The survey took place towards the conclusion of Semester 2 within the academic session of 2022/2023, and it garnered responses from 33 students who were enrolled in the SBEG3583 GIS Software System course. The findings suggest several

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