
Kolam Gajah, Gunung Ledang

In a world dominated by screens and hectic schedules, it becomes imperative to acknowledge the rejuvenating influence of nature. Within the Gunung Ledang forest, specifically at Kolam Gajah, where picturesque lakes and the simple yet captivating act of observing fish reside, a profound opportunity unfolds for individuals to reconnect with both themselves and the natural world. Whether one seeks relief from stress, aims to embrace mindfulness, yearns for emotional healing, or seeks the spark of […]

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Malaysia’s Commitment to Sustainable Forest Management: Ministry Responds to Report on Malaysian Rainforest 2023

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Source: MALAYSIA’S COMMITMENT TO SUSTAINABLE FOREST MANAGEMENT by Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change (NRECC)’S%20COMMITMENT%20TO%20SUSTAINABLE%20FOREST%20MANAGEMENT.pdf The press statement discusses Malaysia’s commitment to sustainable forest management and responds to a report by RimbaWatch titled “State of Malaysian Rainforest 2023.” The Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change (NRECC) acknowledges the efforts of civil society in raising awareness about forest loss but highlights that the findings of the report are estimations

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Mangrove Forests: Sustaining Life and Protecting Coastal Ecosystems

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Introduction Mangrove forests are incredibly vital ecosystems that thrive in the interface between land and sea. These unique habitats, characterized by a complex network of intertwined plant and animal life, provide numerous ecological, economic, and social benefits. However, they are under constant threat due to human activities and environmental changes. In this article, we will delve deeper into the significance of mangrove forests, their intricate web of life, and the urgent need

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The Life Cycle and Interactions in a Mangrove Forest Ecosystem

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Mangrove forests are unique and diverse ecosystems that support a wide range of plant and animal species. Within these forests, a complex web of life cycles and interactions takes place, contributing to the overall health and balance of the ecosystem. Let’s explore the life cycle and interactions among various organisms in a mangrove forest: Overall, the life cycles and interactions in a mangrove forest are intricately interconnected. Each species plays a vital

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The Role of Humans in Preserving and Rehabilitating Mangrove Forests

By Shahabuddin Amerudin Mangrove forests are crucial ecosystems for both marine and terrestrial life. Humans play a significant role in preserving and rehabilitating these mangrove forests. As individuals and communities, we have a responsibility to take effective actions for the sustainability of these ecosystems. Here are some ways in which humans contribute to the preservation and rehabilitation of mangrove forests: In conclusion, humans have a crucial role in preserving and rehabilitating mangrove forests. Through awareness,

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