Best Practices and Greed!

*Recession* ??

Banwarilal was a samosa seller in an Indian town. He used to sell 500 samosas everyday on a cart in his locality. People liked his samosas for last 30 years, because he cared for hygiene in preparation and selling, would use good quality oil and other ingredients, provide free chutneys with samosas. He would throw all unsold samosas to poor people, cow, dogs etc and did not sell unsold stale samosas to people next day.

Banwari earned good reputation and enough money from samosa selling and he never faced downfall in his sale in last 30 years. He was able to fund his son’s MBA education in a famous private college in Noida out of his earnings.

Recently his son Rohit completed his MBA and came back home as he could not get appropriate placement. Rohit started taking interest in his father’s samosa business. He had not been involved in his father’s business earlier as he considered that to be an inferior job.

During MBA, Rohit read a lot on recession. He read that it is coming up in global economy and how it will affect job prospects, increase unemployment etc. So he thought that he should advise his father of the risks in the business of samosa selling on account of recession.

He told his father that recession may cause fall in sale of samosas, so he should prepare for cost cutting to maintain the profit.

Banwari was glad that his son knows so much about business and taking interest in his business. He agreed to follow advice of his son.

Next day, Rohit suggested using 20% used cooking oil and 80% fresh. People did not notice the change in the taste and 500 samosas were sold.

Rohit was motivated by the profit made by this savings. Next day he suggested increased share of used oil to 30% and reduce the quantity of free chutney.

That day, only 400 samosas were sold and 100 samosas were thrown to poor people and dogs.

Rohit told his father that recession has really set in as predicted by him, so more cost cutting is to be done and they would not throw stale samosas but would fry them again next day and sell them. Quantity of used oil will also be increased to 40% and to make only 400 samosas to avoid wastage.

Next day 400 samosas were sold but customers were not feeling good old taste. But Rohit told his father about savings because of his smart planning. Father told him that he may be knowing better, being educated.

Next day Rohit decided to use 50% used oil, do away with sweet chutney and provided only green chutney, made 400 samosas. That day only 300 samosas could be sold as people started disliking the taste.

Rohit told Banwari “Look , I had predicted great recession is arriving and sales would fall. Now this is happening. We will not throw away these 100 stale samosas but would fry and sell them tomorrow.” Father agreed to his MBA son.

Next day, 200 fresh samosas were made with 50% used oil, 100 stale fried samosa were offered for sale but only 200 could be sold as people sensed the drastic fall in quality.

Rohit said that recession has really set in and now people have no money left to spend so they should make only 100 samosas and recycle 100 stale samosas and stop giving paper napkins .

After this only 50 samosas could be sold .

Rohit told his father ” Now recession has taken people in its grip. People have lost income. So, this business will be in loss and they should stop selling samosas and do something else.”

Now his father started shouting, “I did not know that they teach cheating in the name of MBA. I lost my money in getting your MBA education. In last 30 years of samosa selling, I never had recession but your greed for profit brought recession in my business and caused closure. Get out of my business and I will get it back to earlier level. If you want, I can hire you for washing dishes as that is the only thing you can do despite being MBA educated.”

Thereafter , Banwari started following his age old wisdom and fair practices in business. Within a month his sale reached to 600 samosas.

*Recession is nothing but co
nvergence of greed of government to extract more taxes, greed of big* *businesses to be more profitable by reducing quality and using unfair practices and also of careless arrogant* *employees giving pathetic service as long as profits are coming. Recession is the punishment given to businesses and government by people by restricting their spending*.

Nice article, worth reading …

Setiap Hari Adalah Misteri

Sehebat mana kita merancang, tak sehebat dan segah perancangan Allah.

Barangkali insan yang hebat merancang hari harinya dengan begitu teliti dan berhati-hati. Ada To Do List. Ada Check List kerja. Ada Personal Assistance untuk mengingatkan dan sebagainya. Dari satu ke satu tugasan pada hari tersebut kita laksanakan dengan penuh dedikasi dan keikhlasan. Tugasan yang berjaya terlaksana, kita pangkah, atau tandakan sudah selesai. Namun, pada hari itu jugalah terjadi perkara yang tak terduga. Pada waktu itu juga lah tiba-tiba ada yang meminta bantuan itu ini. Pada tika itu  jugalah kereta tiba-tiba meragam, alamak habislah poket, getus kita di dalam hati. Pada detik itu jugalah, ada tanggungan kita yang merupakan tanggung jawap kita masuk wad kerana sakit serious. Kombinasi senario-senario tak terduga yang datang muncul silih berganti bertalu-talu dalam ruang lingkup 24 jam itu memungkin kan kita terasa lemah, longlai, resah, gelisah, hilang semangat dan sebagainya.

Bagaimana harus kita tangani urutan-urutan kronologi situasi penuh misteri seperti di atas?

Pandangan anda?

Scam Oh Scam

Zaman sekarang scam semakin menjadi-jadi. Scam telah menjalani pelbagai evolusi serta adaptasi seiring dengan arus perkembangan pesat teknologi. Sijahat scammer ligat kepala memikirkan kaedah-kaedah novel untuk memanipulasi mangsa-mangsa.

Hebatnya helah kreatif ilusi mereka membuatkan orang yang profesional dan terpelajar seperti saya tumpas juga. Saya kerugian RM1200 November 2018 lalu. Ssjak dari itu, saya dan keluarga serta mereka yang rapat, lebih berhati-hati dalam apa juga urusan atau komunikasi. Si scammer ni berjaya kerana mereka bijak, orang putih panggil ‘cunning’. Mereka sentiasa berada beberapa langkah dihadapan kita andaikata kita tak aware, peka.

Tadi saya menerima satu panggilan telefon melalu telefon rumah. Saya memang dah agak mesti scammer, sebab kita tak pernah bagi ke sesiapa pun nombor telefon tersebut kecuali family members. Saya jawap telefon tu dan terus dengar suara wanita menyatakan perkhidmatan telekom / telefon akan ditamatkan atas sebab tertentu. Kalau nak bertanya sila tekan nombor 9. Kemudiaanya saya di sambungkan dan seorang lelaki menyahut hello setelah seketika saya tak menyatakah hello. Lepas tu saya pun balas hellooo dengan nada macam tiada masalah. Si scammer dah dapat hidu yang saya tahu permainannya lantas dia kata saya “Bodohhh…” dan terus letak telefon. Fuhhh kena first time “bodoh” dari scammer. Geram campur puas hati. Geram sebab dia sempat cakap saya bodoh. Puas hati sebab dapat permainkan dia.

Banyak lagi kes2 scammer dan scamming yang ada. Nanti2 lah saya share lagi.

PIBG Sekolah Agama Kangkar Pulai

Ahad lepas saya dimasukkan dalam satu group WhatsApp baru. Pabila diteliti, rupanya ianya adalah group JK PIBG untuk Sekolah Agama Kangkar Pulai yang mana anak saya Zara belajar di situ.

Sebelum ini ada dengar2 juga ura2 yang saya dicalonkan sebagai AJK PIBG di sekolah agama tersebut. Tetapi sebab tiada bukti atau tiada hitam putih, maka itu saya fikir berita iti barangkali tidak benar.

Sekarang, mesej dah diterima dan dah nampak nama saya tersenarai. Yang menariknya, nama saya dalam senarai adalah Prof Ir Dr Zaki Yamani bin Zakaria 🙂

Katanya satu mesyuarat akan dibuat tidak lama lagi. Maka bertambah lagi senarai mesyuarat-mesyuarat yang saya perlu hadiri selain dari mesyuarat rasmi di tempat kerja UTM. Tak apa, kita sumbang tenaga, idea dan masa untuk komuniti, masyarakat dan bangsa. Semoga dipermudahkan. Amin.

Nanas B2 dari Dr. Johari Kamarudin, Beratnya.

Tadi sempat saya singgah rumah Dr. Johari Kamaruddin, jiran satu taman, rakan satu School, untuk membeli 2 biji nanas spesifikasi B2. Asalnya saya ingat harga nanas ni RM4.50 sebiji. Rupa-rupanya nanas ini RM4.50 sekilo. Patutlah belakang bonet kereta Toyota Dr. Jo ada penimbang digital. Terkejut saya. Timbang-timbang, dekat 4 kg nanas 2 biji tu. WOW… Tak pernah rasanya beli nanas seberat tu. Harga RM17. Saya beli dengan bahagian atas nanas tu masih ada supaya boleh tanam. InsyaAllah itu projek saya besok lusa.

Besok insyaAllah akan makan lah nanas tu.


Balik Kerja Tanam 4 Pokok Sawi

Baru tadi dapat ambil 1 guni cocopeat dari Dr. Fhairna beserta capilary dan distributor (10 unit) untuk projek fertigasi mini saya di rumah. Saya sebenarnya dah tanam 10 + 5 pokok. Tapi tak cukup cocopeat, makanya terbengkalai lah nak proceed 2-3 hari lepas. Tapi sebab baru dapat 1 guni cocopeat dan dapat benih sawi baru dari Dr. Fhairna, maka saya pun dengan penuh semangat, mengorak langkap menanam 4 lagi pokok sawi hari ni. Pokok sawi ni pokok baru lah.

Sambil-sambil tu, saya periksa kesemua pokok-pokok yang lain. Saya ukur kesemua ketinggian pokok cili api, ada 6 kesemuanya. Saya dah update di FB Page Fertigasi saya. Tapi yang paling membuatkan saya teruja adalah, saya nampak ada pucuk hijau kecil comel keluar dari cocopeat untuk kedua-dua pokok bendi saya. WOW… alhamdulillah… Syukur.


Today I attended this research and industry talk organized by Resource Sustainability Research Alliance. The talk is very interesting and really opened my mind in terms of the new and future perspective of solar industry. Plenty of information that I have not even ever thought off before were revealed.

The details of the event are as below:

Date : 29 July 2019 (Monday)
Time : 9 a.m
Venue : Dewan Senat , Bangunan Canseleri Sultan Ibrahim

Fertigasi Mini di Rumah Semudah A, B, C

Alhamdulillah, saya baru set up satu blog baru iaitu Fertigasi Mini di Rumah Semudah A, B, C.  Dalam blog ini, saya dan rakan saya Zamrin akan berkongsi pengalaman kami memulakan projek fertigasi mini mudah di rumah. Semua ni setelah kami sama-sama menghadiri Program Wah! Mudahnya fertigasi di Rumah yang telah di anjurkan semalam.

Saya telah pun menulis posting pertama saya. Anda boleh baca di pautan di bawah ini:


A Practical Way to Get Started in Manufacturing IIoT: Cultivate a “Green Patch” in Your Brownfield

A Practical Way to Get Started in Manufacturing IIoT: Cultivate a “Green Patch” in Your Brownfield, An Industrial Internet Consortium White Paper

Authors are : John Kowal, B&R Automation & Spencer Cramer, ei3 Corporation

Download the article below:



5 Easy Things You Can Do Tomorrow to Be More Sustainable

5 Easy Things You Can Do Tomorrow to Be More Sustainable, by Staples Business Advantage.

Download the 5 tips from the link below.
