2021 Day 189 Task – Checked Energy Conversion & Management Paper Draft

My main task today was purely to check my student’s ECM paper draft which has been pending for 2 weeks. I found it tough to check the paper before this because I need to revamp the Introduction part a lot and that alone has pretty much delayed me. However, the end of today I am very pleased that I managed to stay focused and check the paper up to 90% of the content. I will complete the remaining 10% tomorrow and return the draft back to my student.

Important point: I am very impressed with my student’s work. After all she managed to prepare this 50 page manuscript in 3 months as a PSM student. Remarkable!

2021 Day 183 Task – MKKL Evaluations on A Saturday

I became one of the examiners/evaluators for this Final Report MKKL Research Project today on an off-day Saturday. The session took place at 11am and ended at 2.45pm. But off course, the day started earlier because we have to read the thesis prepared by the students. The topics of the MKKL Master project are as shown below:



Encapsulation of andrographolide loaded nanostructured lipid carrier using ultrasonication, by Logavenota A/P Pothan

2021 Day 181 Task – Sesi Engagement bersama Pengurusan TNC(P & I)

Attended the meeting with UTM’s new appointed Deputy Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation.

Other highlighted tasks of the day.

  • SCEE Hub Meeting – 7.30am-8.30am
  • PSM Evaluation – 8.30am – 1pm
  • TNCPI Meeting – 9am – 11am.
  • SCEE RAE Meeting – 5pm – 7pm

2021 Day 174 Task – SEEM Visibility and Networking Committee Meeting

Under The Society of Engineering Educators Malaysia (SEEM), I am the head of the Visibility and Networking Committee. We have not had a meeting yet and I just realized this morning that we need to present activities for our committee. Immediately I created a new Whatsapp group to gather all 4 committee members, which are me, Dr. Salah from UPM, Dr. Nazatul from UM and Dr. Azlina from UiTM. We managed to had a 1 hour meeting that started at 2.30pm and came out with quite a number of detailed plan activities.

I am happy working with the new team which is from 4 different universities. It is like breathing fresh air. Getting new ideas, new dimension and new perspective.

Oh by the way, I submitted the correction for BCREC journal proof that Nazlina has completed and Alhamdulillah, the manuscript has now been published online. Feel free to download the paper here.

Other highlighted tasks of the day:

  • Prepared new outline for Engineering Identity paper
  • Listed and updated all my journal paper so I can keep track of all of them
  • Submitted safety Noise paper to Safety Science – at 1.40am.
  • Subcommittee SEEM meeting: 2.30pm-3.30pm
  • Week 8 SCEE RAE meeting: 5pm – 7pm
  • Plant Design Project meeting: 9pm – 10pm
  • Checked master student progress.
  • Prepared watermark for final exam paper.

2021 Day 172 Task – Addressing the Challenges of Design Optimization for the A&D Industry Talk

Many things happened today. Some of it was stressful involving the conference that I lead, but Alhamdulillah I managed to absorb the pressure, stay composed and perhaps solve the problem with the help of many kind hearted people. Amazingly, I managed to find out how to appoint a new Chair for the Easychair conference system, which before this I honestly have no idea at all.

Today I also signed the agreement for the conference proceeding, after going through the details of the documents.

Oh yes.. I also conducted a briefing to Statik lecturer’s on how to write scholarly practice engineering education paper in the morning.

At night, 10pm I attended the Addressing the Challenges of Design Optimization for the A&D Industry Talk conducted by Ansys company.

Oh after I listed all, I realized that as a person who have to divide his mind to multiple work scope and responsibilities, I must stay calm, stay compose and be on solution mode when I come across difficult unfavorable situation.

Other highlighted tasks of the day.

  • Signed Conference Proceeding Agreement
  • Verified PA pre-registration course.
  • Followed up on the IOP agreement.
  • Undergo Week 8 SCEE RAE training (up till activity 8.14)
  • Checked progress of my PSM and Masters student.
  • Study EI paper

2021 Day 171 Task – PhD Engineering Education is still Relevant

Of all the tasks that I have today, the sudden email from the deputy dean Academic of Engineering Faculty surprised me. It is because of the new consolidation program of the PhD program for Engineering Education specifically, and also other PhD and Master philosophy program that are offered in UTM. Luckily after a few phone calls, few whatsapp messages, I became clear of the higher purpose. Well, there’s no need to elaborate on this matter. Bottom line is that everything has been sorted out. Alhamdulillah

Other highlighted tasks of the day.

  • Verified PA pre-registration course.
  • Followed up on the IOP agreement.
  • Undergo Week 8 SCEE RAE training (up till activity 8.4)
  • Checked progress of my PSM and Masters student.
  • Study EI paper

2021 Day 163 Task – Dealing with All the Carry Marks for Refinery and Petrochemical Tech Course

I am a bit free from official tasks today. Hence, my mission is to complete various quizzez, tests, assignments that I gave to my Refinery and Petrochemical Technology course student. I need to get the carry marks ready by this week and present it to the students. InsyaAllah that would not be a problem. Then, I’m planning to prepare a test for the MKKK Masters Safety student next week.

Other highlighted tasks of the day:

  • Checked some of my PSM student progress.
  • Finalized and submitted my 3rd Medium article.
  • CEO #06 interview tonight – 9pm.
  • Academic Advisor – pre registration matter.

2021 Day 162 Task – Safety Paper Discussion with Co-Authors

This Saturday, I have not performed as many official task as usual. However, I am glad because I managed to complete editing and publishing my first Chemical Engineering Online video to YouTube. Check out the video below. Anyway, part of my main official task is to publish paper and at 5pm I had a discussion with Shams and Eliya on the improvements that are needed for the Noise Safety Paper Project. Alhamdulillah, I got in touch with Ashyraf as well, the student that worked on the noise project, so that I get additional information to work on the paper.

Other highlighted tasks of the day:

  • Completed Editing and publishing CEO Video #1 – This took me over 15 hours since 3 weeks plus ago.
  • Checked and approved my PA student EXCEL Programs. Up till 11pm, 4 more students have not submitted EXCEL.
  • Checked some of my PSM student progress.

2021 Day 160 Task – CEO@Faculty Briefing

Attended the program called Taklimat CEO @ Faculty. Very interesting program initiated by the government to bridge industry and academia. After the presentation, I then realized about the program, the initiatives that have been launched few years ago.

Other highlighted tasks of the day:

  • Checked and approved my PA students EXCEL report.
  • Share RCEE2021 ads to socmed.
  • Correction of Final Exam Questions.
  • Worked on carry marks for Refinery and Petrochemical Tech Class.
  • Evaluated Progress Report for my Post Grad students – AbdelRahim, Khu, Absi.
  • Submit Extended Abstract from my EER PhD student to RCEE2021.
  • Prepared slide presentation for SCEE RAE…

Example of my Weekly Comments to the Weekly Progress Report Submitted by my Students

Comments for Ziah Er

1) Do you BI and BM abstract

2) Correct your Table of Content Paging

3) Can you adjust Figure 1.1 to be actually cited and discussed under Section 1.1 Reserch Background?

4) 2.3 Catalyst Used in Ethanol Dry Reforming Section – You can also list those catalyst under steam reforming as well.. So that you can get more data. Better tabulate this in table.

5) Under Section 2.9 Ethanol Reforming Process – Its best to include a table of previous researchers who has been working on ethanol production from steam and dry reforming. This Table maybe can combine with the table I mentioned in Point 4 above.

6) For Figure 4.12 to 4.16, Effect of pressure, is your temperature maintained at 800C?

7) Originally I suggested to you do discuss effect of both temperature and pressure in a contour plot. Since you have done this, that’s fine. But you need to justify why you choose the 800C temperature.

8) After this you plot the contour plot ok.

9) Can start prepare presentation slide.

Comments for Zakwan:

1) Remind me to improve your Objective next week.

2) I suggest to include some pictures of bio oil in Section 2.3 or 2.4. And also picture of bio oil after upgrading for Section 2.6.

3) Good job on Table 2.2, but instead of putting SLASH, put a DASH. Also for Table 2.2, you lack data of the recent 5 years (2016-2021) – Where you only have 3 out of 18 references from the more recent 5 years, I suggest you add a bit more on this, atbout half- half… Meaning recent 5 years >50% than all of the ones in Table 2.2. ===== Same issue for Table 2.4. (Good job on the improvement of Table 2.2 and 2.4 compared to before this!!!)

4) Chapter 4 – You are left with the discussion and analysis of the results right… Make sure when you discuss all the Tables and Figures, cite the table and figure accordingly. It must be mentioned. It cannot be left independently alone. The discussion must be before the table or figure appear.

5) Later, you can study effect of pressure and temperature by analysis it in a contoour plot… But choose only the most important and dominant products.

Overall, Greaat Amazing job!!!

Comments for Izz:

1) Change all the starting part of your proposal to your own content, not template content.

2) Extend content of your Abstract.

3) Check issues in your Table of Content.

4) Your references formating are not consistant. At the same time your references are not too much. I did’nt realize this before. Please add more references (especially those of the recent 5 years (2016-2021) so you have more references in Chapter 1 and 2.).

5) Have you actually applied Endnote to your proposal?

6) Can you include picutres of oil sludge in early part of Chapter 2, so we can imagine how it looks like. You can include few photos so we can see the various kinds of sludges. Include references for it as well.

7) Table and Figure Captions throughout the proposal must be corrected. For example, Your existing Table 2.1.1 must be actually Table 2.1, Then yourexisting Table 2.1.2 must be Table 2.2. Your Figure 2.2.1, must be Figure 2.1, then the next figure after that must be Figure 2.2 … All of these are in chapter 2.

If it is in Chapter 3. First figure must be Figure 3.1, followed by Fig 3.2, Fig 3.3 and so on. Table also must be Table 3.1, 3.2 3.3 and so on.

If it is in Chapter 4, It should be labled as Figure 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 and so on.. Table should be labeled as Table 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 and so on… Hope you understand this.

7) All equations must be labelled as well. Check the format how to label it.

8) Chapter 4 – Your figure citation and Figure caption must be corrected for all.

9) Later, you can study effect of pressure and temperature by analysis it in a contoour plot… But choose only the most important and dominant products.