This is the second day of the workshop.
2021 Day 96 Tasks – 2-Days Workshop On Engaging Millennials Through Active Learning
2021 Day 95 Tasks – ReCASE2021 Conference

Two important events are happening today: (1) ReCASE2021 Conference which is organized by UMP where 3 of my students submitted their research papers, and (2) The 2-Days Workshop On Engaging Millennial Through Active Learning
Once again, I am involved in another 2 Days Workshop oN ENGAGING MILLENNIALS THROUGH ACTIVE LEARNING. This time the event was organized by UTMLead, but handled and delivered by CEE.
31 Academic staffs from UTM Skudai, Pagoh and UTM KL participated in the workshop.
2021 Day 91 Tasks – CEE Core Group Meeting
As the new CEE Director, I am still in need of opinion and advice from far more experienced research fellow. And because of that I hosted a meeting with Prof. Khairiyah and Prof. Fatin to discuss few important CEE issues that requires some discussion and decision. Despite of our hectic schedule on the weekdays, we had to have the meeting on a Friday, which is our public weekend holiday, which at the same time, I am in Desaru taking a weekend get away with my family and parents. Alhamdulillah, several issues were decided and resolved. I appreciate both Fellows help. Definitely.
Day 289 Task – Exploring Discord for Teaching and Learning
The conventional teaching that we are used to apply could no longer be implemented due to the pandemic and academician in universities have no choice than to implement and be creative in implementing tools for online learning. One of the tools that we plan to use is Discord. Apparently Discord has been actively used by teenagers and gamers and perhaps other peoples to actively communicate online.
Discord is an American proprietary freeware instant messaging and VoIP application and digital distribution platform designed for creating communities ranging from gamers to education and businesses. Discord specializes in text, image, video and audio communication between users in a chat channel. Here is more explanation on what is Discord from Wikipedia.
Today, at CEE we had a training to explore Discord. It is very interesting and we believed it can be a very effective tool to implement our usual cooperative problem based learning in our Introduction to Engineering (ITE) Class.
Read all my “1 Official Task Per Day Record Challenge for 2020” —>
Day 263 Task – Preparing RCEE2020 Paper Presentation Video & CEE Video
The weekend break is supposed to be theoretically a rest day. But for many of the CEE fellow members, it is a day for “work marathon”. There are tonnes of work to be accomplished and we always have to deliver it. Imagine last week, on a beautiful Friday, I was also working. At the time this post was written, I have successfully completed preparing the video for paper presentation RCEE2020. but I am yet to complete other pending tasks, and the lists can be read below (i didn’t list down everything yet):
- Read Chapter 7 of my phd student
- Improve paper ICLCA2020 for CET publication
- Prepare 2 minute CEE introductory video
- Prepare End Report GUP grant
- Submit the long pending review paper to a journal
- Check the oil tank specifications
- … and much more… I don’t want to release everything here… Some of it, let me keep it to myself.
Read all my “1 Official Task Per Day Record Challenge for 2020” —>
Day 260 Task – OBE Assessment Online Workshop with UNS (Part 2)
Today is the second day of the Part 2 Workshop with UNS. The first workshop on OBE can be read here (1st day) and here (2nd day). This second workshop was held from 14-15 September 2020. I was involved as one of the facilitators. The speakers for this session were Prof Khairiyah, Dr. Syed Helmy, Dr. Nurul Ahyam, Prof Fatin and Dr. Naziha.
Read all my “1 Official Task Per Day Record Challenge for 2020” —>
Day 237 Task – Citra Karism 2020 New Norm
Alhamdulillah syukur to God All mighty. Managed to arrive although it was super late, seated and enjoy the new norm.
I’m grateful to be part of Centre for Engineering Education (CEE) family. We did a lot of activities, achieved a lot as well under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Khairiyah and all its powerful and dynamic team members. I personally learned a lot, still learning and will continue to learn.
May Allah help us to do and perform better and more for the society and nation. Amin….
Also thank you to my other half who has always been my loyal and true supporter.
If you read up to this point, please check out CEE UTM YouTube channel and subscribe. History is in the making…
Read all my “1 Official Task Per Day Record Challenge for 2020” —>
Day 224 Task – RCEE Progress Meeting
RCEE is around the corner which will be held on the 29-30 th September 2020. Starting from this meeting, this week, we will have the RCEE meeting each Tuesday at 3pm to ensure everything will be ok. Originally I was assigned to lead a specific program, which I forgot now. Now, I assisting other department such as the Program Department and others to help on design the parallel session.
Read all my “1 Official Task Per Day Record Challenge for 2020” —>
Day 219 Task – UTM CEE Webminar 9 – Me as MC
Today, I became the MC for the 9th UTM CEE Webminar Series titled Engineering Education Research: Where do We Start? This Webminar was presented by Prof Dr Fatin Aliah Phang and Chaired/facilitated by Prof. Dr. Khairiyah Mohd Yusof. I acted as the MC for the opening and closing of the Webminar. Overall it was a brilliant seminar and I believed many have learned and benefited from this Webminar.
The webminar was broadcasted from UTM CEE Youtube Channel and you are welcome to view it from the following link:
Read all my “1 Official Task Per Day Record Challenge for 2020” —>
Day 209 Task – CEE Meeting
We had our virtual CEE meeting this morning after quite a long time not having one. Among the agendas were:
- RCEE Progress
- CEE office renovation
- AJEE progress
Read all my “1 Official Task Per Day Record Challenge for 2020” —>