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My journal publications for 2014

Following are the list of journals that I published as main author and co-author for 2014. Maybe not much, but hey, it is OK. I will work harder for 2015.


Z.Y. Zakaria, N.A.S. Amin, J. Linnekoski, Optimization of catalytic glycerol steam reforming to light olefins using Cu/ZSM-5 catalyst, Energy Conversion and Management, 2014, Vol 86, Page 735-744. Impact Factor: 2.775 (PDF).

Z.Y. Zakaria, M. Jusoh, A. Johari, M.A.A. Zaini, F.H. Kasim, Thermodynamic analysis of hydrogen production from ethanol-glycerol mixture through dry reforming, Energy Procedia Elsevier, 2014, Vol –, No — (PDF).

M.A.A. Zaini, M. Zakaria, N.Alias, Z.Y. Zakaria, A. Johari, S.H.M. Setapar, M.J. Kamaruddin, M.A.C. Yunus, Removal of heavy metals onto KOH-activated ash-rich sludge adsorbent, Energy Procedia Elsevier, 2014, Vol –, No — (PDF).

Zaki Yamani Zakaria, Juha Linekoski, Nor Aishah Saidina Amin, Thermodynamic Analysis of Glycerol Steam Reforming to Ethylene, Jurnal Teknologi, 2014, Vol 67, No 3 (PDF).

Zaki Yamani Zakaria, Nor Aishah Saidina Amin,  Juha Linnekoski, Thermodynamic analysis of glycerol conversion to olefins, Energy Procedia Elsevier, 2014, Vol –, No — (PDF).

Mazura Jusoh*, Noor Naimah Mohamed Nor, Zaki Yamani Zakaria, Progressive Freeze Concentation of Coconut Water, Jurnal Teknologi, 2014 Vol. 67, No.2 (PDF)

Mazura Jusoh, Norshafika Yahya, Zaki Yamani Zakaria, Effect of Flowrate and Circulation Time on Fractionation of Refined Bleached and Deodorised Palm Oil using Progressive Freeze Concentration Method, Jurnal Teknologi, 2014, Vol 67, No 3 (PDF).

A. Johari*, R. Mat, H. Alias, H. Hashim, M.H. Hassim, Z.Y. Zakaria, M. Rozainee, Combustion Characteristics of Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) in a Fluidized Bed Combustor, Sains Malaysiana 43 (1)(2014): 103–109. Impact Factor: 0.408 (PDF).



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Quartile 3 Journal List

Quartile 3 List of journals

Rank Full Journal Title Journal Impact Factor Total Cites Eigenfactor Score
1 Regenerative Medicine 3.5 1,290 0.00452
2 Histopathology 3.301 8,396 0.01768
3 Cell Proliferation 3.28 1,930 0.00458
4 Stem Cell Reviews And Reports 3.214 1,100 0.00455
5 Nitric Oxide-Biology And Chemistry 3.18 2,725 0.00592
6 Protoplasma 3.171 3,346 0.00534
7 Nucleus-Austin 3.148 578 0.0056
8 Antiviral Therapy 3.143 3,673 0.01256
9 Cytotherapy 3.1 3,504 0.00753
10 Growth Factors 3.088 1,401 0.00259
11 Cytometry Part A 3.066 3,177 0.00941
12 Cytoskeleton 3.007 722 0.00565
13 Histochemistry And Cell Biology 2.927 4,257 0.01026
14 Frontiers In Human Neuroscience 2.895 2,749 0.01371
15 Cytokine 2.874 6,671 0.01604
16 Social Neuroscience 2.873 1,194 0.00433
17 Journal Of Neural Transmission 2.871 5,828 0.01185
18 Cerebellum 2.864 1,626 0.00537
19 Prostaglandins & Other Lipid Mediators 2.862 2,031 0.00289
20 Current Stem Cell Research & Therapy 2.861 770 0.00236
21 Genes To Cells 2.855 4,031 0.00935
22 Bioscience Reports 2.853 1,594 0.00282
23 Journal Of Systematic Palaeontology 2.852 599 0.00231
24 Protein & Cell 2.851 1,000 0.00551
25 Hearing Research 2.848 7,728 0.01268
26 Bmc Neuroscience 2.845 3,977 0.01385
27 Bmc Cell Biology 2.844 1,800 0.0065
28 Frontiers In Aging Neuroscience 2.843 491 0.00228
29 Differentiation 2.836 3,190 0.00639
30 Molecular Genetics And Genomics 2.831 3,386 0.00611
31 Comparative Biochemistry And Physiology C-Toxicology & Pharmacology 2.829 5,819 0.00708
32 Brain Research 2.828 59,584 0.07455
33 Molecular Genetics And Metabolism 2.827 5,844 0.01545
33 Virus Research 2.827 7,554 0.01815
35 Comparative Biochemistry And Physiology D-Genomics & Proteomics 2.823 614 0.00169
36 Pharmacology Biochemistry And Behavior 2.82 12,939 0.01594
37 Physiological Genomics 2.812 4,597 0.01008
38 Journal Of Psychopharmacology 2.806 4,543 0.01191
39 Journal Of Photochemistry And Photobiology B-Biology 2.803 5,399 0.00737
40 Journal Of Neuroimmunology 2.786 9,967 0.01518
41 Journal Of Computer-Aided Molecular Design 2.782 3,578 0.00582
42 Wound Repair And Regeneration 2.768 3,909 0.00755
43 Journal Of Neuropsychiatry And Clinical Neurosciences 2.765 3,265 0.00426
44 Journal Of Molecular Neuroscience 2.757 3,536 0.0095
45 Iubmb Life 2.755 3,812 0.01106
46 Biotechniques 2.754 7,392 0.00792
47 Journal Of Molecular Catalysis B-Enzymatic 2.745 5,250 0.00917
48 Current Neurovascular Research 2.735 814 0.00196
49 Microbes And Infection 2.731 6,852 0.01218
50 Journal Of Neuroscience Research 2.729 14,063 0.02051
51 Steroids 2.716 5,400 0.01045
52 International Immunopharmacology 2.711 6,133 0.01385
53 Journal Of Bioenergetics And Biomembranes 2.708 2,811 0.00477
54 Cns & Neurological Disorders-Drug Targets 2.702 1,540 0.00509
55 Advances In The Study Of Behavior 2.692 1,189 0.00204
56 Biological Chemistry 2.689 5,646 0.01187
56 Biometals 2.689 3,340 0.00581
58 Chromosome Research 2.688 2,456 0.0075
59 Evolution & Development 2.684 1,916 0.00609
59 Photochemistry And Photobiology 2.684 9,762 0.01064
61 Brain And Cognition 2.683 6,147 0.0134
62 Molecular Reproduction And Development 2.675 5,179 0.00654
63 General And Comparative Endocrinology 2.674 9,988 0.01615
64 American Journal Of Reproductive Immunology 2.668 3,368 0.00733
64 Developmental Dynamics 2.668 10,536 0.02597
66 Transplantation Reviews 2.66 410 0.0017
67 Cancer Control 2.655 1,243 0.00253
68 Journal Of Clinical Immunology 2.654 3,622 0.00991
69 Neurochemistry International 2.65 7,030 0.01459
70 International Journal Of Psychophysiology 2.648 5,526 0.01039
71 Journal Of Investigational Allergology And Clinical Immunology 2.642 1,571 0.00379
72 Journal Of Cancer 2.639 470 0.00185
73 Animal Cognition 2.631 2,295 0.00728
74 Clinical Breast Cancer 2.628 1,380 0.00396
75 Platelets 2.627 1,975 0.00441
76 Medchemcomm 2.626 1,247 0.00453
77 Cell Division 2.625 529 0.00272
78 Journal Of Neuroengineering And Rehabilitation 2.622 1,430 0.00438
79 Frontiers In Cellular And Infection Microbiology 2.62 496 0.00259
80 Peptides 2.614 9,944 0.01623
81 Oncology 2.613 4,006 0.00762
82 American Journal Of Clinical Oncology-Cancer Clinical Trials 2.611 3,358 0.00638
82 Future Oncology 2.611 1,933 0.0078
84 Leukemia & Lymphoma 2.605 6,493 0.0162
85 Organogenesis 2.596 480 0.00263
86 Chemistry And Physics Of Lipids 2.593 3,963 0.00523
87 Molecular Diagnosis & Therapy 2.589 458 0.00165
88 Endocrine Practice 2.588 2,432 0.00751
89 Breast 2.581 2,544 0.00695
89 Journal Of Nutrigenetics And Nutrigenomics 2.581 205 8.00E-04
91 Reproduction Fertility And Development 2.577 2,549 0.00504
92 Cancer Chemotherapy And Pharmacology 2.571 7,809 0.01655
93 Pulmonary Pharmacology & Therapeutics 2.57 1,972 0.00486
94 International Journal Of Developmental Biology 2.567 4,279 0.01173
95 Pediatric Blood & Cancer 2.562 6,629 0.0249
96 Cancer Epidemiology 2.558 1,203 0.00547
96 Translational Oncology 2.558 678 0.00309
98 Fems Immunology And Medical Microbiology 2.554 4,107 0.00872
99 Cancer Gene Therapy 2.553 2,656 0.00551
99 Environmental And Molecular Mutagenesis 2.553 3,229 0.00551
99 Systematic Entomology 2.553 1,496 0.00363
102 Neurochemical Research 2.551 7,368 0.01347
103 Jaro-Journal Of The Association For Research In Otolaryngology 2.547 1,481 0.00446
104 Neuropeptides 2.546 1,723 0.00267
105 European Journal Of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases 2.544 6,373 0.01626
106 Cell Stress & Chaperones 2.537 2,202 0.00424
107 Diabetes Research And Clinical Practice 2.536 7,368 0.01812
108 Biological Journal Of The Linnean Society 2.535 8,243 0.01487
109 Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 2.534 755 0.00362
110 Vector-Borne And Zoonotic Diseases 2.531 2,811 0.00915
111 Journal Of Human Genetics 2.526 3,063 0.00845
112 Microbial Drug Resistance 2.524 1,544 0.00421
112 Process Biochemistry 2.524 12,826 0.01526
112 Photodiagnosis And Photodynamic Therapy 2.524 804 0.0018
115 Appetite 2.52 7,155 0.01562
115 Journal Of Chemical Neuroanatomy 2.52 1,981 0.00354
117 Brain Topography 2.519 1,488 0.00371
118 American Journal Of Physical Anthropology 2.514 9,514 0.01333
118 Prenatal Diagnosis 2.514 4,665 0.01076
120 Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology 2.511 2,511 0.00934
120 G3-Genes Genomes Genetics 2.511 719 0.00411
122 Amyloid-Journal Of Protein Folding Disorders 2.51 1,001 0.00211
123 Chemical Biology & Drug Design 2.507 2,392 0.0074
123 International Journal Of Immunopathology And Pharmacology 2.507 1,624 0.00435
125 Journal Of The Peripheral Nervous System 2.504 1,268 0.00382
126 Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome 2.5 412 0.00161
126 Journal Of Bioactive And Compatible Polymers 2.5 973 0.00113
126 Journal Of Environmental Science And Health Part C-Environmental Carcinogenesis & Ecotoxicology Reviews 2.5 499 0.00128
129 Journal Of Biomechanics 2.496 22,920 0.0363
129 Journal Of Physiology And Biochemistry 2.496 807 0.00218
131 Supportive Care In Cancer 2.495 5,896 0.01587
132 Epidemiology And Infection 2.491 6,696 0.01643
132 Journal Of Trace Elements In Medicine And Biology 2.491 1,418 0.00206
134 Bmc Pulmonary Medicine 2.489 946 0.00392
135 Immunogenetics 2.488 3,479 0.0044
136 Mutation Research-Genetic Toxicology And Environmental Mutagenesis 2.481 6,093 0.00856
137 European Biophysics Journal With Biophysics Letters 2.474 2,981 0.00781
138 Nutrition And Cancer-An International Journal 2.47 4,616 0.00808
139 Experimental And Molecular Medicine 2.462 1,931 0.0046
139 Injury-International Journal Of The Care Of The Injured 2.462 8,074 0.01573
139 Public Health Genomics 2.462 452 0.00275
142 Innate Immunity 2.459 699 0.00328
143 Aids Research And Human Retroviruses 2.457 5,248 0.01074
143 International Review Of Neurobiology 2.457 1,933 0.00402
145 Paleobiology 2.456 3,446 0.00394
146 Current Rheumatology Reports 2.454 1,400 0.00433
147 Developmental Neuroscience 2.453 1,909 0.00339
148 Bmc Medical Genetics 2.45 2,540 0.0092
148 Current Allergy And Asthma Reports 2.45 1,268 0.0039
150 Radiation Research 2.445 8,044 0.01101
151 Journal Of The Academy Of Nutrition And Dietetics 2.444 538 0.00182
152 Immunotherapy 2.44 814 0.00387
153 Tree Genetics & Genomes 2.435 1,394 0.00464
154 International Archives Of Allergy And Immunology 2.433 4,533 0.00767
154 Medical Microbiology And Immunology 2.433 1,417 0.00301
156 Microvascular Research 2.432 3,632 0.00713
157 Mobile Dna 2.429 306 7.80E-04
158 Synapse 2.428 4,953 0.00839
159 Thrombosis Research 2.427 8,010 0.0199
160 Microbes And Environments 2.424 899 0.00253
161 Cancer Genetics 2.417 385 0.00192
161 Mediators Of Inflammation 2.417 2,625 0.0074
163 Plant Foods For Human Nutrition 2.416 1,819 0.00246
164 European Journal Of Haematology 2.414 3,563 0.00887
165 Reproductive Biology And Endocrinology 2.409 2,734 0.00746
166 Journal Of Biological Regulators And Homeostatic Agents 2.406 733 0.00171
167 Journal Of Histochemistry & Cytochemistry 2.403 7,367 0.00674
168 Journal Of Musculoskeletal & Neuronal Interactions 2.4 1,186 0.00234
169 Metabolic Brain Disease 2.398 1,438 0.00287
170 Annals Of Hematology 2.396 3,410 0.0088
171 Journal Of Aerosol Medicine And Pulmonary Drug Delivery 2.395 665 0.00222
172 Journal Of Gastrointestinal Surgery 2.391 7,872 0.0241
173 Molecular And Cellular Biochemistry 2.388 10,544 0.01823
174 Journal Of Applied Microbiology 2.386 13,881 0.02379
175 Critical Reviews In Eukaryotic Gene Expression 2.385 691 0.00173
176 Journal Of Enzyme Inhibition And Medicinal Chemistry 2.383 2,063 0.00362
177 Vision Research 2.381 16,530 0.02293
178 Cell Biochemistry And Biophysics 2.38 1,987 0.00485
179 Journal Of Materials Science-Materials In Medicine 2.379 9,377 0.01667
180 Epidemics 2.378 295 0.00207
181 Cognitive Neuroscience 2.375 208 0.00134
182 Neuroradiology 2.374 4,806 0.0088
183 Journal Of Reproductive Immunology 2.373 2,159 0.00523
184 Evolutionary Ecology 2.372 3,410 0.00574
185 Comparative Biochemistry And Physiology A-Molecular & Integrative Physiology 2.371 9,060 0.01056
186 Angiology 2.37 2,419 0.00312
186 Clinical And Vaccine Immunology 2.37 4,582 0.0177
188 Immunology Letters 2.367 4,122 0.00803
188 Surgical Oncology-Oxford 2.367 1,196 0.00297
190 Anaerobe 2.364 1,939 0.00555
191 Radiation Oncology 2.36 1,933 0.00811
192 Bmc Genetics 2.356 2,249 0.00727
193 Hematological Oncology 2.355 699 0.00201
194 Lipids 2.353 7,136 0.00684
195 Biochemistry And Cell Biology-Biochimie Et Biologie Cellulaire 2.35 2,619 0.00512
195 Cell Structure And Function 2.35 1,097 0.00161
195 Tissue Antigens 2.35 4,009 0.00549
198 Journal Of Diabetes 2.349 406 0.00183
199 Current Neuropharmacology 2.347 1,154 0.00368
200 Cellular Reprogramming 2.345 478 0.00189
200 Journal Of Physiology-Paris 2.345 1,661 0.00259
202 Inhalation Toxicology 2.344 3,207 0.00612
203 Food Additives And Contaminants Part A-Chemistry Analysis Control Exposure & Risk Assessment 2.341 5,598 0.00921
204 European Journal Of Protistology 2.339 872 0.00131
204 Planta Medica 2.339 11,459 0.01171
206 Journal Of Molecular Recognition 2.337 2,063 0.00424
207 Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 2.331 36,384 0.06535
207 Blood Cells Molecules And Diseases 2.331 2,701 0.00589
207 Food Policy 2.331 2,031 0.00623
210 International Journal Of Infectious Diseases 2.33 2,991 0.0108
211 Scandinavian Journal Of Gastroenterology 2.329 7,620 0.01079
212 Current Protein & Peptide Science 2.328 1,770 0.00481
212 Journal Of Biomedical Materials Research Part B-Applied Biomaterials 2.328 5,896 0.01397
212 Marine Environmental Research 2.328 3,758 0.00566
215 American Journal Of Infection Control 2.326 5,415 0.01539
215 Pediatric Critical Care Medicine 2.326 3,192 0.00832
217 Biophysical Chemistry 2.319 4,911 0.00622
217 Pathobiology 2.319 901 0.00189
217 Protein Engineering Design & Selection 2.319 5,175 0.00676
220 Channels 2.317 868 0.00414
221 Immunity & Ageing 2.316 360 8.10E-04
222 Journal Of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Sciences 2.313 2,740 0.00661
223 Infectious Disease Clinics Of North America 2.312 1,849 0.00393
224 Muscle & Nerve 2.311 9,651 0.01443
225 Lipids In Health And Disease 2.31 2,030 0.0063
226 Journal Of Comparative Psychology 2.309 2,745 0.00399
227 Chronic Respiratory Disease 2.308 402 0.0016
228 Analytical Biochemistry 2.305 39,123 0.02874
229 Neuropsychobiology 2.303 2,706 0.00365
230 Gait & Posture 2.299 7,519 0.01587
231 European Journal Of Applied Physiology 2.298 12,058 0.02121
232 Pediatric Pulmonology 2.297 5,141 0.01006
233 Journal Of Ginseng Research 2.295 460 0.00108
234 Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology 2.294 2,966 0.00717
234 Journal Of Clinical Biochemistry And Nutrition 2.294 1,151 0.00313
236 Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics 2.293 2,412 0.007
237 Biopolymers 2.288 10,500 0.01139
238 Current Hematologic Malignancy Reports 2.286 287 0.00178
239 Archives Of Virology 2.282 8,369 0.01416
239 Human Immunology 2.282 4,702 0.00966
241 Biochemical And Biophysical Research Communications 2.281 78,253 0.11923
241 Brain Tumor Pathology 2.281 404 0.00129
241 Molecular Breeding 2.281 3,562 0.00749
241 Transgenic Research 2.281 2,788 0.00546
245 Expert Review Of Anticancer Therapy 2.279 2,262 0.00816
246 Diagnostic Molecular Pathology 2.275 846 0.00196
246 Molecular Biotechnology 2.275 2,473 0.00458
248 Psychiatric Genetics 2.274 1,245 0.00269
249 Minerva Anestesiologica 2.272 1,699 0.00448
250 Journal Of The Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System 2.271 810 0.00185
251 Aggressive Behavior 2.269 2,201 0.00402
252 Journal Of Medical Microbiology 2.266 8,123 0.0165
253 Microcirculation 2.263 1,915 0.00502
254 Journal Of The Neurological Sciences 2.262 13,181 0.02369
255 Transplant Infectious Disease 2.25 1,733 0.00649
256 Bmc Immunology 2.246 1,297 0.00524
257 Molecular Vision 2.245 5,765 0.01601
258 Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis 2.244 1,100 0.00185
259 Advances In Applied Microbiology 2.243 1,187 0.00278
259 Molecular And Biochemical Parasitology 2.243 6,853 0.0084
261 Molecules And Cells 2.242 2,922 0.00836
262 Journal Of Chemical Ecology 2.239 9,260 0.01042
263 Mechanisms Of Development 2.238 5,741 0.00546
264 European Journal Of Histochemistry 2.237 731 0.00107
265 Histology And Histopathology 2.236 3,942 0.00848
266 Frontiers In Computational Neuroscience 2.233 689 0.00397
267 Applied Physiology Nutrition And Metabolism-Physiologie Appliquee Nutrition Et Metabolisme 2.225 2,208 0.00779
268 Bmc Structural Biology 2.222 1,092 0.0047
268 Pituitary 2.222 1,146 0.00271
270 Hepatology Research 2.218 2,871 0.00686
271 Journal Of Medical Virology 2.217 8,938 0.0161
271 Paediatric Respiratory Reviews 2.217 1,016 0.00234
273 Fitoterapia 2.216 5,172 0.00742
273 Immunology And Allergy Clinics Of North America 2.216 1,103 0.0031
273 Journal Of Inflammation-London 2.216 669 0.00283
276 Clinical Hemorheology And Microcirculation 2.215 1,857 0.00273
277 Birth Defects Research Part A-Clinical And Molecular Teratology 2.211 2,131 0.00789
278 Animal Genetics 2.21 3,329 0.00611
279 Modern Rheumatology 2.206 1,502 0.00543
280 Pharmacotherapy 2.204 4,631 0.00811
281 American Journal Of Cardiovascular Drugs 2.203 628 0.0018
282 Drug Delivery 2.202 1,197 0.00208
283 Cellular And Molecular Neurobiology 2.201 3,153 0.00628
284 Genetics Research 2.2 2,241 0.00279
285 Clinical Respiratory Journal 2.197 320 0.00167
286 Behavioural Pharmacology 2.194 2,826 0.00495
286 Methods In Enzymology 2.194 24,928 0.02719
288 Annals Of Hepatology 2.193 1,056 0.0033
289 Journal Of Critical Care 2.191 2,556 0.0093
289 Molecular Imaging 2.191 1,007 0.00287
289 Oncology Reports 2.191 8,656 0.02053
292 Child Neuropsychology 2.181 1,169 0.00242
293 Development Genes And Evolution 2.179 1,760 0.00299
293 Reproductive Sciences 2.179 1,709 0.00726
295 Biopharmaceutics & Drug Disposition 2.178 1,327 0.00227
295 Development Growth & Differentiation 2.178 1,991 0.00616
297 Bmc Biophysics 2.175 97 6.20E-04
297 Current Treatment Options In Neurology 2.175 677 0.00207
299 Disease Markers 2.174 1,401 0.00397
299 Extremophiles 2.174 2,373 0.005
299 Journal Of Membrane Biology 2.174 4,273 0.00431
302 Lung 2.171 1,349 0.00373
303 International Journal Of Clinical Oncology 2.17 1,474 0.00438
304 Clinics In Chest Medicine 2.168 1,911 0.00391
304 Experimental Brain Research 2.168 22,201 0.03034
304 Pharmacopsychiatry 2.168 1,785 0.00258
307 Current Problems In Cardiology 2.167 438 9.40E-04
307 Methods In Microbiology 2.167 858 5.00E-04
309 Pharmacological Reports 2.165 2,462 0.00579
309 Tetrahedron-Asymmetry 2.165 11,366 0.01374
311 Journal Of Pharmacy And Pharmacology 2.161 7,752 0.0088
312 Journal Of Clinical And Experimental Neuropsychology 2.158 4,848 0.00627
313 Critical Care And Resuscitation 2.154 598 0.00199
313 Neuropsychiatric Disease And Treatment 2.154 1,229 0.00356
315 European Journal Of Gastroenterology & Hepatology 2.152 5,147 0.01048
316 Journal Of Pharmacological And Toxicological Methods 2.15 1,480 0.00307
317 Journal Of Vascular And Interventional Radiology 2.149 6,430 0.01339
318 Neuroscience Research 2.145 4,809 0.00855
319 Inflammation Research 2.143 3,086 0.00619
319 Theoretical Chemistry Accounts 2.143 6,010 0.01354
321 Regulatory Toxicology And Pharmacology 2.142 3,575 0.00666
322 Bioorganic Chemistry 2.141 1,092 0.00148
322 Hiv Clinical Trials 2.141 726 0.00241
324 Cells Tissues Organs 2.138 2,039 0.00493
325 Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek International Journal Of General And Molecular Microbiology 2.137 4,214 0.00582
325 Expert Review Of Hematology 2.137 483 0.0025
327 Current Hiv Research 2.135 1,097 0.00398
327 Neurosurgical Focus 2.135 4,269 0.01175
329 Cell Biochemistry And Function 2.134 1,840 0.00412
330 Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics 2.131 663 0.00211
331 Pediatric Diabetes 2.129 1,941 0.00638
332 Cellular Oncology 2.124 691 0.00213
333 Biodrugs 2.12 1,014 0.00245
333 Regional Anesthesia And Pain Medicine 2.12 2,587 0.00496
335 Intermetallics 2.119 6,189 0.01476
336 Journal Of Developmental And Behavioral Pediatrics 2.118 2,897 0.00547
337 Trials 2.117 2,332 0.01295
338 Journal Of Bone And Mineral Metabolism 2.114 2,026 0.00496
338 Journal Of Pharmacological Sciences 2.114 3,445 0.00815
338 Nutritional Neuroscience 2.114 877 0.00143
341 Bmc Gastroenterology 2.113 2,175 0.00814
342 Solid State Ionics 2.112 21,499 0.01822
343 Journal Of Cardiovascular Pharmacology 2.111 5,702 0.0084
344 Cts-Clinical And Translational Science 2.11 665 0.00414
345 Heart And Vessels 2.109 1,347 0.00254
346 Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 2.108 3,303 0.00471
347 Comparative Immunology Microbiology And Infectious Diseases 2.107 1,307 0.00267
348 New Biotechnology 2.106 1,015 0.00424
349 Thermochimica Acta 2.105 12,842 0.01297
350 International Journal Of Biometeorology 2.104 2,550 0.00447
351 Hereditary Cancer In Clinical Practice 2.103 152 6.80E-04
352 Xenobiotica 2.101 3,248 0.00527
353 Melanoma Research 2.098 1,832 0.00353
353 Parkinsons Disease 2.098 377 0.00169
355 Journal Of Microbiological Methods 2.096 8,191 0.01373
356 Molecules 2.095 10,380 0.02854
357 Acta Biochimica Et Biophysica Sinica 2.089 2,071 0.00558
357 Electrocatalysis 2.089 228 9.00E-04
357 Virology Journal 2.089 4,724 0.01825
360 Journal Of Computational Neuroscience 2.087 1,860 0.00576
361 Journal Of Molecular Liquids 2.083 3,594 0.00637
362 Gene 2.082 20,047 0.02066
363 Fundamental & Clinical Pharmacology 2.08 2,022 0.00359
364 Journal Of Microbiology Immunology And Infection 2.077 1,184 0.0031
365 Neural Networks 2.076 6,135 0.00901
366 Assay And Drug Development Technologies 2.075 892 0.00227
367 Journal Of Human Nutrition And Dietetics 2.074 1,434 0.00334
367 Trends In Cardiovascular Medicine 2.074 2,137 0.00413
369 European Addiction Research 2.073 817 0.00193
370 Hematology-Oncology Clinics Of North America 2.072 1,692 0.00515
371 Infectious Agents And Cancer 2.071 382 0.00164
371 Photogrammetric Engineering And Remote Sensing 2.071 5,414 0.00463
373 Gut Pathogens 2.07 226 0.001
374 Annals Of Occupational Hygiene 2.068 2,446 0.00382
374 Neuropsychological Rehabilitation 2.068 1,406 0.00255
376 Zoonoses And Public Health 2.065 1,155 0.00447
377 Epilepsy & Behavior 2.061 5,595 0.01376
378 Cancer Investigation 2.06 2,684 0.00617
378 Cardiovascular Toxicology 2.06 795 0.00164
380 Seizure-European Journal Of Epilepsy 2.059 3,041 0.00653
381 Medical Oncology 2.058 3,174 0.01059
381 Nutrition In Clinical Practice 2.058 1,359 0.00342
383 Bmc Molecular Biology 2.057 2,226 0.0079
383 Diseases Of The Esophagus 2.057 1,914 0.0059
385 International Journal Of Digital Earth 2.056 370 0.00135
386 Neuroscience Letters 2.055 32,601 0.04938
387 Hpb 2.05 1,791 0.00671
387 Physiological And Biochemical Zoology 2.05 2,529 0.00485
389 American Journal Of Medical Genetics Part A 2.048 8,258 0.02535
389 Sensors 2.048 9,689 0.0319
391 Cardiology 2.044 2,164 0.00456
392 Genesis 2.042 3,585 0.00883
393 Journal Of Antibiotics 2.041 6,954 0.00544
394 Journal Of Thrombosis And Thrombolysis 2.039 1,700 0.00552
395 Alcohol 2.038 2,657 0.00438
395 Hormone And Metabolic Research 2.038 4,038 0.00732
395 Veterinary Pathology 2.038 4,473 0.00601
398 Statistics In Medicine 2.037 17,469 0.03893
399 European Journal Of Lipid Science And Technology 2.033 3,335 0.0066
400 Digestion 2.032 2,410 0.00456
400 Laryngoscope 2.032 17,248 0.02347
402 Journal Of Ovarian Research 2.03 347 0.00139
403 Chemical Physics 2.028 12,971 0.01472
404 Archaea-An International Microbiological Journal 2.027 326 0.00113
404 Human Movement Science 2.027 2,981 0.00508
406 Journal Of Molecular Graphics & Modelling 2.022 5,053 0.00397
407 Endocrine Journal 2.019 3,030 0.00652
408 Colorectal Disease 2.017 4,099 0.01234
409 Integrative Cancer Therapies 2.014 934 0.00185
409 Regulatory Peptides 2.014 4,308 0.0064
411 Molecular Informatics 2.013 515 0.00176
412 Clinical Journal Of Sport Medicine 2.012 2,832 0.0054
412 Journal Of Biomolecular Screening 2.012 2,663 0.0065
414 Transfusion Medicine And Hemotherapy 2.011 508 0.00163
415 International Journal Of Mental Health Nursing 2.009 745 0.00158
415 Pesticide Biochemistry And Physiology 2.009 2,940 0.00416
415 Scandinavian Journal Of Clinical & Laboratory Investigation 2.009 3,254 0.00451
418 Drug Development And Industrial Pharmacy 2.006 4,507 0.00484
419 Experimental And Toxicologic Pathology 2.005 1,716 0.00336
419 Journal Of Immunological Methods 2.005 11,683 0.01271
421 Bmc Geriatrics 2 1,267 0.00478
421 Behavioral And Brain Functions 2 1,236 0.00383
421 Microbial Pathogenesis 2 2,643 0.00467
424 Journal Of Stroke & Cerebrovascular Diseases 1.993 1,834 0.00643
425 Chemical Physics Letters 1.991 54,172 0.05283
425 Dna And Cell Biology 1.991 2,953 0.00487
427 Cancer Cell International 1.989 738 0.00169
427 Digestive Endoscopy 1.989 940 0.0032
429 Bmb Reports 1.988 1,277 0.00534
430 Brachytherapy 1.987 809 0.00254
430 Psychiatric Services 1.987 7,382 0.01521
432 Contemporary Clinical Trials 1.986 1,546 0.00721
433 Prostaglandins Leukotrienes And Essential Fatty Acids 1.984 2,958 0.00408
434 Clinics And Research In Hepatology And Gastroenterology 1.983 507 0.00245
435 International Journal Of Sport Nutrition And Exercise Metabolism 1.982 1,482 0.00243
436 Journal Of Ethnobiology And Ethnomedicine 1.978 887 0.00137
437 Food And Environmental Virology 1.975 204 9.70E-04
438 Applied Neuropsychology 1.971 703 0.00103
438 Cell Biology And Toxicology 1.971 1,301 0.00201
438 Marine Genomics 1.971 246 9.90E-04
441 Journal Of Trauma And Acute Care Surgery 1.97 1,425 0.00496
442 Journal Of Heredity 1.969 6,307 0.00655
443 Prion 1.967 577 0.00254
443 Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology 1.967 6,060 0.00952
445 Canadian Journal Of Gastroenterology 1.966 1,747 0.00334
445 Carbohydrate Research 1.966 14,886 0.01516
447 Cardiovascular And Interventional Radiology 1.965 3,801 0.00987
448 Cognitive Neuropsychology 1.964 2,173 0.0029
448 Skin Pharmacology And Physiology 1.964 1,359 0.00211
450 Chemoecology 1.963 907 0.00145
451 Archives Of Environmental Contamination And Toxicology 1.96 5,996 0.00753
452 Journal Of Neuroscience Methods 1.959 12,062 0.02488
453 Molecular Biology Reports 1.958 6,263 0.01961
454 Forensic Science Medicine And Pathology 1.957 470 0.00174
455 International Journal Of Electrochemical Science 1.956 5,030 0.00931
456 Archives Of Womens Mental Health 1.955 1,357 0.00299
457 Journal Of Gene Medicine 1.953 2,797 0.0043
458 Journal Of Fluorine Chemistry 1.952 5,571 0.0077
459 International Journal Of Gynecological Cancer 1.949 4,812 0.0125
460 Glycoconjugate Journal 1.948 2,385 0.00366
461 Clinical Trials 1.944 1,240 0.00696
462 Current Computer-Aided Drug Design 1.942 335 8.40E-04
463 Microbiological Research 1.939 1,673 0.00376
464 Bmc Biochemistry 1.938 880 0.00285
464 Translational Stroke Research 1.938 397 0.0016
466 Journal Of Ophthalmology 1.935 329 0.00164
467 European Journal Of Paediatric Neurology 1.934 1,425 0.00474
468 Biological Cybernetics 1.933 4,508 0.00384
469 Cancer Nursing 1.931 2,543 0.00396
470 Clinical Lymphoma Myeloma & Leukemia 1.929 881 0.00409
471 Annals Of Human Genetics 1.926 2,183 0.00414
471 Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 1.926 3,503 0.00548
473 Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening 1.925 1,373 0.00286
473 Journal Of Diabetes And Its Complications 1.925 1,954 0.00325
475 Journal Of Digestive Diseases 1.924 728 0.00308
475 Sar And Qsar In Environmental Research 1.924 817 0.00119
477 Toxicologic Pathology 1.923 3,987 0.00545
478 Apmis 1.922 3,252 0.00603
479 Archives Of Clinical Neuropsychology 1.921 2,935 0.0038
480 Blood Purification 1.92 1,473 0.00372
481 Diabetes Educator 1.919 1,626 0.00365
481 Gastroenterology Clinics Of North America 1.919 1,684 0.00366
483 Twin Research And Human Genetics 1.918 1,610 0.00468
484 Phlebology 1.917 771 0.00193
485 Journal Of Physics B-Atomic Molecular And Optical Physics 1.916 12,901 0.02768
485 Metabolic Syndrome And Related Disorders 1.916 826 0.00289
487 Oryx 1.914 1,814 0.00447
488 Journal Of Zoological Systematics And Evolutionary Research 1.91 930 0.00221
489 Journal Of Immunotoxicology 1.907 442 0.00146
490 Cytogenetic And Genome Research 1.905 2,852 0.00581
491 Comparative Biochemistry And Physiology B-Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 1.904 6,805 0.00636
492 Journal Of Applied Genetics 1.902 921 0.00209
493 Aquatic Microbial Ecology 1.901 4,042 0.00629
493 Blood Transfusion 1.901 616 0.00249
495 Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering Reviews 1.9 360 5.30E-04
495 Structural Chemistry 1.9 1,979 0.00336
497 Bmc Musculoskeletal Disorders 1.898 4,096 0.01557
498 Influenza And Other Respiratory Viruses 1.895 1,165 0.0049
499 International Psychogeriatrics 1.892 3,251 0.00835
500 Anti-Cancer Drugs 1.891 3,435 0.00574
501 Engineering In Life Sciences 1.89 1,207 0.00265
502 Journal Of Spinal Disorders & Techniques 1.888 3,607 0.00707
503 Cardiorenal Medicine 1.887 123 5.50E-04
504 Technology In Cancer Research & Treatment 1.886 1,272 0.00284
505 Biotechnology Progress 1.883 7,321 0.0096
505 Journal Of Virological Methods 1.883 7,253 0.01326
505 Seminars In Pediatric Neurology 1.883 799 0.00208
508 Enfermedades Infecciosas Y Microbiologia Clinica 1.881 1,171 0.0025
509 Advances In Quantum Chemistry 1.88 781 0.00107
509 International Journal Of Molecular Medicine 1.88 5,050 0.00983
511 Journal Of Microencapsulation 1.878 2,171 0.00231
511 Journal Of Spinal Cord Medicine 1.878 1,353 0.00354
511 Proteome Science 1.878 895 0.00332
514 Journal Of Experimental Zoology Part B-Molecular And Developmental Evolution 1.876 1,268 0.00434
515 Biological Control 1.873 4,785 0.00938
516 Anticancer Research 1.872 14,927 0.0263
517 Artificial Organs 1.87 3,296 0.00513
517 Expert Review Of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research 1.87 759 0.00271
517 International Journal Of Laboratory Hematology 1.87 802 0.00289
517 Journal Of Oral Pathology & Medicine 1.87 3,710 0.0055
517 Surface Science 1.87 24,897 0.02059
522 Journal Of Molecular Modeling 1.867 3,984 0.00761
523 Clinical Autonomic Research 1.864 1,188 0.00199
524 Journal Of Molecular Evolution 1.863 8,427 0.00553
525 Cancer Genomics & Proteomics 1.862 441 0.00136
525 Environmental Toxicology And Pharmacology 1.862 2,645 0.0049
525 Journal Of Peptide Science 1.862 1,905 0.00413
528 Archives Of Microbiology 1.861 6,734 0.00506
528 Brain Injury 1.861 4,370 0.00628
528 Neurosurgical Review 1.861 1,564 0.00314
531 Bioelectromagnetics 1.859 2,522 0.00336
531 Molecular And Cellular Probes 1.859 1,706 0.00244
533 Algorithms For Molecular Biology 1.857 325 0.00229
534 Functional Neurology 1.855 546 9.20E-04
535 Human Psychopharmacology-Clinical And Experimental 1.854 2,010 0.00397
536 Audiology And Neuro-Otology 1.852 1,394 0.00303
537 Aging Male 1.85 489 0.0013
538 Journal Of Gastrointestinal And Liver Diseases 1.849 835 0.00281
539 Conservation Genetics 1.846 3,575 0.00934
540 Theriogenology 1.845 12,505 0.01577
541 Acta Oecologica-International Journal Of Ecology 1.841 2,444 0.00467
542 Gold Bulletin 1.84 1,162 0.00163
542 Respiratory Care 1.84 2,950 0.00621
544 Virus Genes 1.837 2,169 0.00487
545 Clinical Neuropharmacology 1.836 2,035 0.00284
545 Ionics 1.836 1,669 0.00293
545 Structure And Bonding 1.836 1,881 0.00201
548 Journal Of Toxicology And Environmental Health-Part A-Current Issues 1.834 3,466 0.00591
549 Journal For Nature Conservation 1.833 630 0.00188
550 International Journal Of Obstetric Anesthesia 1.832 1,040 0.0023
550 Neuroscience Bulletin 1.832 556 0.00225
550 Transplant Immunology 1.832 1,292 0.00281
553 Sexual Plant Reproduction 1.83 1,073 0.0016
554 European Journal Of Cardiovascular Nursing 1.828 714 0.00176
554 Journal Of Asthma 1.828 2,658 0.00649
556 Clinical Interventions In Aging 1.824 950 0.00272
557 Bioprocess And Biosystems Engineering 1.823 1,799 0.00466
558 Journal Of Arid Environments 1.822 6,544 0.00985
558 Journal Of Basic Microbiology 1.822 1,403 0.00277
560 Kidney & Blood Pressure Research 1.82 871 0.00254
561 High Altitude Medicine & Biology 1.818 758 0.00266
561 Journal Of Neuroimaging 1.818 1,356 0.00354
563 Psychology And Psychotherapy-Theory Research And Practice 1.817 594 0.00137
564 Archivos De Bronconeumologia 1.816 1,087 0.00242
565 Journal Of Nervous And Mental Disease 1.812 7,162 0.00873
566 Journal Of Soil And Water Conservation 1.811 2,637 0.00327
567 Journal Of Cardiovascular Nursing 1.809 1,172 0.00298
568 Journal Of Neuro-Ophthalmology 1.807 984 0.00178
568 Journal Of Clinical Neurology 1.807 472 0.00162
570 Pathology & Oncology Research 1.806 1,397 0.00399
571 Mycoses 1.805 2,451 0.00442
572 Journal Of Chemometrics 1.803 2,822 0.0039
573 International Journal Of Urology 1.798 2,822 0.00651
574 Journal Of Food Protection 1.797 11,353 0.0146
575 Neuropathology 1.796 1,393 0.00405
575 Seminars In Diagnostic Pathology 1.796 929 0.0013
577 European Journal Of Oncology Nursing 1.794 1,057 0.00273
578 Journal Of Bioscience And Bioengineering 1.79 6,287 0.00986
579 Acta Neurochirurgica 1.788 6,572 0.01058
579 Journal Of Natural Gas Chemistry 1.788 1,127 0.00285
581 Food & Nutrition Research 1.785 288 0.00122
581 Neuromodulation 1.785 721 0.00154
583 Seminars In Neurology 1.784 1,255 0.00287
583 Vitamins And Hormones 1.784 1,339 0.00329
585 Domestic Animal Endocrinology 1.783 1,865 0.00311
585 International Journal Of Clinical And Experimental Pathology 1.783 1,080 0.00427
587 Aging & Mental Health 1.781 2,338 0.00571
587 Advances In Theoretical And Mathematical Physics 1.781 2,162 0.00329
589 Neuroimmunomodulation 1.779 1,252 0.0026
589 Xenotransplantation 1.779 817 0.00128
591 Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin 1.778 10,204 0.01409
592 Aaps Pharmscitech 1.776 3,291 0.00673
593 Journal Of Applied Biomedicine 1.775 318 6.80E-04
594 Clinical Rheumatology 1.774 4,607 0.01066
595 Journal Of Assisted Reproduction And Genetics 1.772 2,259 0.00574
596 International Journal Of Sustainable Development And World Ecology 1.771 744 0.00122
596 International Journal Of Rheumatic Diseases 1.771 491 0.00213
598 Ieee Transactions On Nanobioscience 1.768 747 0.00162
598 Psychology Of Sport And Exercise 1.768 1,755 0.00433
600 Current Topics In Membranes 1.766 304 0.00136
601 Journal Of Experimental Psychology-Animal Behavior Processes 1.764 2,269 0.00308
601 Journal Of Experimental Psychology-Animal Behavior Processes 1.764 2,269 0.00308
603 European Journal Of Cancer Care 1.762 1,692 0.00376
604 Materials Science In Semiconductor Processing 1.761 1,166 0.00178
605 Experimental And Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes 1.76 2,267 0.00461
605 Plasmid 1.76 1,703 0.00252
607 Geophysics 1.759 12,914 0.01626
608 Analytical Cellular Pathology 1.758 340 8.50E-04
609 Experimental Lung Research 1.754 1,138 0.002
610 Archives Of Pharmacal Research 1.751 4,875 0.0085
610 Journal Of Atmospheric And Solar-Terrestrial Physics 1.751 5,529 0.01255
612 Cognition And Instruction 1.75 1,315 0.00135
612 Music Perception 1.75 1,270 0.00202
614 Letters In Applied Microbiology 1.749 6,439 0.0101
615 Journal Of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions Of The Asme 1.748 6,309 0.00972
616 Comparative And Functional Genomics 1.747 496 9.60E-04
616 Japanese Journal Of Clinical Oncology 1.747 3,473 0.00845
618 Early Intervention In Psychiatry 1.744 547 0.00187
619 Pediatric Anesthesia 1.742 2,873 0.00589
619 Semiconductors And Semimetals 1.742 486 5.40E-04
619 Yeast 1.742 4,268 0.00431
622 Urban Ecosystems 1.74 908 0.00246
623 Comments On Inorganic Chemistry 1.737 443 5.50E-04
624 Biotechnology Letters 1.736 8,754 0.01261
624 Neurorehabilitation 1.736 1,532 0.00376
624 Rheumatic Disease Clinics Of North America 1.736 1,718 0.00378
627 Adsorption-Journal Of The International Adsorption Society 1.735 1,562 0.00259
628 Breastfeeding Medicine 1.733 682 0.00216
629 Aphasiology 1.732 1,902 0.00281
629 Theoretical Ecology 1.732 334 0.00246
629 Vascular Medicine 1.732 1,244 0.00302
632 Quarterly Journal Of Experimental Psychology 1.73 3,883 0.01402
632 Quarterly Journal Of Experimental Psychology 1.73 3,883 0.01402
634 Current Bioinformatics 1.726 307 9.10E-04
635 General Relativity And Gravitation 1.725 4,048 0.00907
635 Health Policy 1.725 4,271 0.00957
635 Journal Of Electromyography And Kinesiology 1.725 3,543 0.00672
635 Journal Of Micromechanics And Microengineering 1.725 8,899 0.0195
639 Austral Ecology 1.724 2,925 0.00512
639 Chirality 1.724 3,112 0.0058
641 Iet Nanobiotechnology 1.723 176 5.90E-04
642 Pediatric Drugs 1.721 770 0.00155
643 Materials Express 1.72 154 5.20E-04
644 Advances In Physical Organic Chemistry 1.714 376 2.70E-04
644 Corrosion Reviews 1.714 183 4.50E-04
644 Memory 1.714 2,338 0.00622
647 Hormone Research In Paediatrics 1.713 721 0.00329
648 Toxicology And Industrial Health 1.71 1,450 0.00239
649 Clinical And Experimental Nephrology 1.708 1,246 0.00405
650 Journal Of Addiction Medicine 1.705 403 0.00181
650 Obesity Facts 1.705 665 0.00319
652 Clinical Drug Investigation 1.704 1,178 0.00287
653 Population Ecology 1.7 1,002 0.00333
653 Systems Biology In Reproductive Medicine 1.7 329 0.00153
655 Journal Of Medicinal Food 1.699 2,771 0.00565
655 Spinal Cord 1.699 3,948 0.00657
657 Journal Of Energy Resources Technology-Transactions Of The Asme 1.698 903 6.00E-04
657 Solid State Communications 1.698 16,771 0.02528
659 Women And Birth 1.696 277 8.30E-04
660 Journal Of Andrology 1.694 3,993 0.00511
661 Clinical Genitourinary Cancer 1.693 419 0.00135
661 Journal Of Crystal Growth 1.693 26,415 0.0311
663 Nonlinear Processes In Geophysics 1.692 1,306 0.00438
664 Applied Biochemistry And Biotechnology 1.687 7,854 0.01387
665 Polar Research 1.686 1,081 0.00226
666 Comprehensive Physiology 1.685 331 0.00182
666 Water Air And Soil Pollution 1.685 10,594 0.01438
668 Journal Of Pharmacy And Pharmaceutical Sciences 1.681 1,551 0.00198
669 Eye & Contact Lens-Science And Clinical Practice 1.679 1,391 0.00294
669 International Journal Of Hematology 1.679 2,808 0.00785
669 Journal Of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation And Prevention 1.679 1,257 0.00268
669 Solid State Sciences 1.679 5,243 0.01193
673 Annales Geophysicae 1.676 5,688 0.01618
673 Fish Physiology And Biochemistry 1.676 2,615 0.00411
673 Journal Of The American College Of Nutrition 1.676 4,639 0.00487
673 Visual Neuroscience 1.676 2,618 0.00275
677 Bmc Endocrine Disorders 1.673 357 0.00154
678 Evaluation & The Health Professions 1.672 869 0.00126
679 Clean Technologies And Environmental Policy 1.671 744 0.00197
679 Nuklearmedizin-Nuclear Medicine 1.671 519 0.00121
681 Journal Of Computational Biology 1.67 2,615 0.00805
682 Psychosomatics 1.669 3,173 0.00421
683 Folia Neuropathologica 1.667 536 0.00102
683 Gene Expression 1.667 420 5.40E-04
683 Journal Of Fluorescence 1.667 2,799 0.00519
683 Pedobiologia 1.667 1,955 0.00222
683 Recent Patents On Nanotechnology 1.667 209 6.50E-04
688 Journal Of Child Neurology 1.666 5,164 0.01032
689 Clinical Radiology 1.663 4,450 0.00792
689 Current Eye Research 1.663 3,980 0.0056
689 Journal Of Plant Nutrition And Soil Science 1.663 2,759 0.00548
692 Archives Of Cardiovascular Diseases 1.662 617 0.0034
692 Biomedical Chromatography 1.662 3,011 0.00639
694 Bioinorganic Chemistry And Applications 1.661 415 8.30E-04
694 Biomedical Papers-Olomouc 1.661 665 0.00146
694 Indian Journal Of Medical Research 1.661 3,943 0.0077
697 Lymphatic Research And Biology 1.66 517 0.00137
698 Bmc Health Services Research 1.659 5,238 0.02057
698 International Journal Of Computer Assisted Radiology And Surgery 1.659 696 0.00283
698 Journal Of School Health 1.659 2,174 0.00458
701 Ecology And Evolution 1.658 686 0.00304
702 Bmc Womens Health 1.657 601 0.00237
703 Pediatric Radiology 1.651 4,806 0.00895
703 Visual Cognition 1.651 2,081 0.00483
705 Nephron Experimental Nephrology 1.649 634 0.00186
706 Environmental Management 1.648 6,410 0.01134
707 Endocrine Pathology 1.644 734 0.0016
707 New Directions For Child And Adolescent Development 1.644 677 0.00176
707 Ppar Research 1.644 802 0.00292
710 Cryobiology 1.643 3,064 0.00338
711 Behavioural Neurology 1.642 760 0.00175
711 Health Care Management Review 1.642 991 0.00214
711 Molecular Physics 1.642 12,150 0.01221
714 Human Gene Therapy Methods 1.641 89 3.30E-04
715 Plant Ecology 1.64 5,124 0.00962
716 Comptes Rendus Physique 1.639 1,251 0.00463
717 Journal Of Adolescence 1.638 3,285 0.00695
717 Revista Brasileira De Psiquiatria 1.638 1,119 0.00218
719 Journal Of Reproduction And Development 1.635 1,652 0.00401
720 Journal Of Comparative Physiology A-Neuroethology Sensory Neural And Behavioral Physiology 1.634 5,083 0.00531
721 Child Psychiatry & Human Development 1.633 965 0.00275
722 American Journal Of Enology And Viticulture 1.632 4,464 0.00338
722 Journal Of Atmospheric Chemistry 1.632 1,766 0.00162
722 Journal Of Electron Microscopy 1.632 1,100 0.00252
725 International Journal Of Gynecological Pathology 1.631 2,065 0.00372
726 Pediatric Transplantation 1.63 2,321 0.00579
726 Planetary And Space Science 1.63 5,529 0.01454
728 Journal Of Geriatric Psychiatry And Neurology 1.629 1,167 0.00219
729 Journal Of Polymers And The Environment 1.628 1,827 0.00268
730 European Journal Of Obstetrics & Gynecology And Reproductive Biology 1.627 6,637 0.01388
730 Rheumatology International 1.627 4,361 0.01153
732 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 1.626 6,323 0.0072
733 Qualitative Health Research 1.625 4,090 0.00768
733 Quantum Information & Computation 1.625 1,245 0.00418
735 Journal Of Hydrologic Engineering 1.624 2,504 0.00478
736 Cognitive Development 1.623 1,666 0.00326
737 Australian & New Zealand Journal Of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 1.62 2,248 0.00501
737 Psychiatry And Clinical Neurosciences 1.62 2,452 0.00467
737 Substance Abuse 1.62 579 0.00169
740 Ieee Transactions On Nanotechnology 1.619 2,070 0.00719
741 Physiological Measurement 1.617 3,069 0.00597
742 Reproductive Health 1.616 390 0.00148
743 Clinical Neuroradiology 1.615 144 5.70E-04
744 Lichenologist 1.613 1,285 0.00154
744 Pediatric Exercise Science 1.613 1,267 0.0022
746 Journal Of Wildlife Management 1.611 8,846 0.0108
746 Journal Of Nanomaterials 1.611 2,043 0.00643
748 Scandinavian Journal Of Primary Health Care 1.61 1,050 0.00144
749 Ergonomics 1.608 5,066 0.00491
750 Neurologic Clinics 1.607 1,625 0.00287
751 Weather And Forecasting 1.606 3,071 0.0094
752 Blood Pressure 1.605 992 0.00203
752 Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Physics 1.605 9,223 0.01867
754 Journal Of Trauma & Dissociation 1.603 467 9.90E-04
754 New Microbiologica 1.603 784 0.00175
756 Energies 1.602 1,276 0.00462
756 Journal Of Computer Assisted Tomography 1.602 5,296 0.00633
758 Chronic Diseases In Canada 1.6 356 8.20E-04
758 Journal Of Gynecologic Oncology 1.6 390 0.00175
758 Psychotherapy Research 1.6 1,298 0.00347
761 Canadian Journal Of Neurological Sciences 1.599 2,503 0.00455
761 Journal Of Molecular Structure 1.599 14,371 0.01677
763 Mineralogy And Petrology 1.598 1,440 0.00248
763 Otology & Neurotology 1.598 4,497 0.00999
765 American Journal Of Perinatology 1.597 1,967 0.00508
766 Journal Of Neurolinguistics 1.596 800 0.0022
767 Journal Of Clinical Neurophysiology 1.595 2,568 0.00305
768 Journal Of Physics And Chemistry Of Solids 1.594 12,329 0.01219
769 Applied Psychophysiology And Biofeedback 1.593 702 0.00118
769 Health Economics Policy And Law 1.593 272 0.00172
769 Simulation In Healthcare-Journal Of The Society For Simulation In Healthcare 1.593 641 0.00259
772 Aip Advances 1.59 1,143 0.00596
772 American Journal Of Industrial Medicine 1.59 4,503 0.00521
772 Biorheology 1.59 1,688 0.00153
772 Plant Biotechnology Reports 1.59 338 0.00105
776 Applied Developmental Science 1.586 790 0.0011
776 Research In Human Development 1.586 266 0.00115
778 Pathology International 1.585 2,696 0.00523
779 International Journal For Quality In Health Care 1.584 2,406 0.00407
779 International Journal For Quality In Health Care 1.584 2,406 0.00407
781 Clinical Neuropsychologist 1.583 2,258 0.00335
781 Clinical Neuropsychologist 1.583 2,258 0.00335
781 Seminars In Vascular Surgery 1.583 602 0.00163
784 Radiation And Environmental Biophysics 1.582 1,136 0.00268
785 Dynamics Of Atmospheres And Oceans 1.581 763 0.00262
785 Pharmacology 1.581 2,137 0.00342
787 Applied Psycholinguistics 1.58 1,600 0.00253
787 Journal Of Evaluation In Clinical Practice 1.58 2,236 0.00708
789 Biopreservation And Biobanking 1.578 195 6.90E-04
790 Journal Of Family Psychology 1.577 3,761 0.00867
790 Journal Of Orthopaedic Surgery And Research 1.577 444 0.00217
792 Sexual Health 1.576 813 0.00347
793 Clinical And Applied Thrombosis-Hemostasis 1.575 1,249 0.00351
793 Geriatrics & Gerontology International 1.575 746 0.00252
793 Journal Of Minimally Invasive Gynecology 1.575 1,696 0.00518
796 Journal Of Community Health 1.573 1,447 0.00505
796 Journal Of Psychopathology And Behavioral Assessment 1.573 1,486 0.00282
798 Environmental Earth Sciences 1.572 3,103 0.00932
799 Journal Of Clinical Psychology In Medical Settings 1.568 737 0.00205
800 International Journal Of Chemical Kinetics 1.566 2,724 0.00264
800 Memorias Do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 1.566 5,757 0.00861
802 Geografiska Annaler Series A-Physical Geography 1.564 1,143 0.00124
803 International Journal Of Gynecology & Obstetrics 1.563 5,842 0.01278
804 Acta Cytologica 1.562 2,362 0.00232
804 Behavioral Sleep Medicine 1.562 527 0.00127
804 Pathology Research And Practice 1.562 2,407 0.00443
807 Journal Of Cutaneous Pathology 1.56 3,358 0.00664
808 Magnetic Resonance In Chemistry 1.559 3,753 0.00475
809 Genome 1.558 4,664 0.00412
810 Psychopathology 1.557 1,458 0.00226
810 Psychopathology 1.557 1,458 0.00226
812 International Journal Of Technology Assessment In Health Care 1.556 1,552 0.00341
813 Chemotherapy 1.554 1,339 0.00185
814 Chinese Journal Of Catalysis 1.552 2,073 0.00361
814 Journal Of Electron Spectroscopy And Related Phenomena 1.552 4,252 0.00532
814 Journal Of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology 1.552 1,136 0.00373
817 Pediatric Cardiology 1.55 2,962 0.00759
818 Toxicology Mechanisms And Methods 1.548 742 0.00203
819 Vibrational Spectroscopy 1.547 3,148 0.00458
820 Canadian Journal Of Physiology And Pharmacology 1.546 3,924 0.00469
820 Fuel Cells 1.546 2,439 0.00545
822 European Journal Of Mechanics B-Fluids 1.545 1,280 0.00391
822 Mycopathologia 1.545 2,913 0.0044
822 Nephron Physiology 1.545 402 9.20E-04
825 Telemedicine And E-Health 1.544 1,561 0.00469
826 Mycological Progress 1.543 623 0.002
827 Brain & Development 1.542 3,186 0.00602
827 International Journal For Numerical Methods In Biomedical Engineering 1.542 531 0.00325
827 Neurosurgery Clinics Of North America 1.542 1,068 0.00182
830 Ecs Electrochemistry Letters 1.54 130 4.30E-04
830 Journal Of Orthopaedic Trauma 1.54 5,292 0.00863
832 Topics In Cognitive Science 1.539 570 0.00429
833 Travel Medicine And Infectious Disease 1.538 518 0.00207
834 Musicae Scientiae 1.537 314 9.30E-04
835 Skin Research And Technology 1.536 1,503 0.00228
836 Contributions To Nephrology 1.534 1,398 0.00365
837 British Journal Of Radiology 1.533 6,730 0.0105
837 Journal Of Clinical Pharmacy And Therapeutics 1.533 1,963 0.00361
837 Journal Of Liposome Research 1.533 718 0.00126
840 Annals Of General Psychiatry 1.532 451 0.00126
840 Annals Of General Psychiatry 1.532 451 0.00126
840 Biomedical Signal Processing And Control 1.532 599 0.00137
840 Clinical Obstetrics And Gynecology 1.532 1,981 0.00381
840 Journal Of Ultrasound In Medicine 1.532 4,139 0.00819
840 Psychology Health & Medicine 1.532 1,129 0.00297
840 Therapeutic Apheresis And Dialysis 1.532 1,281 0.00235
847 Mind & Language 1.531 949 0.00205
847 Theoretical Population Biology 1.531 3,788 0.00448
849 Journal Of Microbiology 1.529 1,903 0.00466
849 Journal Of Molecular Spectroscopy 1.529 5,909 0.00539
851 Arctic Antarctic And Alpine Research 1.528 2,590 0.00288
852 British Journal Of Mathematical & Statistical Psychology 1.527 1,096 0.00326
853 Archives Of Gerontology And Geriatrics 1.525 2,965 0.00776
853 Physica Status Solidi A-Applications And Materials Science 1.525 10,134 0.01826
855 Bmc Nephrology 1.52 808 0.00337
855 Diagnostic Cytopathology 1.52 3,082 0.00558
855 Journal Of Turbulence 1.52 754 0.00268
855 Pediatric Dermatology 1.52 2,935 0.00648
859 High Energy Density Physics 1.519 550 0.00217
860 Meteorological Applications 1.518 856 0.00298
861 Nutrition & Diabetes 1.517 94 4.80E-04
861 Physical Review Special Topics-Accelerators And Beams 1.517 2,089 0.00977
863 Research In Astronomy And Astrophysics 1.516 650 0.00465
864 Transcultural Psychiatry 1.515 638 0.00145
865 Annals Of Clinical Microbiology And Antimicrobials 1.514 571 0.00122
865 Solid-State Electronics 1.514 6,740 0.00975
867 Ecological Research 1.513 2,602 0.00616
867 International Journal Of Environmental Health Research 1.513 725 0.00139
869 Protein Expression And Purification 1.508 4,872 0.00773
870 Annals Of Nuclear Medicine 1.507 1,586 0.00393
871 Geophysical Prospecting 1.506 2,327 0.00487
872 Breast Cancer 1.505 858 0.00177
872 Journal Of Child Language 1.505 2,122 0.00322
874 American Journal Of Orthopsychiatry 1.504 2,577 0.00357
874 American Journal Of Orthopsychiatry 1.504 2,577 0.00357
874 Pediatric Neurology 1.504 3,935 0.00735
874 Schmerz 1.504 657 0.00106
878 Journal Of Investigative Medicine 1.503 1,188 0.00277
879 Bmc Cardiovascular Disorders 1.5 1,006 0.00339
879 Beneficial Microbes 1.5 240 8.80E-04
879 Disability And Health Journal 1.5 249 0.0013
879 Disability And Health Journal 1.5 249 0.0013
879 Jala 1.5 478 0.00138
879 Journal Of Operational Oceanography 1.5 62 5.00E-04
879 Journal Of The International Society Of Sports Nutrition 1.5 421 0.00126
879 Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 1.5 4,011 0.00608
879 Nordic Journal Of Psychiatry 1.5 1,142 0.00218
879 Nordic Journal Of Psychiatry 1.5 1,142 0.00218
879 Tobacco Induced Diseases 1.5 177 5.80E-04
890 Bmc Medical Informatics And Decision Making 1.496 1,214 0.00429
890 Computerized Medical Imaging And Graphics 1.496 1,294 0.00292
892 International Journal Of Behavioral Development 1.495 2,180 0.00379
892 Neurological Sciences 1.495 2,824 0.00671
894 Polymer Bulletin 1.491 3,953 0.00485
895 Physician And Sportsmedicine 1.49 677 0.00164
896 Combustion Theory And Modelling 1.489 976 0.00251
896 Journal Of Thoracic Imaging 1.489 965 0.0023
896 Mathematical Biosciences 1.489 3,930 0.00531
899 International Journal Of Polymer Analysis And Characterization 1.487 509 7.20E-04
899 Journal Of Molecular Microbiology And Biotechnology 1.487 1,456 0.00239
901 Clinical Transplantation 1.486 3,449 0.00812
901 Environmetrics 1.486 1,283 0.00374
901 Koedoe 1.486 362 5.00E-04
904 Infant Behavior & Development 1.485 2,891 0.00454
905 Molecular Medicine Reports 1.484 1,694 0.00601
906 Journal Of Cardiothoracic And Vascular Anesthesia 1.482 2,550 0.00493
907 Annals Of Laboratory Medicine 1.481 131 4.90E-04
907 Learning & Behavior 1.481 613 0.00259
909 Giscience & Remote Sensing 1.48 314 8.40E-04
909 Journal Of Near Infrared Spectroscopy 1.48 994 0.00147
911 International Journal Of Geographical Information Science 1.479 2,653 0.00419
912 Dermatologic Therapy 1.478 1,290 0.00329
913 Journal Of The Experimental Analysis Of Behavior 1.477 2,776 0.00182
913 Stereotactic And Functional Neurosurgery 1.477 1,207 0.00237
915 Progress In Crystal Growth And Characterization Of Materials 1.476 734 5.90E-04
916 Computers In Biology And Medicine 1.475 2,004 0.00421
916 Criminal Behaviour And Mental Health 1.475 555 0.0012
916 Developmental Neurorehabilitation 1.475 501 0.00162
916 Public Health 1.475 2,563 0.00598
920 Cognitive And Behavioral Practice 1.474 889 0.00212
921 Biosystems 1.472 2,304 0.00477
921 Occupational Medicine-Oxford 1.472 2,176 0.004
923 American Journal Of Drug And Alcohol Abuse 1.47 1,867 0.00357
923 Anaesthesia And Intensive Care 1.47 2,142 0.0047
925 Iranian Polymer Journal 1.469 1,090 0.00176
925 International Journal Of Green Energy 1.469 612 9.40E-04
927 Computational Linguistics 1.468 1,200 0.00208
928 International Journal Of Phytoremediation 1.466 967 0.00217
929 Journal Of Oceanography 1.464 1,992 0.00451
929 Rangeland Ecology & Management 1.464 1,131 0.00323
931 European Physical Journal B 1.463 7,662 0.02082
931 Neurophysiologie Clinique-Clinical Neurophysiology 1.463 988 0.00188
933 Flora 1.462 1,959 0.00371
934 Atomic Data And Nuclear Data Tables 1.46 2,695 0.0015
934 Infrared Physics & Technology 1.46 1,760 0.0021
936 Advances In Atmospheric Sciences 1.459 1,912 0.00469
937 Journal Of Pharmacokinetics And Pharmacodynamics 1.458 878 0.00161
938 Computers In Industry 1.457 1,845 0.00336
939 Aquatic Ecology 1.456 1,342 0.00326
939 Archives Of Disease In Childhood-Education And Practice Edition 1.456 214 7.90E-04
939 Clinical And Experimental Hypertension 1.456 1,284 0.00227
939 Epidemiologia & Prevenzione 1.456 426 9.70E-04
943 Air Quality Atmosphere And Health 1.455 245 0.00108
943 Polymer Composites 1.455 3,722 0.00617
945 Motor Control 1.453 640 0.00137
946 International Journal Of Cosmetic Science 1.451 1,121 0.00161
946 Substance Abuse Treatment Prevention And Policy 1.451 412 0.0015
948 Radio Science 1.45 3,473 0.00473
949 Archaeological Prospection 1.449 340 7.30E-04
949 Cytotechnology 1.449 1,420 0.00207
949 Neurological Research 1.449 3,059 0.00548
952 International Journal Of Artificial Organs 1.448 1,764 0.00304
952 Journal Of Clinical Monitoring And Computing 1.448 791 0.00146
952 Journal Of Nanophotonics 1.448 605 0.00289
955 Journal Of Natural Medicines 1.447 928 0.0026
956 Cold Regions Science And Technology 1.444 2,060 0.00422
956 Nanoscience And Nanotechnology Letters 1.444 604 0.00182
956 Wetlands 1.444 3,091 0.00471
959 Nefrologia 1.442 773 0.00151
960 Polymer Engineering And Science 1.441 8,929 0.00883
961 Annals Of Noninvasive Electrocardiology 1.44 768 0.0017
961 Ocular Immunology And Inflammation 1.44 970 0.00209
963 Scanning 1.435 913 0.00136
964 Dermatologic Clinics 1.434 1,581 0.00367
964 Psychiatrische Praxis 1.434 572 6.80E-04
966 Breast Journal 1.433 1,903 0.00502
967 Mathematical Medicine And Biology-A Journal Of The Ima 1.432 410 0.00122
968 Geofluids 1.431 684 0.00232
969 Noise & Health 1.43 713 0.00165
970 Diagnostic And Interventional Radiology 1.427 614 0.00192
970 Philosophical Magazine 1.427 10,254 0.01615
970 Remote Sensing Letters 1.427 273 0.00125
973 American Journal Of Dermatopathology 1.426 2,706 0.00494
973 American Journal Of Alzheimers Disease And Other Dementias 1.426 1,049 0.00243
973 Behavioural And Cognitive Psychotherapy 1.426 1,213 0.00258
973 Journal Of Pediatric Orthopaedics 1.426 5,107 0.00808
973 Vacuum 1.426 5,274 0.00928
978 Journal Of Perinatal Medicine 1.425 1,816 0.0038
978 Research In Sports Medicine 1.425 259 6.50E-04
980 Freshwater Science 1.423 187 7.00E-04
981 Advances In Engineering Software 1.422 1,900 0.00541
981 Current Nanoscience 1.422 1,004 0.00201
981 International Journal Of Clinical And Experimental Medicine 1.422 341 0.00136
984 Chinese Journal Of Polymer Science 1.42 930 0.00153
984 International Journal Of Modern Physics D 1.42 2,818 0.00636
984 Journal Of Ocular Pharmacology And Therapeutics 1.42 1,494 0.00289
987 Physical & Occupational Therapy In Pediatrics 1.418 515 0.00107
988 Antarctic Science 1.417 1,890 0.00315
989 Journal Of Radioanalytical And Nuclear Chemistry 1.415 6,449 0.00786
990 Applied Cognitive Psychology 1.414 2,839 0.00622
991 Journal Of Pediatric Urology 1.413 924 0.00315
991 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-Cognitive Science 1.413 324 0.00197
993 International Journal Of Speech-Language Pathology 1.412 423 0.00156
994 Journal Of Aging And Physical Activity 1.411 830 0.00161
994 Journal Of Social And Clinical Psychology 1.411 1,995 0.00301
994 Radiochimica Acta 1.411 2,824 0.00382
997 Russian Geology And Geophysics 1.409 1,941 0.00404
998 Biologicals 1.408 1,105 0.00244
998 Helgoland Marine Research 1.408 1,486 0.00187
998 Heart Failure Clinics 1.408 388 0.00212
1001 Journal Of Cardiovascular Medicine 1.407 958 0.00313
1002 Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition 1.406 2,358 0.00318
1002 Journal Of Motor Behavior 1.406 2,111 0.00253
1002 Journal Of Motor Behavior 1.406 2,111 0.00253
1002 Journal Of Mental Health Policy And Economics 1.406 331 7.50E-04
1002 Journal Of Natural Gas Science And Engineering 1.406 249 0.00167
1007 Earth Interactions 1.404 652 0.00148
1008 Alcohol Research & Health 1.403 1,279 0.00118
1008 Analytical Sciences 1.403 4,436 0.00602
1008 Canadian Family Physician 1.403 2,019 0.00434
1008 International Review Of Psychiatry 1.403 1,624 0.00372
1008 Physics And Chemistry Of Minerals 1.403 3,177 0.00353
1008 Precision Engineering-Journal Of The International Societies For Precision Engineering And Nanotechnology 1.403 1,786 0.0042
1008 Suicide And Life-Threatening Behavior 1.403 2,298 0.00283
1015 Transition Metal Chemistry 1.402 2,518 0.00189
1016 Jom 1.401 3,263 0.00594
1017 Obstetrics And Gynecology Clinics Of North America 1.4 998 0.00206
1017 Ultrasound Quarterly 1.4 304 7.70E-04
1019 Clays And Clay Minerals 1.398 4,629 0.00281
1019 European Journal Of Medical Research 1.398 1,226 0.00275
1019 European Physical Journal D 1.398 4,453 0.01358
1022 Chemie Der Erde-Geochemistry 1.397 734 0.00245
1023 Archiv Der Pharmazie 1.396 2,119 0.0024
1024 Journal Of Electromagnetic Waves And Applications 1.395 1,905 0.00339
1025 Calphad-Computer Coupling Of Phase Diagrams And Thermochemistry 1.394 2,133 0.00434
1025 Helvetica Chimica Acta 1.394 8,090 0.0068
1027 Journal Of Artificial Organs 1.393 566 0.00108
1027 Surface And Interface Analysis 1.393 6,074 0.00871
1029 International Journal Of Language & Communication Disorders 1.392 1,124 0.00243
1030 Australian Journal Of Earth Sciences 1.39 1,947 0.00258
1031 Attachment & Human Development 1.389 890 0.00165
1031 Siam Journal On Control And Optimization 1.389 5,395 0.01609
1033 Journal Of Health Population And Nutrition 1.388 992 0.00328
1034 Journal Of Ect 1.387 1,048 0.00146
1034 Journal Of Ect 1.387 1,048 0.00146
1034 Medicinal Chemistry 1.387 941 0.00194
1037 Journal Of Seismology 1.386 825 0.00242
1038 Asaio Journal 1.385 2,026 0.00354
1038 Journal Of Aoac International 1.385 4,727 0.00542
1038 Journal Of Computing In Civil Engineering 1.385 1,108 0.00202
1041 Episodes 1.384 1,305 0.00226
1041 Journal Of Infection And Chemotherapy 1.384 1,428 0.00407
1043 International Journal Of Clinical And Experimental Hypnosis 1.382 637 8.30E-04
1043 Journal Of African Earth Sciences 1.382 2,477 0.00304
1043 Social Development 1.382 1,738 0.00387
1046 Cancer Biotherapy And Radiopharmaceuticals 1.381 1,336 0.00308
1046 Geoarabia 1.381 568 5.20E-04
1046 Journal Of Photonics For Energy 1.381 171 7.10E-04
1046 Neurocase 1.381 1,097 0.0018
1050 Journal Of Product Innovation Management 1.379 2,886 0.00442
1050 Pedosphere 1.379 1,411 0.00329
1052 Photogrammetric Record 1.377 453 7.50E-04
1052 Psychological Services 1.377 345 0.00117
1054 Ophthalmic Research 1.376 906 0.00176
1055 Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin 1.375 13,359 0.00898
1055 Self And Identity 1.375 701 0.00202
1057 Journal Of Applied Developmental Psychology 1.373 1,763 0.00368
1057 Physical Therapy In Sport 1.373 458 0.0011
1057 Social Cognition 1.373 1,836 0.00464
1060 Journal Of Medical Systems 1.372 1,589 0.00368
1060 Journal Of Computational Electronics 1.372 426 0.00116
1062 Chemical Vapor Deposition 1.371 1,519 0.0018
1062 Nuclear Medicine Communications 1.371 2,363 0.00459
1064 Chromatographia 1.37 5,220 0.00774
1064 Journal Of Neurosurgery-Pediatrics 1.37 1,609 0.00728
1066 International Journal Of Impotence Research 1.369 2,058 0.0026
1067 Annales Henri Poincare 1.368 598 0.00507
1067 Bulletin Of Earthquake Engineering 1.368 773 0.00455
1067 Computational And Theoretical Chemistry 1.368 1,309 0.0043
1067 Radiologia Medica 1.368 1,339 0.00347
1071 Acta Geophysica 1.365 538 0.0027
1071 Journal Of Cardiovascular Surgery 1.365 1,895 0.00397
1073 Journal Of Porphyrins And Phthalocyanines 1.364 1,984 0.00273
1073 Journal Of Energetic Materials 1.364 366 6.10E-04
1075 Hemodialysis International 1.363 933 0.00248
1075 Journal Of Electrocardiology 1.363 1,774 0.00333
1077 Journal Of South American Earth Sciences 1.362 1,848 0.0028
1077 Journal Of Interprofessional Care 1.362 1,226 0.00195
1077 Journal Of Interprofessional Care 1.362 1,226 0.00195
1080 Canadian Journal Of Experimental Psychology-Revue Canadienne De Psychologie Experimentale 1.361 867 0.00155
1080 Dermatitis 1.361 521 0.00125
1082 International Journal Of Biological Markers 1.36 688 0.00119
1083 International Journal Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery 1.359 5,600 0.00992
1083 International Journal Of Remote Sensing 1.359 14,301 0.01781
1085 Journal Of Vacuum Science & Technology B 1.358 10,304 0.01512
1086 Cognitive Processing 1.357 584 0.00206
1086 Journal Of Biomaterials Science-Polymer Edition 1.357 3,287 0.00419
1088 Artificial Intelligence In Medicine 1.356 1,207 0.00222
1088 Environmental Biology Of Fishes 1.356 5,177 0.006
1088 Journal Of Cluster Science 1.356 839 0.0012
1091 Environment 1.353 642 0.0013
1091 Magnetic Resonance Materials In Physics Biology And Medicine 1.353 999 0.00287
1091 World Journal Of Microbiology & Biotechnology 1.353 5,615 0.01064
1094 Clinics In Laboratory Medicine 1.352 1,011 0.00204
1094 Journal Of Surfactants And Detergents 1.352 1,042 0.00126
1094 Journal Of Cognition And Development 1.352 643 0.00186
1097 Acta Radiologica 1.35 3,446 0.00655
1097 Clinics In Plastic Surgery 1.35 1,877 0.0025
1097 Photonics And Nanostructures-Fundamentals And Applications 1.35 540 0.00237
1100 Journal Of Psychiatric Practice 1.349 810 0.00175
1101 Advances In Meteorology 1.348 262 0.00117
1101 International Journal Of Fracture 1.348 4,509 0.00613
1103 American Journal Of Hospice & Palliative Medicine 1.347 957 0.00247
1103 Monatshefte Fur Chemie 1.347 4,157 0.00453
1103 Psychiatric Quarterly 1.347 757 0.00114
1103 Population Health Management 1.347 287 0.00185
1103 Urologic Clinics Of North America 1.347 1,670 0.00251
1108 Industrial Management & Data Systems 1.345 1,211 0.00179
1109 Techniques In Coloproctology 1.344 828 0.00171
1110 Australian Journal Of Rural Health 1.343 801 0.00181
1110 Australian Journal Of Rural Health 1.343 801 0.00181
1110 Therapeutics And Clinical Risk Management 1.343 880 0.00265
1113 Oncotargets And Therapy 1.342 222 8.00E-04
1114 International Microbiology 1.341 961 0.00157
1115 International Journal Of Shipping And Transport Logistics 1.34 129 4.20E-04
1115 Science China-Earth Sciences 1.34 976 0.00479
1117 Journal Of Nanoscience And Nanotechnology 1.339 11,581 0.0242
1117 Mind Brain And Education 1.339 289 0.00101
1117 Optometry-Journal Of The American Optometric Association 1.339 499 0.00127
1120 Annals Of Thoracic Medicine 1.338 265 9.50E-04
1120 Journal Of Laser Applications 1.338 479 0.00112
1120 Microelectronic Engineering 1.338 7,371 0.0181
1120 Modern Physics Letters A 1.338 3,885 0.00823
1120 Plant Breeding 1.338 2,697 0.00375
1120 Surgical Innovation 1.338 678 0.00256
1126 Ocean Engineering 1.337 3,200 0.00816
1126 Pharmaceutical Biology 1.337 1,981 0.00341
1128 Journal Of Hydroinformatics 1.336 683 0.00168
1128 Stress And Health 1.336 680 0.0016
1128 Stress And Health 1.336 680 0.0016
1131 Canadian Journal Of Earth Sciences 1.335 5,165 0.00399
1131 Pharmaceutical Development And Technology 1.335 1,258 0.0016
1133 Bulletin Of Marine Science 1.333 4,411 0.00252
1133 International Journal Of Social Psychiatry 1.333 1,160 0.0022
1133 Journal Of Bionic Engineering 1.333 589 0.00159
1133 Sport Education And Society 1.333 610 0.00119
1133 Surgical And Radiologic Anatomy 1.333 1,978 0.00319
1138 Archives Of Civil And Mechanical Engineering 1.331 316 9.40E-04
1139 Industrial And Corporate Change 1.33 2,206 0.00481
1140 Central European Journal Of Chemistry 1.329 1,108 0.00302
1140 Eating Behaviors 1.329 1,260 0.00283
1140 International Journal For Numerical Methods In Fluids 1.329 4,869 0.01339
1140 Tropical Conservation Science 1.329 214 0.00115
1144 Archaeometry 1.328 1,759 0.00267
1145 Plant Species Biology 1.327 475 7.70E-04
1146 Ieee Journal Of Oceanic Engineering 1.325 2,228 0.00349
1146 Indian Journal Of Dermatology Venereology & Leprology 1.325 1,189 0.00274
1148 Health 1.324 570 0.0016
1148 Ieee Transactions On Applied Superconductivity 1.324 7,257 0.01376
1150 Journal Of Veterinary Pharmacology And Therapeutics 1.323 2,111 0.00258
1150 Metallurgical And Materials Transactions B-Process Metallurgy And Materials Processing Science 1.323 4,074 0.00509
1150 Revue De Medecine Interne 1.323 1,168 0.0015
1153 Biotechnology And Applied Biochemistry 1.322 1,669 0.00194
1153 International Journal Of Polymer Science 1.322 182 6.10E-04
1153 Journal Of Materials In Civil Engineering 1.322 2,691 0.00598
1156 International Journal Of Environmental Analytical Chemistry 1.321 1,700 0.00226
1157 Heart & Lung 1.32 1,715 0.00286
1157 Journal Of Microbiology And Biotechnology 1.32 2,979 0.00765
1157 Journal Of Drugs In Dermatology 1.32 1,877 0.00584
1160 International Journal Of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 1.319 4,985 0.00954
1160 Journal Of Radiological Protection 1.319 683 0.00213
1160 Journal Of Visceral Surgery 1.319 211 9.90E-04
1163 Journal Of Interventional Cardiology 1.318 1,091 0.00264
1163 Journal Of The Meteorological Society Of Japan 1.318 2,962 0.00501
1163 Ophthalmic Surgery Lasers & Imaging 1.318 1,699 0.00325
1166 Atla-Alternatives To Laboratory Animals 1.317 821 9.90E-04
1167 Journal Of Porous Materials 1.316 1,440 0.00243
1167 Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section A-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors And Associated Equipment 1.316 24,188 0.04461
1169 European Journal Of Sport Science 1.314 600 0.00162
1169 Revista Clinica Espanola 1.314 578 4.80E-04
1171 International Journal Of Psychiatry In Clinical Practice 1.313 357 8.00E-04
1172 Biocontrol Science 1.312 199 5.30E-04
1172 European Journal Of Drug Metabolism And Pharmacokinetics 1.312 558 6.20E-04
1172 Urological Research 1.312 1,626 0.00233
1175 Journal Of Pediatric Surgery 1.311 13,407 0.01818
1176 Archives Of Orthopaedic And Trauma Surgery 1.31 3,862 0.00912
1177 Korean Journal Of Laboratory Medicine 1.309 284 0.00106
1178 Journal Of Psychoactive Drugs 1.308 1,070 0.00165
1178 New Carbon Materials 1.308 629 0.00128
1180 Journal Of Business Research 1.306 6,774 0.00971
1180 Journal Of Forensic Sciences 1.306 6,456 0.00864
1182 Journal Of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics 1.305 400 0.00293
1183 Cns Spectrums 1.304 1,878 0.0041
1183 Electronic Commerce Research And Applications 1.304 604 0.00181
1183 Electronic Commerce Research And Applications 1.304 604 0.00181
1183 Soft Computing 1.304 1,706 0.00518
1187 Journal Of Helminthology 1.303 1,593 0.00195
1187 Journal Of Safety Research 1.303 2,030 0.00401
1189 Soil Dynamics And Earthquake Engineering 1.302 2,647 0.00673
1190 Journal Of Applied Geophysics 1.301 2,142 0.00484
1191 Chemistry Letters 1.3 13,750 0.0155
1192 Canadian Journal Of Ophthalmology-Journal Canadien D Ophtalmologie 1.299 1,414 0.00302
1192 International Journal Of Circumpolar Health 1.299 849 0.00138
1192 International Journal Of Circumpolar Health 1.299 849 0.00138
1195 Astronomy Letters-A Journal Of Astronomy And Space Astrophysics 1.297 1,028 0.00212
1196 Acta Zoologica 1.296 909 0.00174
1196 Physica Scripta 1.296 7,809 0.01924
1198 Photodermatology Photoimmunology & Photomedicine 1.295 1,245 0.00187
1199 Isotopes In Environmental And Health Studies 1.294 559 0.00123
1199 Pediatric Physical Therapy 1.294 726 0.00131
1199 Social Issues And Policy Review 1.294 108 7.10E-04
1202 International Urology And Nephrology 1.293 2,127 0.00536
1202 Journal Of Zhejiang University-Science B 1.293 1,393 0.00364
1202 Phytopathologia Mediterranea 1.293 810 0.00122
1205 Bulletin Of Mathematical Biology 1.292 3,066 0.00636
1206 Human Factors 1.29 3,037 0.00404
1207 Neuroimaging Clinics Of North America 1.289 838 0.00192
1207 Primary Care Diabetes 1.289 274 0.00129
1209 Geoinformatica 1.288 343 9.40E-04
1209 Mycoscience 1.288 926 0.00158
1209 Swiss Journal Of Geosciences 1.288 475 0.00252
1212 Reviews On Advanced Materials Science 1.287 825 0.00202
1213 Cancer Imaging 1.286 559 0.00171
1213 Micromachines 1.286 104 4.80E-04
1213 Traffic Injury Prevention 1.286 1,106 0.00395
1213 Traffic Injury Prevention 1.286 1,106 0.00395
1217 Business Horizons 1.284 1,350 0.00295
1217 Journal Of Plant Biology 1.284 756 0.00181
1219 Cardiovascular Ultrasound 1.283 649 0.00212
1219 Scandinavian Journal Of Surgery 1.283 650 0.00174
1219 Tohoku Journal Of Experimental Medicine 1.283 2,308 0.00391
1222 Critical Public Health 1.282 423 0.00106
1223 Journal Of Coatings Technology And Research 1.28 562 0.00178
1224 Archives Of Gynecology And Obstetrics 1.279 3,357 0.0107
1224 Journal Of Environmental Policy & Planning 1.279 376 8.30E-04
1224 Opto-Electronics Review 1.279 638 0.00111
1227 Zoomorphology 1.277 759 7.60E-04
1228 Ethnicity & Health 1.276 777 0.00188
1228 Health Communication 1.276 1,230 0.00301
1228 Physica B-Condensed Matter 1.276 13,944 0.02529
1231 Augmentative And Alternative Communication 1.275 595 4.10E-04
1231 International Journal Of Speleology 1.275 341 0.00104
1233 Dentomaxillofacial Radiology 1.271 1,609 0.0029
1233 Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy 1.271 509 0.00199
1233 Ophthalmic Epidemiology 1.271 1,158 0.00251
1236 Journal Of Mathematical Chemistry 1.27 1,930 0.00451
1237 American Journal Of Mens Health 1.269 296 0.0014
1237 Public Health Ethics 1.269 151 8.20E-04
1237 Public Health Ethics 1.269 151 8.20E-04
1240 Philosophical Magazine Letters 1.268 1,791 0.00368
1241 Canadian Journal Of Surgery 1.267 1,812 0.00391
1242 Operative Dentistry 1.266 2,289 0.00336
1242 R & D Management 1.266 1,500 0.0023
1244 Oral Surgery Oral Medicine Oral Pathology Oral Radiology 1.265 10,795 0.01615
1244 Theoretical Biology And Medical Modelling 1.265 590 0.00172
1246 Journal Of Immigrant And Minority Health 1.264 940 0.004
1247 Yonsei Medical Journal 1.263 2,257 0.00475
1248 Applied Ocean Research 1.262 988 0.00188
1248 Korean Journal Of Physiology & Pharmacology 1.262 383 0.0012
1250 Clinical Pediatrics 1.261 2,421 0.0051
1250 International Journal Of Integrated Care 1.261 386 8.60E-04
1250 International Journal Of Integrated Care 1.261 386 8.60E-04
1250 Research Quarterly For Exercise And Sport 1.261 3,173 0.00346
1250 Taiwanese Journal Of Obstetrics & Gynecology 1.261 675 0.0015
1255 Nano 1.26 384 0.00116
1256 Environmental Engineering And Management Journal 1.258 1,137 0.00122
1256 Journal Of Fire Sciences 1.258 509 9.00E-04
1256 Journal Of Parasitology 1.258 8,085 0.00727
1259 Biomedical And Environmental Sciences 1.257 1,343 0.00262
1259 Heteroatom Chemistry 1.257 1,237 0.00161
1261 Clinical And Experimental Optometry 1.256 982 0.00225
1262 Journal Of Geriatric Physical Therapy 1.255 387 0.00118
1262 Physics And Chemistry Of The Earth 1.255 2,910 0.00599
1262 Zeitschrift Fur Kristallographie 1.255 4,161 0.00468
1265 Echocardiography-A Journal Of Cardiovascular Ultrasound And Allied Techniques 1.254 2,367 0.00509
1266 Journal Of Korean Medical Science 1.253 3,431 0.00764
1266 Journal Of The Brazilian Chemical Society 1.253 3,801 0.0062
1268 Medicina Clinica 1.252 2,553 0.00292
1269 Farmacia 1.251 492 4.90E-04
1269 Gynecologic And Obstetric Investigation 1.251 1,872 0.00292
1269 Zeitschrift Fur Anorganische Und Allgemeine Chemie 1.251 8,324 0.00734
1272 Gaia-Ecological Perspectives For Science And Society 1.25 379 6.40E-04
1272 Gaia-Ecological Perspectives For Science And Society 1.25 379 6.40E-04
1272 Ground Water Monitoring And Remediation 1.25 732 0.00139
1272 Gaceta Sanitaria 1.25 1,093 0.00232
1272 Gaceta Sanitaria 1.25 1,093 0.00232
1272 International Journal Of Clinical Pharmacy 1.25 265 0.00109
1272 Israel Journal Of Health Policy Research 1.25 57 1.10E-04
1272 Journal Of Agricultural & Environmental Ethics 1.25 586 0.00104
1272 Journal Of Pharmaceutical Innovation 1.25 178 6.30E-04
1272 Journal Of Primary Prevention 1.25 690 0.00131
1272 Norwegian Journal Of Geology 1.25 618 0.00103
1272 Pace-Pacing And Clinical Electrophysiology 1.25 5,365 0.01115
1272 Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare 1.25 99 4.60E-04
1285 Clinical Neurology And Neurosurgery 1.248 3,301 0.0083
1285 Computing In Science & Engineering 1.248 931 0.00295
1285 Journal Of Manipulative And Physiological Therapeutics 1.248 1,709 0.00214
1288 Scientia Marina 1.247 2,550 0.00349
1289 Meteorology And Atmospheric Physics 1.245 1,798 0.00314
1290 Cultural Geographies 1.244 536 0.00186
1290 New Astronomy 1.244 1,316 0.00458
1292 Academic Psychiatry 1.243 968 0.00175
1292 Geochronometria 1.243 328 0.00103
1294 Korean Journal Of Chemical Engineering 1.241 2,809 0.00572
1295 Bmc Surgery 1.24 405 0.00144
1296 Advances In Space Research 1.238 7,327 0.01469
1297 Biometrical Journal 1.236 1,508 0.00729
1297 Ieee Transactions On Components Packaging And Manufacturing Technology 1.236 3,866 0.00942
1297 Italian Journal Of Pediatrics 1.236 348 0.00128
1297 Journal Of Terramechanics 1.236 530 0.00102
1297 Utilities Policy 1.236 398 0.00109
1297 Utilities Policy 1.236 398 0.00109
1303 Soil Research 1.235 238 8.40E-04
1304 Advances In Astronomy 1.234 343 0.00252
1304 Clinical And Experimental Dermatology 1.234 3,930 0.00718
1304 Dose-Response 1.234 421 0.00104
1304 Journal Of Environmental Science And Health Part B-Pesticides Food Contaminants And Agricultural Wastes 1.234 1,441 0.00232
1308 Fortschritte Der Physik-Progress Of Physics 1.233 1,040 0.00221
1308 Ophthalmic Genetics 1.233 492 0.00114
1310 Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences 1.232 625 9.90E-04
1310 Clinical Nephrology 1.232 3,309 0.00541
1312 Acta Biotheoretica 1.231 546 7.70E-04
1312 Journal Of Hydrology And Hydromechanics 1.231 176 2.90E-04
1314 Journal Of Physical Organic Chemistry 1.229 2,590 0.00442
1314 Ostomy Wound Management 1.229 1,005 0.00153
1316 Ieee Transactions On Dielectrics And Electrical Insulation 1.228 4,071 0.00679
1317 Atmospheric Pollution Research 1.227 196 8.60E-04
1317 Biodemography And Social Biology 1.227 87 6.90E-04
1317 International Journal Of Dermatology 1.227 5,223 0.00754
1317 Journal Of Aging Studies 1.227 893 0.00116
1317 Journal Of Sport And Health Science 1.227 50 1.70E-04
1317 Kona Powder And Particle Journal 1.227 274 5.50E-04
1323 Journal Of Psychosomatic Obstetrics And Gynecology 1.226 902 0.00132
1323 Journal Of Psychosomatic Obstetrics And Gynecology 1.226 902 0.00132
1323 Journal Of Occupational Medicine And Toxicology 1.226 377 0.00111
1323 Substance Use & Misuse 1.226 2,408 0.00545
1323 Substance Use & Misuse 1.226 2,408 0.00545
1323 Thalassas 1.226 114 2.70E-04
1329 Journal Of Bryology 1.225 737 7.90E-04
1329 Natural Product Research 1.225 2,222 0.0053
1331 Acta Petrologica Sinica 1.224 4,830 0.00697
1331 Journal Of Chemical Sciences 1.224 1,229 0.00285
1333 Annals Of The Royal College Of Surgeons Of England 1.223 2,550 0.0044
1333 Metals And Materials International 1.223 1,116 0.00361
1333 Topics In Stroke Rehabilitation 1.223 914 0.00226
1336 Chronic Diseases And Injuries In Canada 1.222 59 2.90E-04
1336 Journal Of Tropical Ecology 1.222 2,899 0.00348
1338 Annals Academy Of Medicine Singapore 1.221 2,211 0.00396
1338 Journal Of Environmental Engineering 1.221 4,347 0.00496
1340 Biotechnology And Bioprocess Engineering 1.22 1,499 0.00347
1340 Canadian Water Resources Journal 1.22 368 8.30E-04
1340 Environment And Planning C-Government And Policy 1.22 1,065 0.00262
1340 Ieee Transactions On Learning Technologies 1.22 202 0.00105
1344 Australian Journal Of Primary Health 1.219 389 0.00117
1344 Australian Journal Of Primary Health 1.219 389 0.00117
1344 European Journal Of Developmental Psychology 1.219 374 0.00142
1344 Psychogeriatrics 1.219 206 6.60E-04
1344 Revista De Saude Publica 1.219 3,158 0.00509
1344 Revista De Saude Publica 1.219 3,158 0.00509
1350 Journal Of Adolescent Research 1.218 1,381 0.00148
1350 Wetlands Ecology And Management 1.218 1,083 0.00188
1352 Biological Rhythm Research 1.216 595 7.20E-04
1352 Bulletin Of Environmental Contamination And Toxicology 1.216 6,012 0.00781
1352 Green Chemistry Letters And Reviews 1.216 331 8.70E-04
1352 International Journal Of Intercultural Relations 1.216 1,545 0.00276
1352 Medical Science Monitor 1.216 3,573 0.00682
1352 Turkish Journal Of Biology 1.216 710 8.50E-04
1358 Cardiology Journal 1.215 578 0.0023
1358 Human Ecology 1.215 1,702 0.00299
1360 Dental Traumatology 1.214 1,425 0.00256
1360 Microelectronics Reliability 1.214 4,135 0.00907
1362 Bioscience Trends 1.213 339 0.00137
1362 Ieee Transactions On Magnetics 1.213 17,807 0.02876
1364 Trends In Amplification 1.212 414 0.00136
1364 Water Science And Technology 1.212 16,261 0.01806
1366 Folia Parasitologica 1.211 1,115 0.00153
1366 Palliative & Supportive Care 1.211 638 0.00184
1368 International Journal Of Circuit Theory And Applications 1.21 958 0.00215
1369 European Journal Of Wildlife Research 1.208 1,081 0.00352
1369 Fire And Materials 1.208 1,030 0.00133
1369 Surgery Today 1.208 3,058 0.00602
1372 Journal Of Occupational And Environmental Hygiene 1.207 1,044 0.00275
1372 Pakistan Journal Of Botany 1.207 3,176 0.0041
1374 Bioscience Biotechnology And Biochemistry 1.206 10,974 0.01406
1374 Canadian Geotechnical Journal 1.206 4,728 0.00662
1374 Engineering Computations 1.206 1,050 0.0021
1377 Displays 1.205 773 0.00119
1377 Global Public Health 1.205 446 0.00219
1377 Journal Of Micro-Nanolithography Mems And Moems 1.205 579 0.00196
1380 Annals Of Tropical Medicine And Parasitology 1.203 2,765 0.00229
1380 Ieee Transactions On Computer-Aided Design Of Integrated Circuits And Systems 1.203 3,477 0.00764
1380 Mine Water And The Environment 1.203 312 7.80E-04
1383 Aerobiologia 1.202 896 0.00102
1383 Congenital Heart Disease 1.202 577 0.00263
1383 International Journal Of Food Sciences And Nutrition 1.202 1,812 0.00318
1383 Minerva Medica 1.202 490 9.60E-04
1383 Research In Social & Administrative Pharmacy 1.202 436 9.70E-04
1388 Journal Of Oleo Science 1.201 1,062 0.00216
1389 Advances In Applied Mechanics 1.2 1,050 6.20E-04
1389 Community Ecology 1.2 451 0.00111
1389 Journal Of Digital Imaging 1.2 1,002 0.00223
1389 Journal Of Early Adolescence 1.2 1,311 0.00237
1389 Nonlinearity 1.2 3,269 0.01717
1389 Rubber Chemistry And Technology 1.2 2,494 7.30E-04
1389 Separation Science And Technology 1.2 4,985 0.00641
1389 World Journal Of Surgical Oncology 1.2 1,475 0.00439
1397 Environmental Technology 1.197 3,345 0.00439
1398 Geochemistry-Exploration Environment Analysis 1.196 494 8.30E-04
1398 Seminars In Ophthalmology 1.196 670 0.00212
1400 Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae 1.195 513 5.90E-04
1400 International Dental Journal 1.195 1,620 0.00177
1402 Current Analytical Chemistry 1.194 405 9.70E-04
1402 International Journal Of Lower Extremity Wounds 1.194 426 7.50E-04
1402 Wildlife Research 1.194 2,003 0.00362
1402 Women & Health 1.194 1,184 0.00167
1406 Chemical Papers 1.193 1,131 0.00185
1406 Journal Of Paediatrics And Child Health 1.193 2,952 0.00537
1406 Journal Of Retailing 1.193 3,221 0.00281
1409 Journal Of Investigative Surgery 1.191 690 0.00133
1410 Atmosphere-Ocean 1.19 949 0.00162
1410 Journal Of Continuing Education In The Health Professions 1.19 883 0.00191
1410 Social Psychology 1.19 195 0.00153
1413 Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 1.189 2,521 0.00541
1413 Radiation Physics And Chemistry 1.189 5,219 0.00668
1415 American Journal Of Pharmaceutical Education 1.188 1,765 0.00217
1415 International Journal Of Theoretical Physics 1.188 3,398 0.00552
1415 Journal Of Reinforced Plastics And Composites 1.188 2,299 0.00402
1415 Optical Fiber Technology 1.188 861 0.00194
1415 Zentralblatt Fur Chirurgie 1.188 826 7.80E-04
1420 Ieee Transactions On Circuits And Systems Ii-Express Briefs 1.187 4,074 0.01414
1420 Journal Of Crustacean Biology 1.187 2,287 0.0025
1420 Journal Of Labelled Compounds & Radiopharmaceuticals 1.187 1,734 0.00186
1420 Journal Of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques 1.187 1,972 0.00558
1420 Water And Environment Journal 1.187 396 0.00134
1420 X-Ray Spectrometry 1.187 1,097 0.00206
1426 Journal Of Scheduling 1.186 818 0.00302
1426 Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials And Atoms 1.186 17,072 0.02348
1428 International Journal Of Prosthodontics 1.185 3,069 0.00379
1428 Organic Preparations And Procedures International 1.185 951 0.001
1428 Zeitschrift Fur Kinder-Und Jugendpsychiatrie Und Psychotherapie 1.185 293 3.00E-04
1431 Chalcogenide Letters 1.184 502 0.00135
1432 Journal Of Carbohydrate Chemistry 1.183 839 8.30E-04
1432 Papers In Regional Science 1.183 1,045 0.0029
1434 Chemistry And Ecology 1.18 652 0.00129
1434 Landscape And Ecological Engineering 1.18 176 6.50E-04
1434 Minimally Invasive Therapy & Allied Technologies 1.18 719 0.00162
1434 Reviews In Cardiovascular Medicine 1.18 270 4.70E-04
1434 Seminars In Roentgenology 1.18 325 6.20E-04
1439 Chinese Chemical Letters 1.178 3,171 0.00552
1439 Zeitschrift Fur Physikalische Chemie-International Journal Of Research In Physical Chemistry & Chemical Physics 1.178 2,636 0.00303
1441 Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics Of North America 1.177 482 0.00113
1442 Journal Of Mathematical Physics 1.176 13,671 0.02649
1442 Turkish Journal Of Chemistry 1.176 1,230 0.00141
1444 Geosynthetics International 1.174 507 0.00145
1445 Annals Of Tropical Paediatrics 1.173 729 0.00137
1445 Coloration Technology 1.173 787 9.30E-04
1445 Presse Medicale 1.173 1,884 0.00242
1448 Andrologia 1.172 1,411 0.00238
1448 Heart Lung And Circulation 1.172 889 0.00311
1448 Journal Of Water And Health 1.172 1,026 0.00257
1451 Journal Of The Air & Waste Management Association 1.171 4,015 0.00521
1452 Biochemical Systematics And Ecology 1.17 3,555 0.00361
1452 Microscopy Research And Technique 1.17 4,567 0.00526
1452 Revista Romana De Bioetica 1.17 129 8.00E-05
1455 Evolutionary Bioinformatics 1.169 1,416 0.00101
1455 Journal Of Advertising 1.169 1,886 0.00218
1455 Journal Of Modern Optics 1.169 3,640 0.00729
1455 Journal Of Thermal Stresses 1.169 1,319 0.0019
1455 Mobilities 1.169 323 0.00145
1460 Orthopaedics & Traumatology-Surgery & Research 1.168 853 0.00432
1461 Adicciones 1.167 296 6.90E-04
1461 Comptes Rendus Palevol 1.167 789 0.00205
1461 Communications In Applied Mathematics And Computational Science 1.167 100 9.20E-04
1464 European Journal Of Mass Spectrometry 1.165 703 0.00156
1465 Crystal Research And Technology 1.164 2,558 0.00456
1465 Environmental Fluid Mechanics 1.164 522 0.00216
1467 Childs Nervous System 1.163 4,249 0.00798
1467 Journal Of Positive Behavior Interventions 1.163 555 0.00111
1469 In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Plant 1.162 1,657 0.0019
1469 Journal Of Interpersonal Violence 1.162 3,773 0.00733
1469 Measurement Science Review 1.162 259 4.20E-04
1472 Journal Of Applied Biomaterials & Biomechanics 1.16 226 5.00E-04
1472 Meteorologische Zeitschrift 1.16 1,332 0.00377
1472 Smart Structures And Systems 1.16 497 0.00167
1475 Clinical Anatomy 1.159 2,117 0.00436
1475 Marine Resource Economics 1.159 612 9.00E-04
1475 Marine Resource Economics 1.159 612 9.00E-04
1478 Annals Of Geophysics 1.157 902 0.00281
1478 Ieee Transactions On Consumer Electronics 1.157 3,408 0.00803
1480 Fire Ecology 1.156 250 0.00103
1480 High Temperature 1.156 1,322 0.00159
1480 Rapid Prototyping Journal 1.156 688 0.00113
1480 Ultrasonic Imaging 1.156 705 5.60E-04
1484 Small Group Research 1.155 987 0.00194
1485 Mendeleev Communications 1.154 1,396 0.00245
1485 Plant Systematics And Evolution 1.154 3,611 0.00426
1487 Signal Processing-Image Communication 1.153 955 0.00243
1488 American Journal Of Emergency Medicine 1.152 4,695 0.01009
1488 Applied Magnetic Resonance 1.152 1,268 0.00264
1488 Arabian Journal Of Geosciences 1.152 418 0.00129
1488 Constraints 1.152 239 8.00E-04
1488 Ieee Antennas And Propagation Magazine 1.152 1,787 0.00496
1488 Journal Of The European Optical Society-Rapid Publications 1.152 333 0.00136
1488 Mathematics Of Control Signals And Systems 1.152 552 9.50E-04
1495 Adaptive Behavior 1.151 453 9.40E-04
1495 Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 1.151 5,251 0.02589
1495 Health & Social Care In The Community 1.151 1,241 0.00274
1495 Journal Of Guidance Control And Dynamics 1.151 5,154 0.00746
1495 Urologia Internationalis 1.151 1,979 0.0039
1500 Psychiatry Investigation 1.149 397 0.00156
1500 Psychiatry Investigation 1.149 397 0.00156
1502 Annals Of Human Biology 1.148 1,580 0.00278
1502 Annals Of Human Biology 1.148 1,580 0.00278
1504 Bmc Oral Health 1.147 505 0.00171
1504 Journal Of Vibration And Acoustics-Transactions Of The Asme 1.147 1,965 0.00347
1506 Australian Systematic Botany 1.146 603 6.30E-04
1506 Community Mental Health Journal 1.146 1,420 0.00297
1506 Journal Of Geriatric Oncology 1.146 115 5.50E-04
1509 Foundations Of Physics 1.144 1,674 0.00285
1509 International Journal Of Rehabilitation Research 1.144 1,042 0.00173
1509 International Journal Of Nanotechnology 1.144 539 0.00159
1509 Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers Part H-Journal Of Engineering In Medicine 1.144 1,938 0.00398
1513 Alternative Therapies In Health And Medicine 1.143 762 7.30E-04
1513 Behavioral Medicine 1.143 587 7.10E-04
1513 Behavioral Medicine 1.143 587 7.10E-04
1513 Climate And Development 1.143 109 5.40E-04
1513 Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery 1.143 998 0.00151
1513 Progress In Natural Science-Materials International 1.143 1,420 0.0033
1519 Disaster Medicine And Public Health Preparedness 1.142 355 0.00178
1519 Disaster Medicine And Public Health Preparedness 1.142 355 0.00178
1519 Ieee Transactions On Very Large Scale Integration (Vlsi) Systems 1.142 2,737 0.01044
1519 Journal Of Aapos 1.142 1,839 0.00453
1519 Journal Of Intelligent Manufacturing 1.142 1,518 0.00281
1519 Journal Of Nursing Management 1.142 1,575 0.00401
1525 Weed Technology 1.141 2,654 0.00243
1526 Boreal Environment Research 1.14 1,090 0.00305
1526 Ieee Design & Test 1.14 865 0.00182
1526 Plant Ecology & Diversity 1.14 339 0.00151
1529 Earthquakes And Structures 1.138 122 5.40E-04
1529 Theoretical And Applied Fracture Mechanics 1.138 874 0.00166
1531 American Journal Of Health Behavior 1.137 1,429 0.0033
1531 Collection Of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications 1.137 2,203 0.00146
1531 International Journal Of Control 1.137 5,130 0.00928
1531 Romanian Reports In Physics 1.137 530 0.00107
1535 Conservation Genetics Resources 1.136 701 0.0031
1535 Fisheries Management And Ecology 1.136 1,070 0.00223
1537 International Journal Of Logistics Management 1.135 788 9.50E-04
1537 Journal Of Environmental Science And Health Part A-Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering 1.135 3,175 0.00506
1539 Canadian Mineralogist 1.134 3,872 0.00514
1539 Marine Biology Research 1.134 687 0.00235
1541 Aquatic Invasions 1.133 770 0.00297
1541 British Journal Of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 1.133 2,941 0.00509
1541 Journal Of Flood Risk Management 1.133 253 0.0014
1544 Journal Of Neuroradiology 1.132 580 0.00101
1544 Journal Of Solar Energy Engineering-Transactions Of The Asme 1.132 1,831 0.00264
1546 Journal Of Emergency Nursing 1.131 735 0.0014
1547 International Health 1.129 209 0.00109
1547 International Health 1.129 209 0.00109
1547 Journal Of The Marine Biological Association Of The United Kingdom 1.129 5,371 0.00615
1550 Journal Of Environmental Law 1.128 303 6.90E-04
1550 Revista Brasileira De Paleontologia 1.128 254 5.00E-04
1552 Dairy Science & Technology 1.126 373 0.00149
1553 International Journal Of Modern Physics C 1.125 1,391 0.00287
1553 Sociology Of Sport Journal 1.125 664 0.00116
1553 Scandinavian Journal Of Occupational Therapy 1.125 484 9.20E-04
1556 Aci Materials Journal 1.123 3,030 0.00321
1556 Digest Journal Of Nanomaterials And Biostructures 1.123 980 0.00249
1556 Journal Of Geographical Sciences 1.123 789 0.00189
1559 Culture Medicine And Psychiatry 1.121 785 0.00128
1559 Geoscience Canada 1.121 310 2.10E-04
1561 Informs Journal On Computing 1.12 1,167 0.0044
1561 Journal Of Plastic Film & Sheeting 1.12 202 1.50E-04
1561 Language And Speech 1.12 925 0.00162
1564 Astronomische Nachrichten 1.119 1,638 0.00671
1564 Australasian Journal On Ageing 1.119 407 9.90E-04
1564 Chemical Research In Chinese Universities 1.119 1,104 0.00171
1564 Erdkunde 1.119 258 5.10E-04
1568 Anz Journal Of Surgery 1.118 2,474 0.00472
1568 Aquatic Biology 1.118 871 0.00443
1568 Teaching And Learning In Medicine 1.118 866 0.0019
1571 Environmental Policy And Governance 1.117 256 0.00121
1572 Industry And Innovation 1.116 546 0.00168
1572 Southern Medical Journal 1.116 4,199 0.00492
1574 Marine Geodesy 1.115 639 0.00235
1575 Waste Management & Research 1.114 1,992 0.00427
1576 Fibers And Polymers 1.113 1,502 0.00314
1576 Medical Principles And Practice 1.113 977 0.00193
1576 Science China-Technological Sciences 1.113 1,467 0.00523
1579 Asia-Pacific Journal Of Public Health 1.111 708 0.00207
1579 Asia-Pacific Journal Of Public Health 1.111 708 0.00207
1579 Journal Of Cultural Heritage 1.111 1,167 0.00243
1579 Journal Of Management In Engineering 1.111 642 0.00101
1579 Journal Of Electronic Commerce Research 1.111 336 5.50E-04
1579 Journal Of Real-Time Image Processing 1.111 190 7.80E-04
1579 Research On Aging 1.111 1,100 0.0018
1586 Implant Dentistry 1.11 1,362 0.00192
1586 Journal Of Applied Clinical Medical Physics 1.11 890 0.00317
1586 Journal Of Cosmetic And Laser Therapy 1.11 471 0.00134
1586 Journal Of Wound Care 1.11 1,385 0.0026
1586 North American Journal Of Fisheries Management 1.11 3,525 0.00482
1586 Physica C-Superconductivity And Its Applications 1.11 6,980 0.01195
1592 Autonomous Agents And Multi-Agent Systems 1.108 560 0.00229
1592 Archives Of Iranian Medicine 1.108 964 0.00242
1594 Journal Of Waterway Port Coastal And Ocean Engineering 1.107 1,283 0.00169
1594 Oil & Gas Science And Technology-Revue D Ifp Energies Nouvelles 1.107 1,000 0.00221
1594 Waves In Random And Complex Media 1.107 494 0.00127
1597 Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal 1.106 2,901 0.0028
1597 International Journal Of Communication Systems 1.106 550 0.00172
1597 Systematic Botany 1.106 2,280 0.00307
1600 Esaim-Control Optimisation And Calculus Of Variations 1.105 719 0.00408
1600 Robotics And Autonomous Systems 1.105 1,864 0.00498
1602 Journal Of Energy Engineering 1.104 258 3.80E-04
1602 Neuropediatrics 1.104 1,522 0.00206
1604 Journal Of Noncommutative Geometry 1.103 130 0.00185
1605 Cognitive Computation 1.1 199 9.60E-04
1605 Palaeontologische Zeitschrift 1.1 856 0.00103
1605 Qme-Quantitative Marketing And Economics 1.1 276 0.00272
1605 Serbian Astronomical Journal 1.1 106 2.20E-04
1609 International Journal Of Dairy Technology 1.099 837 0.00183
1609 International Journal Of Occupational And Environmental Health 1.099 704 0.00121
1609 International Journal Of Occupational And Environmental Health 1.099 704 0.00121
1612 Drug And Chemical Toxicology 1.098 739 0.0012
1612 Journal Of Applied Sport Psychology 1.098 1,102 0.00142
1612 Journal Of Applied Sport Psychology 1.098 1,102 0.00142
1615 Journal Of Shellfish Research 1.097 2,567 0.00354
1616 Bmc International Health And Human Rights 1.096 393 0.00193
1616 Journal Of Coastal Conservation 1.096 393 8.90E-04
1616 Journal Of Occupational Health 1.096 2,230 0.00257
1616 Journal Of Petroleum Science And Engineering 1.096 2,838 0.00563
1616 Journal Of International Management 1.096 740 0.00171
1621 Medicina Oral Patologia Oral Y Cirugia Bucal 1.095 1,395 0.00455
1622 International Journal Of Occupational Medicine And Environmental Health 1.094 600 0.00133
1623 Computer Methods And Programs In Biomedicine 1.093 2,510 0.00551
1624 Canadian Journal Of Remote Sensing 1.092 1,468 0.00277
1624 Videosurgery And Other Miniinvasive Techniques 1.092 175 1.10E-04
1626 Annales De Paleontologie 1.091 341 3.50E-04
1626 Chimia 1.091 1,506 0.00286
1626 Journal Of Adhesion Science And Technology 1.091 2,528 0.00422
1629 High Performance Polymers 1.09 890 0.00101
1630 Health Promotion Journal Of Australia 1.089 444 0.00137
1630 Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation Clinics Of North America 1.089 769 0.00162
1632 Engineering With Computers 1.088 546 0.00108
1632 Journal Of Applied Behavioral Science 1.088 857 0.00134
1634 Journal Of Applied Behavior Analysis 1.087 3,484 0.00253
1635 International Journal Of Modern Physics A 1.086 4,482 0.01046
1635 Journal Of Irrigation And Drainage Engineering 1.086 2,685 0.00315
1637 International Journal Of Offender Therapy And Comparative Criminology 1.083 991 0.00222
1637 Methods Of Information In Medicine 1.083 1,348 0.00208
1637 Swedish Dental Journal 1.083 649 6.40E-04
1640 Journal Of Fluency Disorders 1.082 600 6.80E-04
1640 Journal Of Ambient Intelligence And Smart Environments 1.082 132 4.70E-04
1642 Grasas Y Aceites 1.08 942 0.00104
1642 Hastings Center Report 1.08 907 0.00182
1642 Hastings Center Report 1.08 907 0.00182
1642 Journal Of Social And Personal Relationships 1.08 2,012 0.00343
1646 Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly 1.079 692 7.00E-04
1647 American Journal Of Otolaryngology 1.078 1,984 0.00313
1647 Health Care Analysis 1.078 344 9.90E-04
1647 Optical And Quantum Electronics 1.078 1,248 0.00176
1647 Theory In Biosciences 1.078 260 9.60E-04
1651 Arctic 1.077 1,591 0.00165
1651 Central European Journal Of Physics 1.077 760 0.00315
1651 Computer Aided Surgery 1.077 597 8.80E-04
1651 Journal Of Inorganic And Organometallic Polymers And Materials 1.077 1,136 0.00185
1651 Sustainability 1.077 681 0.00291
1651 Sustainability 1.077 681 0.00291
1657 Arkivoc 1.076 3,425 0.00555
1657 British Dental Journal 1.076 3,416 0.0037
1657 Human And Ecological Risk Assessment 1.076 1,303 0.00198
1657 Journal Of Limnology 1.076 714 0.00167
1657 Journal Of Medical And Biological Engineering 1.076 369 9.60E-04
1662 Thoracic And Cardiovascular Surgeon 1.075 1,419 0.00312
1663 Environmental Modeling & Assessment 1.074 638 0.00167
1664 Chinese Optics Letters 1.073 1,473 0.0036
1664 Journal Of The American Academy Of Psychiatry And The Law 1.073 679 0.00126
1664 Prosthetics And Orthotics International 1.073 782 0.00139
1664 System Dynamics Review 1.073 536 4.90E-04
1668 Journal Of Psychosocial Oncology 1.072 712 0.00131
1669 Hand Clinics 1.071 1,264 0.0015
1670 Revista Mexicana De Astronomia Y Astrofisica 1.07 484 0.00131
1671 Applied Acoustics 1.068 2,165 0.00497
1671 American Journal Of Audiology 1.068 389 0.00103
1671 Electronics Letters 1.068 15,324 0.03211
1674 Jokull 1.067 233 7.00E-04
1674 Proceedings Of The Institution Of Civil Engineers-Maritime Engineering 1.067 108 3.50E-04
1676 Bulletin Of The Astronomical Society Of India 1.066 200 8.40E-04
1677 Focus On Autism And Other Developmental Disabilities 1.065 209 0.00109
1677 Genetic Programming And Evolvable Machines 1.065 164 5.00E-04
1677 International Journal Of Control Automation And Systems 1.065 966 0.00235
1677 Society & Natural Resources 1.065 1,884 0.00301
1681 Iie Transactions 1.064 3,170 0.00485
1682 Fire Safety Journal 1.063 1,659 0.00358
1683 American Journal Of Dentistry 1.062 1,748 0.0024
1683 Pattern Recognition Letters 1.062 5,436 0.01137
1683 World Journal Of Emergency Surgery 1.062 300 8.90E-04
1686 Invertebrate Biology 1.061 657 0.00116
1686 Journal Of Intellectual & Developmental Disability 1.061 710 0.00116
1686 Pediatric Surgery International 1.061 2,987 0.00665
1686 Terrestrial Atmospheric And Oceanic Sciences 1.061 804 0.00215
1690 Archaeological And Anthropological Sciences 1.06 138 7.20E-04
1691 Cereal Chemistry 1.059 5,696 0.0027
1691 Issues In Science And Technology 1.059 253 0.0011
1691 International Journal Of Structural Stability And Dynamics 1.059 389 0.0012
1694 Fatigue & Fracture Of Engineering Materials & Structures 1.058 2,180 0.00326
1694 Multimedia Tools And Applications 1.058 879 0.00372
1696 African Journal Of Marine Science 1.057 786 0.00186
1696 Japanese Journal Of Applied Physics 1.057 27,921 0.03342
1696 Plant Genetic Resources-Characterization And Utilization 1.057 340 8.70E-04
1699 Proceedings Of The Institution Of Civil Engineers-Geotechnical Engineering 1.056 359 6.20E-04
1699 Plant Biotechnology 1.056 753 0.00183
1701 Island Arc 1.055 1,089 0.00143
1701 Statistical Applications In Genetics And Molecular Biology 1.055 1,551 0.00337
1701 Wireless Networks 1.055 1,629 0.0031
1704 Annals Of Otology Rhinology And Laryngology 1.054 5,641 0.00463
1704 Estudios Geologicos-Madrid 1.054 292 4.30E-04
1704 Journal Of Cancer Education 1.054 873 0.00221
1707 Forschende Komplementarmedizin 1.053 471 7.00E-04
1707 Solvent Extraction Research And Development-Japan 1.053 151 2.60E-04
1709 Comptes Rendus Mecanique 1.052 863 0.00377
1710 Simulation Modelling Practice And Theory 1.05 1,040 0.00328
1711 Communications In Theoretical Physics 1.049 2,093 0.00635
1711 Journal Of Sport & Social Issues 1.049 505 0.00115
1711 Russian Journal Of Mathematical Physics 1.049 504 0.00256
1714 Accreditation And Quality Assurance 1.048 644 0.00124
1714 Journal Of Contingencies And Crisis Management 1.048 427 9.60E-04
1714 Natural Resource Modeling 1.048 309 6.20E-04
1714 World Journal Of Pediatrics 1.048 393 0.00169
1718 Management Communication Quarterly 1.047 565 0.00135
1719 Industrial Health 1.045 1,231 0.00219
1719 Journal For Specialists In Pediatric Nursing 1.045 335 0.001
1719 Maritime Economics & Logistics 1.045 414 0.00103
1722 Journal Of Water And Climate Change 1.044 68 3.00E-04
1722 Phase Transitions 1.044 1,184 0.00224
1722 Revista De Psiquiatria Y Salud Mental 1.044 88 2.60E-04
1725 Cmc-Computers Materials & Continua 1.043 398 0.00143
1725 Journal Of Combinatorial Optimization 1.043 646 0.00332
1725 Journal Of Elasticity 1.043 1,526 0.00265
1725 Journal Of Experimental Nanoscience 1.043 363 0.00106
1725 Neuroethics 1.043 167 6.40E-04
1725 Neuroethics 1.043 167 6.40E-04
1731 Journal Of Economics & Management Strategy 1.042 1,059 0.00487
1731 Personality And Mental Health 1.042 144 7.60E-04
1731 Reports On Mathematical Physics 1.042 876 0.0016
1731 Soil Science 1.042 5,907 0.00252
1735 Australasian Plant Pathology 1.041 1,176 0.002
1735 Biological Research 1.041 861 0.00119
1735 Dynamic Games And Applications 1.041 55 5.30E-04
1735 Journal Of Back And Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation 1.041 253 8.40E-04
1739 Chinese Journal Of Chemistry 1.04 2,740 0.00531
1739 Journal Of Dental Education 1.04 2,423 0.0029
1741 Families Systems & Health 1.039 468 0.00123
1741 Families Systems & Health 1.039 468 0.00123
1741 Journal Of Dynamic Systems Measurement And Control-Transactions Of The Asme 1.039 2,818 0.00363
1744 Radiocarbon 1.037 5,572 0.00981
1745 Annales De Limnologie-International Journal Of Limnology 1.036 469 9.40E-04
1745 Journal Of Low Temperature Physics 1.036 3,102 0.00763
1747 Botany-Botanique 1.035 864 0.00393
1747 Praxis Der Kinderpsychologie Und Kinderpsychiatrie 1.035 279 3.30E-04
1747 Perspectives In Public Health 1.035 170 6.20E-04
1747 Systematic Parasitology 1.035 1,069 0.00126
1751 Brazilian Journal Of Medical And Biological Research 1.034 4,318 0.00462
1751 Salud Publica De Mexico 1.034 1,244 0.00264
1753 Archives Of Psychiatric Nursing 1.032 693 0.00104
1753 Archives Of Psychiatric Nursing 1.032 693 0.00104
1753 Journal Of Computational And Theoretical Nanoscience 1.032 1,728 0.00464
1756 International Journal Of Fuzzy Systems 1.031 292 6.40E-04
1756 Mis Quarterly Executive 1.031 262 9.30E-04
1758 Flow Measurement And Instrumentation 1.03 1,036 0.00187
1758 Journal Of Early Intervention 1.03 388 5.50E-04
1760 Annals Of Vascular Surgery 1.029 2,868 0.00672
1760 Complexity 1.029 552 0.00115
1762 Iet Radar Sonar And Navigation 1.028 544 0.0027
1763 Gender Work And Organization 1.027 775 0.00178
1764 Annual Review Of Resource Economics 1.026 142 9.80E-04
1764 Cell And Tissue Banking 1.026 625 0.00153
1764 Journal Of Behavioral Health Services & Research 1.026 608 0.00126
1764 Journal Of Chromatographic Science 1.026 2,021 0.0032
1768 European Planning Studies 1.025 1,262 0.00273
1768 Laser Physics 1.025 2,877 0.00663
1770 Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal 1.024 507 0.00102
1770 International Journal Of Tourism Research 1.024 697 0.0014
1772 European Journal Of Transport And Infrastructure Research 1.023 210 7.30E-04
1772 Zeitschrift Fur Gerontologie Und Geriatrie 1.023 590 9.10E-04
1774 Korean Journal Of Metals And Materials 1.022 374 0.00125
1775 Group Dynamics-Theory Research And Practice 1.021 610 0.00127
1776 Journal Of Family Therapy 1.02 445 6.50E-04
1777 Addiction Research & Theory 1.019 762 0.00144
1777 International Journal Of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 1.019 817 0.00161
1777 Lubrication Science 1.019 301 7.20E-04
1777 Records Of Natural Products 1.019 250 7.30E-04
1777 Signal Image And Video Processing 1.019 228 8.20E-04
1782 Computational And Mathematical Methods In Medicine 1.018 327 0.00139
1782 Journal Of Cellular Plastics 1.018 445 6.60E-04
1784 International Journal Of Bifurcation And Chaos 1.017 4,328 0.00835
1785 Chinese Medical Journal 1.016 6,003 0.01355
1785 Journal Of Educational And Behavioral Statistics 1.016 1,140 0.00261
1785 Journal Of Child And Family Studies 1.016 1,208 0.00296
1788 Indian Pediatrics 1.014 2,263 0.00367
1788 Journal Of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing 1.014 450 7.30E-04
1788 Radiophysics And Quantum Electronics 1.014 897 0.0022
1791 Canadian Journal Of Chemistry-Revue Canadienne De Chimie 1.013 8,159 0.00374
1791 Coastal Management 1.013 601 9.80E-04
1791 Coastal Management 1.013 601 9.80E-04
1791 International Review Of Hydrobiology 1.013 874 0.00162
1791 Remedial And Special Education 1.013 825 0.00118
1796 Iranian Journal Of Environmental Health Science & Engineering 1.012 395 7.50E-04
1796 Tijdschrift Voor Economische En Sociale Geografie 1.012 737 0.00186
1798 Near Surface Geophysics 1.01 495 0.00178
1799 Danish Medical Bulletin 1.009 1,197 0.0012
1799 Journal Of Forest Research 1.009 640 0.00127
1801 Journal Of Orthopaedic Science 1.008 1,822 0.0037
1801 Journal Of Strain Analysis For Engineering Design 1.008 956 0.00225
1801 Psychotherapie Psychosomatik Medizinische Psychologie 1.008 615 7.50E-04
1801 Zamm-Zeitschrift Fur Angewandte Mathematik Und Mechanik 1.008 1,676 0.00303
1805 International Journal Of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry 1.007 2,230 0.00236
1805 Photosynthetica 1.007 1,877 0.00211
1807 Arquivos De Neuro-Psiquiatria 1.006 2,067 0.00323
1807 Journal Of Reconstructive Microsurgery 1.006 1,431 0.00263
1809 Auris Nasus Larynx 1.004 1,236 0.00301
1810 Pharmazie 1.003 3,101 0.00295
1811 Journal Of Chemical Education 1.001 7,338 0.00354
1812 Agricultural And Food Science 1 425 7.10E-04
1812 Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management 1 558 0.0011
1812 Asia Pacific Journal Of Human Resources 1 210 5.60E-04
1812 Astrophysical Bulletin 1 197 6.00E-04
1812 Botanica Marina 1 1,824 0.00181
1812 Canadian Journal Of Soil Science 1 2,326 0.00232
1812 Concepts In Magnetic Resonance Part A 1 377 8.20E-04
1812 Career Development International 1 575 0.00141
1812 Cognition Technology & Work 1 261 5.50E-04
1812 Diatom Research 1 473 5.80E-04
1812 Distributed And Parallel Databases 1 245 7.30E-04
1812 Earthquake Spectra 1 2,174 0.00645
1812 Entrepreneurship And Regional Development 1 866 0.00126
1812 European Journal Of Marketing 1 2,709 0.00249
1812 Fire Technology 1 468 0.00102
1812 Fundamental And Applied Limnology 1 555 0.00213
1812 Fuzzy Optimization And Decision Making 1 340 0.00121
1812 Gifted Child Quarterly 1 355 4.80E-04
1812 International Regional Science Review 1 605 8.20E-04
1812 Journal Of Automated Methods & Management In Chemistry 1 82 1.50E-04
1812 Journal Of Mathematical Sociology 1 625 6.30E-04
1812 Journal Of Mathematical Sociology 1 625 6.30E-04
1812 Journal Of Micropalaeontology 1 301 3.90E-04
1812 Journal Of Music Therapy 1 488 4.50E-04
1812 Journal Of Vinyl & Additive Technology 1 451 7.00E-04
1812 Journal Of Cosmetic Dermatology 1 559 0.0012
1812 Journal Of Geometric Mechanics 1 82 0.00103
1812 Leadership 1 264 6.90E-04
1812 Natural Resources Forum 1 491 8.50E-04
1812 Natural Resources Forum 1 491 8.50E-04
1812 Nordic Journal Of Music Therapy 1 123 2.40E-04
1812 Psychosis-Psychological Social And Integrative Approaches 1 119 5.50E-04
1812 Reviews In Analytical Chemistry 1 121 2.30E-04
1812 School Psychology Quarterly 1 844 0.00208
1812 Transactions In Gis 1 604 0.0016
1812 Water Environment Research 1 2,338 0.00315
1848 Acta Physica Polonica B 0.998 2,054 0.00576
1849 Futures 0.995 1,545 0.00201
1850 Quality And Reliability Engineering International 0.994 884 0.00196
1851 Computers & Electrical Engineering 0.992 672 0.00155
1851 Facial Plastic Surgery 0.992 724 0.00155
1851 International Journal Of Quantum Information 0.992 796 0.00329
1854 Canadian Journal Of Plant Pathology 0.991 1,285 0.00141
1854 Production Planning & Control 0.991 1,251 0.00138
1856 Acta Oto-Laryngologica 0.99 6,044 0.00656
1856 Optimization Letters 0.99 535 0.00325
1856 Proceedings Of The Institution Of Civil Engineers-Water Management 0.99 425 0.00128
1859 Journal Of Forensic And Legal Medicine 0.989 685 0.00216
1859 Nova Hedwigia 0.989 1,697 0.00197
1861 Desalination And Water Treatment 0.988 2,178 0.0057
1861 Historical Biology 0.988 528 9.30E-04
1863 Digital Investigation 0.986 300 5.90E-04
1863 Laryngo-Rhino-Otologie 0.986 805 7.60E-04
1865 Environment And Development Economics 0.985 761 0.00175
1865 Science And Public Policy 0.985 846 0.00219
1867 Food And Agricultural Immunology 0.984 358 5.00E-04
1867 Mathematical And Computer Modelling Of Dynamical Systems 0.984 233 0.001
1867 Managing Service Quality 0.984 798 5.50E-04
1867 Synthetic Communications 0.984 7,446 0.007
1867 Transplantation Proceedings 0.984 12,086 0.02045
1872 Contributions To Plasma Physics 0.983 1,173 0.00362
1873 Journal Of Applied Research In Intellectual Disabilities 0.982 1,126 0.00197
1874 Food Science And Technology International 0.981 1,098 0.00158
1874 Journal Of Materials Engineering And Performance 0.981 2,510 0.00569
1876 Acta Of Bioengineering And Biomechanics 0.979 234 5.00E-04
1876 Brazilian Journal Of Physical Therapy 0.979 621 0.00133
1876 Journal Of Foot & Ankle Surgery 0.979 1,741 0.00312
1876 Wireless Personal Communications 0.979 1,721 0.00328
1880 Annales Zoologici 0.978 582 9.80E-04
1880 Journal Of Psychiatric And Mental Health Nursing 0.978 1,589 0.00264
1882 Computational Optimization And Applications 0.977 1,384 0.00653
1882 Food Technology And Biotechnology 0.977 1,286 0.00158
1882 Ieee Transactions On Semiconductor Manufacturing 0.977 1,139 0.00174
1882 International Journal Of Sediment Research 0.977 381 0.00113
1882 Journal Of Oral Implantology 0.977 974 0.00162
1882 Malacologia 0.977 767 6.50E-04
1882 Orthopedics 0.977 3,418 0.00832
1889 Combustion Science And Technology 0.976 3,396 0.00382
1890 European Journal Of Pediatric Surgery 0.975 1,217 0.00222
1891 Environmental And Ecological Statistics 0.972 742 0.00207
1891 Journal Of Postgraduate Medicine 0.972 1,066 0.00154
1891 Nuclear Engineering And Design 0.972 5,961 0.01409
1891 Nanoscale And Microscale Thermophysical Engineering 0.972 150 7.60E-04
1891 Research And Practice For Persons With Severe Disabilities 0.972 252 4.90E-04
1896 European Journal Of Remote Sensing 0.971 70 1.10E-04
1896 International Journal Of Health Planning And Management 0.971 409 8.30E-04
1896 Regional Science And Urban Economics 0.971 1,579 0.00506
1899 Journal Of Child Health Care 0.97 323 8.10E-04
1900 Iet Microwaves Antennas & Propagation 0.969 1,162 0.0074
1900 Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Geologicas 0.969 499 0.00125
1902 Journal Of Aquatic Animal Health 0.968 926 9.80E-04
1902 Journal Of Asian Natural Products Research 0.968 1,409 0.00314
1902 Journal Of Psychology 0.968 1,838 0.00132
1905 Feminist Criminology 0.967 164 6.70E-04
1905 Ima Journal Of Mathematical Control And Information 0.967 348 8.40E-04
1905 Internal Medicine 0.967 4,450 0.0104
1908 Iet Optoelectronics 0.966 224 0.00103
1908 International Journal For Educational And Vocational Guidance 0.966 104 2.70E-04
1908 Training And Education In Professional Psychology 0.966 302 0.001
1911 Acta Parasitologica 0.965 758 0.00137
1911 Journal Of Official Statistics 0.965 622 0.00198
1911 Korean Journal Of Parasitology 0.965 952 0.00147
1914 Aci Structural Journal 0.964 3,438 0.00448
1914 Road Materials And Pavement Design 0.964 430 0.00118
1916 International Journal For Multiscale Computational Engineering 0.963 341 0.00169
1916 International Journal Of Mental Health Systems 0.963 173 0.00115
1916 Pediatric Hematology And Oncology 0.963 865 0.00184
1919 Discourse Processes 0.962 1,073 0.00163
1919 Earth And Environmental Science Transactions Of The Royal Society Of Edinburgh 0.962 1,554 0.00131
1919 Ichthyological Research 0.962 731 0.00125
1919 Journal Of Health Politics Policy And Law 0.962 765 0.00253
1919 Personnel Review 0.962 858 0.00139
1919 Sort-Statistics And Operations Research Transactions 0.962 64 4.10E-04
1925 Energy Efficiency 0.961 286 0.00178
1925 Energy Efficiency 0.961 286 0.00178
1925 International Journal Of Surgical Pathology 0.961 961 0.0025
1925 Revista Brasileira De Parasitologia Veterinaria 0.961 620 0.00126
1929 Aquaculture International 0.96 1,163 0.00234
1929 Plant Ecology And Evolution 0.96 137 6.50E-04
1931 Current Issues In Tourism 0.958 494 0.00104
1931 Harvard Environmental Law Review 0.958 191 7.30E-04
1931 Optical Engineering 0.958 6,918 0.00878
1934 Iawa Journal 0.957 1,208 8.30E-04
1934 Journal Of The Optical Society Of Korea 0.957 302 8.00E-04
1934 Knowledge Engineering Review 0.957 565 0.00126
1934 Revista De Psicologia Del Deporte 0.957 324 3.10E-04
1938 Journal Of Pediatric Hematology Oncology 0.956 2,785 0.00595
1938 Journal Of Research Of The National Institute Of Standards And Technology 0.956 1,884 0.00102
1940 International Journal Of Design 0.955 124 5.40E-04
1940 Journal Of Biological Systems 0.955 332 7.90E-04
1940 Optimization And Engineering 0.955 414 0.00152
1940 Phycological Research 0.955 653 0.00102
1940 Siam Journal On Financial Mathematics 0.955 135 0.00205
1940 Siam Journal On Financial Mathematics 0.955 135 0.00205
1940 Sigmod Record 0.955 1,068 0.00112
1947 Chemical Journal Of Chinese Universities-Chinese 0.954 2,790 0.00249
1947 Child And Adolescent Mental Health 0.954 399 0.00117
1947 Child And Adolescent Mental Health 0.954 399 0.00117
1947 Iet Intelligent Transport Systems 0.954 251 0.00123
1947 Structure And Infrastructure Engineering 0.954 444 0.00247
1952 Energy Exploration & Exploitation 0.953 225 4.50E-04
1952 International Journal Of Mental Health And Addiction 0.953 384 0.00131
1952 Social Theory & Health 0.953 239 7.20E-04
1955 Microsystem Technologies-Micro-And Nanosystems-Information Storage And Processing Systems 0.952 2,026 0.00511
1955 Networks And Heterogeneous Media 0.952 311 0.00242
1957 Zeitschrift Fur Padagogische Psychologie 0.951 284 6.60E-04
1958 Ieee Transactions On Plasma Science 0.95 7,101 0.01529
1959 Cluster Computing-The Journal Of Networks Software Tools And Applications 0.949 276 9.70E-04
1959 International Journal Of Cognitive Therapy 0.949 215 0.00124
1959 Journal Of Fish And Wildlife Management 0.949 75 4.00E-04
1959 Nanomaterials And Nanotechnology 0.949 39 1.20E-04
1959 Palynology 0.949 420 5.40E-04
1964 Journal Of Analytical Methods In Chemistry 0.948 58 1.50E-04
1964 Revista Mexicana De Ingenieria Quimica 0.948 202 2.40E-04
1966 British Journal Of Neurosurgery 0.947 2,222 0.00395
1967 Concepts In Magnetic Resonance Part B-Magnetic Resonance Engineering 0.946 224 6.50E-04
1967 Grundwasser 0.946 126 3.70E-04
1967 Journal Of Forecasting 0.946 862 0.00237
1967 Journal Of Macromarketing 0.946 464 7.80E-04
1967 Rehabilitation 0.946 388 4.10E-04
1972 Etri Journal 0.945 911 0.00261
1972 Journal Of Religion & Health 0.945 541 0.00171
1974 Bulletin De La Societe Geologique De France 0.944 1,974 0.00151
1974 Journal Of Voice 0.944 2,382 0.00286
1974 Journal Of Individual Differences 0.944 257 0.00108
1977 Dental Materials Journal 0.943 1,549 0.00342
1977 Landscape Research 0.943 463 8.30E-04
1979 Career Development Quarterly 0.942 514 5.40E-04
1980 International Journal Of Information Security 0.941 218 7.70E-04
1981 Disability & Society 0.939 1,004 0.00159
1981 Journal Of Law Medicine & Ethics 0.939 1,161 0.00435
1983 Ieee Transactions On Engineering Management 0.938 1,761 0.00228
1983 Ieee Transactions On Engineering Management 0.938 1,761 0.00228
1983 Journal Of Food Processing And Preservation 0.938 915 0.00135
1983 Surgical Laparoscopy Endoscopy & Percutaneous Techniques 0.938 2,187 0.0047
1987 Grana 0.936 813 5.90E-04
1987 Ieee Spectrum 0.936 972 0.00269
1987 Journal Of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 0.936 411 3.40E-04
1990 Cryogenics 0.935 1,997 0.00281
1990 Explore-The Journal Of Science And Healing 0.935 337 8.40E-04
1990 Quality Assurance And Safety Of Crops & Foods 0.935 99 3.90E-04
1993 Color Research And Application 0.934 909 0.00109
1993 Rivista Italiana Di Paleontologia E Stratigrafia 0.934 727 7.30E-04
1995 Journal Of Ethnic And Migration Studies 0.933 1,403 0.00596
1995 Journal Of The World Aquaculture Society 0.933 1,621 0.00234
1995 Journal Of Innovative Optical Health Sciences 0.933 189 5.70E-04
1995 Sport Psychologist 0.933 1,048 8.40E-04
1995 Sport Psychologist 0.933 1,048 8.40E-04
2000 Accounting And Business Research 0.932 147 5.60E-04
2000 South African Journal Of Enology And Viticulture 0.932 463 5.90E-04
2002 Journal Of Experimental And Theoretical Physics 0.931 10,002 0.00654
2002 Journal Of Urban Planning And Development 0.931 453 4.90E-04
2002 Journal Of Urban Planning And Development 0.931 453 4.90E-04
2005 Adsorption Science & Technology 0.93 752 8.60E-04
2005 Journal Of Superconductivity And Novel Magnetism 0.93 1,571 0.00438
2007 Heat And Mass Transfer 0.929 2,286 0.00492
2007 Management International Review 0.929 925 0.00168
2009 Canadian Journal Of Physics 0.928 3,577 0.00312
2009 International Journal Of Human Resource Management 0.928 3,157 0.00644
2011 Journal Of Natural History 0.927 2,569 0.00368
2011 Journal Of Bridge Engineering 0.927 1,161 0.00323
2011 Oceanologia 0.927 482 8.40E-04
2014 American Behavioral Scientist 0.926 2,397 0.00446
2014 Asian Pacific Journal Of Tropical Medicine 0.926 560 0.00179
2014 High Pressure Research 0.926 1,212 0.00276
2014 Journal Of Aerospace Engineering 0.926 585 0.00163
2018 Iete Technical Review 0.925 211 4.70E-04
2018 Italian Journal Of Remote Sensing-Rivista Italiana Di Telerilevamento 0.925 93 2.40E-04
2018 Journal Of Renewable And Sustainable Energy 0.925 563 0.00186
2018 Regular & Chaotic Dynamics 0.925 424 0.00142
2022 Chinese Physics Letters 0.924 6,171 0.01595
2022 Geophysical And Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics 0.924 704 0.00119
2022 Mathematics Of Operations Research 0.924 2,522 0.00612
2022 Microelectronics Journal 0.924 2,106 0.0043
2022 Natural Product Communications 0.924 2,078 0.00581
2027 Computational And Mathematical Organization Theory 0.923 278 5.70E-04
2027 Computational And Mathematical Organization Theory 0.923 278 5.70E-04
2027 International Environmental Agreements-Politics Law And Economics 0.923 254 9.00E-04
2027 International Journal Of Distributed Sensor Networks 0.923 534 8.10E-04
2027 Journal Of Applied Gerontology 0.923 651 0.00132
2027 Journal Of Social Issues 0.923 4,274 0.00372
2027 Pediatric Emergency Care 0.923 2,488 0.00589
2027 Resource Geology 0.923 414 9.00E-04
2027 Systems Engineering 0.923 346 5.60E-04
2036 Geriatric Nursing 0.922 481 9.90E-04
2036 Small-Scale Forestry 0.922 168 5.40E-04
2038 Canadian Journal Of Plant Science 0.921 2,904 0.00214
2038 Engineering Applications Of Computational Fluid Mechanics 0.921 180 7.80E-04
2038 Journal Of Phytopathology 0.921 2,132 0.00331
2041 Plant Production Science 0.92 723 0.00138
2042 Aquatic Living Resources 0.919 1,402 0.00171
2042 Australian Forestry 0.919 531 6.70E-04
2042 Herzogia 0.919 216 1.70E-04
2042 International Journal Of Numerical Methods For Heat & Fluid Flow 0.919 700 0.00117
2046 4Or-A Quarterly Journal Of Operations Research 0.918 364 0.0019
2047 Canadian Journal On Aging-Revue Canadienne Du Vieillissement 0.917 521 0.0011
2047 Ecs Journal Of Solid State Science And Technology 0.917 270 6.10E-04
2047 Zookeys 0.917 1,237 0.00586
2050 Revista Da Associacao Medica Brasileira 0.915 729 0.00165
2051 Food Additives & Contaminants Part B-Surveillance 0.914 233 8.50E-04
2051 Nonlinear Analysis-Modelling And Control 0.914 244 8.30E-04
2051 Ophthalmic Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery 0.914 1,903 0.00298
2051 Turkish Journal Of Agriculture And Forestry 0.914 651 9.30E-04
2055 Educational Psychology 0.913 915 0.00209
2055 Fossil Record 0.913 178 3.70E-04
2057 Anales Del Jardin Botanico De Madrid 0.912 331 4.90E-04
2057 Brazilian Journal Of Chemical Engineering 0.912 891 0.00174
2057 Iet Circuits Devices & Systems 0.912 272 0.00161
2057 Presence-Teleoperators And Virtual Environments 0.912 1,145 0.00143
2061 Chemical And Biochemical Engineering Quarterly 0.911 410 7.80E-04
2061 International Review Of Economics & Finance 0.911 589 0.00145
2061 Journal Of The Operational Research Society 0.911 4,982 0.00832
2061 Journal Of The Operational Research Society 0.911 4,982 0.00832
2061 Theoretical Medicine And Bioethics 0.911 286 9.00E-04
2066 Optical Switching And Networking 0.909 153 6.60E-04
2066 Raffles Bulletin Of Zoology 0.909 1,153 0.00228
2068 Early Education And Development 0.908 738 0.00178
2068 Heterocycles 0.908 5,514 0.00628
2068 Journal Of Photopolymer Science And Technology 0.908 897 0.0014
2068 Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung Section A-A Journal Of Physical Sciences 0.908 1,973 0.00175
2072 Education And Training In Autism And Developmental Disabilities 0.907 111 5.00E-04
2072 Hepato-Gastroenterology 0.907 5,267 0.00891
2072 Journal Of Business & Industrial Marketing 0.907 896 9.90E-04
2072 Journal Of Neuroscience Nursing 0.907 573 0.00121
2072 Revista Do Instituto De Medicina Tropical De Sao Paulo 0.907 1,643 0.0017
2077 International Journal Of Food Properties 0.906 1,086 0.00166
2078 Journal Of Earthquake Engineering 0.905 993 0.00349
2078 Journal Of Applied Biomaterials & Functional Materials 0.905 42 1.30E-04
2078 Journal Of Prosthodontics-Implant Esthetic And Reconstructive Dentistry 0.905 1,171 0.00308
2078 Social Justice Research 0.905 703 0.00161
2078 Urban Water Journal 0.905 688 0.00109
2078 Wind And Structures 0.905 345 9.10E-04
2084 Acm Transactions On Multimedia Computing Communications And Applications 0.904 366 0.00136
2084 Clinical Nurse Specialist 0.904 343 6.70E-04
2084 Journal Of Applied Biomechanics 0.904 1,038 0.00178
2084 Journal Of Artificial Intelligence Research 0.904 1,824 0.00462
2088 Australian Journal Of Botany 0.903 2,755 0.00276
2088 Israel Medical Association Journal 0.903 1,732 0.00374
2088 Journal Of Applied Ichthyology 0.903 2,728 0.00536
2088 Journal Of Database Management 0.903 160 4.70E-04
2088 Journal Of Operational Risk 0.903 97 2.20E-04
2093 Heat Transfer Engineering 0.902 1,455 0.00344
2093 Journal Of Women & Aging 0.902 289 5.60E-04
2093 Psychology & Marketing 0.902 2,161 0.00247
2093 Quest 0.902 620 8.20E-04
2093 Studies In History And Philosophy Of Modern Physics 0.902 355 6.60E-04
2098 Informatica 0.901 284 7.70E-04
2099 European Management Review 0.9 240 0.00124
2099 International Journal Of Ad Hoc And Ubiquitous Computing 0.9 299 4.90E-04
2101 Alcheringa 0.899 522 8.20E-04
2102 Journal Of Sports Science And Medicine 0.898 1,137 0.00274
2103 Advances In Materials Science And Engineering 0.897 204 7.20E-04
2103 British Journal Of Occupational Therapy 0.897 844 8.90E-04
2103 Geocarto International 0.897 386 6.20E-04
2103 Information Technology & Management 0.897 139 4.30E-04
2103 Journal Of Adhesion 0.897 1,451 0.00167
2103 Natureza & Conservacao 0.897 142 6.70E-04
2109 International Journal Of Satellite Communications And Networking 0.896 207 5.50E-04
2109 Theory And Practice Of Logic Programming 0.896 240 7.80E-04
2111 Artificial Intelligence Review 0.895 633 0.00151
2111 Housing Studies 0.895 1,038 0.00226
2111 International Journal Of Water Resources Development 0.895 567 0.00109
2111 International Journal Of Nursing Terminologies And Classifications 0.895 113 1.80E-04
2111 International Journal Of Nursing Terminologies And Classifications 0.895 113 1.80E-04
2111 Journal Of Engineering Materials And Technology-Transactions Of The Asme 0.895 2,054 0.00185
2111 Journal Of Geophysics And Engineering 0.895 411 0.00137
2111 Journal Of Maps 0.895 221 8.10E-04
2111 R Journal 0.895 102 0.00101
2111 Southern Journal Of Applied Forestry 0.895 457 4.80E-04
2121 Atencion Primaria 0.894 787 7.80E-04
2121 Computer Aided Geometric Design 0.894 1,284 0.00405
2121 Journal Of Medical Primatology 0.894 872 0.00136
2121 Robotica 0.894 1,124 0.00251
2125 Medical Problems Of Performing Artists 0.893 304 4.80E-04
2126 Journal Of Equine Veterinary Science 0.892 885 0.0016
2126 Journal Of Applied Remote Sensing 0.892 605 0.00227
2128 Cirugia Espanola 0.89 521 0.00108
2129 Journal Of The Serbian Chemical Society 0.889 1,365 0.00187
2129 Journal Of The Chinese Medical Association 0.889 932 0.00229
2129 Population And Environment 0.889 656 0.00115
2132 Computer Journal 0.888 2,471 0.00406
2132 Journal Of Cardiac Surgery 0.888 1,190 0.00346
2132 Performance Evaluation 0.888 1,083 0.00275
2135 Journal Of International Financial Markets Institutions & Money 0.887 446 0.00111
2136 Public Health Nursing 0.886 1,055 0.00165
2136 Public Health Nursing 0.886 1,055 0.00165
2136 Quantum Electronics 0.886 2,546 0.00368
2139 American Annals Of The Deaf 0.885 484 6.00E-04
2139 Journal Of Perianesthesia Nursing 0.885 309 4.90E-04
2139 Journal Of Perianesthesia Nursing 0.885 309 4.90E-04
2142 Journal Of Biosocial Science 0.883 1,086 0.00186
2142 Journal Of Professional Nursing 0.883 788 0.00131
2142 Journal Of Professional Nursing 0.883 788 0.00131
2145 Discrete Dynamics In Nature And Society 0.882 749 0.00212
2145 Housing Policy Debate 0.882 797 0.00115
2145 Petrology 0.882 547 0.00155
2145 Scandinavian Journal Of Hospitality And Tourism 0.882 230 5.30E-04
2149 Ent-Ear Nose & Throat Journal 0.881 1,430 0.00154
2149 Fish Pathology 0.881 687 4.00E-04
2151 Journal Of Community & Applied Social Psychology 0.88 826 0.00159
2151 Polymer Science Series A 0.88 1,403 0.00195
2151 Software Quality Journal 0.88 200 5.70E-04
2151 Ukrainian Journal Of Physical Optics 0.88 90 2.90E-04
2155 Progress In Nuclear Energy 0.879 1,277 0.00449
2156 Journal Of Ship Research 0.878 547 7.60E-04
2156 Service Business 0.878 116 1.90E-04
2158 American Statistician 0.877 3,481 0.00239
2158 Applied Entomology And Zoology 0.877 1,564 0.00159
2158 Journal Of Transportation Engineering 0.877 2,132 0.00404
2161 Zoological Science 0.876 2,438 0.00385
2162 Journal Of Asia-Pacific Entomology 0.875 457 0.0013
2162 Journal Of Engineering Technology 0.875 52 8.00E-05
2162 Journal Of Iberian Geology 0.875 208 6.80E-04
2162 Journal Of Veterinary Medical Science 0.875 3,564 0.00571
2162 Wood And Fiber Science 0.875 1,487 0.00149
2167 Acta Chimica Sinica 0.874 2,312 0.00271
2168 Financial Management 0.873 1,227 0.00289
2168 Journal Of Heterocyclic Chemistry 0.873 5,440 0.00399
2168 Journal Of Psychosocial Nursing And Mental Health Services 0.873 534 0.00106
2168 Journal Of Psychosocial Nursing And Mental Health Services 0.873 534 0.00106
2168 Journal Of Pediatric Oncology Nursing 0.873 614 0.00103
2168 Journal Of Pediatric Oncology Nursing 0.873 614 0.00103
2174 Chinese Journal Of Chemical Engineering 0.872 1,572 0.00359
2174 Journal Of Language And Social Psychology 0.872 560 0.00121
2174 Microelectronics International 0.872 154 3.40E-04
2174 Vehicle System Dynamics 0.872 1,706 0.00229
2178 Community Dental Health 0.871 995 0.00107
2178 Journal Of Thermophysics And Heat Transfer 0.871 1,540 0.00238
2180 Austrian Journal Of Forest Science 0.87 44 1.20E-04
2180 Bulletin Of Materials Science 0.87 2,622 0.00385
2180 Computational Intelligence 0.87 411 7.80E-04
2180 Clinical Nursing Research 0.87 438 5.60E-04
2180 Clinical Nursing Research 0.87 438 5.60E-04
2180 Scottish Journal Of Geology 0.87 451 2.50E-04
2186 Journal Of Science Education And Technology 0.869 823 0.00243
2187 Economic Development And Cultural Change 0.868 1,353 0.0024
2187 Journal Of The American Academy Of Nurse Practitioners 0.868 926 0.00254
2187 Journal Of The American Academy Of Nurse Practitioners 0.868 926 0.00254
2187 Nursing In Critical Care 0.868 451 8.50E-04
2187 Nursing In Critical Care 0.868 451 8.50E-04
2192 Advances In Nursing Science 0.867 841 9.70E-04
2192 Advances In Nursing Science 0.867 841 9.70E-04
2192 Infants & Young Children 0.867 291 5.20E-04
2192 Journal Of Construction Engineering And Management 0.867 2,842 0.00359
2192 Journal Of Educational Measurement 0.867 972 0.00188
2192 Oceanological And Hydrobiological Studies 0.867 349 7.10E-04
2192 Sports Biomechanics 0.867 313 8.10E-04
2199 Geological Quarterly 0.865 514 7.80E-04
2199 Italian Journal Of Zoology 0.865 788 0.00115
2199 Journal Of Plant Interactions 0.865 205 6.90E-04
2202 Science China-Physics Mechanics & Astronomy 0.864 1,012 0.00374
2203 Journal Of Food Safety 0.863 683 0.00114
2203 Journal Of Mechanisms And Robotics-Transactions Of The Asme 0.863 231 0.00123
2205 Discourse & Society 0.862 970 0.00218
2205 Family Relations 0.862 1,654 0.00215
2205 Human Factors And Ergonomics In Manufacturing & Service Industries 0.862 273 6.20E-04
2205 Human Factors And Ergonomics In Manufacturing & Service Industries 0.862 273 6.20E-04
2205 Sexuality And Disability 0.862 369 6.40E-04
2210 Development Policy Review 0.861 596 0.00157
2210 Journal Of The American Society Of Brewing Chemists 0.861 504 4.70E-04
2210 Radiation Protection Dosimetry 0.861 4,937 0.00827
2213 Acm Transactions On Information And System Security 0.86 574 0.0016
2213 Journal Of Family Issues 0.86 1,948 0.00361
2213 Mathematics And Mechanics Of Solids 0.86 422 0.00182
2213 Psychological Record 0.86 716 9.50E-04
2217 Journal Of Geography In Higher Education 0.859 516 5.80E-04
2218 Chinese Journal Of Organic Chemistry 0.858 1,691 0.00191
2219 International Journal On Document Analysis And Recognition 0.857 303 8.70E-04
2219 Journal Of Tropical Pediatrics 0.857 1,474 0.00262
2219 Neues Jahrbuch Fur Mineralogie-Abhandlungen 0.857 874 6.30E-04
2219 Structural Concrete 0.857 178 5.70E-04
2223 Journal Of The Chinese Chemical Society 0.856 1,795 0.00244
2223 Mathematics And Computers In Simulation 0.856 2,360 0.00804
2225 Cross Cultural Management-An International Journal 0.855 241 4.80E-04
2225 Family & Community Health 0.855 585 0.00129
2225 Fisheries Science 0.855 2,640 0.00363
2225 Journal Of Sport Rehabilitation 0.855 561 0.00128
2225 Marine And Freshwater Behaviour And Physiology 0.855 432 6.60E-04
2230 Human Resource Development Quarterly 0.854 499 6.10E-04
2231 Canadian Journal Of Veterinary Research-Revue Canadienne De Recherche Veterinaire 0.853 1,399 0.00157
2231 Journal Of Food Biochemistry 0.853 1,029 0.00156
2233 Language & Communication 0.852 563 8.60E-04
2234 Canadian Journal Of Behavioural Science-Revue Canadienne Des Sciences Du Comportement 0.851 870 0.00113
2234 Emergency Medicine Clinics Of North America 0.851 801 0.00134
2234 Family Medicine 0.851 1,841 0.00259
2234 Journal Of Consumer Behaviour 0.851 551 9.60E-04
2238 Journal Of Conchology 0.85 265 2.70E-04
2238 Journal Of Electronic Imaging 0.85 1,255 0.00256
2238 Neotropical Entomology 0.85 1,522 0.00348
2241 Caryologia 0.849 810 8.40E-04
2241 Journal Of Air Transport Management 0.849 1,014 0.00224
2241 Journal Of Sustainable Agriculture 0.849 519 7.80E-04
2241 Rehabilitation Nursing 0.849 447 6.40E-04
2241 Rehabilitation Nursing 0.849 447 6.40E-04
2246 African Zoology 0.848 318 8.70E-04
2246 Nursing & Health Sciences 0.848 620 0.00136
2246 Nursing & Health Sciences 0.848 620 0.00136
2249 International Journal Of Exergy 0.847 356 7.60E-04
2250 International Journal Of Selection And Assessment 0.846 879 0.00179
2250 Journal Of Career Development 0.846 351 6.70E-04
2250 Journal Of Emotional And Behavioral Disorders 0.846 734 8.50E-04
2250 Zoo Biology 0.846 1,321 0.00142
2254 Acta Physica Sinica 0.845 8,589 0.0071
2254 International Journal Of Rf And Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering 0.845 420 0.00155
2254 International Journal Of Performance Analysis In Sport 0.845 399 5.70E-04
2254 Scandinavian Journal Of Management 0.845 619 0.00136
2258 Applied Ontology 0.844 123 6.20E-04
2258 Foot And Ankle Clinics 0.844 828 0.00124
2258 Journal Of Nursing Research 0.844 330 6.70E-04
2258 Journal Of Nursing Research 0.844 330 6.70E-04
2258 Nordic Journal Of Botany 0.844 955 0.00148
2258 Potato Research 0.844 684 7.20E-04
2264 American Malacological Bulletin 0.843 361 5.70E-04
2264 Applied Psychological Measurement 0.843 3,157 0.00271
2264 Collegian 0.843 256 6.30E-04
2264 Collegian 0.843 256 6.30E-04
2264 Transactions Of The Asabe 0.843 7,176 0.00585
2269 Scientia Iranica 0.842 693 0.00281
2270 Journal Of Supercomputing 0.841 694 0.00217
2270 Pathogens And Global Health 0.841 70 3.60E-04
2270 Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 0.841 934 0.00151
2270 Turkish Journal Of Medical Sciences 0.841 726 7.20E-04
2274 Energy Sources Part B-Economics Planning And Policy 0.84 240 7.20E-04
2275 Archives Of Budo 0.839 134 1.40E-04
2275 Behaviour & Information Technology 0.839 1,035 0.00162
2275 International Migration 0.839 762 0.00225
2275 International Review Of Research In Developmental Disabilities 0.839 28 1.20E-04
2275 Spe Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 0.839 982 0.00323
2280 Invasive Plant Science And Management 0.838 308 0.00133
2280 Journal Of Herpetology 0.838 3,006 0.00256
2280 Oil Shale 0.838 340 3.40E-04
2283 Journal Of The Institute Of Brewing 0.837 1,111 0.00119
2283 Materials At High Temperatures 0.837 477 0.001
2285 Journal Of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 0.836 1,061 0.00176
2285 Journal Of Homosexuality 0.836 1,271 0.0024
2285 Journal Of Sandwich Structures & Materials 0.836 316 8.50E-04
2288 Bulletin Of The Korean Chemical Society 0.835 5,442 0.00926
2288 Clinical And Experimental Otorhinolaryngology 0.835 247 0.00114
2288 Geologica Carpathica 0.835 683 9.50E-04
2288 Mcn-The American Journal Of Maternal-Child Nursing 0.835 530 8.70E-04
2288 Mcn-The American Journal Of Maternal-Child Nursing 0.835 530 8.70E-04
2293 Acm Journal On Emerging Technologies In Computing Systems 0.833 127 7.00E-04
2293 Ardea 0.833 1,081 0.00107
2293 Journal Of Housing Economics 0.833 455 0.00155
2293 Journal Of Literacy Research 0.833 231 6.90E-04
2293 Primary Care 0.833 537 0.00119
2293 Zygon 0.833 337 9.00E-05
2299 Journal Of Community Psychology 0.832 1,831 0.00314
2300 Acta Chiropterologica 0.831 528 0.00114
2300 Revista Chilena De Historia Natural 0.831 1,155 8.70E-04
2302 Journal Of Transcultural Nursing 0.83 652 0.00115
2302 Journal Of Transcultural Nursing 0.83 652 0.00115
2304 Advances In Applied Probability 0.829 1,802 0.00461
2304 Behavioral Psychology-Psicologia Conductual 0.829 203 2.80E-04
2306 Eurasian Geography And Economics 0.827 336 0.00138
2306 International Journal Of Antennas And Propagation 0.827 404 0.00178
2306 Journal Of The American Mosquito Control Association 0.827 2,173 0.00202
2309 International Journal Of Astrobiology 0.826 345 9.50E-04
2309 Journal Of Veterinary Medical Education 0.826 509 7.10E-04
2309 Modeling Identification And Control 0.826 228 3.00E-04
2312 Australian Accounting Review 0.825 192 3.90E-04
2312 Geodiversitas 0.825 516 0.0013
2312 Journal Of Wood Science 0.825 1,479 0.00168
2315 Ardeola 0.824 393 5.20E-04
2315 Child & Family Social Work 0.824 555 0.00107
2315 High Ability Studies 0.824 206 3.30E-04
2315 Mammalia 0.824 1,111 0.00124
2315 Pacific Science 0.824 1,195 0.00121
2320 Feminism & Psychology 0.823 492 0.00109
2321 Journal Of Geography 0.822 398 5.30E-04
2321 Journal Of Sulfur Chemistry 0.822 373 7.20E-04
2323 Abacus-A Journal Of Accounting Finance And Business Studies 0.821 318 5.50E-04
2323 International Journal Of Automotive Technology 0.821 513 0.00164
2325 Information Systems Management 0.82 430 6.20E-04
2325 Statistical Papers 0.82 533 0.00252
2325 Software And Systems Modeling 0.82 235 0.00107
2328 Mathematical Physics Analysis And Geometry 0.818 139 8.00E-04
2328 Proceedings Of The Academy Of Natural Sciences Of Philadelphia 0.818 1,096 2.50E-04
2330 European Management Journal 0.817 1,314 0.00138
2330 Journal Of Apicultural Science 0.817 132 2.80E-04
2332 Tropical Biomedicine 0.816 591 0.00148
2333 Journal Of Essential Oil Research 0.815 1,878 0.00144
2333 Journal Of Dual Diagnosis 0.815 169 4.90E-04
2333 Public Administration And Development 0.815 404 8.20E-04
2336 Animal Science Papers And Reports 0.814 291 5.20E-04
2336 Journal Of Applied Botany And Food Quality 0.814 183 4.00E-04
2336 Lab Animal 0.814 287 5.50E-04
2339 Information Technology And Control 0.813 145 3.50E-04
2340 Acta Herpetologica 0.812 134 3.90E-04
2340 Cin-Computers Informatics Nursing 0.812 459 0.00104
2340 Cin-Computers Informatics Nursing 0.812 459 0.00104
2340 International Migration Review 0.812 2,003 0.00295
2344 International Journal Of Crashworthiness 0.811 628 0.00135
2344 Journal Of The Royal Army Medical Corps 0.811 442 7.70E-04
2346 Acta Chimica Slovenica 0.81 1,185 0.00198
2346 European Journal Of General Practice 0.81 285 7.60E-04
2346 Journal Of Counseling And Development 0.81 1,246 0.00121
2346 Journal Of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 0.81 825 0.00198
2346 Journal Of Plant Biochemistry And Biotechnology 0.81 267 5.40E-04
2346 Journal Of Business Economics And Management 0.81 280 5.50E-04
2352 Botanical Studies 0.809 352 8.20E-04
2353 Eurasip Journal On Advances In Signal Processing 0.808 2,476 0.00938
2353 Journal Of Time Series Analysis 0.808 1,162 0.00389
2353 Open Systems & Information Dynamics 0.808 249 8.50E-04
2356 Journal Of Managerial Psychology 0.807 1,206 0.00267
2357 Canadian Psychology-Psychologie Canadienne 0.806 735 0.00206
2357 Rare Metals 0.806 891 0.00201
2359 Bollettino Di Geofisica Teorica Ed Applicata 0.805 314 7.20E-04
2359 Eurasip Journal On Wireless Communications And Networking 0.805 1,583 0.00787
2359 Journal Of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics 0.805 361 4.80E-04
2362 Acta Ethologica 0.804 246 6.10E-04
2362 Acta Geologica Polonica 0.804 556 6.90E-04
2362 American Journal Of Physics 0.804 5,562 0.00476
2362 Journal International Des Sciences De La Vigne Et Du Vin 0.804 327 7.50E-04
2362 Materials Science And Technology 0.804 4,172 0.00605
2362 Periodico Di Mineralogia 0.804 295 5.20E-04
2368 Environmental Communication-A Journal Of Nature And Culture 0.803 173 6.20E-04
2368 Structural Engineering And Mechanics 0.803 1,184 0.00289
2370 Acta Veterinaria Hungarica 0.802 574 8.90E-04
2370 Applied Mathematics And Mechanics-English Edition 0.802 1,190 0.00276
2372 Journal Of Clinical Ultrasound 0.801 1,711 0.00267
2373 Acm Transactions On Programming Languages And Systems 0.8 943 0.00179
2373 Boletin De La Sociedad Botanica De Mexico 0.8 202 1.50E-04
2373 European Journal Of Psychology Of Education 0.8 592 0.001
2373 Instrumentation Science & Technology 0.8 244 4.40E-04
2373 Inverse Problems In Science And Engineering 0.8 355 0.00166
2373 Journal Of Environmental And Engineering Geophysics 0.8 333 6.50E-04
2373 Laboratory Animals 0.8 1,308 0.0013
2373 Nonlinear Dynamics Psychology And Life Sciences 0.8 216 5.00E-04
2381 Micro & Nano Letters 0.799 669 0.002
2382 Australian Journal Of Entomology 0.798 633 0.00111
2382 Journal Of The Society For Information Display 0.798 850 0.00245
2382 Pacific Journal Of Optimization 0.798 256 0.00191
2385 Journal Of Geometry And Physics 0.797 1,421 0.0083
2386 Accounting And Finance 0.796 415 9.50E-04
2386 New Genetics And Society 0.796 218 7.90E-04
2386 Radioengineering 0.796 595 0.00176
2389 Australian Journal Of Management 0.795 230 3.20E-04
2389 Journal Of General Psychology 0.795 884 7.00E-04
2391 European Journal Of Control 0.792 651 0.00189
2391 Journal Of Computational Acoustics 0.792 359 8.00E-04
2391 Journal Of Law And Society 0.792 309 8.50E-04
2391 Journal Of Theoretical Probability 0.792 688 0.00399
2391 Journal Of Pension Economics & Finance 0.792 103 8.40E-04
2391 Statistical Modelling 0.792 356 0.00168
2397 Social Service Review 0.791 647 8.50E-04
2397 Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift 0.791 1,499 0.00243
2399 Journal Of Ethology 0.79 672 0.00155
2399 Wilderness & Environmental Medicine 0.79 464 0.00109
2401 Sociological Review 0.789 1,274 0.00314
2401 Stratigraphy 0.789 213 9.00E-04
2403 Chemical Engineering Communications 0.788 1,806 0.00193
2403 Journal Of Engineering For Gas Turbines And Power-Transactions Of The Asme 0.788 3,010 0.00596
2403 Natural Hazards Review 0.788 553 0.00139
2406 Accounting Horizons 0.787 837 0.0013
2406 Central European Journal Of Operations Research 0.787 243 0.00101
2406 Child Abuse Review 0.787 409 6.70E-04
2406 Journal Of Poultry Science 0.787 356 8.50E-04
2406 Journal Of Productivity Analysis 0.787 1,077 0.00151
2411 Advances In Complex Systems 0.786 439 0.00151
2411 International Journal Of Communication 0.786 316 0.00207
2411 International Journal Of Data Warehousing And Mining 0.786 101 2.90E-04
2414 Acm Transactions On Autonomous And Adaptive Systems 0.785 212 0.00118
2414 Journal Of Fuel Cell Science And Technology 0.785 638 0.00212
2416 Concurrency And Computation-Practice & Experience 0.784 1,064 0.00341
2416 Journal Of Functional Programming 0.784 256 0.00182
2418 Journal Of Agricultural Biological And Environmental Statistics 0.783 612 0.00166
2418 Journal Of Manufacturing Science And Engineering-Transactions Of The Asme 0.783 2,212 0.00386
2418 Journal Of The American Animal Hospital Association 0.783 1,890 0.00131
2418 Journal Of Services Marketing 0.783 1,295 0.00114
2418 Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers Part I-Journal Of Systems And Control Engineering 0.783 589 0.00173
2418 Transactions On Emerging Telecommunications Technologies 0.783 83 1.80E-04
2424 Aviation Space And Environmental Medicine 0.782 2,967 0.00298
2424 British Poultry Science 0.782 3,259 0.00257
2426 Ecs Solid State Letters 0.781 84 2.40E-04
2427 Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics 0.78 802 0.00152
2428 City & Community 0.778 344 0.0014
2428 European Physical Journal H 0.778 70 4.40E-04
2428 Folia Biologica 0.778 442 8.20E-04
2428 Geopolitics 0.778 462 0.00152
2428 Methodology And Computing In Applied Probability 0.778 349 0.00212
2428 Panoeconomicus 0.778 115 2.00E-04
2428 Survey Research Methods 0.778 108 8.50E-04
2435 Plant Omics 0.777 181 5.20E-04
2436 Canadian Journal Of Development Studies-Revue Canadienne D Etudes Du Developpement 0.776 126 4.70E-04
2436 Helminthologia 0.776 395 6.80E-04
2436 Strojniski Vestnik-Journal Of Mechanical Engineering 0.776 283 7.80E-04
2439 Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers Part O-Journal Of Risk And Reliability 0.775 180 0.00117
2440 Electronic Journal Of Probability 0.774 754 0.00942
2440 Health Physics 0.774 3,492 0.00485
2440 Otjr-Occupation Participation And Health 0.774 348 5.10E-04
2443 Equine Veterinary Education 0.773 739 0.00123
2443 Journal Of Black Psychology 0.773 619 7.00E-04
2445 African Entomology 0.772 313 6.70E-04
2445 China & World Economy 0.772 241 0.00132
2445 Deviant Behavior 0.772 635 0.0013
2445 Economic Botany 0.772 1,976 8.80E-04
2445 Journal Of Futures Markets 0.772 870 0.00136
2450 Annales Botanici Fennici 0.771 840 0.00112
2450 Inzinerine Ekonomika-Engineering Economics 0.771 223 3.80E-04
2450 Journal Of Cryptology 0.771 612 0.00136
2450 Journal Of Swine Health And Production 0.771 297 4.60E-04
2450 Optimization 0.771 887 0.00311
2455 Fluctuation And Noise Letters 0.77 340 7.40E-04
2455 Sociological Perspectives 0.77 690 0.00136
2457 American Journal Of Psychology 0.769 2,111 0.00112
2457 Connection Science 0.769 307 3.20E-04
2457 Electromagnetic Biology And Medicine 0.769 316 5.20E-04
2457 Electronic Markets 0.769 283 3.40E-04
2461 International Journal Of Imaging Systems And Technology 0.768 468 0.00118
2461 Journal Of Food Quality 0.768 748 9.40E-04
2461 Journal Of Plant Pathology 0.768 994 0.0023
2461 Sequential Analysis-Design Methods And Applications 0.768 266 0.00103
2465 Information Visualization 0.767 287 0.00154
2466 Journal Of Sexual Aggression 0.766 288 7.00E-04
2466 Neotropical Ichthyology 0.766 793 0.00199
2466 Top 0.766 266 0.0014
2469 Electromagnetics 0.765 419 0.00107
2469 International Review Of Administrative Sciences 0.765 404 0.00146
2469 Nephrology Nursing Journal 0.765 333 6.70E-04
2469 Nephrology Nursing Journal 0.765 333 6.70E-04
2469 Zeitschrift Fur Familienforschung 0.765 68 2.20E-04
2474 Hip International 0.763 468 0.00179
2474 Negotiation And Conflict Management Research 0.763 90 9.20E-04
2476 Siam Journal On Computing 0.762 3,649 0.01081
2477 Information Systems Frontiers 0.761 542 0.00143
2477 Journal Of Nursing Education 0.761 1,609 0.00271
2477 Journal Of Nursing Education 0.761 1,609 0.00271
2477 Quality & Quantity 0.761 1,214 0.00285
2481 Comparative Medicine 0.76 906 0.00205
2481 World Economy 0.76 1,266 0.00495
2483 Magazine Of Concrete Research 0.759 1,421 0.0023
2483 Russian Journal Of Plant Physiology 0.759 1,063 0.00147
2485 Iet Computer Vision 0.758 156 6.90E-04
2485 Journal Of Materials Education 0.758 184 1.90E-04
2485 Medicine Science And The Law 0.758 525 6.00E-04
2485 Nuclear Engineering And Technology 0.758 516 0.00284
2489 Explorations In Economic History 0.757 563 0.00208
2489 International Public Management Journal 0.757 302 0.00128
2489 Marine Technology Society Journal 0.757 506 0.00121
2489 Rendiconti Lincei-Scienze Fisiche E Naturali 0.757 191 6.60E-04
2493 Asta-Advances In Statistical Analysis 0.756 138 0.00135
2493 Veterinarni Medicina 0.756 791 0.00147
2495 Economics Of Transition 0.755 454 0.00124
2495 Journal Of Consumer Affairs 0.755 651 0.00129
2495 Public Relations Review 0.755 1,088 0.0022
2495 Plant Pathology Journal 0.755 415 8.80E-04
2495 Swiss Journal Of Psychology 0.755 239 7.20E-04
2500 Culture & Psychology 0.754 430 8.80E-04
2500 Cognitive Systems Research 0.754 354 9.90E-04
2500 Quantitative Finance 0.754 1,124 0.00536
2500 Quantitative Finance 0.754 1,124 0.00536
2504 British Journal Of Sociology Of Education 0.753 813 0.00164
2504 Indian Journal Of Experimental Biology 0.753 2,788 0.00267
2504 Journal Of Child Sexual Abuse 0.753 500 9.60E-04
2504 Soil Science And Plant Nutrition 0.753 1,967 0.00247
2508 International Journal Of Electronics 0.751 998 0.00119
2509 Acm Transactions On Database Systems 0.75 966 0.00267
2509 Dreaming 0.75 300 1.00E-04
2509 European Journal Of Migration And Law 0.75 132 5.80E-04
2509 Expert Systems 0.75 278 5.80E-04
2509 International Journal Of Pest Management 0.75 580 8.90E-04
2509 Island Studies Journal 0.75 79 8.00E-05
2509 Photonic Network Communications 0.75 298 7.60E-04
2509 Policing & Society 0.75 276 0.0011
2509 Voluntas 0.75 404 9.80E-04
2509 Zeitschrift Fur Personalforschung 0.75 43 1.60E-04
2519 Nuclear Science And Engineering 0.748 1,568 0.00227
2520 Journal Of Communications And Networks 0.747 267 0.00129
2520 Plasma Physics Reports 0.747 1,115 0.00272
2520 Transactions Of The Institute Of Metal Finishing 0.747 444 5.90E-04
2523 Homeopathy 0.746 330 3.50E-04
2523 Journal Of Power Electronics 0.746 430 0.00117
2523 Materials Technology 0.746 326 8.80E-04
2523 Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers Part L-Journal Of Materials-Design And Applications 0.746 251 6.80E-04
2527 Archives Of Mechanics 0.745 396 6.30E-04
2527 Hvac&R Research 0.745 770 0.00184
2527 New Zealand Journal Of Zoology 0.745 769 6.80E-04
2527 Research-Technology Management 0.745 491 6.40E-04
2527 Research-Technology Management 0.745 491 6.40E-04
2527 Romanian Journal Of Physics 0.745 450 0.0013
2533 International Review Of Finance 0.744 102 4.40E-04
2533 Journal Of Organizational Change Management 0.744 695 9.70E-04
2533 Young 0.744 226 6.80E-04
2536 Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers Part F-Journal Of Rail And Rapid Transit 0.743 483 0.00117
2536 Shock Waves 0.743 862 0.00217
2538 Anatomia Histologia Embryologia 0.742 780 0.00127
2538 Canadian Journal Of Occupational Therapy-Revue Canadienne D Ergotherapie 0.742 608 7.30E-04
2538 Journal Of Computer Information Systems 0.742 370 8.70E-04
2538 Pattern Analysis And Applications 0.742 464 0.00101
2542 Czech Journal Of Food Sciences 0.741 664 0.00166
2542 Folia Zoologica 0.741 645 9.70E-04
2542 Saudi Journal Of Biological Sciences 0.741 190 4.70E-04
2542 Social Science Quarterly 0.741 2,187 0.00495
2546 Journal Of Macromolecular Science Part A-Pure And Applied Chemistry 0.74 2,232 0.00203
2546 Review Of Income And Wealth 0.74 691 0.00245
2548 Annals Of Regional Science 0.739 912 0.00277
2548 Networks 0.739 1,647 0.00445
2550 Cesifo Economic Studies 0.738 192 0.00102
2551 Comparative Parasitology 0.737 365 6.60E-04
2551 Contemporary Sociology-A Journal Of Reviews 0.737 214 4.30E-04
2551 International Journal Of Applied Electromagnetics And Mechanics 0.737 717 0.00128
2554 Economic Modelling 0.736 1,287 0.00424
2554 International Nursing Review 0.736 690 0.00171
2554 International Nursing Review 0.736 690 0.00171
2554 Transactions Of The Institute Of Measurement And Control 0.736 391 9.80E-04
2558 Journal Of Family Practice 0.735 2,149 0.00123
2558 Language Assessment Quarterly 0.735 154 7.40E-04
2558 New Technology Work And Employment 0.735 229 4.70E-04
2561 Materiales De Construccion 0.734 359 7.30E-04
2562 European Review Of Economic History 0.733 237 0.00123
2562 International Journal Of Technology And Design Education 0.733 323 3.90E-04
2564 Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 0.732 442 4.00E-04
2564 International Journal Of Mechanics And Materials In Design 0.732 181 7.80E-04
2566 Biocontrol Science And Technology 0.731 1,415 0.00216
2566 Folia Primatologica 0.731 1,414 7.80E-04
2566 Interacting With Computers 0.731 899 0.00173
2566 Interacting With Computers 0.731 899 0.00173
2566 Journal Of Laser Micro Nanoengineering 0.731 272 7.90E-04
2566 Journal Of The American Association For Laboratory Animal Science 0.731 494 0.00152
2572 Biocell 0.73 308 3.70E-04
2572 Crime Media Culture 0.73 167 6.90E-04
2572 Designs Codes And Cryptography 0.73 924 0.00599
2572 Learning Disabilities Research & Practice 0.73 519 0.00103
2576 Journal Of Urban Technology 0.729 155 3.10E-04
2576 Journal Of Human Development And Capabilities 0.729 156 7.40E-04
2576 Medical Law Review 0.729 156 6.00E-04
2576 Virtual Reality 0.729 204 5.40E-04
2580 Bryologist 0.728 1,267 0.00111
2580 Excli Journal 0.728 162 3.40E-04
2582 Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae 0.727 267 4.30E-04
2582 Bioacoustics-The International Journal Of Animal Sound And Its Recording 0.727 317 5.80E-04
2582 Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal Of Geography 0.727 208 4.30E-04
2582 International Journal Of Osteopathic Medicine 0.727 94 1.30E-04
2582 Journal Of Sport Management 0.727 504 8.00E-04
2587 Coleopterists Bulletin 0.726 682 6.90E-04
2588 Business History Review 0.725 359 5.20E-04
2588 Civil Engineering And Environmental Systems 0.725 208 3.80E-04
2588 International Review For The Sociology Of Sport 0.725 566 0.00115
2588 Mathematical Modelling Of Natural Phenomena 0.725 354 0.00255
2592 Educational Administration Quarterly 0.723 604 0.00128
2592 International Journal Of Human-Computer Interaction 0.723 632 0.00121
2594 Bulletin Of Insectology 0.722 477 0.00126
2594 International Finance 0.722 240 9.70E-04
2594 Journal Of Diversity In Higher Education 0.722 101 7.40E-04
2594 Journal Of Investigative Psychology And Offender Profiling 0.722 161 5.20E-04
2594 Teachers College Record 0.722 1,610 0.00603
2599 Bulletin Of Engineering Geology And The Environment 0.721 764 0.00168
2599 Ieee Security & Privacy 0.721 751 0.00275
2599 International Journal Of Computer Mathematics 0.721 1,408 0.00479
2599 International Emergency Nursing 0.721 134 5.10E-04
2599 International Emergency Nursing 0.721 134 5.10E-04
2604 Iet Communications 0.72 1,191 0.00514
2604 Journal Of Computational Analysis And Applications 0.72 347 6.90E-04
2604 Journal Of Applied Mathematics 0.72 1,033 0.00256
2607 Steel And Composite Structures 0.719 291 6.90E-04
2608 Australasian Journal Of Early Childhood 0.718 188 3.80E-04
2608 International Journal Of Consumer Studies 0.718 751 0.00152
2608 Journal Of Marine Science And Technology 0.718 302 0.00112
2608 Journal Of Mathematical Inequalities 0.718 221 0.00121
2608 Science & Education 0.718 680 0.00118
2613 Irrigation And Drainage 0.717 900 0.00143
2614 International Journal Of Computational Fluid Dynamics 0.716 433 0.00133
2614 Journal Of Professional Issues In Engineering Education And Practice 0.716 240 4.00E-04
2614 Journal Of Biopharmaceutical Statistics 0.716 954 0.00364
2617 Creativity And Innovation Management 0.714 391 6.30E-04
2617 Ieee Industry Applications Magazine 0.714 493 0.00134
2617 International Journal Of Architectural Heritage 0.714 144 6.60E-04
2617 Journal Of Development Studies 0.714 1,606 0.00466
2617 Journal Of Elastomers And Plastics 0.714 267 3.40E-04
2617 Journal Of The American Leather Chemists Association 0.714 467 4.40E-04
2617 Journal Of Bioethical Inquiry 0.714 185 8.00E-04
2617 Journal Of Biological Research-Thessaloniki 0.714 171 5.40E-04
2617 Progress In Chemistry 0.714 1,177 0.00245
2617 Stratigraphy And Geological Correlation 0.714 524 0.00116
2627 Ergodic Theory And Dynamical Systems 0.713 1,773 0.00793
2627 Journal Of Statistical Computation And Simulation 0.713 1,128 0.00445
2629 Journal Fur Verbraucherschutz Und Lebensmittelsicherheit-Journal Of Consumer Protection And Food Safety 0.712 215 8.40E-04
2629 Journal Of Competition Law & Economics 0.712 212 0.00111
2629 Perspectives In Psychiatric Care 0.712 334 7.70E-04
2629 Perspectives In Psychiatric Care 0.712 334 7.70E-04
2629 Polish Journal Of Veterinary Sciences 0.712 446 0.00101
2634 South African Journal Of Wildlife Research 0.711 487 8.20E-04
2635 International Journal Of Health Care Finance & Economics 0.71 180 5.60E-04
2635 Science China-Mathematics 0.71 475 0.00602
2637 Journal Of General Plant Pathology 0.709 704 0.00118
2637 Journal Of Symbolic Computation 0.709 1,368 0.00456
2637 Journal Of Social Work 0.709 223 7.50E-04
2637 Journalism Studies 0.709 543 0.00222
2641 Applicable Analysis And Discrete Mathematics 0.708 162 0.00112
2641 Communications On Pure And Applied Analysis 0.708 706 0.00656
2641 Statistical Methodology 0.708 282 0.00233
2644 Australian Journal Of Zoology 0.707 1,671 0.00103
2644 Canadian Journal Of Agricultural Economics-Revue Canadienne D Agroeconomie 0.707 391 8.00E-04
2646 Europe-Asia Studies 0.706 564 0.00227
2646 North American Journal Of Aquaculture 0.706 613 0.00101
2646 Seed Science And Technology 0.706 1,050 8.50E-04
2646 Spanish Journal Of Psychology 0.706 645 0.002
2650 Allgemeine Forst Und Jagdzeitung 0.705 232 2.30E-04
2650 Annals Of Saudi Medicine 0.705 908 0.00189
2650 Gender And Education 0.705 554 0.00106
2653 Australian Educational Researcher 0.704 176 6.60E-04
2653 Silicon 0.704 115 4.70E-04
2653 Statistics In Biopharmaceutical Research 0.704 137 0.00141
2653 Third World Quarterly 0.704 1,391 0.00478
2657 Journal Of Mechanical Science And Technology 0.703 1,682 0.00587
2657 Sao Paulo Medical Journal 0.703 650 0.00109
2659 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 0.702 1,258 0.00519
2659 Science China-Information Sciences 0.702 534 0.00251
2661 Composite Interfaces 0.701 647 7.60E-04
2661 Journal Of Education For Teaching 0.701 294 6.10E-04
2663 North-Western Journal Of Zoology 0.7 212 7.70E-04
2663 Zeitschrift Fur Analysis Und Ihre Anwendungen 0.7 354 0.00127
2665 Canadian Journal Of Statistics-Revue Canadienne De Statistique 0.699 831 0.00272
2666 Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift-Norwegian Journal Of Geography 0.698 314 5.20E-04
2667 Applied And Computational Mathematics 0.697 112 4.30E-04
2667 International Tax And Public Finance 0.697 575 0.00234
2667 Image Analysis & Stereology 0.697 180 6.40E-04
2667 Journal Of Real Estate Finance And Economics 0.697 1,103 0.00251
2671 Aeu-International Journal Of Electronics And Communications 0.696 818 0.00223
2671 Chelonian Conservation And Biology 0.696 595 9.80E-04
2671 Cambridge Journal Of Regions Economy And Society 0.696 303 0.00219
2671 Health Care For Women International 0.696 902 0.00159
2671 Journal Of Mechanics Of Materials And Structures 0.696 487 0.00228
2676 Journal Of Travel & Tourism Marketing 0.695 760 8.90E-04
2677 Health Education Journal 0.694 706 0.00146
2677 International Journal Of Computers Communications & Control 0.694 305 8.30E-04
2677 International Journal Of Wavelets Multiresolution And Information Processing 0.694 288 9.30E-04
2677 Journal Of Applied Animal Welfare Science 0.694 410 5.90E-04
2681 Administration & Society 0.693 675 0.00148
2682 Qualitative Sociology 0.692 691 0.00141
2683 Acta Ichthyologica Et Piscatoria 0.691 237 4.90E-04
2683 Iet Signal Processing 0.691 334 0.00178
2683 International Journal Of Acarology 0.691 604 9.60E-04
2683 Journal Of Industrial Economics 0.691 1,753 0.00461
2687 Biota Neotropica 0.69 997 0.00263
2687 Journal Of Applied Probability 0.69 2,672 0.00587
2687 Mechanics Based Design Of Structures And Machines 0.69 163 4.70E-04
2687 Molluscan Research 0.69 170 4.10E-04
2687 Philosophical Psychology 0.69 429 9.00E-04
2687 Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers Part P-Journal Of Sports Engineering And Technology 0.69 71 1.90E-04
2687 Revija Za Kriminalistiko In Kriminologijo 0.69 117 3.00E-05
2694 Journal Of Nematology 0.689 1,807 0.00102
2694 Journal Of Systems Architecture 0.689 459 0.00177
2696 New Zealand Entomologist 0.688 184 2.10E-04
2696 Soldering & Surface Mount Technology 0.688 161 3.10E-04
2698 Scottish Geographical Journal 0.686 233 4.20E-04
2698 Studies In Comparative International Development 0.686 484 0.00126
2700 Applicable Analysis 0.684 1,375 0.00562
2700 Balkan Journal Of Geometry And Its Applications 0.684 142 4.00E-04
2700 Children & Society 0.684 429 0.00125
2700 Crime And Justice-A Review Of Research 0.684 864 0.00129
2700 Rendiconti Lincei-Matematica E Applicazioni 0.684 145 0.00198
2705 Knowledge Management Research & Practice 0.683 254 6.20E-04
2705 World Trade Review 0.683 142 0.00111
2705 Zoosystema 0.683 439 7.20E-04
2708 Asian Economic Policy Review 0.682 134 3.30E-04
2708 International Polymer Processing 0.682 495 7.60E-04
2708 Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal 0.682 887 9.80E-04
2708 Trabajos De Prehistoria 0.682 169 3.60E-04
2712 Applied Mathematics And Optimization 0.681 959 0.00261
2712 Ieee Transactions On Professional Communication 0.681 259 4.80E-04
2714 Acm Transactions On Embedded Computing Systems 0.68 548 0.00192
2715 Acta Acustica United With Acustica 0.679 1,805 0.00258
2715 Applied Spatial Analysis And Policy 0.679 64 4.10E-04
2715 Econometric Reviews 0.679 775 0.00264
2715 Econometric Reviews 0.679 775 0.00264
2715 Revstat-Statistical Journal 0.679 77 4.70E-04
2715 South African Journal Of Education 0.679 262 4.70E-04
2721 Discrete Applied Mathematics 0.677 3,490 0.01558
2721 Geneva Papers On Risk And Insurance-Issues And Practice 0.677 195 7.30E-04
2721 Revista De Chimie 0.677 1,035 0.00124
2724 Globalizations 0.676 351 0.00193
2724 Iet Image Processing 0.676 276 8.70E-04
2726 International Journal Of Comparative Sociology 0.675 317 0.00129
2726 Journal Of Evolutionary Economics 0.675 816 0.00183
2726 Plastics Rubber And Composites 0.675 631 9.20E-04
2726 Veterinaria Italiana 0.675 355 6.20E-04
2730 Advanced Nonlinear Studies 0.674 322 0.00265
2730 Death Studies 0.674 960 0.00116
2732 International Journal Of Numerical Analysis And Modeling 0.673 305 0.0017
2733 Anthrozoos 0.672 542 7.40E-04
2733 Anthrozoos 0.672 542 7.40E-04
2733 Journal Of Avian Medicine And Surgery 0.672 339 5.20E-04
2733 Journal Of Institutional Economics 0.672 68 6.20E-04
2737 Asian Herpetological Research 0.671 62 2.10E-04
2737 Journal Of Marine Science And Technology-Taiwan 0.671 453 0.00134
2739 Forestry Chronicle 0.67 1,180 0.00157
2739 Revista Brasileira De Entomologia 0.67 953 0.0023
2741 Journal Of International Development 0.669 1,010 0.00259
2742 Australian Family Physician 0.668 1,226 0.00274
2743 Acta Geodynamica Et Geomaterialia 0.667 166 5.30E-04
2743 Acta Politica 0.667 275 0.00103
2743 Canadian Entomologist 0.667 2,743 0.0013
2743 Criminology & Criminal Justice 0.667 121 9.00E-04
2743 Discrete Event Dynamic Systems-Theory And Applications 0.667 328 9.00E-04
2743 International Journal Of Finance & Economics 0.667 322 7.20E-04
2743 Journal Of Multiple-Valued Logic And Soft Computing 0.667 177 6.70E-04
2743 Journal Of Tropical Forest Science 0.667 415 7.10E-04
2743 Leukos 0.667 86 3.40E-04
2743 Nations And Nationalism 0.667 378 0.00141
2743 Nurse Educator 0.667 578 8.90E-04
2743 Nurse Educator 0.667 578 8.90E-04
2743 Ornis Fennica 0.667 382 5.00E-04
2743 Scandinavian Political Studies 0.667 418 0.00115
2743 School Effectiveness And School Improvement 0.667 371 8.90E-04
2743 Scientific Programming 0.667 200 5.80E-04
2759 Orthopade 0.665 1,185 0.00145
2760 Electric Power Components And Systems 0.664 566 0.00117
2760 Mechanics Of Advanced Materials And Structures 0.664 522 0.00164
2760 Stochastic Analysis And Applications 0.664 709 0.00273
2763 African Health Sciences 0.662 691 0.00159
2763 Eurasip Journal On Image And Video Processing 0.662 186 0.00126
2763 Pigment & Resin Technology 0.662 329 3.80E-04
2766 Annals Of The Institute Of Statistical Mathematics 0.661 1,194 0.00363
2766 Chemie Ingenieur Technik 0.661 1,239 0.0019
2766 Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers Part B-Journal Of Engineering Manufacture 0.661 1,550 0.00301
2766 Workplace Health & Safety 0.661 48 1.50E-04
2766 Workplace Health & Safety 0.661 48 1.50E-04
2771 Australian Journal Of Psychology 0.66 609 9.00E-04
2771 Canadian Journal Of Emergency Medicine 0.66 721 0.00195
2771 Information Research-An International Electronic Journal 0.66 512 0.00121
2771 Journal Of Visual Languages And Computing 0.66 334 9.20E-04
2771 Journal Of Vibroengineering 0.66 300 7.00E-04
2771 Magnetohydrodynamics 0.66 507 7.80E-04
2771 Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers Part J-Journal Of Engineering Tribology 0.66 927 0.00223
2771 Social Work In Health Care 0.66 634 0.001
2779 Australian Journal Of Political Science 0.659 302 9.00E-04
2779 Chemical Industry & Chemical Engineering Quarterly 0.659 222 7.50E-04
2779 Geografiska Annaler Series B-Human Geography 0.659 674 0.00101
2779 Journal Of Educational Computing Research 0.659 710 0.00119
2783 International Journal Of Robotics & Automation 0.658 176 4.00E-04
2784 Machining Science And Technology 0.657 344 8.90E-04
2784 Review Of International Economics 0.657 784 0.00276
2784 Urban Education 0.657 488 0.00105
2787 Archives Of Acoustics 0.656 245 6.50E-04
2787 Fluid Dynamics Research 0.656 866 0.00193
2787 Food Science And Biotechnology 0.656 1,152 0.00259
2787 Journal Of Pediatric Orthopaedics-Part B 0.656 1,011 0.00182
2787 Random Structures & Algorithms 0.656 982 0.00467
2787 Simulation-Transactions Of The Society For Modeling And Simulation International 0.656 864 0.00104
2793 Italian Journal Of Agrometeorology-Rivista Italiana Di Agrometeorologia 0.654 48 7.00E-05
2794 Mediterranean Journal Of Mathematics 0.653 243 0.00149
2794 Review Of International Studies 0.653 970 0.00358
2796 Veterinary Quarterly 0.652 746 1.30E-04
2797 Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica 0.651 482 0.00168
2797 Australian And New Zealand Journal Of Criminology 0.651 262 8.80E-04
2797 Advances In Mathematics Of Communications 0.651 117 0.00206
2797 Contemporary Nurse 0.651 659 0.00126
2797 Contemporary Nurse 0.651 659 0.00126
2797 International Development Planning Review 0.651 120 4.50E-04
2797 Portal-Libraries And The Academy 0.651 210 6.20E-04
2797 Sexualities 0.651 564 0.00143
2805 Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B-Soil And Plant Science 0.65 554 0.00116
2805 European Journal Of Psychology Applied To Legal Context 0.65 39 1.50E-04
2805 Infinite Dimensional Analysis Quantum Probability And Related Topics 0.65 716 0.00138
2805 International Insolvency Review 0.65 23 2.00E-05
2805 Journal Of Community Health Nursing 0.65 279 5.40E-04
2805 Ps-Political Science & Politics 0.65 946 0.00365
2811 British Food Journal 0.649 1,382 0.00188
2811 Journal Of Industrial Relations 0.649 314 8.00E-04
2811 Pacific Economic Review 0.649 270 8.50E-04
2814 Journal Of Infrastructure Systems 0.648 724 0.00145
2814 Microgravity Science And Technology 0.648 386 0.00139
2814 Waterbirds 0.648 908 0.00159
2817 Cross-Cultural Research 0.647 373 5.60E-04
2817 Cryptography And Communications-Discrete-Structures Boolean Functions And Sequences 0.647 41 6.30E-04
2817 Engineering Economist 0.647 263 3.10E-04
2817 Journal Of Genetic Psychology 0.647 964 7.00E-04
2821 Journal Of Contemporary Ethnography 0.646 635 0.00104
2821 Terrorism And Political Violence 0.646 381 0.0013
2823 Archaeology In Oceania 0.645 403 4.90E-04
2823 Advances In Applied Mathematics And Mechanics 0.645 155 0.00122
2823 European Societies 0.645 348 0.00129
2823 Journal Of Economic Issues 0.645 707 0.00104
2823 Journal Of Electronic Packaging 0.645 783 0.00119
2823 Metroeconomica 0.645 192 5.20E-04
2823 Politicka Ekonomie 0.645 186 2.90E-04
2823 Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers Part D-Journal Of Automobile Engineering 0.645 1,251 0.00222
2831 Atomization And Sprays 0.644 719 0.00101
2831 International Journal Of Aeroacoustics 0.644 229 0.00115
2831 Turkish Journal Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Sciences 0.644 291 5.40E-04
2834 American Scientist 0.643 1,859 0.00157
2834 Anthropological Theory 0.643 302 0.00151
2834 International Labour Review 0.643 313 0.00108
2834 Journal Of Evolution Equations 0.643 383 0.00311
2834 Journal Of Experimental Education 0.643 729 0.0011
2834 Journal Of Historical Geography 0.643 432 0.00147
2840 Advances In Electrical And Computer Engineering 0.642 193 4.80E-04
2840 Applied Research In Quality Of Life 0.642 141 4.60E-04
2840 Carpathian Journal Of Mathematics 0.642 145 5.50E-04
2840 Economic And Industrial Democracy 0.642 307 8.30E-04
2840 Journal Of Computer Science And Technology 0.642 603 0.00285
2840 Results In Mathematics 0.642 579 0.0023
2846 Canadian Journal Of Economics-Revue Canadienne D Economique 0.641 1,364 0.00402
2846 Indian Journal Of Engineering And Materials Sciences 0.641 366 8.20E-04
2846 Turkish Journal Of Field Crops 0.641 90 1.70E-04
2849 Military Psychology 0.64 404 9.10E-04
2850 Educational Studies In Mathematics 0.639 843 0.00123
2850 Monthly Review-An Independent Socialist Magazine 0.639 352 0.00123
2850 Water International 0.639 787 0.00104
2853 Alea-Latin American Journal Of Probability And Mathematical Statistics 0.638 118 0.0017
2853 Chungara-Revista De Antropologia Chilena 0.638 333 2.80E-04
2853 Electronic Journal Of Qualitative Theory Of Differential Equations 0.638 360 0.00159
2853 European Sport Management Quarterly 0.638 165 3.30E-04
2853 Northern Journal Of Applied Forestry 0.638 401 5.50E-04
2858 Computers And Concrete 0.637 243 8.10E-04
2859 Acm Transactions On Computational Logic 0.636 275 0.0013
2859 American Bankruptcy Law Journal 0.636 122 5.50E-04
2859 Animal Biotechnology 0.636 338 4.60E-04
2859 British Journal Of Educational Studies 0.636 354 9.80E-04
2859 Comparative Studies In Society And History 0.636 794 0.00208
2859 Democratization 0.636 434 0.00195
2859 Food Biotechnology 0.636 321 3.30E-04
2859 International Journal Of Science And Mathematics Education 0.636 298 0.00108
2859 Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 0.636 847 0.0012
2859 Library Resources & Technical Services 0.636 85 5.10E-04
2859 Public Money & Management 0.636 491 0.00115
2870 Pure And Applied Mathematics Quarterly 0.635 216 0.00383
2871 Advances In Difference Equations 0.634 627 0.00208
2871 Mathematika 0.634 551 0.00102
2871 Singapore Medical Journal 0.634 2,346 0.00465
2874 Journal Of Numerical Mathematics 0.633 99 6.70E-04
2874 Kennedy Institute Of Ethics Journal 0.633 298 4.90E-04
2874 Modern Law Review 0.633 496 0.00127
2877 Chemical Engineering Progress 0.632 1,643 8.20E-04
2877 Fractals-Complex Geometry Patterns And Scaling In Nature And Society 0.632 647 0.00102
2877 Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi-Mineral Resources Management 0.632 172 3.90E-04
2877 Journal Of Intelligent Information Systems 0.632 457 9.30E-04
2881 Acta Scientiarum-Agronomy 0.631 492 0.00145
2881 Building Simulation 0.631 109 4.50E-04
2881 European Transactions On Electrical Power 0.631 409 0.00159
2881 Iet Information Security 0.631 104 6.30E-04
2885 Law And Social Inquiry-Journal Of The American Bar Foundation 0.63 453 0.00123
2885 Survey Methodology 0.63 451 0.00186
2885 Survey Methodology 0.63 451 0.00186
2888 Discrete Optimization 0.629 289 0.00247
2888 South European Society And Politics 0.629 240 8.90E-04
2890 Discrete And Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B 0.628 962 0.00627
2890 Empirical Economics 0.628 1,014 0.00306
2890 Society & Animals 0.628 340 5.20E-04
2890 Society & Animals 0.628 340 5.20E-04
2894 Electronic Communications In Probability 0.627 367 0.00415
2894 Proceedings Of The American Mathematical Society 0.627 9,794 0.03335
2896 Journal Of Food Process Engineering 0.626 853 0.0014
2897 Asian Myrmecology 0.625 27 5.00E-05
2897 Economics & Politics 0.625 531 0.00141
2897 Ethnography 0.625 384 0.00128
2897 Information Retrieval 0.625 558 0.00157
2897 Journal Of Integrative Agriculture 0.625 188 5.60E-04
2897 Nuclear Technology 0.625 1,413 0.00324
2903 Cereal Research Communications 0.624 607 0.00141
2903 Operations Research Letters 0.624 2,038 0.00634
2905 Asia-Pacific Journal Of Chemical Engineering 0.623 450 0.00153
2905 Ethics & Behavior 0.623 360 8.40E-04
2905 International Journal Of Thermophysics 0.623 2,849 0.0047
2905 International Relations 0.623 251 0.00109
2905 Teaching In Higher Education 0.623 678 0.00194
2910 Acm Sigplan Notices 0.621 3,683 0.012
2910 Journal Of Macroeconomics 0.621 720 0.00398
2910 Journal Of Offshore Mechanics And Arctic Engineering-Transactions Of The Asme 0.621 518 0.00112
2910 Journal Of Refugee Studies 0.621 401 0.00133
2914 Bragantia 0.62 902 0.00236
2914 Canadian Public Policy-Analyse De Politiques 0.62 317 7.30E-04
2914 Forest Systems 0.62 124 4.90E-04
2914 International Journal Of Social Research Methodology 0.62 559 0.00149
2914 Local Government Studies 0.62 315 7.90E-04
2919 Combinatorics Probability & Computing 0.619 619 0.0055
2919 Horttechnology 0.619 1,273 0.00194
2919 Journal Of Cold Regions Engineering 0.619 147 2.30E-04
2922 Autex Research Journal 0.618 196 1.90E-04
2922 Onderstepoort Journal Of Veterinary Research 0.618 907 5.60E-04
2922 Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 0.618 444 7.60E-04
2925 Journal Of Canadian Petroleum Technology 0.617 1,079 0.0023
2926 Acta Mechanica Sinica 0.616 753 0.00256
2926 Journal Of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology 0.616 564 0.00137
2926 Sensor Review 0.616 342 6.30E-04
2929 Acm Transactions On Computer Systems 0.615 764 6.40E-04
2929 Tehnicki Vjesnik-Technical Gazette 0.615 190 3.80E-04
2931 Real-Time Systems 0.614 433 6.20E-04
2932 Astin Bulletin 0.612 462 0.001
2932 Astin Bulletin 0.612 462 0.001
2932 Danish Medical Journal 0.612 129 5.00E-04
2932 Journal Of Applied Communication Research 0.612 366 7.90E-04
2932 Journal Of Propulsion And Power 0.612 2,766 0.00486
2937 Economic Systems 0.611 239 7.30E-04
2937 Journal Of Plant Diseases And Protection 0.611 308 7.00E-04
2939 Fordham Law Review 0.61 783 0.00143
2940 Collegium Antropologicum 0.609 1,632 0.00289
2940 Collectanea Mathematica 0.609 281 0.00157
2940 Discrete Mathematics And Theoretical Computer Science 0.609 235 0.00235
2940 Journal Of Chemical Engineering Of Japan 0.609 2,189 0.00157
2944 Archives Of Mining Sciences 0.608 243 5.90E-04
2944 Journal Of Research In Medical Sciences 0.608 484 0.00136
2944 Journal Of Zhejiang University-Science A 0.608 744 0.00221
2944 Natural Areas Journal 0.608 627 9.10E-04
2944 Shock And Vibration 0.608 448 8.70E-04
2949 Medical Anthropology Quarterly 0.607 676 9.80E-04
2949 Psychiatry Psychology And Law 0.607 257 6.20E-04
2951 Discrete & Computational Geometry 0.606 1,269 0.00634
2952 Australian Journal Of Anthropology 0.605 161 3.80E-04
2952 Geotechnical Testing Journal 0.605 1,057 0.00189
2952 Journal Of Enhanced Heat Transfer 0.605 278 4.40E-04
2952 Physics Of Metals And Metallography 0.605 1,481 0.00208
2956 Economic Record 0.604 586 0.00152
2956 Information And Computation 0.604 3,077 0.00341
2956 Italian Journal Of Animal Science 0.604 812 0.00172
2956 Proceedings Of The Institution Of Civil Engineers-Engineering Sustainability 0.604 139 3.60E-04
2956 Weed Biology And Management 0.604 323 5.90E-04
2961 Advances In Structural Engineering 0.603 499 0.00186
2961 Radiation Effects And Defects In Solids 0.603 1,037 0.00104
2963 Powder Metallurgy 0.601 663 9.60E-04
2964 Evaluation Review 0.6 934 0.00114
2964 Lex Localis-Journal Of Local Self-Government 0.6 50 2.00E-05
2964 Monthly Labor Review 0.6 680 0.00189
2964 Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias Agrarias 0.6 83 1.40E-04
2964 Western Journal Of Applied Forestry 0.6 396 6.00E-04
2969 Microprocessors And Microsystems 0.598 350 8.70E-04
2970 Acm Transactions On Architecture And Code Optimization 0.597 162 8.50E-04
2970 Stochastics-An International Journal Of Probability And Stochastic Processes 0.597 365 0.00157
2972 Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers Part A-Journal Of Power And Energy 0.596 1,044 0.00211
2973 Discourse & Communication 0.595 120 8.20E-04
2973 Journal Of Public Relations Research 0.595 440 9.20E-04
2973 Sociologie Du Travail 0.595 144 0.00119
2976 New Generation Computing 0.594 224 5.10E-04
2976 Social Science Information Sur Les Sciences Sociales 0.594 600 7.00E-04
2978 European Journal Of Social Theory 0.593 557 0.00128
2978 Hispanic Journal Of Behavioral Sciences 0.593 1,015 0.00133
2978 Journal Of Inverse And Ill-Posed Problems 0.593 370 0.00191
2978 Process Safety Progress 0.593 416 5.10E-04
2978 Science And Engineering Of Composite Materials 0.593 123 3.10E-04
2978 Signs 0.593 1,243 0.00119
2984 Journal Of Leisure Research 0.592 1,334 8.50E-04
2984 Journal Of Performance Of Constructed Facilities 0.592 536 0.00146
2984 Journal Of Transport Economics And Policy 0.592 729 8.00E-04
2984 Southern Economic Journal 0.592 1,325 0.00325
2988 Australian Social Work 0.591 251 4.90E-04
2988 Cereal Foods World 0.591 702 2.70E-04
2988 Journal Of Animal And Feed Sciences 0.591 498 7.20E-04
2988 Journal Of Raptor Research 0.591 630 7.70E-04
2992 Jarq-Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly 0.59 438 5.80E-04
2992 Social Choice And Welfare 0.59 916 0.00466
2994 Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers Part C-Journal Of Mechanical Engineering Science 0.589 1,585 0.00411
2995 Geographical Review 0.588 1,087 6.90E-04
2995 Information Economics And Policy 0.588 270 8.30E-04
2995 Journal Of Nippon Medical School 0.588 411 7.60E-04
2995 Journal Of Economics 0.588 1,119 0.00143
2995 Violence And Victims 0.588 1,597 0.00208
3000 Sadhana-Academy Proceedings In Engineering Sciences 0.587 522 8.60E-04
3000 Topology And Its Applications 0.587 1,901 0.00854
3002 Journal Of Applied Poultry Research 0.586 1,437 0.00172
3002 Journal Of Social Work Practice 0.586 240 6.50E-04
3002 Powder Diffraction 0.586 662 0.00137
3005 Computational Mathematics And Mathematical Physics 0.585 1,435 0.00303
3005 Differential Geometry And Its Applications 0.585 500 0.00343
3005 Revista Matematica Complutense 0.585 206 0.00152
3008 International Journal Of Chemical Reactor Engineering 0.584 671 0.00173
3009 Experimental Techniques 0.583 387 9.60E-04
3009 Social & Legal Studies 0.583 266 9.10E-04
3011 Chinese Journal Of International Law 0.581 117 8.00E-04
3011 Feminist Review 0.581 378 0.00107
3011 Iranian Journal Of Science And Technology-Transactions Of Mechanical Engineering 0.581 20 9.00E-05
3011 Language Policy 0.581 132 6.70E-04
3011 Post-Soviet Affairs 0.581 64 2.00E-04
3016 Ethos 0.58 484 9.00E-04
3017 Allelopathy Journal 0.578 476 0.00103
3017 Journal Of Pure And Applied Algebra 0.578 2,585 0.01474
3017 Siam Journal On Discrete Mathematics 0.578 1,339 0.00992
3020 Acm Transactions On Internet Technology 0.577 268 6.00E-04
3020 Journal Of Dynamical And Control Systems 0.577 212 8.50E-04
3020 Survey Review 0.577 281 7.60E-04
3023 Polar-Political And Legal Anthropology Review 0.576 118 4.60E-04
3024 Aslib Proceedings 0.575 241 7.90E-04
3024 Aslib Proceedings 0.575 241 7.90E-04
3024 Computer Science And Information Systems 0.575 136 4.70E-04
3027 Acm Transactions On Computer-Human Interaction 0.574 563 0.00113
3027 Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 0.574 279 7.70E-04
3027 Interfaces And Free Boundaries 0.574 297 0.00203
3027 International Journal Of Optomechatronics 0.574 78 2.80E-04
3027 Journal Of Academic Librarianship 0.574 551 0.00146
3032 International Journal Of Minerals Metallurgy And Materials 0.573 395 0.00142
3032 Tourism Economics 0.573 593 9.20E-04
3034 Anthropological Forum 0.571 101 2.50E-04
3034 Dissertationes Mathematicae 0.571 50 3.30E-04
3034 International Journal Of Computational Methods 0.571 295 0.00109
3034 Quarterly Journal Of Mechanics And Applied Mathematics 0.571 1,092 0.00135
3034 Rationality And Society 0.571 511 9.00E-04
3039 Computational Geometry-Theory And Applications 0.57 646 0.00296
3040 Anthropologie 0.569 632 7.60E-04
3040 Finance Research Letters 0.569 143 7.30E-04
3040 Journal Of Fixed Point Theory And Applications 0.569 163 0.00213
3043 Acta Crystallographica Section F-Structural Biology And Crystallization Communications 0.568 1,243 0.00529
3043 Computational Complexity 0.568 409 0.00237
3043 Canadian Review Of Sociology-Revue Canadienne De Sociologie 0.568 441 3.20E-04
3043 Electronic Journal Of Combinatorics 0.568 1,372 0.01474
3043 Icon-International Journal Of Constitutional Law 0.568 158 8.40E-04
3043 Journal Of Economic Policy Reform 0.568 87 3.00E-04
3049 Algorithmica 0.567 1,387 0.00684
3049 Journal Of World Trade 0.567 203 8.40E-04
3051 Discrete Mathematics 0.566 5,398 0.0255
3051 Reading Teacher 0.566 587 0.00103
3053 Applied Categorical Structures 0.565 270 0.00173
3053 Food Culture & Society 0.565 101 4.00E-04
3055 Politics Philosophy & Economics 0.564 120 5.00E-04
3056 Asian-Australasian Journal Of Animal Sciences 0.563 1,714 0.00288
3056 Kybernetika 0.563 655 0.00191
3056 Order-A Journal On The Theory Of Ordered Sets And Its Applications 0.563 355 0.00136
3056 Sociologicky Casopis-Czech Sociological Review 0.563 160 3.10E-04
3060 Journal Of K-Theory 0.562 122 0.003
3061 Applicable Algebra In Engineering Communication And Computing 0.561 260 0.00107
3061 Journal Of International Relations And Development 0.561 116 5.30E-04
3061 St Petersburg Mathematical Journal 0.561 530 0.00268
3064 European Integration Online Papers-Eiop 0.56 132 4.40E-04
3065 Time & Society 0.559 308 6.70E-04
3066 International Journal Of Inclusive Education 0.558 399 0.0013
3066 Sociological Inquiry 0.558 666 0.00139
3068 Journal Of Philosophy Of Education 0.557 323 9.10E-04
3068 Teachers And Teaching 0.557 446 0.00129
3070 Econ Journal Watch 0.556 115 3.10E-04
3070 Japanese Journal Of Mathematics 0.556 301 4.50E-04
3070 Research In The Teaching Of English 0.556 349 5.30E-04
3070 Theory And Decision 0.556 641 0.00251
3070 Transportation Research Record 0.556 11,135 0.01809
3075 Grassland Science 0.554 220 3.80E-04
3076 Ai Edam-Artificial Intelligence For Engineering Design Analysis And Manufacturing 0.553 477 0.00105
3076 European Law Journal 0.553 342 9.50E-04
3076 Ironmaking & Steelmaking 0.553 947 0.00162
3076 International & Comparative Law Quarterly 0.553 374 0.00122
3080 Advances In Calculus Of Variations 0.552 67 0.00139
3080 International Journal Of Mathematics 0.552 762 0.00496
3082 Algebra Universalis 0.551 489 0.00175
3082 Journal Of Applied Philosophy 0.551 204 7.80E-04
3084 Analyses Of Social Issues And Public Policy 0.55 240 8.50E-04
3085 Aequationes Mathematicae 0.549 786 0.00141
3085 Anales De Psicologia 0.549 419 5.80E-04
3085 Journal Of Animal And Plant Sciences 0.549 372 8.40E-04
3088 Acta Metallurgica Sinica 0.548 1,447 0.00233
3088 Journal Of East Asian Studies 0.548 96 6.60E-04
3090 Journal Of African Economies 0.547 465 0.00137
3091 Discourse-Studies In The Cultural Politics Of Education 0.546 308 0.00114
3091 Kovove Materialy-Metallic Materials 0.546 183 5.80E-04
3093 Engineering Studies 0.545 37 2.20E-04
3093 Insight 0.545 527 9.20E-04
3093 International Food And Agribusiness Management Review 0.545 245 3.30E-04
3093 Minerals & Metallurgical Processing 0.545 298 3.60E-04
3097 Educational Review 0.544 385 7.90E-04
3097 Journal Of Sports Economics 0.544 421 6.50E-04
3099 Proceedings Of The Edinburgh Mathematical Society 0.543 673 0.0028
3099 Race Ethnicity And Education 0.543 331 0.00104
3101 Differential And Integral Equations 0.542 1,050 0.00357
3101 Harvard Journal Of Law And Public Policy 0.542 310 5.90E-04
3101 Journal Of Medicine And Philosophy 0.542 565 9.30E-04
3101 Reading & Writing Quarterly 0.542 277 6.00E-04
3105 Communications-European Journal Of Communication Research 0.541 170 7.00E-04
3105 Fibres & Textiles In Eastern Europe 0.541 832 0.00114
3105 Journal Of Consciousness Studies 0.541 945 7.80E-04
3105 Physical Mesomechanics 0.541 207 5.60E-04
3105 Technology Pedagogy And Education 0.541 141 3.90E-04
3110 China Agricultural Economic Review 0.54 65 4.20E-04
3110 China Agricultural Economic Review 0.54 65 4.20E-04
3112 Annales De La Societe Entomologique De France 0.539 1,176 9.20E-04
3112 Natural Computing 0.539 394 0.00135
3114 Columbia Journal Of Transnational Law 0.538 126 3.10E-04
3114 Chilean Journal Of Agricultural Research 0.538 239 0.0011
3114 Economics And Philosophy 0.538 300 9.70E-04
3114 Mathematical Modelling And Analysis 0.538 187 6.90E-04
3114 Revista Romana De Materiale-Romanian Journal Of Materials 0.538 119 1.50E-04
3119 International Journal Of Economic Theory 0.537 100 9.40E-04
3119 Journal Of Inorganic Materials 0.537 943 0.00164
3119 Oxford Review Of Education 0.537 604 0.00174
3122 Journal Of Industrial And Management Optimization 0.536 329 0.00127
3122 Teaching Of Psychology 0.536 828 9.70E-04
3124 Revista Matematica Iberoamericana 0.535 813 0.00371
3124 Social Work Research 0.535 431 4.80E-04
3126 International Journal 0.533 266 7.50E-04
3126 Pacific Review 0.533 285 9.20E-04
3126 Quantitative Infrared Thermography Journal 0.533 66 1.20E-04
3129 Glass Physics And Chemistry 0.532 586 0.00102
3129 Transylvanian Review Of Administrative Sciences 0.532 83 2.30E-04
3131 Jasss-The Journal Of Artificial Societies And Social Simulation 0.531 592 0.00123
3131 Serials Review 0.531 138 4.90E-04
3133 Logic Journal Of The Igpl 0.53 264 0.00142
3134 Archive For The Psychology Of Religion-Archiv Fur Religionspsychologie 0.529 65 3.00E-04
3134 Bulletin Of The History Of Medicine 0.529 454 7.20E-04
3134 Hypatia-A Journal Of Feminist Philosophy 0.529 491 8.60E-04
3134 Transport 0.529 218 7.00E-04
3138 Theory Into Practice 0.528 1,273 0.00124
3139 American Journal Of Comparative Law 0.527 391 0.00104
3140 Australian Academic & Research Libraries 0.526 89 3.30E-04
3140 Croatian Journal Of Forest Engineering 0.526 127 3.40E-04
3142 National Tax Journal 0.525 702 0.00225
3142 Review Of Symbolic Logic 0.525 97 0.00108
3144 Bulletin De La Societe Mathematique De France 0.524 1,022 0.00185
3144 Ieee Annals Of The History Of Computing 0.524 140 3.70E-04
3144 Journal Of Number Theory 0.524 1,672 0.01056
3147 Zemdirbyste-Agriculture 0.523 150 3.00E-04
3148 Acta Scientiarum Polonorum-Hortorum Cultus 0.522 190 3.00E-04
3148 Journal Of Engineering Thermophysics 0.522 84 4.10E-04
3148 Political Theory 0.522 696 0.00141
3151 Journal Of Water Supply Research And Technology-Aqua 0.521 711 9.60E-04
3152 Ethics And Information Technology 0.52 248 4.40E-04
3152 Journal Of Commutative Algebra 0.52 75 0.00169
3152 Korea Observer 0.52 56 6.20E-04
3155 Central European Journal Of Mathematics 0.519 357 0.00359
3155 Complex Analysis And Operator Theory 0.519 174 0.00187
3155 Publicationes Mathematicae-Debrecen 0.519 753 0.00194
3155 Symbolic Interaction 0.519 802 6.80E-04
3155 Zeitschrift Fur Sexualforschung 0.519 69 9.00E-05
3160 Applied Economics 0.518 3,508 0.00722
3161 Ethnicities 0.517 318 0.00143
3161 International Journal Of Transport Economics 0.517 150 2.40E-04
3163 Agribusiness 0.516 433 7.80E-04
3163 Agribusiness 0.516 433 7.80E-04
3163 Journal American Water Works Association 0.516 2,108 0.00141
3163 Theoretical Computer Science 0.516 4,629 0.0194
3167 International Relations Of The Asia-Pacific 0.515 93 4.40E-04
3168 Biological Agriculture & Horticulture 0.514 245 1.60E-04
3168 Electronic Journal Of Linear Algebra 0.514 362 0.00285
3168 Spanish Journal Of Agricultural Research 0.514 712 0.00229
3168 University Of Illinois Law Review 0.514 469 0.00108
3172 British Journal Of Religious Education 0.512 115 2.90E-04
3172 Journal Of Natural Fibers 0.512 135 2.10E-04
3174 Ksce Journal Of Civil Engineering 0.511 409 0.00162
3175 Economic Development Quarterly 0.51 438 9.00E-04
3175 European Journal Of International Law 0.51 459 0.00196
3175 Washington Law Review 0.51 253 5.50E-04
3178 Biotechnologie Agronomie Societe Et Environnement 0.509 330 8.20E-04
3178 International Journal Of Cast Metals Research 0.509 464 0.00107
3178 Journal Of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology 0.509 2,368 0.00185
3178 Operators And Matrices 0.509 135 0.00155
3182 Journal Of Pesticide Science 0.508 648 8.40E-04
3182 Journal Of Advanced Concrete Technology 0.508 469 9.60E-04
3184 Bulletin Of The Brazilian Mathematical Society 0.507 208 0.00154
3184 Cybernetics And Systems 0.507 434 9.00E-04
3184 Ramanujan Journal 0.507 379 0.00367
3187 Eksploatacja I Niezawodnosc-Maintenance And Reliability 0.505 98 1.60E-04
3188 Crop Breeding And Applied Biotechnology 0.504 329 8.10E-04
3188 Ibm Journal Of Research And Development 0.504 2,630 0.00362
3188 Journal Of Logic And Computation 0.504 499 0.00288
3191 African Invertebrates 0.5 181 3.10E-04
3191 Anthropologischer Anzeiger 0.5 218 3.70E-04
3191 Australian Journal Of Guidance And Counselling 0.5 120 3.30E-04
3191 Daedalus 0.5 846 0.00181
3191 Gesture 0.5 206 6.20E-04
3191 Global Policy 0.5 118 9.70E-04
3191 International Journal Of Odonatology 0.5 165 3.40E-04
3191 Izvestiya Mathematics 0.5 443 0.00266
3191 Journal Of Scientific & Industrial Research 0.5 1,292 0.00229
3191 Journal Of Global Information Technology Management 0.5 89 2.00E-04
3191 Middle East Policy 0.5 128 9.90E-04
3191 Mind Culture And Activity 0.5 321 4.60E-04
3191 Program-Electronic Library And Information Systems 0.5 220 3.90E-04
3191 Review Of Religious Research 0.5 515 5.40E-04
3191 Review Of Development Economics 0.5 538 0.00132
3191 Space Policy 0.5 156 2.50E-04
3207 Manuscripta Mathematica 0.497 1,426 0.00575
3207 Sbornik Mathematics 0.497 2,137 0.00464
3209 Journal Of Mathematical Economics 0.496 999 0.00464
3209 Sugar Tech 0.496 225 5.60E-04
3211 Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly 0.495 704 6.20E-04
3211 Journal Of Operator Theory 0.495 701 0.00219
3213 Corrosion Engineering Science And Technology 0.494 347 0.00115
3213 Forest Products Journal 0.494 1,878 0.00151
3213 Journal Of Public Economic Theory 0.494 305 0.00222
3216 Journal Of Combinatorial Designs 0.493 324 0.00242
3217 Human Rights Quarterly 0.492 578 0.00165
3217 International Journal Of Technology Management 0.492 827 0.0012
3219 Applied Engineering In Agriculture 0.491 1,272 0.00168
3219 Comparative European Politics 0.491 208 0.00119
3219 Horticulture Environment And Biotechnology 0.491 199 6.10E-04
3219 Rocky Mountain Journal Of Mathematics 0.491 1,053 0.00348
3223 Journal Of Phase Equilibria And Diffusion 0.49 1,694 0.00168
3223 Journal Of Moral Philosophy 0.49 88 6.10E-04
3225 Algebraic And Geometric Topology 0.489 610 0.00702
3225 Communication And Critical-Cultural Studies 0.489 128 6.50E-04
3227 Algebra And Logic 0.488 484 0.00156
3227 Biosemiotics 0.488 85 7.00E-05
3227 Clinical Social Work Journal 0.488 220 5.30E-04
3227 Journal Of Aircraft 0.488 2,831 0.00576
3231 International Peacekeeping 0.487 230 9.20E-04
3231 Journal Of The History Of Sexuality 0.487 165 3.60E-04
3231 Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura 0.487 1,098 0.00185
3234 Advances In Cement Research 0.486 478 7.30E-04
3235 Mathematical Inequalities & Applications 0.485 611 0.00177
3236 English In Education 0.484 53 2.20E-04
3236 Mljekarstvo 0.484 96 1.80E-04
3236 Restaurator-International Journal For The Preservation Of Library And Archival Material 0.484 169 8.00E-05
3239 Bulletin Of The Australian Mathematical Society 0.483 1,238 0.00403
3239 Computational Economics 0.483 380 0.00102
3239 Journal Of Global Information Management 0.483 197 1.30E-04
3239 Maderas-Ciencia Y Tecnologia 0.483 132 4.10E-04
3239 Social Science Journal 0.483 422 0.00101
3244 Contemporary Economic Policy 0.482 609 0.0012
3245 Economic And Labour Relations Review 0.481 68 2.00E-04
3245 Journal Of Baltic Science Education 0.481 86 2.00E-04
3245 Zeitschrift Fur Soziologie 0.481 285 6.00E-04
3248 Aircraft Engineering And Aerospace Technology 0.48 212 4.20E-04
3248 Journal Of Ethnobiology 0.48 302 4.50E-04
3248 Sains Malaysiana 0.48 361 8.20E-04
3251 Archiv Der Mathematik 0.479 1,711 0.00614
3251 Irish Educational Studies 0.479 107 4.70E-04
3251 Journal Of Applied Animal Research 0.479 271 4.20E-04
3251 Journal Of Teaching In Physical Education 0.479 568 6.70E-04
3255 Oxford Journal Of Legal Studies 0.478 223 8.70E-04
3256 Leiden Journal Of International Law 0.477 192 8.70E-04
3256 Politics 0.477 190 7.30E-04
3256 Studies In Continuing Education 0.477 180 3.20E-04
3259 Clothing And Textiles Research Journal 0.476 264 2.60E-04
3259 International Review Of Law And Economics 0.476 422 8.70E-04
3261 Industria Textila 0.475 85 1.00E-04
3261 Literary And Linguistic Computing 0.475 259 5.00E-04
3261 Representation Theory 0.475 192 0.00239
3264 Canadian Veterinary Journal-Revue Veterinaire Canadienne 0.474 2,315 0.00288
3264 Cambridge Journal Of Education 0.474 409 0.00101
3264 Journal Of Spacecraft And Rockets 0.474 1,721 0.00266
3267 International Journal Of Manpower 0.473 592 0.00112
3267 Pci Journal 0.473 507 4.50E-04
3269 Human Studies 0.471 287 3.00E-04
3269 International Journal Of Micro Air Vehicles 0.471 56 3.00E-04
3269 Policy And Society 0.471 146 9.00E-04
3272 Tierarztliche Praxis 0.47 516 6.00E-04
3273 Geometriae Dedicata 0.469 1,115 0.00603
3274 Emerging Markets Finance And Trade 0.468 269 3.80E-04
3274 Review Of Industrial Organization 0.468 611 0.00118
3276 Asian Journal Of Womens Studies 0.467 45 9.00E-05
3276 Asian Economic Papers 0.467 90 2.50E-04
3276 Business Ethics-A European Review 0.467 446 8.70E-04
3276 Continuity And Change 0.467 177 9.30E-04
3276 Journal Of Symbolic Logic 0.467 1,414 0.00423
3276 Journal Of The Ramanujan Mathematical Society 0.467 147 0.00124
3276 Politics And Religion 0.467 49 3.70E-04
3283 Journal Of Central South University 0.464 1,143 0.00249
3284 Natural Language Engineering 0.463 205 7.00E-04
3284 Quarterly Journal Of Speech 0.463 469 3.60E-04
3286 Administration In Social Work 0.462 320 5.00E-04
3286 Inquiry-An Interdisciplinary Journal Of Philosophy 0.462 429 6.00E-04
3286 Pragmatics And Society 0.462 23 2.30E-04
3289 Finite Fields And Their Applications 0.459 360 0.0035
3290 Acta Scientiarum-Technology 0.458 132 2.40E-04
3290 Mathematical Social Sciences 0.458 589 0.00367
3290 Polity 0.458 275 5.30E-04
3290 Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers Part M-Journal Of Engineering For The Maritime Environment 0.458 128 6.30E-04
3294 Economics Letters 0.457 4,971 0.01766
3294 Functional Analysis And Its Applications 0.457 1,613 0.0019
3294 Psychologica Belgica 0.457 226 5.90E-04
3297 Journal Of Lie Theory 0.456 265 0.00241
3297 Political Quarterly 0.456 363 0.00172
3299 Funkcialaj Ekvacioj-Serio Internacia 0.455 392 9.60E-04
3299 Journal Of Material Culture 0.455 282 3.60E-04
3299 Journal Of The Astronautical Sciences 0.455 522 6.60E-04
3299 Review Of Central And East European Law 0.455 30 8.00E-05
3303 Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers Part G-Journal Of Aerospace Engineering 0.454 560 0.00195
3304 Bulletin Mathematique De La Societe Des Sciences Mathematiques De Roumanie 0.452 149 7.60E-04
3304 Frontiers Of Mathematics In China 0.452 204 0.00194
3304 J-For-Journal Of Science & Technology For Forest Products And Processes 0.452 278 3.40E-04
3304 Language And Intercultural Communication 0.452 121 3.90E-04
3304 Theory Of Computing Systems 0.452 369 0.00288
3309 Annals Of Pure And Applied Logic 0.451 799 0.00438
3309 Fundamenta Mathematicae 0.451 1,369 0.00405
3309 Mathematica Slovaca 0.451 467 0.00101
3309 Pacific Journal Of Mathematics 0.451 3,631 0.00762
3309 Quaestiones Mathematicae 0.451 226 8.60E-04
3314 International Journal Of Law Crime And Justice 0.45 49 4.50E-04
3315 Ars Mathematica Contemporanea 0.449 69 0.00118
3316 Acta Veterinaria Brno 0.448 632 7.90E-04
3316 Bulletin Of The Korean Mathematical Society 0.448 453 0.00198
3316 Knowledge Organization 0.448 144 2.90E-04
3319 Journal Of Adolescent & Adult Literacy 0.447 395 0.00109
3320 Drvna Industrija 0.444 82 2.00E-04
3320 Rhetoric Society Quarterly 0.444 104 2.00E-04
3320 Science Of Sintering 0.444 210 5.40E-04
3320 Target-International Journal Of Translation Studies 0.444 134 2.90E-04
3324 American Criminal Law Review 0.443 267 3.40E-04
3324 Logical Methods In Computer Science 0.443 216 0.00246
3326 Journal Of The South African Veterinary Association-Tydskrif Van Die Suid-Afrikaanse Veterinere Vereniging 0.442 634 5.40E-04
3327 Glass Technology-European Journal Of Glass Science And Technology Part A 0.441 348 3.40E-04
3328 Information Development 0.44 85 1.70E-04
3329 Computational Methods And Function Theory 0.439 213 0.00133
3329 International Journal Of Conflict Management 0.439 450 4.70E-04
3329 Journal Of Social Work Education 0.439 548 5.20E-04
3329 Pragmatics & Cognition 0.439 157 4.60E-04
3329 Studies In Conflict & Terrorism 0.439 299 0.00108
3334 European Physical Education Review 0.438 344 5.50E-04
3334 Journal Of Gender Studies 0.438 160 4.80E-04
3336 Annales Polonici Mathematici 0.437 420 0.0015
3336 Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira 0.437 957 0.00159
3338 International Journal Of Algebra And Computation 0.436 411 0.00323
3338 Journal Of Knot Theory And Its Ramifications 0.436 526 0.00319
3340 Compare-A Journal Of Comparative And International Education 0.435 286 0.00116
3340 Games And Culture 0.435 171 5.10E-04
3340 Language And Education 0.435 266 6.90E-04
3343 Argumentation 0.434 214 3.40E-04
3343 Ceramics-Silikaty 0.434 317 5.80E-04
3343 Irish Political Studies 0.434 145 4.70E-04
3346 Hacettepe Journal Of Mathematics And Statistics 0.433 169 7.20E-04
3346 Journal Of Agricultural And Resource Economics 0.433 570 9.40E-04
3346 Journal Of Agricultural And Resource Economics 0.433 570 9.40E-04
3349 B E Journal Of Economic Analysis & Policy 0.432 430 0.00522
3349 International Journal Of Game Theory 0.432 921 0.00349
3351 Houston Journal Of Mathematics 0.43 621 0.00327
3352 International Journal Of Oil Gas And Coal Technology 0.429 44 2.50E-04
3352 Linguistic Review 0.429 324 0.00102
3352 Language And Literature 0.429 120 2.10E-04
3352 Vial-Vigo International Journal Of Applied Linguistics 0.429 15 7.00E-05
3352 Zeitschrift Fur Soziologie Der Erziehung Und Sozialisation 0.429 65 1.70E-04
3357 Educational Philosophy And Theory 0.428 352 0.00123
3358 Transactions Of The Indian Institute Of Metals 0.427 357 0.00109
3359 Acta Metallurgica Sinica-English Letters 0.426 305 8.60E-04
3360 Comptes Rendus Mathematique 0.425 1,332 0.01221
3360 Crime Law And Social Change 0.425 410 0.00106
3362 Armed Forces & Society 0.424 443 7.50E-04
3362 German Politics 0.424 157 6.50E-04
3362 Welding In The World 0.424 324 5.60E-04
3365 Survival 0.423 289 0.00157
3366 Action Research 0.422 180 5.40E-04
3366 Colloquium Mathematicum 0.422 879 0.0034
3366 E & M Ekonomie A Management 0.422 122 1.50E-04
3366 Tetsu To Hagane-Journal Of The Iron And Steel Institute Of Japan 0.422 1,413 0.00136
3370 Acta Arithmetica 0.421 1,411 0.00675
3370 Asian Journal Of Mathematics 0.421 350 0.00195
3370 Information Technology For Development 0.421 167 3.50E-04
3370 Journal Of French Language Studies 0.421 82 2.60E-04
3374 Economic Computation And Economic Cybernetics Studies And Research 0.42 82 1.30E-04
3375 Acta Mathematica Sinica-English Series 0.419 1,297 0.00483
3375 Annals Of Animal Science 0.419 159 3.00E-04
3375 British Politics 0.419 120 0.00108
3375 Dissent 0.419 133 4.00E-04
3375 Electronic Journal Of Differential Equations 0.419 1,149 0.00342
3375 Japan And The World Economy 0.419 236 5.00E-04
3381 Chiang Mai Journal Of Science 0.418 196 4.30E-04
3381 New York Journal Of Mathematics 0.418 205 0.00187
3383 Annals Of Economics And Finance 0.417 89 4.30E-04
3383 Journal Of Organizational And End User Computing 0.417 97 2.40E-04
3383 Phonetica 0.417 484 7.40E-04
3386 Higher Education Policy 0.415 305 0.00111
3386 Language Sciences 0.415 337 0.00103
3386 Manchester School 0.415 632 0.00146
3389 Anti-Corrosion Methods And Materials 0.414 317 3.50E-04
3389 Zeitschrift Fur Wirtschaftsgeographie 0.414 33 5.00E-05
3391 Folia Linguistica 0.412 91 2.80E-04
3392 Critique Of Anthropology 0.41 128 5.40E-04
3392 Transportation Letters-The International Journal Of Transportation Research 0.41 55 4.70E-04
3394 Educational Policy 0.409 363 0.0013
3395 Scandinavian Journal Of Educational Research 0.408 388 9.40E-04
3396 Technology And Culture 0.407 424 7.60E-04
3397 Educational Management Administration & Leadership 0.405 205 5.20E-04
3397 Language Culture And Curriculum 0.405 144 2.50E-04
3399 Cultural Studies 0.402 571 0.00155
3399 Profesional De La Informacion 0.402 175 5.40E-04
3401 Australian Journal Of Linguistics 0.4 106 2.40E-04
3401 History And Philosophy Of Logic 0.4 82 3.30E-04
3401 Social History Of Medicine 0.4 271 9.60E-04
3404 Womens Studies International Forum 0.398 718 0.00109
3405 Annals Of Science 0.395 243 7.70E-04
3405 Annals Of Science 0.395 243 7.70E-04
3405 Journal Of Applied Logic 0.395 137 0.00119
3408 Anthropological Notebooks 0.394 27 1.10E-04
3408 Library Hi Tech 0.394 270 8.20E-04
3410 Petroleum Chemistry 0.392 402 9.70E-04
3411 Stanford Journal Of International Law 0.391 86 3.10E-04
3412 Cahiers Agricultures 0.39 256 5.10E-04
3412 Environmental Ethics 0.39 269 2.00E-04
3412 Journal For The History Of Astronomy 0.39 177 7.80E-04
3415 History Of Science 0.389 308 8.00E-04
3415 History Of Science 0.389 308 8.00E-04
3417 Functions Of Language 0.385 67 2.10E-04
3417 Mathematical Thinking And Learning 0.385 201 5.30E-04
3419 Journal Of Logic And Algebraic Programming 0.383 155 9.20E-04
3419 Technology Review 0.383 292 7.20E-04
3421 Libraries & The Cultural Record 0.381 26 1.20E-04
3422 New Scientist 0.379 733 0.00213
3423 History Of Education 0.377 192 7.90E-04
3424 Glass And Ceramics 0.376 476 5.10E-04
3425 Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 0.375 167 2.50E-04
3425 Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 0.375 167 2.50E-04
3425 Irish Journal Of Agricultural And Food Research 0.375 233 3.70E-04
3425 Scottish Journal Of Political Economy 0.375 485 7.40E-04
3425 Terminology 0.375 81 1.80E-04
3430 Citizenship Studies 0.374 478 0.00207
3431 Horticultura Brasileira 0.373 933 0.00117
3431 Proceedings Of The Estonian Academy Of Sciences 0.373 367 5.30E-04
3433 Glq-A Journal Of Lesbian And Gay Studies 0.368 239 6.10E-04
3433 Outlook On Agriculture 0.368 275 4.60E-04
3433 Philippine Agricultural Scientist 0.368 163 2.40E-04
3436 Arabian Journal For Science And Engineering 0.367 494 0.00143
3436 Journal Of Legal Medicine 0.367 90 1.70E-04
3436 Physics In Perspective 0.367 69 3.40E-04
3436 Physics In Perspective 0.367 69 3.40E-04
3440 International Journal Of Metalcasting 0.366 42 1.50E-04
3441 Nation 0.365 598 0.00285
3442 Nordic Journal Of Linguistics 0.364 74 1.80E-04
3443 International Journal Of Marine And Coastal Law 0.362 90 1.50E-04
3444 Canadian Modern Language Review-Revue Canadienne Des Langues Vivantes 0.361 359 8.80E-04
3444 Judicature 0.361 183 2.90E-04
3444 Journal Of Language Identity And Education 0.361 124 4.60E-04
3447 Journal Of International Criminal Justice 0.358 178 9.20E-04
3448 Historia Mathematica 0.357 177 1.90E-04
3448 Historia Mathematica 0.357 177 1.90E-04
3448 International Journal Of Qualitative Methods 0.357 511 9.00E-04
3448 Language Awareness 0.357 181 5.10E-04
3448 Political Science Quarterly 0.357 624 0.00109
3448 Sociologus 0.357 28 1.70E-04
3454 International Journal Of Conflict And Violence 0.356 93 7.50E-04
3454 Notes And Records Of The Royal Society 0.356 148 4.00E-04
3456 Journal Of Legal Education 0.355 188 1.60E-04
3457 Beton- Und Stahlbetonbau 0.354 250 0.00121
3457 Studies In Language 0.354 230 5.60E-04
3459 Narrative Inquiry 0.352 276 5.90E-04
3460 Contemporary Political Theory 0.351 96 5.30E-04
3460 Lexikos 0.351 43 2.30E-04
3460 Oceania 0.351 295 3.20E-04
3460 Scientist 0.351 215 4.00E-04
3464 Ids Bulletin-Institute Of Development Studies 0.35 495 0.00142
3465 Journal Of Cold War Studies 0.349 85 4.00E-04
3466 South African Journal Of Animal Science 0.345 528 6.70E-04
3467 Literacy 0.343 95 2.80E-04
3468 Journal Of Southeast Asian Studies 0.341 167 2.60E-04
3469 Food And Drug Law Journal 0.34 213 4.90E-04
3470 Archiv Fur Geflugelkunde 0.333 333 3.60E-04
3470 Gender And Language 0.333 33 1.80E-04
3470 Historical Records Of Australian Science 0.333 34 2.00E-05
3470 International Journal Of Speech Language And The Law 0.333 66 1.70E-04
3470 Journal Of Japanese Studies 0.333 83 1.40E-04
3470 Netherlands Quarterly Of Human Rights 0.333 34 1.80E-04
3470 Notre Dame Journal Of Formal Logic 0.333 326 0.00128
3470 Psychoanalysis And History 0.333 25 2.80E-04
3478 European Journal Of Law And Economics 0.33 178 5.80E-04
3478 Petroleum Science And Technology 0.33 910 0.00181
3480 Agricultural History 0.324 223 1.20E-04
3480 Agricultural History 0.324 223 1.20E-04
3480 Archive For History Of Exact Sciences 0.324 223 5.30E-04
3480 Archive For History Of Exact Sciences 0.324 223 5.30E-04
3480 Contemporary Pacific 0.324 134 5.00E-05
3485 International Journal Of Feminist Approaches To Bioethics 0.314 49 3.50E-04
3486 Asian Studies Review 0.311 104 3.70E-04
3487 Revista De Historia Economica 0.31 81 3.40E-04
3488 Critical Asian Studies 0.308 135 5.10E-04
3489 English Teaching-Practice And Critique 0.307 109 4.30E-04
3490 Psychoanalytic Inquiry 0.301 266 5.90E-04
3491 Brodogradnja 0.3 30 7.00E-05
3491 Polish Maritime Research 0.3 75 1.60E-04
3493 Australian Economic History Review 0.296 82 3.00E-04
3494 Latin American Perspectives 0.293 382 0.00154
3495 Ambix 0.292 115 1.40E-04
3496 Translator 0.29 109 3.70E-04
3497 Early Science And Medicine 0.289 64 2.30E-04
3497 Pacific Focus 0.289 33 2.20E-04
3497 Social Science History 0.289 274 9.70E-04
3500 Bulletin Of Latin American Research 0.288 187 4.40E-04
3501 Centaurus 0.286 107 3.50E-04
3501 Science In Context 0.286 214 3.40E-04
3501 Zeitschrift Fur Sprachwissenschaft 0.286 60 2.00E-04
3504 Journal Of Baltic Studies 0.28 71 3.80E-04
3504 Paedagogica Historica 0.28 166 6.70E-04
3506 Psychoanalytic Quarterly 0.277 522 9.30E-04
3507 History Of The Human Sciences 0.276 273 0.00119
3508 Pragmatics 0.273 384 6.50E-04
3509 Journal Of East Asian Linguistics 0.269 158 5.40E-04
3510 Journal Of Quantitative Linguistics 0.267 125 2.40E-04
3510 Zeitschrift Fur Dialektologie Und Linguistik 0.267 26 8.00E-05
3512 Australian Feminist Studies 0.264 157 6.70E-04
3513 Circulo De Linguistica Aplicada A La Comunicacion 0.261 15 2.00E-05
3514 Journal Of Historical Pragmatics 0.259 57 1.90E-04
3515 Spe Drilling & Completion 0.257 239 6.00E-04
3516 American Speech 0.25 311 5.30E-04
3516 Journal Of Family History 0.25 206 3.80E-04
3518 China-An International Journal 0.244 73 4.40E-04
3519 Translation Studies 0.237 34 1.90E-04
3520 Diachronica 0.235 77 3.80E-04
3521 Labor History 0.233 122 2.80E-04
3522 Israel Affairs 0.229 72 3.40E-04
3523 East European Politics And Societies 0.225 155 4.50E-04
3524 Latin American Politics And Society 0.222 222 9.20E-04
3525 China Review-An Interdisciplinary Journal On Greater China 0.217 54 3.20E-04
3526 Ayer 0.206 117 7.30E-04
3526 Middle Eastern Studies 0.206 300 8.50E-04
3528 European History Quarterly 0.205 95 8.10E-04
3529 English Historical Review 0.203 324 4.20E-04
3530 Differences-A Journal Of Feminist Cultural Studies 0.2 180 3.70E-04
3531 Journal Of Social History 0.198 424 7.90E-04
3532 Interventions-International Journal Of Postcolonial Studies 0.196 68 2.50E-04
3532 Journal Of Historical Sociology 0.196 147 3.40E-04
3532 Representations 0.196 411 3.10E-04
3535 Journal Of Latin American Cultural Studies 0.18 44 1.50E-04
3536 Journal Of African Media Studies 0.175 29 1.40E-04
3537 European Journal Of The History Of Economic Thought 0.172 108 4.20E-04
3538 Law And History Review 0.17 156 3.60E-04
3539 Critical Arts-South-North Cultural And Media Studies 0.164 67 2.40E-04
3540 Mediterranean Historical Review 0.16 45 2.00E-05
3541 London Journal 0.154 63 2.00E-04
3542 Journal Of African Cultural Studies 0.147 46 1.20E-04
3543 Ethnohistory 0.143 201 1.90E-04
3543 Rural History-Economy Society Culture 0.143 99 2.20E-04
3545 Parallax 0.141 82 4.10E-04
3546 Mouvement Social 0.136 72 8.00E-05
3547 Bmgn-The Low Countries Historical Review 0.125 43 1.50E-04
3547 Historical Social Research-Historische Sozialforschung 0.125 175 5.30E-04
3547 Postmedieval-A Journal Of Medieval Cultural Studies 0.125 21 0
3550 Journal Of The Economic And Social History Of The Orient 0.122 128 2.50E-04
3551 Indian Economic And Social History Review 0.121 131 8.10E-04
3551 Journal Of Australian Studies 0.121 106 2.10E-04


Quartile 2 Journal List

Following is the list for Quartile 2 Journal (which is based on impact factor 2013)

Rank Full Journal Title Journal Impact Factor Total Cites Eigenfactor Score
1 Journal Of Molecular And Cellular Cardiology 5.218 12,451 0.03151
2 Cell Death & Disease 5.177 2,599 0.01256
3 Molecular And Cellular Biology 5.036 65,994 0.10812
4 Cell Cycle 5.006 16,685 0.06797
5 Plant And Cell Physiology 4.978 12,646 0.02307
6 Aging-Us 4.886 2,179 0.01106
7 Journal Of Physical Chemistry C 4.835 96,606 0.32132
8 Molecular Medicine 4.824 4,189 0.01322
9 Cellular Microbiology 4.816 7,897 0.02428
10 Traffic 4.714 6,715 0.02645
11 Cell Communication And Signaling 4.672 808 0.00389
12 Stem Cell Research & Therapy 4.634 738 0.00245
13 Molecular Biology Of The Cell 4.548 31,175 0.08901
14 International Review Of Cell And Molecular Biology 4.522 1,043 0.00636
15 Molecular Cancer Research 4.502 6,059 0.02222
16 Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Molecular And Cell Biology Of Lipids 4.495 6,994 0.01823
17 Cellular Signalling 4.471 9,073 0.0286
18 American Naturalist 4.454 26,753 0.0329
19 Astroparticle Physics 4.45 3,901 0.01076
20 Journal Of Tissue Engineering And Regenerative Medicine 4.428 2,111 0.00669
21 Journal Of Leukocyte Biology 4.304 16,343 0.0336
22 Tissue Engineering 4.254 16,731 0.03849
23 Frontiers In Bioscience-Landmark 4.249 9,689 0.02567
24 Molecular And Cellular Endocrinology 4.241 12,482 0.03295
25 International Journal Of Biochemistry & Cell Biology 4.24 13,382 0.03334
26 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-Nanomedicine And Nanobiotechnology 4.239 1,095 0.00353
27 European Journal Of Human Genetics 4.225 7,628 0.02487
28 Acs Chemical Neuroscience 4.21 1,259 0.00579
28 Cell Calcium 4.21 4,966 0.01105
30 Immunology And Cell Biology 4.205 3,800 0.01123
31 Stem Cells And Development 4.202 5,517 0.01869
32 Gene Therapy 4.196 8,482 0.01374
33 International Journal Of Nanomedicine 4.195 5,600 0.01535
34 Developmental Neurobiology 4.189 2,206 0.0122
35 Cellular & Molecular Immunology 4.185 1,672 0.0048
36 Restorative Neurology And Neuroscience 4.179 1,725 0.00373
37 Frontiers In Neuroanatomy 4.176 821 0.00583
38 Frontiers In Cellular Neuroscience 4.175 701 0.0029
39 Frontiers In Behavioral Neuroscience 4.16 1,380 0.0082
40 Infection And Immunity 4.156 50,046 0.05999
41 Soft Matter 4.151 22,408 0.09237
42 Cephalalgia 4.121 8,417 0.01189
43 Plant Science 4.114 10,517 0.01453
44 American Journal Of Respiratory Cell And Molecular Biology 4.109 11,181 0.02224
45 American Journal Of Physiology-Endocrinology And Metabolism 4.088 20,258 0.03949
46 Journal Of Nanobiotechnology 4.078 1,125 0.00248
47 Plant Molecular Biology 4.072 13,906 0.01547
48 Journal Of Steroid Biochemistry And Molecular Biology 4.049 8,535 0.01291
49 Psycho-Oncology 4.044 7,446 0.0169
50 Arthritis Care & Research 4.039 9,967 0.03227
51 Neurobiology Of Learning And Memory 4.035 5,485 0.01493
52 Neurosignals 4.026 774 0.00241
53 Progress In Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 4.025 8,513 0.01941
54 Aids Reviews 4.023 725 0.00202
55 Molecular Phylogenetics And Evolution 4.018 15,110 0.03528
56 Integrative Biology 3.996 1,713 0.00859
57 Clinical Immunology 3.992 7,034 0.01641
58 Psychopharmacology 3.988 24,951 0.03492
59 Febs Journal 3.986 13,187 0.04755
60 Metallomics 3.978 1,684 0.00633
61 Proteomics 3.973 16,488 0.03968
62 Current Opinion In Clinical Nutrition And Metabolic Care 3.972 3,759 0.01038
63 American Journal Of Cancer Research 3.968 526 0.00248
63 Journal Of Neurotrauma 3.968 9,645 0.01944
65 Metabolomics 3.965 1,951 0.00609
66 Resuscitation 3.96 8,598 0.02057
67 Journal Of Molecular Biology 3.959 68,226 0.11278
68 Orphanet Journal Of Rare Diseases 3.958 2,340 0.00866
69 Nuclear Physics B 3.946 37,961 0.03637
70 Annals Of Surgical Oncology 3.943 16,465 0.05465
70 Cancer Immunology Immunotherapy 3.943 5,767 0.01625
70 Seminars In Oncology 3.943 5,116 0.00833
73 Advances In Carbohydrate Chemistry And Biochemistry 3.917 842 9.40E-04
74 Bmc Medical Genomics 3.914 1,453 0.00796
75 Stem Cell Research 3.912 1,067 0.0047
76 Reviews Of Physiology Biochemistry And Pharmacology 3.9 767 4.40E-04
77 Journal Of Interferon And Cytokine Research 3.899 3,085 0.00761
78 Critical Reviews In Immunology 3.889 1,134 0.00274
79 Neuromolecular Medicine 3.885 1,360 0.00361
80 Neurotherapeutics 3.883 2,214 0.00878
81 Plant Genome 3.878 359 0.00172
82 Nutrition Metabolism And Cardiovascular Diseases 3.875 3,464 0.01054
83 Journal Of Cellular Physiology 3.874 17,398 0.03597
84 Biology Of The Cell 3.872 2,801 0.00671
85 Bioelectrochemistry 3.87 3,719 0.00595
86 Journal Of Human Evolution 3.867 6,538 0.01275
87 Pediatric Allergy And Immunology 3.859 3,204 0.0077
88 European Journal Of Neurology 3.852 7,473 0.02141
89 Thyroid 3.843 7,125 0.01893
90 Genes Chromosomes & Cancer 3.836 5,070 0.0124
91 Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-General Subjects 3.829 8,736 0.01944
92 Cancer Cytopathology 3.807 1,837 0.00418
92 Reviews In Endocrine & Metabolic Disorders 3.807 1,277 0.00316
94 Solar Physics 3.805 8,414 0.02067
95 Heredity 3.804 9,000 0.01629
96 Current Alzheimer Research 3.796 2,469 0.00771
97 Genes And Immunity 3.789 3,180 0.00908
98 Cns Neuroscience & Therapeutics 3.784 1,323 0.00517
99 Current Opinion In Endocrinology Diabetes And Obesity 3.772 1,349 0.00597
100 Biomicrofluidics 3.771 1,914 0.00676
101 Seminars In Radiation Oncology 3.768 1,782 0.00446
102 Current Opinion In Oncology 3.761 2,840 0.00926
103 Eurointervention 3.758 3,049 0.01293
104 Genetics Selection Evolution 3.747 1,717 0.00391
104 Glycobiology 3.747 6,630 0.01374
106 Lung Cancer 3.737 8,621 0.02336
107 Advances In Protein Chemistry And Structural Biology 3.736 269 0.00165
108 Immunology 3.735 9,112 0.01716
109 Molecular And Cellular Neuroscience 3.734 6,846 0.01633
110 Clinical & Experimental Metastasis 3.725 3,312 0.00777
111 Current Medicinal Chemistry 3.715 13,812 0.03005
112 Acta Oncologica 3.71 5,085 0.01256
113 Cardiovascular Diabetology 3.706 2,085 0.00569
114 Developmental And Comparative Immunology 3.705 5,780 0.01054
114 Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 3.705 426 0.00262
114 Journal Of Neurodevelopmental Disorders 3.705 427 0.00251
117 European Journal Of Cell Biology 3.699 4,193 0.01027
118 Cerebrovascular Diseases 3.698 5,649 0.0165
118 Journal Of Cellular And Molecular Medicine 3.698 7,264 0.02656
120 Seminars In Thrombosis And Hemostasis 3.693 3,484 0.00747
121 European Journal Of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation 3.691 2,785 0.00764
122 Gynecologic Oncology 3.687 18,375 0.03413
123 European Journal Of Endocrinology 3.686 9,974 0.02225
124 Circulation Journal 3.685 7,938 0.02197
125 Acta Diabetologica 3.679 1,582 0.00341
125 Journal Of Molecular Catalysis A-Chemical 3.679 18,369 0.01845
127 American Journal Of Physiology-Cell Physiology 3.674 18,064 0.03312
127 Applied Catalysis A-General 3.674 30,377 0.03927
129 Nanotechnology 3.672 37,088 0.1082
130 Current Neurology And Neuroscience Reports 3.669 1,642 0.00643
130 European Journal Of Neuroscience 3.669 28,796 0.05262
130 European Heart Journal-Cardiovascular Imaging 3.669 562 0.00186
133 Current Opinion In Allergy And Clinical Immunology 3.659 2,451 0.00739
134 Amino Acids 3.653 6,787 0.01877
135 Clinical Genetics 3.652 5,341 0.01348
136 Macromolecular Bioscience 3.65 5,159 0.01103
137 Matrix Biology 3.648 3,127 0.00545
138 Human Vaccines 3.643 1,574 0.00688
139 Annals Of Thoracic Surgery 3.631 30,335 0.05941
140 Cancer Biology & Therapy 3.63 6,738 0.01953
141 Seminars In Arthritis And Rheumatism 3.629 3,431 0.00729
142 Journal Of Gastroenterology And Hepatology 3.627 10,133 0.02569
143 Contact Dermatitis 3.624 5,150 0.00417
144 Human Gene Therapy 3.623 5,689 0.01086
145 Journal Of Molecular Endocrinology 3.621 3,423 0.00605
146 Apoptosis 3.614 5,227 0.01054
147 Journal Of Alzheimers Disease 3.612 8,976 0.02964
148 Metabolism-Clinical And Experimental 3.611 11,225 0.01618
149 Neural Plasticity 3.608 1,003 0.0033
150 Cancer Journal 3.605 2,364 0.00825
151 Stem Cells Translational Medicine 3.596 427 0.00152
152 Diabetes-Metabolism Research And Reviews 3.593 3,620 0.00872
153 Journal Of Endovascular Therapy 3.59 2,809 0.00748
153 Journal Of Breath Research 3.59 792 0.00183
155 Journal Of Endocrinology 3.586 10,471 0.01452
156 Current Cancer Drug Targets 3.582 2,528 0.0067
157 Analytical And Bioanalytical Chemistry 3.578 24,429 0.06513
158 Aids Patient Care And Stds 3.576 2,774 0.00799
159 Cell Transplantation 3.57 4,150 0.0108
160 Transfusion 3.568 11,270 0.02372
161 Prostate 3.566 7,394 0.01453
162 Journal Of Crohns & Colitis 3.562 1,816 0.0077
163 Nmr In Biomedicine 3.559 5,297 0.01344
164 Journal Of Colloid And Interface Science 3.552 49,923 0.06389
165 Current Opinion In Psychiatry 3.551 2,578 0.00717
166 Cellular Physiology And Biochemistry 3.55 3,886 0.0113
167 Expert Review Of Proteomics 3.542 1,264 0.00422
168 American Journal Of Medical Genetics Part C-Seminars In Medical Genetics 3.54 1,265 0.00414
169 Experimental Diabetes Research 3.536 1,114 0.00446
170 Transplantation 3.535 24,641 0.04074
171 Cancer Science 3.534 9,425 0.03186
172 Molecular Pain 3.531 2,290 0.00975
173 Journal Of General Virology 3.529 21,074 0.02959
174 Endocrine 3.527 3,155 0.00582
175 Immunologic Research 3.525 2,073 0.00618
176 Mitochondrion 3.524 2,385 0.00745
177 American Journal Of Geriatric Psychiatry 3.519 4,842 0.01166
178 Mechanisms Of Ageing And Development 3.51 5,571 0.00843
178 Purinergic Signalling 3.51 1,128 0.00319
180 Journal Of Comparative Neurology 3.508 33,718 0.03239
181 Journal Of Neuroendocrinology 3.507 5,547 0.01243
181 Theoretical And Applied Genetics 3.507 19,217 0.0202
183 Genes Brain And Behavior 3.505 3,185 0.01052
184 Discovery Medicine 3.503 1,170 0.00559
184 Tuberculosis 3.503 2,315 0.00704
186 Alzheimers Research & Therapy 3.5 436 0.00209
187 Biomedical Optics Express 3.497 2,614 0.01134
187 Mutagenesis 3.497 3,266 0.00561
189 Respirology 3.495 3,479 0.00969
190 Malaria Journal 3.489 8,286 0.02954
191 Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 3.488 22,999 0.05297
192 Current Drug Metabolism 3.487 3,338 0.00828
193 Vaccine 3.485 34,312 0.08258
194 Journal Of Evolutionary Biology 3.483 9,609 0.02859
195 American Journal Of Hematology 3.477 6,292 0.01709
196 Current Topics In Microbiology And Immunology 3.471 4,833 0.01285
197 Bone Marrow Transplantation 3.466 10,149 0.01835
197 Journal Of Clinical Virology 3.466 6,215 0.01899
199 Stress-The International Journal On The Biology Of Stress 3.463 1,698 0.0043
200 Targeted Oncology 3.458 445 0.0021
201 Hiv Medicine 3.454 2,245 0.00835
201 Neurodegenerative Diseases 3.454 1,274 0.00457
203 Neuropsychologia 3.451 22,876 0.04877
204 Pharmacogenetics And Genomics 3.45 3,117 0.00894
205 Journal Of Integrative Plant Biology 3.448 2,508 0.00729
206 Antiviral Research 3.434 5,736 0.01374
207 Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Biomembranes 3.431 13,071 0.02908
208 Briefings In Functional Genomics 3.427 1,212 0.00482
209 American Journal Of Cardiology 3.425 36,124 0.06254
209 Biology Letters 3.425 6,445 0.02874
209 Neuropsychology 3.425 4,826 0.00922
212 Neurogastroenterology And Motility 3.424 4,693 0.01549
213 International Journal Of Methods In Psychiatric Research 3.421 1,838 0.00285
214 Insect Biochemistry And Molecular Biology 3.42 6,209 0.00974
214 International Journal Of Medical Microbiology 3.42 2,778 0.00655
216 Genes And Nutrition 3.419 766 0.00254
217 Journal Of Neural Engineering 3.415 2,716 0.00799
218 Bmc Evolutionary Biology 3.407 9,760 0.03774
219 Fuel 3.406 23,976 0.04018
220 American Journal Of Hypertension 3.402 8,173 0.0161
221 Bioenergy Research 3.398 1,062 0.00397
222 Cell Adhesion & Migration 3.395 1,062 0.0055
223 Behavioural Brain Research 3.391 20,944 0.0453
224 Brain Imaging And Behavior 3.385 527 0.0026
225 Respiratory Research 3.382 4,450 0.0124
226 Current Diabetes Reports 3.377 1,522 0.00503
226 Journal Of Physical Chemistry B 3.377 121,463 0.15299
226 Progress In Biophysics & Molecular Biology 3.377 3,448 0.00676
229 Food Microbiology 3.374 5,651 0.0135
230 Experimental Cell Research 3.372 19,505 0.02972
230 Neural Development 3.372 886 0.0063
232 Journal Of Structural Biology 3.369 8,181 0.02324
233 Journal Of Cellular Biochemistry 3.368 15,696 0.03349
234 Organisms Diversity & Evolution 3.365 699 0.00222
235 Oxidative Medicine And Cellular Longevity 3.363 1,205 0.00409
235 Urologic Oncology-Seminars And Original Investigations 3.363 2,590 0.00857
237 Dna Repair 3.362 5,092 0.01974
237 Epidemiology And Psychiatric Sciences 3.362 215 0.00112
239 Renewable Energy 3.361 13,133 0.0313
240 Chemphyschem 3.36 12,175 0.03643
241 European Archives Of Psychiatry And Clinical Neuroscience 3.355 3,575 0.00591
241 Nutrition & Metabolism 3.355 1,825 0.00558
243 Journal Of Immunotherapy 3.354 2,473 0.00756
244 Allergy And Asthma Proceedings 3.353 1,564 0.00392
244 Clinical Endocrinology 3.353 10,913 0.02015
244 Ieee Transactions On Energy Conversion 3.353 6,817 0.01346
247 Phytochemistry 3.35 30,636 0.02098
248 Biology Of Blood And Marrow Transplantation 3.348 6,442 0.02219
249 British Journal Of Nutrition 3.342 19,361 0.03996
249 Expert Review Of Clinical Immunology 3.342 890 0.00387
249 Revista Espanola De Cardiologia 3.342 2,407 0.00491
252 Febs Letters 3.341 51,698 0.07259
253 Cell And Tissue Research 3.333 10,274 0.01588
254 Neuroscience 3.327 42,326 0.07767
255 Perspectives In Plant Ecology Evolution And Systematics 3.324 1,349 0.00388
256 Journal Of Neurovirology 3.323 2,142 0.00376
257 Catalysis Communications 3.32 10,134 0.02413
258 Bmc Cancer 3.319 12,565 0.04757
258 Virulence 3.319 799 0.00366
260 Journal Of Biological Rhythms 3.316 2,571 0.00542
261 Reviews In The Neurosciences 3.314 1,325 0.00325
262 International Journal Of Coal Geology 3.313 4,403 0.00745
263 Systematic And Applied Microbiology 3.31 4,146 0.00603
264 Brain And Language 3.309 5,920 0.00858
264 Catalysis Today 3.309 24,819 0.03663
266 Journal Of Viral Hepatitis 3.307 4,199 0.01213
267 Journal Of Biomolecular Nmr 3.305 5,137 0.00995
268 Vox Sanguinis 3.303 3,201 0.00768
269 American Journal Of Physiology-Renal Physiology 3.3 16,896 0.03303
270 Journal Of Cancer Survivorship 3.292 982 0.0048
271 Placenta 3.285 6,579 0.01418
272 Journal Of Headache And Pain 3.281 1,492 0.00417
273 Viruses-Basel 3.279 1,745 0.00919
274 Chemical Senses 3.278 3,900 0.0065
274 Clinical And Experimental Immunology 3.278 11,950 0.01785
274 Drug And Alcohol Dependence 3.278 12,009 0.02773
274 Virology 3.278 27,580 0.03943
278 Best Practice & Research In Clinical Gastroenterology 3.277 2,249 0.00481
279 International Journal Of Hygiene And Environmental Health 3.276 2,261 0.00542
280 Journal Of Inorganic Biochemistry 3.274 10,277 0.01305
281 American Journal Of Medical Genetics Part B-Neuropsychiatric Genetics 3.271 4,615 0.01325
281 Journal Of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research 3.271 2,670 0.00816
283 Evolutionary Biology 3.268 1,101 0.00324
284 Environmental Microbiology Reports 3.264 1,292 0.00676
284 Infection Genetics And Evolution 3.264 4,111 0.01547
286 Fungal Genetics And Biology 3.262 4,298 0.01019
286 Reproduction 3.262 6,923 0.01547
288 Chromosoma 3.26 3,158 0.00697
289 Food Chemistry 3.259 47,395 0.08753
290 Biomechanics And Modeling In Mechanobiology 3.251 1,491 0.00576
291 Behavioral Neuroscience 3.25 8,422 0.00989
292 Oecologia 3.248 29,987 0.0343
293 Chempluschem 3.242 535 0.00153
294 Current Treatment Options In Oncology 3.24 791 0.00234
295 Biochemical Society Transactions 3.238 11,585 0.03044
295 Cardiology In Review 3.238 923 0.00294
297 Journal Of Neurosurgery 3.227 28,022 0.02867
298 American Journal Of Translational Research 3.226 658 0.00287
299 Publications Of The Astronomical Society Of The Pacific 3.225 8,510 0.02126
300 Neurotoxicology And Teratology 3.224 2,959 0.00401
301 Methods 3.221 12,795 0.02068
302 Clinical Lung Cancer 3.22 1,234 0.00448
303 European Journal Of Pain 3.218 4,824 0.01309
303 Joint Bone Spine 3.218 2,622 0.0073
305 Stem Cell Reviews And Reports 3.214 1,100 0.00455
306 Cell And Bioscience 3.21 294 0.00141
306 European Psychiatry 3.21 3,685 0.00774
308 Cognitive Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience 3.209 2,737 0.00625
308 Microporous And Mesoporous Materials 3.209 16,722 0.03095
310 Toxicology In Vitro 3.207 6,703 0.01296
311 Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 3.203 12,307 0.02219
312 Forensic Science International-Genetics 3.202 1,656 0.00448
313 Marine Chemistry 3.2 8,111 0.01063
314 Diseases Of The Colon & Rectum 3.198 12,753 0.01766
315 Biochemistry 3.194 88,295 0.11986
316 Journal Of The American Society For Mass Spectrometry 3.193 8,721 0.01904
317 Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Proteins And Proteomics 3.191 6,227 0.01964
318 Headache 3.189 6,595 0.01028
319 Journal Of Clinical Gastroenterology 3.186 6,519 0.01439
319 Mini-Reviews In Medicinal Chemistry 3.186 3,146 0.00694
321 Current Opinion In Critical Care 3.183 2,491 0.00703
321 Molecular Biosystems 3.183 5,028 0.02342
323 International Immunology 3.181 6,003 0.01086
324 Immunobiology 3.18 3,409 0.01018
324 Nitric Oxide-Biology And Chemistry 3.18 2,725 0.00592
324 Psychophysiology 3.18 10,746 0.01474
327 Eukaryotic Cell 3.179 6,783 0.0189
328 Psychiatry-Interpersonal And Biological Processes 3.175 1,562 0.00252
329 Journal Of Applied Toxicology 3.174 2,956 0.00554
330 Journal Of Rheumatology 3.173 21,089 0.03338
331 Journal Of Neuroimmune Pharmacology 3.172 1,517 0.00442
331 Pharmacoepidemiology And Drug Safety 3.172 4,211 0.0146
333 Standards In Genomic Sciences 3.167 889 0.00263
334 Journal Of Biological Inorganic Chemistry 3.164 4,181 0.00837
335 Developmental Psychobiology 3.163 3,645 0.00679
336 Electrophoresis 3.161 16,613 0.02418
337 New Journal Of Chemistry 3.159 10,573 0.01671
338 Behavioral Ecology 3.157 7,984 0.01821
338 Clinical Eeg And Neuroscience 3.157 569 0.00192
340 International Journal Of Food Microbiology 3.155 18,157 0.02878
341 Marine Biotechnology 3.152 2,643 0.00527
342 Neurotoxicity Research 3.151 2,006 0.00511
343 Nutrients 3.148 1,094 0.00455
344 Antiviral Therapy 3.143 3,673 0.01256
344 Journal Of Parenteral And Enteral Nutrition 3.143 3,649 0.00543
346 Physical Biology 3.14 1,563 0.00749
347 Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 3.135 11,627 0.02614
348 Neuromuscular Disorders 3.134 3,818 0.00934
349 Biochimie 3.123 8,249 0.01911
350 Clinical Toxicology 3.122 1,961 0.00619
351 Transplant International 3.12 3,646 0.01015
352 Microbial Ecology 3.118 7,473 0.01494
353 Transboundary And Emerging Diseases 3.116 866 0.00324
354 Pure And Applied Chemistry 3.112 13,894 0.01272
355 Progress In Molecular Biology And Translational Science 3.111 1,014 0.00621
356 Journal Of Physical And Chemical Reference Data 3.108 5,474 0.00216
357 Age And Ageing 3.107 7,235 0.01296
358 Journal Of Experimental Psychology-Human Perception And Performance 3.105 11,174 0.01713
359 Evodevo 3.104 216 0.00186
360 Classical And Quantum Gravity 3.103 14,313 0.04306
361 Neuroinformatics 3.102 619 0.00211
362 Cytotherapy 3.1 3,504 0.00753
362 Sleep Medicine 3.1 5,273 0.01385
364 International Clinical Psychopharmacology 3.098 2,216 0.00304
364 Journal Of Experimental Psychology-Learning Memory And Cognition 3.098 10,544 0.01742
366 International Journal Of Biological Macromolecules 3.096 6,960 0.01123
367 Growth Factors 3.088 1,401 0.00259
368 International Journal Of Geriatric Psychiatry 3.086 6,452 0.01199
369 Expert Opinion On Pharmacotherapy 3.085 3,881 0.01157
370 Allergy Asthma & Immunology Research 3.084 389 0.00161
371 Sexually Transmitted Infections 3.078 4,594 0.01279
372 Oligonucleotides 3.077 468 0.00116
373 Acs Medicinal Chemistry Letters 3.073 1,737 0.00792
373 Journal Of Biochemistry 3.073 8,633 0.0117
373 Journal Of Child And Adolescent Psychopharmacology 3.073 2,398 0.00475
373 Pflugers Archiv-European Journal Of Physiology 3.073 9,138 0.0167
377 Journal Of Cardiovascular Pharmacology And Therapeutics 3.072 794 0.00259
378 European Journal Of Vascular And Endovascular Surgery 3.07 6,624 0.01701
379 Animal Behaviour 3.068 23,429 0.03373
380 Cytometry Part A 3.066 3,177 0.00941
381 Journal Of Cardiac Failure 3.065 3,876 0.01187
382 Diabetic Medicine 3.064 10,009 0.01925
383 Expert Review Of Anti-Infective Therapy 3.063 1,926 0.00738
384 Atmospheric Environment 3.062 38,186 0.06688
385 Chembiochem 3.06 9,695 0.03089
386 Current Atherosclerosis Reports 3.059 1,489 0.00463
387 Best Practice & Research In Clinical Rheumatology 3.057 2,286 0.00525
388 Current Psychiatry Reports 3.054 1,873 0.00564
388 Neurotoxicology 3.054 4,810 0.00902
390 Taxon 3.051 3,811 0.00682
391 Europace 3.05 5,356 0.01973
391 Journal Of Exposure Science And Environmental Epidemiology 3.05 2,470 0.00508
393 Behavioral Ecology And Sociobiology 3.049 10,975 0.01709
394 Journal Of The Mechanical Behavior Of Biomedical Materials 3.048 2,313 0.0103
395 Chemmedchem 3.046 4,388 0.01406
395 Nutrition 3.046 7,382 0.01065
397 Archives Of Biochemistry And Biophysics 3.043 21,374 0.02362
397 Diabetes & Vascular Disease Research 3.043 823 0.00263
399 Ecological Engineering 3.041 6,586 0.01236
399 Journal Of Neurophysiology 3.041 43,740 0.06897
401 Journal Of The Atmospheric Sciences 3.036 22,163 0.03243
402 Fish & Shellfish Immunology 3.034 8,000 0.01228
403 International Journal Of Eating Disorders 3.033 7,250 0.00884
403 Physiology & Behavior 3.033 17,659 0.02553
403 Physiology & Behavior 3.033 17,659 0.02553
406 Neurosurgery 3.031 27,823 0.04004
407 Oral Oncology 3.029 5,836 0.01409
408 Bioanalysis 3.027 1,895 0.0053
409 Drug Design Development And Therapy 3.026 464 0.00172
410 Microbial Biotechnology 3.023 1,007 0.00463
411 Seminars In Respiratory And Critical Care Medicine 3.022 1,518 0.00482
412 Fuel Processing Technology 3.019 9,065 0.01824
413 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-Systems Biology And Medicine 3.011 650 0.00359
414 Biogerontology 3.01 1,569 0.00347
415 Journal Of Cancer Research And Clinical Oncology 3.009 5,371 0.01328
415 Journal Of The International Neuropsychological Society 3.009 5,222 0.01096
417 Pancreas 3.008 5,059 0.01317
418 Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences 3.007 19,517 0.0268
419 European Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences 3.005 7,660 0.01267
420 Molecular Immunology 3.003 8,824 0.02404
421 Biofactors 3 2,517 0.00492
421 Ieee Journal Of Photovoltaics 3 524 0.00187
421 Journal Of Head Trauma Rehabilitation 3 2,717 0.00469
421 Seminars In Reproductive Medicine 3 1,505 0.00484
425 Helicobacter 2.993 1,986 0.00449
426 Fungal Ecology 2.992 701 0.00327
427 Physical Review A 2.991 98,449 0.22457
428 Free Radical Research 2.989 6,140 0.00787
429 Mycorrhiza 2.985 2,650 0.00368
430 Journal Of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics 2.983 1,887 0.00271
431 Chemico-Biological Interactions 2.982 7,642 0.01336
432 Oncology-New York 2.981 1,885 0.004
433 Journal Of Vascular Surgery 2.98 19,493 0.03846
433 Reproductive Biomedicine Online 2.98 5,168 0.01414
435 Clinical Neurophysiology 2.979 14,157 0.02484
436 Bmc Microbiology 2.976 6,431 0.02553
436 Insect Molecular Biology 2.976 3,202 0.00563
438 Cancer Research And Treatment 2.975 584 0.00174
439 Brain Research Bulletin 2.974 9,103 0.01278
440 Ambio 2.973 4,738 0.00706
440 Clinical And Experimental Rheumatology 2.973 6,201 0.01207
440 Maternal And Child Nutrition 2.973 806 0.00366
443 Scripta Materialia 2.968 21,416 0.05405
444 Enzyme And Microbial Technology 2.966 11,050 0.00821
445 Cancer Causes & Control 2.961 7,525 0.01903
445 Journal Of Trauma-Injury Infection And Critical Care 2.961 22,582 0.0387
447 Journal Of Clinical Hypertension 2.958 1,967 0.00615
448 Current Opinion In Pulmonary Medicine 2.957 2,069 0.006
449 Cardiovascular Drugs And Therapy 2.952 1,544 0.00288
449 Epilepsy Currents 2.952 454 0.00129
451 Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry 2.951 27,641 0.05137
451 Genetic Epidemiology 2.951 2,826 0.01243
453 European Journal Of Clinical Nutrition 2.95 10,611 0.01721
453 Frontiers In Neural Circuits 2.95 835 0.00545
455 Journal Of Sleep Research 2.949 3,593 0.00709
456 Anti-Cancer Agents In Medicinal Chemistry 2.939 2,019 0.00626
456 Journal Of Ethnopharmacology 2.939 23,322 0.0262
456 Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences 2.939 4,922 0.01235
459 Chemistryopen 2.938 101 4.50E-04
460 Hypertension Research 2.936 4,415 0.01164
461 Clinical & Developmental Immunology 2.934 1,858 0.00719
461 Expert Opinion On Drug Metabolism & Toxicology 2.934 2,412 0.00795
463 International Journal Of Hydrogen Energy 2.93 35,721 0.07635
464 Investigational New Drugs 2.927 3,180 0.00926
465 Journal Of Genetics And Genomics 2.924 1,128 0.00471
465 Respiration 2.924 3,189 0.00676
467 Annals Of Pharmacotherapy 2.923 6,293 0.01243
468 Biomedical Materials 2.922 1,716 0.0049
468 Zoologica Scripta 2.922 1,761 0.00384
470 Catalysis Surveys From Asia 2.921 616 0.00124
470 Greenhouse Gases-Science And Technology 2.921 202 7.80E-04
470 Proteins-Structure Function And Bioinformatics 2.921 16,661 0.03518
473 International Journal Of Developmental Neuroscience 2.918 2,901 0.00571
474 Respiratory Medicine 2.917 7,784 0.0195
475 Journal Of Eukaryotic Microbiology 2.911 2,692 0.00427
476 Primary Care Respiratory Journal 2.909 866 0.00293
477 Current Vascular Pharmacology 2.908 1,316 0.0038
477 Science Of Advanced Materials 2.908 1,139 0.00314
479 Clinical Colorectal Cancer 2.907 791 0.00245
479 Food & Function 2.907 838 0.00301
481 General Hospital Psychiatry 2.898 3,620 0.0083
481 General Hospital Psychiatry 2.898 3,620 0.0083
483 Frontiers In Human Neuroscience 2.895 2,749 0.01371
484 Ejso 2.892 5,397 0.01278
485 Journal Of Neurologic Physical Therapy 2.891 554 0.00152
486 Digestive And Liver Disease 2.889 3,898 0.01051
487 Nucleic Acid Therapeutics 2.888 259 0.00129
488 Archives Of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine 2.884 8,636 0.01441
488 Blood Cancer Journal 2.884 225 0.00108
488 Journal Of Biotechnology 2.884 12,325 0.01783
491 Mammalian Genome 2.883 2,965 0.00519
492 Journal Of The American Heart Association 2.882 456 0.00197
493 Experimental And Molecular Pathology 2.881 2,581 0.00584
493 Journal Of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology 2.881 6,883 0.01676
495 Chronobiology International 2.878 3,823 0.00674
495 Ticks And Tick-Borne Diseases 2.878 513 0.00185
497 Phytomedicine 2.877 5,650 0.00942
498 Cytokine 2.874 6,671 0.01604
499 Journal Of Pediatric Gastroenterology And Nutrition 2.873 8,483 0.01749
499 Social Neuroscience 2.873 1,194 0.00433
501 Experimental Physiology 2.871 4,250 0.00996
501 Journal Of Electroanalytical Chemistry 2.871 23,044 0.01695
501 Journal Of Neural Transmission 2.871 5,828 0.01185
504 Sleep And Breathing 2.869 1,777 0.00425
505 Current Genomics 2.868 1,106 0.00451
505 Current Oncology Reports 2.868 1,099 0.00392
507 Evolution And Human Behavior 2.866 2,879 0.00725
507 Evolution And Human Behavior 2.866 2,879 0.00725
509 Infection 2.864 2,661 0.00542
509 Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 2.864 1,228 0.00233
511 Drug Metabolism And Pharmacokinetics 2.863 1,655 0.00411
511 Recent Patents On Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery 2.863 468 0.00137
513 Prostaglandins & Other Lipid Mediators 2.862 2,031 0.00289
514 Maturitas 2.861 4,427 0.0104
514 Protein Science 2.861 13,923 0.02412
516 Geothermics 2.86 1,291 0.00227
517 Journal Of The Electrochemical Society 2.859 56,286 0.06024
518 Biomarkers In Medicine 2.858 827 0.00374
519 Endocrinology And Metabolism Clinics Of North America 2.857 2,189 0.00399
519 Hematology-American Society Of Hematology Education Program 2.857 1,994 0.00793
521 Genes To Cells 2.855 4,031 0.00935
522 Journals Of Gerontology Series B-Psychological Sciences And Social Sciences 2.852 5,163 0.00925
523 Diabetes & Metabolism 2.845 2,958 0.00676
524 Frontiers In Aging Neuroscience 2.843 491 0.00228
524 Journal Of Surgical Oncology 2.843 7,361 0.01786
526 Journal Of Biomedical Materials Research Part A 2.841 13,513 0.02648
526 Molecular Oral Microbiology 2.841 333 0.0014
528 Icarus 2.84 15,418 0.04165
528 Tumor Biology 2.84 2,530 0.00599
530 Behavior Genetics 2.839 3,502 0.00675
530 Journal Of Psychosomatic Research 2.839 10,340 0.01377
530 Journal Of Psychosomatic Research 2.839 10,340 0.01377
533 Journal Of Physics G-Nuclear And Particle Physics 2.838 6,506 0.02347
534 Differentiation 2.836 3,190 0.00639
535 Microbiology-Sgm 2.835 18,368 0.03189
536 European Journal Of Clinical Investigation 2.834 5,540 0.01058
536 Expert Review Of Neurotherapeutics 2.834 2,644 0.00949
538 Molecular Genetics And Genomics 2.831 3,386 0.00611
538 Psychiatry Research-Neuroimaging 2.831 4,031 0.01053
540 Oncology Nursing Forum 2.83 2,751 0.00416
540 Prostate Cancer And Prostatic Diseases 2.83 1,395 0.004
542 Comparative Biochemistry And Physiology C-Toxicology & Pharmacology 2.829 5,819 0.00708
542 Journal Of Pharmaceutical And Biomedical Analysis 2.829 15,439 0.02362
544 Ieee Journal Of Selected Topics In Applied Earth Observations And Remote Sensing 2.827 1,273 0.00488
544 Molecular Genetics And Metabolism 2.827 5,844 0.01545
546 Clinical Oncology 2.826 2,304 0.0069
546 Environmental Toxicology And Chemistry 2.826 16,519 0.02415
546 Journal Of Clinical Sleep Medicine 2.826 2,184 0.00723
546 Research In Microbiology 2.826 4,015 0.00796
550 Clinical And Experimental Medicine 2.824 676 0.0017
551 Comparative Biochemistry And Physiology D-Genomics & Proteomics 2.823 614 0.00169
552 Pharmacology Biochemistry And Behavior 2.82 12,939 0.01594
553 Archivum Immunologiae Et Therapiae Experimentalis 2.818 1,227 0.00308
554 Tetrahedron 2.817 53,977 0.06377
555 Drug Testing And Analysis 2.816 1,079 0.00408
556 European Journal Of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 2.814 12,318 0.02962
557 Dementia And Geriatric Cognitive Disorders 2.812 4,023 0.00898
557 Physiological Genomics 2.812 4,597 0.01008
559 Experimental Hematology 2.806 6,353 0.01109
559 Human Pathology 2.806 11,499 0.01938
559 Journal Of Psychopharmacology 2.806 4,543 0.01191
562 Nicotine & Tobacco Research 2.805 5,359 0.01415
563 Beilstein Journal Of Organic Chemistry 2.803 2,106 0.00783
563 Journal Of Photochemistry And Photobiology B-Biology 2.803 5,399 0.00737
565 Advances In Heterocyclic Chemistry 2.8 841 4.00E-04
565 Spine Journal 2.8 4,045 0.01441
567 International Journal Of Systematic And Evolutionary Microbiology 2.798 16,307 0.01856
568 Genomics 2.793 9,320 0.00939
569 Journal Of Neuro-Oncology 2.787 7,895 0.02004
570 Journal Of Neuroimmunology 2.786 9,967 0.01518
571 International Journal Of Polymeric Materials And Polymeric Biomaterials 2.784 1,340 8.90E-04
572 Journal Of Computer-Aided Molecular Design 2.782 3,578 0.00582
572 Journal Of Hospital Infection 2.782 6,379 0.01349
574 Macromolecular Materials And Engineering 2.781 3,457 0.00561
575 Journal Of Physical Chemistry A 2.775 57,303 0.0988
576 International Journal Of Oncology 2.773 10,283 0.02192
577 Reproductive Toxicology 2.771 4,247 0.00828
578 Journal Of Atherosclerosis And Thrombosis 2.77 2,277 0.00609
579 International Journal Of Hyperthermia 2.769 2,372 0.00372
580 Wound Repair And Regeneration 2.768 3,909 0.00755
581 Biomedical Microdevices 2.765 2,713 0.00748
581 Journal Of Neuropsychiatry And Clinical Neurosciences 2.765 3,265 0.00426
583 European Journal Of Cancer Prevention 2.764 2,346 0.00467
583 Journal Of Biomaterials Applications 2.764 1,115 0.00225
585 Environmental Science And Pollution Research 2.757 4,096 0.00974
586 International Journal Of Tuberculosis And Lung Disease 2.756 6,930 0.01496
587 Autoimmunity 2.754 2,209 0.00478
587 Biotechniques 2.754 7,392 0.00792
589 Bmc Developmental Biology 2.752 2,411 0.00843
589 Journal Of Biomedical Optics 2.752 10,006 0.02484
589 Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 2.752 16,687 0.03023
592 Wildlife Monographs 2.75 612 4.50E-04
593 Calcified Tissue International 2.748 6,679 0.00848
593 Sexually Transmitted Diseases 2.748 6,028 0.01364
595 Annals Of Nutrition And Metabolism 2.747 2,143 0.00473
596 Annals Of Allergy Asthma & Immunology 2.746 5,748 0.01013
597 Journal Of Molecular Catalysis B-Enzymatic 2.745 5,250 0.00917
598 American Journal Of Roentgenology 2.744 28,951 0.04707
599 Plasmonics 2.738 1,283 0.00434
600 International Journal Of Energy Research 2.737 3,381 0.00588
600 Journal Of Pain And Symptom Management 2.737 7,197 0.01462
602 Journal Of Biomedical Science 2.736 2,464 0.00599
602 Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials For Biological Applications 2.736 7,607 0.01473
604 Current Neurovascular Research 2.735 814 0.00196
604 Expert Opinion On Drug Safety 2.735 1,523 0.00475
606 Energy & Fuels 2.733 21,961 0.046
606 Journal Of Personality Disorders 2.733 2,616 0.0047
606 Strahlentherapie Und Onkologie 2.733 2,381 0.00412
609 International Journal Of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 2.732 1,162 0.00397
609 Shock 2.732 6,465 0.01176
611 Microbes And Infection 2.731 6,852 0.01218
612 Omics-A Journal Of Integrative Biology 2.73 1,055 0.00379
613 Radiographics 2.729 8,357 0.01207
614 Journal Of Alloys And Compounds 2.726 45,308 0.10025
614 Veterinary Microbiology 2.726 12,896 0.02778
616 Geophysical Journal International 2.724 19,522 0.0441
617 Fems Microbiology Letters 2.723 16,743 0.02038
617 Journal Of Drug Targeting 2.723 2,625 0.00434
619 Journal Of Physiology And Pharmacology 2.72 3,091 0.00606
620 Psychiatric Clinics Of North America 2.717 2,252 0.00434
621 Biological Invasions 2.716 5,504 0.0188
622 Critical Reviews In Solid State And Materials Sciences 2.714 852 0.00135
623 Environmental Health 2.713 1,983 0.00848
623 Journal Of Industrial Ecology 2.713 2,080 0.00517
625 Aquatic Sciences 2.712 1,781 0.0037
626 International Immunopharmacology 2.711 6,133 0.01385
627 Journal Of Mass Spectrometry 2.709 5,598 0.01164
628 Journal Of Bioenergetics And Biomembranes 2.708 2,811 0.00477
629 Climate Research 2.707 3,650 0.00871
630 Journal Of Biomedicine And Biotechnology 2.706 4,758 0.01845
630 Journal Of The North American Benthological Society 2.706 4,267 0.00748
632 Advances In Health Sciences Education 2.705 1,191 0.00482
632 Journal Of Aerosol Science 2.705 5,855 0.00613
634 Applied Clay Science 2.703 7,131 0.0136
634 Clinical Journal Of Pain 2.703 4,592 0.00897
634 Clinics In Liver Disease 2.703 1,661 0.00376
637 Cns & Neurological Disorders-Drug Targets 2.702 1,540 0.00509
637 Journal Of Contaminant Hydrology 2.702 4,274 0.00741
639 Building And Environment 2.7 8,307 0.01681
640 Journal Of Neurogastroenterology And Motility 2.698 422 0.00164
641 European Journal Of Clinical Pharmacology 2.697 6,274 0.00994
642 Energy Policy 2.696 18,983 0.04912
643 Earth Surface Processes And Landforms 2.695 7,114 0.01335
644 Journal Of Chromatography B-Analytical Technologies In The Biomedical And Life Sciences 2.694 20,963 0.03108
645 Critical Reviews In Analytical Chemistry 2.692 874 9.80E-04
645 Journal Of Human Hypertension 2.692 3,734 0.00694
645 Leukemia Research 2.692 5,660 0.01524
645 Resources Conservation And Recycling 2.692 4,160 0.0086
649 Functional & Integrative Genomics 2.691 1,334 0.00338
649 Journal Of Cardiovascular Translational Research 2.691 898 0.00477
651 Alzheimer Disease & Associated Disorders 2.688 2,581 0.00421
651 Chromosome Research 2.688 2,456 0.0075
651 Journal Of Bacteriology 2.688 68,626 0.09092
654 Lithosphere 2.687 385 0.00263
655 Arabian Journal Of Chemistry 2.684 561 0.00138
655 European Journal Of Pharmacology 2.684 29,102 0.0411
655 Evolution & Development 2.684 1,916 0.00609
655 Photochemistry And Photobiology 2.684 9,762 0.01064
659 International Journal Of Sports Physiology And Performance 2.683 973 0.00353
659 Proteomics Clinical Applications 2.683 1,275 0.00411
661 Journal Of Managed Care Pharmacy 2.682 1,176 0.0038
661 Psychiatry Research 2.682 12,284 0.02583
661 Psychiatry Research 2.682 12,284 0.02583
664 Gerontology 2.681 2,714 0.00548
665 Journal Of The American Society Of Hypertension 2.68 663 0.00315
666 Biointerphases 2.677 757 0.00251
667 European Journal Of Preventive Cardiology 2.675 516 0.00237
667 Molecular Reproduction And Development 2.675 5,179 0.00654
669 Stochastic Environmental Research And Risk Assessment 2.673 1,653 0.00435
670 Bmc Bioinformatics 2.672 18,923 0.07456
671 Developmental Neuropsychology 2.67 2,700 0.00506
671 Developmental Neuropsychology 2.67 2,700 0.00506
673 Ecology And Society 2.669 4,521 0.01185
674 American Journal Of Reproductive Immunology 2.668 3,368 0.00733
675 Mineralium Deposita 2.667 2,344 0.00426
676 Microfluidics And Nanofluidics 2.665 3,231 0.01263
677 Aerosol And Air Quality Research 2.664 1,082 0.00256
678 Experimental Astronomy 2.663 616 0.00301
679 Molecular Cytogenetics 2.662 381 0.00164
680 Journal Of Quaternary Science 2.661 3,574 0.00859
681 Transplantation Reviews 2.66 410 0.0017
682 Journal Of Nutrition Health & Aging 2.659 2,800 0.00793
683 Neurogenetics 2.658 1,096 0.00372
684 American Journal Of Geriatric Pharmacotherapy 2.651 865 0.00269
685 European Journal Of Echocardiography 2.648 2,661 0.01008
685 International Journal Of Psychophysiology 2.648 5,526 0.01039
685 International Journal Of Psychophysiology 2.648 5,526 0.01039
688 Geochemical Transactions 2.647 386 0.00111
688 Journal Of Memory And Language 2.647 6,845 0.01428
688 Journal Of Memory And Language 2.647 6,845 0.01428
691 American Journal Of Nephrology 2.646 3,572 0.00929
692 Journal Of Nuclear Cardiology 2.645 2,544 0.00603
693 Rapid Communications In Mass Spectrometry 2.642 13,721 0.02692
694 Marine Ecology Progress Series 2.64 34,992 0.04979
695 Journal Of Experimental Child Psychology 2.635 4,730 0.01072
695 Nutrition Journal 2.635 1,945 0.00538
697 Ecohydrology 2.634 776 0.00444
698 Polymer Degradation And Stability 2.633 14,741 0.01736
699 Journal Of Analytical Toxicology 2.627 2,719 0.00433
699 Platelets 2.627 1,975 0.00441
701 Experimental And Clinical Psychopharmacology 2.626 2,194 0.00397
701 Experimental And Clinical Psychopharmacology 2.626 2,194 0.00397
701 Medchemcomm 2.626 1,247 0.00453
704 Applied Thermal Engineering 2.624 11,248 0.02317
704 Advances In High Energy Physics 2.624 445 0.00224
706 Journal Of Neuroengineering And Rehabilitation 2.622 1,430 0.00438
707 Copd-Journal Of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 2.62 1,198 0.00417
707 Drug Safety 2.62 3,815 0.00692
707 Frontiers In Cellular And Infection Microbiology 2.62 496 0.00259
707 Pathology 2.62 2,232 0.00554
711 Journal Of Geodynamics 2.618 1,977 0.00543
712 Peptides 2.614 9,944 0.01623
713 Plant Cell Tissue And Organ Culture 2.612 5,000 0.00535
714 Food And Chemical Toxicology 2.61 16,380 0.03094
715 Scandinavian Journal Of Rheumatology 2.607 2,682 0.00449
716 Landscape And Urban Planning 2.606 6,203 0.0097
717 Leukemia & Lymphoma 2.605 6,493 0.0162
718 Neurocritical Care 2.604 2,298 0.00907
719 Child Development Perspectives 2.602 691 0.0044
720 Advances In Biochemical Engineering-Biotechnology 2.6 1,916 0.00199
721 Organogenesis 2.596 480 0.00263
722 Ecosphere 2.595 775 0.00552
723 Journal Of Separation Science 2.594 9,135 0.02245
724 Journal Of Sport & Exercise Psychology 2.593 2,745 0.0035
725 Bmc Biotechnology 2.592 2,232 0.00718
726 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis And Frontotemporal Degeneration 2.591 1,956 0.00523
727 Current Opinion In Cardiology 2.59 1,817 0.0058
727 Ocean Modelling 2.59 2,305 0.01035
729 Molecular Diagnosis & Therapy 2.589 458 0.00165
730 Clinical Therapeutics 2.586 6,503 0.01295
730 Plant Methods 2.586 852 0.0036
732 Nutrition Research 2.585 3,362 0.0063
733 Quaternary Research 2.583 6,717 0.0088
733 Russian Chemical Reviews 2.583 3,425 0.00408
735 Journal Of Nutrigenetics And Nutrigenomics 2.581 205 8.00E-04
735 Toxicon 2.581 10,468 0.01285
737 Geomorphology 2.577 11,912 0.0284
737 Reproduction Fertility And Development 2.577 2,549 0.00504
739 Social Psychiatry And Psychiatric Epidemiology 2.575 5,776 0.00993
739 Social Psychiatry And Psychiatric Epidemiology 2.575 5,776 0.00993
741 Environmental Geochemistry And Health 2.573 1,826 0.00385
741 Medical Care Research And Review 2.573 1,622 0.00569
743 Cancer Chemotherapy And Pharmacology 2.571 7,809 0.01655
743 Journal Of Supercritical Fluids 2.571 6,679 0.01079
745 Pulmonary Pharmacology & Therapeutics 2.57 1,972 0.00486
746 Diagnostic Microbiology And Infectious Disease 2.568 5,160 0.01513
747 Journal Of Cardiology 2.566 1,440 0.00314
748 Environmental Toxicology 2.562 2,629 0.0037
748 Pediatric Blood & Cancer 2.562 6,629 0.0249
750 Bmc Infectious Diseases 2.561 6,263 0.02385
750 Israel Journal Of Chemistry 2.561 1,447 0.00413
752 Virchows Archiv 2.56 5,113 0.00934
753 Cancer Epidemiology 2.558 1,203 0.00547
753 Social Science & Medicine 2.558 29,254 0.05244
755 Advances In Inorganic Chemistry 2.556 1,511 6.90E-04
755 Wind Energy 2.556 1,529 0.00485
757 Fems Immunology And Medical Microbiology 2.554 4,107 0.00872
758 Cancer Gene Therapy 2.553 2,656 0.00551
758 Environmental And Molecular Mutagenesis 2.553 3,229 0.00551
758 Journal Of Clinical Child And Adolescent Psychology 2.553 3,155 0.00857
761 Journal Of Cataract And Refractive Surgery 2.552 10,251 0.01953
762 Journal Of Clinical Pathology 2.551 10,247 0.01406
763 Digestive Diseases And Sciences 2.55 12,687 0.02452
764 Best Practice & Research Clinical Haematology 2.549 1,131 0.00355
764 Organic Process Research & Development 2.549 4,201 0.00905
766 Journal Of Polymer Science Part B-Polymer Physics 2.548 10,103 0.00954
766 Journal Of Renal Nutrition 2.548 1,369 0.00318
768 Expert Review Of Gastroenterology & Hepatology 2.546 735 0.00343
769 Veterinary Parasitology 2.545 14,204 0.02169
770 European Journal Of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases 2.544 6,373 0.01626
770 Molecular Diversity 2.544 1,309 0.00284
772 Food Reviews International 2.541 989 9.20E-04
772 Journal Of Pediatric Psychology 2.541 4,947 0.00933
774 International Journal Of Applied Earth Observation And Geoinformation 2.539 1,800 0.00509
775 Applied Surface Science 2.538 38,858 0.0758
776 Current Organic Chemistry 2.537 3,997 0.008
777 Cardiovascular Therapeutics 2.536 682 0.00307
778 Vector-Borne And Zoonotic Diseases 2.531 2,811 0.00915
779 Asian Journal Of Andrology 2.53 1,958 0.00531
779 Journal Of Comparative Physiology B-Biochemical Systemic And Environmental Physiology 2.53 3,412 0.006
781 Journal Of Phycology 2.529 8,239 0.00925
782 Current Opinion In Anesthesiology 2.526 1,970 0.00664
783 Annals Of Clinical Psychiatry 2.525 944 0.00159
783 Annals Of Clinical Psychiatry 2.525 944 0.00159
783 Boundary-Layer Meteorology 2.525 5,913 0.00892
786 Animal Conservation 2.524 2,221 0.00591
786 Annals Of Glaciology 2.524 3,045 0.00691
786 Microbial Drug Resistance 2.524 1,544 0.00421
786 Process Biochemistry 2.524 12,826 0.01526
790 Biomarkers 2.522 1,655 0.0045
791 Appetite 2.52 7,155 0.01562
792 Acta Tropica 2.519 5,653 0.01067
792 Brain Topography 2.519 1,488 0.00371
792 Journal Of Raman Spectroscopy 2.519 7,779 0.0137
792 Journal Of Space Weather And Space Climate 2.519 87 2.20E-04
796 Tellus Series A-Dynamic Meteorology And Oceanography 2.518 2,382 0.00769
797 Ecological Economics 2.517 11,775 0.0272
798 International Journal For Parasitology-Drugs And Drug Resistance 2.514 95 6.40E-04
799 Acta Ophthalmologica 2.512 5,591 0.01093
799 Astrobiology 2.512 1,844 0.0064
801 Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology 2.511 2,511 0.00934
802 Amyloid-Journal Of Protein Folding Disorders 2.51 1,001 0.00211
803 Chemical Biology & Drug Design 2.507 2,392 0.0074
803 International Journal Of Immunopathology And Pharmacology 2.507 1,624 0.00435
803 Journal Of Plant Research 2.507 1,950 0.00382
803 Journal Of Research On Adolescence 2.507 1,984 0.00515
807 Journal Of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology 2.505 6,041 0.01073
807 Polymers 2.505 677 0.0026
809 Journal Of The Peripheral Nervous System 2.504 1,268 0.00382
809 Pancreatology 2.504 1,596 0.00475
811 Drugs & Aging 2.503 2,581 0.00502
812 Electroanalysis 2.502 10,744 0.01498
813 Ecotoxicology 2.5 3,859 0.01149
813 Journal Of Bioactive And Compatible Polymers 2.5 973 0.00113
813 Journal Of Environmental Science And Health Part C-Environmental Carcinogenesis & Ecotoxicology Reviews 2.5 499 0.00128
813 Journal Of Insect Physiology 2.5 7,578 0.01235
817 Nuclear Physics A 2.499 18,674 0.01918
818 Acta Pharmacologica Sinica 2.496 5,875 0.01043
818 Cognitive Science 2.496 3,705 0.00914
818 Journal Of Biomechanics 2.496 22,920 0.0363
818 Journal Of Physiology And Biochemistry 2.496 807 0.00218
822 Critical Care Clinics 2.495 1,336 0.00309
822 Canadian Journal Of Anesthesia-Journal Canadien D Anesthesie 2.495 4,033 0.00592
822 Supportive Care In Cancer 2.495 5,896 0.01587
825 Journal Of Chemical Technology And Biotechnology 2.494 7,437 0.01097
826 Biodegradation 2.492 2,585 0.00478
826 Journal Of Applied Phycology 2.492 4,652 0.00668
828 Epidemiology And Infection 2.491 6,696 0.01643
828 Harvard Review Of Psychiatry 2.491 1,204 0.00262
828 Harvard Review Of Psychiatry 2.491 1,204 0.00262
828 Health Services Research 2.491 4,865 0.01354
832 Bmc Neurology 2.486 2,105 0.00861
833 Public Health Nutrition 2.483 7,673 0.0177
834 Catena 2.482 5,799 0.00878
834 Ecotoxicology And Environmental Safety 2.482 8,875 0.01636
836 Child And Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics Of North America 2.481 1,632 0.00479
836 Lupus 2.481 5,368 0.01165
836 Mutation Research-Genetic Toxicology And Environmental Mutagenesis 2.481 6,093 0.00856
836 Nanoscale Research Letters 2.481 5,927 0.02128
840 Toxins 2.48 1,088 0.00443
841 Journal Of Marine Systems 2.476 4,965 0.01386
841 Neuroepidemiology 2.476 2,519 0.0054
841 Quaternary Geochronology 2.476 1,453 0.00667
844 Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology 2.475 14,068 0.0187
845 European Spine Journal 2.473 8,340 0.02024
846 Journal Of Clinical Pharmacology 2.472 5,856 0.01042
847 Nutrition And Cancer-An International Journal 2.47 4,616 0.00808
848 Marine And Petroleum Geology 2.469 4,267 0.00854
849 Haemophilia 2.468 4,682 0.01012
849 Hepatology International 2.468 959 0.0042
851 Energy And Buildings 2.465 9,191 0.01761
852 American Journal Of Botany 2.463 15,012 0.01881
852 Synlett 2.463 16,268 0.02915
854 Experimental And Molecular Medicine 2.462 1,931 0.0046
854 Psychological Research-Psychologische Forschung 2.462 2,254 0.00493
854 Public Health Genomics 2.462 452 0.00275
854 Seminars In Hematology 2.462 2,212 0.00406
858 Economics & Human Biology 2.461 902 0.0036
859 European Journal Of Public Health 2.459 3,591 0.01005
859 Innate Immunity 2.459 699 0.00328
861 Behavior Research Methods 2.458 7,622 0.0219
861 Neurourology And Urodynamics 2.458 3,555 0.00926
863 Paleobiology 2.456 3,446 0.00394
864 Macromolecular Chemistry And Physics 2.451 10,081 0.01188
865 Phytochemical Analysis 2.45 2,265 0.00355
866 Spine 2.447 36,452 0.04599
867 Radiation Research 2.445 8,044 0.01101
868 Journal Of Vascular Research 2.443 1,604 0.00302
868 Progress In Cardiovascular Diseases 2.443 2,285 0.00611
868 Synthesis-Stuttgart 2.443 17,886 0.02579
871 Addictive Behaviors 2.441 8,070 0.01506
871 Addictive Behaviors 2.441 8,070 0.01506
873 Current Organic Synthesis 2.439 739 0.00181
874 Advances In Therapy 2.438 1,361 0.00427
875 Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 2.437 5,966 0.00739
876 Fems Yeast Research 2.436 2,935 0.00717
877 Health & Place 2.435 3,169 0.01179
878 Medical Microbiology And Immunology 2.433 1,417 0.00301
878 World Journal Of Gastroenterology 2.433 20,957 0.05116
880 Journal Of Geochemical Exploration 2.432 2,990 0.00481
881 Solid State Physics 2.429 1,898 2.60E-04
882 Journal Of Glaucoma 2.427 2,881 0.00651
883 Biomedizinische Technik 2.425 575 8.90E-04
884 Microbes And Environments 2.424 899 0.00253
885 Journal Of Chemical Thermodynamics 2.423 7,154 0.01147
886 Atmospheric Research 2.421 4,749 0.01416
886 Bulletin Of The Peabody Museum Of Natural History 2.421 151 4.90E-04
886 European Physical Journal A 2.421 4,337 0.01284
889 Journal Of Structural Geology 2.42 7,788 0.00876
890 Lasers In Medical Science 2.419 2,310 0.00585
891 Alpine Botany 2.417 60 2.70E-04
891 World Neurosurgery 2.417 1,264 0.00587
893 Applied Vegetation Science 2.416 1,355 0.00311
893 Plant Foods For Human Nutrition 2.416 1,819 0.00246
895 International Journal Of Colorectal Disease 2.415 4,187 0.01139
896 Vadose Zone Journal 2.412 3,003 0.00803
897 Diagnostic Pathology 2.411 1,538 0.00423
898 Colloid And Polymer Science 2.41 6,380 0.0077
899 Materials Science And Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure And Processing 2.409 45,292 0.07751
899 Reproductive Biology And Endocrinology 2.409 2,734 0.00746
901 Nuclear Medicine And Biology 2.408 3,954 0.0065
902 Archives Of Medical Research 2.406 2,653 0.00426
902 Canadian Journal Of Psychiatry-Revue Canadienne De Psychiatrie 2.406 4,129 0.00745
902 Canadian Journal Of Psychiatry-Revue Canadienne De Psychiatrie 2.406 4,129 0.00745
902 Journal Of Biological Regulators And Homeostatic Agents 2.406 733 0.00171
902 Journal Of Flow Chemistry 2.406 84 4.10E-04
907 Clinical And Experimental Pharmacology And Physiology 2.405 5,172 0.00855
907 Plant Biology 2.405 3,140 0.00678
909 Astrophysics And Space Science 2.401 6,277 0.01444
910 Biochemia Medica 2.4 399 7.40E-04
910 Journal Of Musculoskeletal & Neuronal Interactions 2.4 1,186 0.00234
912 Physics Of The Earth And Planetary Interiors 2.398 6,731 0.01656
913 Journal Of Attention Disorders 2.397 1,482 0.00419
913 Journal Of Attention Disorders 2.397 1,482 0.00419
913 Phytotherapy Research 2.397 8,865 0.01215
916 Catheterization And Cardiovascular Interventions 2.396 7,593 0.01781
917 Tetrahedron Letters 2.391 73,956 0.06959
918 Basic And Applied Ecology 2.389 2,241 0.00686
919 Journal Of Mathematical Biology 2.388 3,698 0.0093
920 Journal Of Applied Microbiology 2.386 13,881 0.02379
920 Plasma Physics And Controlled Fusion 2.386 6,851 0.01936
922 Critical Reviews In Eukaryotic Gene Expression 2.385 691 0.00173
923 Boreas 2.383 2,008 0.0041
924 Chemometrics And Intelligent Laboratory Systems 2.381 5,322 0.00668
924 Vision Research 2.381 16,530 0.02293
926 Progress In Particle And Nuclear Physics 2.38 2,636 0.00803
926 World Mycotoxin Journal 2.38 454 0.00169
928 Current Opinion In Organ Transplantation 2.379 1,307 0.00614
928 Journal Of Materials Science-Materials In Medicine 2.379 9,377 0.01667
930 Research In Autism Spectrum Disorders 2.378 1,690 0.0052
931 British Journal Of Clinical Psychology 2.377 2,896 0.00251
932 Geotextiles And Geomembranes 2.376 1,508 0.00339
933 Neuroradiology 2.374 4,806 0.0088
933 Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 2.374 2,575 0.00219
935 Journal Of Reproductive Immunology 2.373 2,159 0.00523
936 Current Medical Research And Opinion 2.372 5,693 0.0159
936 Evolutionary Ecology 2.372 3,410 0.00574
936 Geosphere 2.372 1,159 0.00528
939 Comparative Biochemistry And Physiology A-Molecular & Integrative Physiology 2.371 9,060 0.01056
940 Current Opinion In Obstetrics & Gynecology 2.37 1,774 0.00486
941 Journal Of Arthroplasty 2.369 8,864 0.01629
942 Biochemical Engineering Journal 2.368 6,323 0.01163
943 Acta Psychologica 2.367 4,938 0.01299
943 Surgical Oncology-Oxford 2.367 1,196 0.00297
945 Journal Of Shoulder And Elbow Surgery 2.365 6,638 0.0132
946 Family Process 2.362 1,314 0.00172
947 Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey 2.361 1,844 0.00261
948 Cornea 2.36 7,441 0.01419
948 Energy For Sustainable Development 2.36 935 0.00242
948 Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Archives Of Pharmacology 2.36 4,705 0.00587
948 Radiation Oncology 2.36 1,933 0.00811
952 Environmental Reviews 2.359 872 0.00153
953 Journal Of Neurosurgery-Spine 2.355 3,873 0.01344
954 Colloids And Surfaces A-Physicochemical And Engineering Aspects 2.354 20,478 0.02976
955 Plant Physiology And Biochemistry 2.352 5,620 0.0104
956 Parasitology 2.35 8,764 0.01293
956 Tissue Antigens 2.35 4,009 0.00549
958 Liquid Crystals 2.349 4,259 0.00407
959 World Journal Of Surgery 2.348 12,604 0.02667
960 Current Neuropharmacology 2.347 1,154 0.00368
960 Journal Of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology 2.347 1,053 0.00186
960 Journal Of Perinatology 2.347 3,811 0.00937
963 Cellular Reprogramming 2.345 478 0.00189
963 Journal Of Environmental Quality 2.345 12,744 0.01594
965 Chinese Medicine 2.343 440 0.00118
965 Physica Status Solidi-Rapid Research Letters 2.343 1,676 0.00783
967 International Journal Of Molecular Sciences 2.339 7,898 0.02637
967 Planta Medica 2.339 11,459 0.01171
969 European Journal Of Phycology 2.338 1,491 0.00207
970 Cardiovascular Pathology 2.336 1,363 0.00297
971 Graefes Archive For Clinical And Experimental Ophthalmology 2.333 6,124 0.01236
972 Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 2.331 36,384 0.06535
973 Journal Of Biomedical Materials Research Part B-Applied Biomaterials 2.328 5,896 0.01397
973 Marine Environmental Research 2.328 3,758 0.00566
975 Parasitology Research 2.327 9,597 0.01765
976 Beilstein Journal Of Nanotechnology 2.326 557 0.00282
976 Ecological Modelling 2.326 13,456 0.02173
976 Journal Of Family Planning And Reproductive Health Care 2.326 479 0.00113
976 Physical Review E 2.326 78,897 0.17934
980 International Journal Of Cardiovascular Imaging 2.322 1,907 0.00687
981 Bmc Public Health 2.321 13,919 0.05691
981 Terra Nova 2.321 2,847 0.00531
983 Environmental Conservation 2.32 2,539 0.00289
984 Biophysical Chemistry 2.319 4,911 0.00622
984 Pathobiology 2.319 901 0.00189
984 Protein Engineering Design & Selection 2.319 5,175 0.00676
987 Immunity & Ageing 2.316 360 8.10E-04
988 Journal Of Magnetic Resonance 2.315 10,900 0.01539
989 Journal Of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Sciences 2.313 2,740 0.00661
990 Journal Of Youth And Adolescence 2.312 4,205 0.00993
991 Cognition & Emotion 2.311 5,116 0.01095
991 Muscle & Nerve 2.311 9,651 0.01443
993 Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 2.31 5,669 0.01023
994 Journal Of Comparative Psychology 2.309 2,745 0.00399
995 Analytical Biochemistry 2.305 39,123 0.02874
996 Journal Of Theoretical Biology 2.303 17,508 0.0298
996 Neuropsychobiology 2.303 2,706 0.00365
998 Journal Of Organometallic Chemistry 2.302 22,549 0.01742
998 Tropical Medicine & International Health 2.302 6,600 0.01644
1000 Gait & Posture 2.299 7,519 0.01587
1001 Journal Of Public Health 2.296 1,376 0.00502
1001 Life Sciences 2.296 19,192 0.0155
1003 Fetal Diagnosis And Therapy 2.295 1,435 0.00442
1004 Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology 2.294 2,966 0.00717
1004 Journal Of Fluid Mechanics 2.294 38,810 0.04995
1004 Platinum Metals Review 2.294 799 9.70E-04
1007 Asian Journal Of Organic Chemistry 2.292 207 4.20E-04
1008 Catalysis Letters 2.291 9,875 0.01411
1008 Journal Of Photochemistry And Photobiology A-Chemistry 2.291 12,930 0.01315
1010 Journal Of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 2.288 7,371 0.01502
1011 Food And Bioproducts Processing 2.285 1,377 0.00304
1012 Journal Of Plant Ecology 2.284 458 0.00218
1013 Cytometry Part B-Clinical Cytometry 2.283 1,085 0.00264
1013 Journal Of The American College Of Radiology 2.283 1,612 0.00568
1015 Brain Tumor Pathology 2.281 404 0.00129
1015 Molecular Breeding 2.281 3,562 0.00749
1015 Transgenic Research 2.281 2,788 0.00546
1018 Iet Renewable Power Generation 2.28 924 0.00449
1018 Sexual Abuse-A Journal Of Research And Treatment 2.28 1,143 0.00177
1020 Journal Of Nanoparticle Research 2.278 8,049 0.02142
1021 Diagnostic Molecular Pathology 2.275 846 0.00196
1021 Ichthyological Exploration Of Freshwaters 2.275 655 9.10E-04
1021 Molecular Biotechnology 2.275 2,473 0.00458
1021 Nano-Micro Letters 2.275 284 8.20E-04
1025 Computers In Human Behavior 2.273 5,269 0.01634
1026 Journal Of Studies On Alcohol And Drugs 2.272 6,107 0.00814
1026 Minerva Anestesiologica 2.272 1,699 0.00448
1028 Economic Geology 2.27 6,682 0.00718
1028 Medical Decision Making 2.27 3,571 0.00891
1030 Materials Letters 2.269 26,427 0.04418
1030 Powder Technology 2.269 12,872 0.02017
1032 Seismological Research Letters 2.268 1,792 0.00742
1033 Ecohealth 2.267 1,088 0.00343
1034 Publications Of The Astronomical Society Of Australia 2.266 958 0.00384
1035 Journal Of Plankton Research 2.263 6,060 0.00912
1035 Netherlands Heart Journal 2.263 715 0.0021
1035 Reviews In Environmental Science And Bio-Technology 2.263 936 0.00212
1038 Journal Of The Neurological Sciences 2.262 13,181 0.02369
1039 Medical Mycology 2.261 3,132 0.00832
1040 Regional Environmental Change 2.26 905 0.00309
1041 Journal Of Food Composition And Analysis 2.259 4,174 0.00699
1042 Comprehensive Psychiatry 2.256 4,166 0.00615
1042 Comprehensive Psychiatry 2.256 4,166 0.00615
1042 Current Pain And Headache Reports 2.256 1,155 0.00327
1045 Journal Of Health Economics 2.254 4,321 0.01475
1046 Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science 2.253 12,625 0.02274
1047 European Eating Disorders Review 2.252 1,325 0.00336
1048 Marine And Freshwater Research 2.25 4,027 0.00763
1048 Transplant Infectious Disease 2.25 1,733 0.00649
1050 Physics Of Plasmas 2.249 22,152 0.05318
1051 Current Drug Delivery 2.248 1,048 0.00184
1051 Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 2.248 2,854 0.0063
1053 Polymer International 2.247 6,622 0.0088
1054 Estuaries And Coasts 2.245 2,033 0.00826
1054 Molecular Vision 2.245 5,765 0.01601
1056 Climacteric 2.244 1,428 0.00368
1057 Advances In Applied Microbiology 2.243 1,187 0.00278
1057 Molecular And Biochemical Parasitology 2.243 6,853 0.0084
1057 Pain Medicine 2.243 3,208 0.0109
1060 Fluid Phase Equilibria 2.241 10,414 0.01288
1061 Journal Of Chemical Ecology 2.239 9,260 0.01042
1062 Bmc Psychiatry 2.237 3,052 0.01093
1063 Histology And Histopathology 2.236 3,942 0.00848
1064 Consciousness And Cognition 2.235 3,728 0.01029
1064 Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2.235 43,808 0.07192
1064 International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 2.235 4,005 0.00664
1067 Journal Of Solid State Electrochemistry 2.234 5,035 0.01144
1068 Ieee Transactions On Biomedical Engineering 2.233 13,570 0.02313
1069 Journal Of Behavior Therapy And Experimental Psychiatry 2.232 2,034 0.00434
1070 Meat Science 2.231 12,415 0.01615
1071 Clinical Biochemistry 2.229 6,681 0.01355
1072 International Journal Of Mass Spectrometry 2.227 7,588 0.01222
1073 Experimental Biology And Medicine 2.226 5,183 0.01133
1074 Clinical Cardiology 2.225 2,869 0.00661
1075 Journal Of Coordination Chemistry 2.224 4,286 0.0049
1076 Journal Of Physics-Condensed Matter 2.223 38,934 0.10569
1077 Bulletin Of The Chemical Society Of Japan 2.222 11,178 0.0065
1077 Synthetic Metals 2.222 14,456 0.0142
1079 Space Weather-The International Journal Of Research And Applications 2.221 759 0.0024
1080 Topics In Catalysis 2.22 5,476 0.01042
1081 Fitoterapia 2.216 5,172 0.00742
1081 International Journal Of Adhesion And Adhesives 2.216 3,109 0.00458
1083 Hydrobiologia 2.212 20,534 0.02334
1084 Netherlands Journal Of Medicine 2.211 1,457 0.00315
1085 Designed Monomers And Polymers 2.21 598 7.30E-04
1085 International Journal Of Behavioral Medicine 2.21 1,359 0.00299
1087 Botanical Review 2.208 2,133 0.00168
1088 Surgeon-Journal Of The Royal Colleges Of Surgeons Of Edinburgh And Ireland 2.207 799 0.00246
1089 Applied Soil Ecology 2.206 4,801 0.00884
1089 Journal Of Thermal Analysis And Calorimetry 2.206 11,718 0.01336
1089 Semiconductor Science And Technology 2.206 6,199 0.0144
1092 American Journal Of Health-System Pharmacy 2.205 3,975 0.00725
1093 American Journal Of Cardiovascular Drugs 2.203 628 0.0018
1094 Gps Solutions 2.202 759 0.00321
1095 Marine Geology 2.201 9,584 0.01135
1096 Journal Of Solid State Chemistry 2.2 20,292 0.02237
1097 Peritoneal Dialysis International 2.199 3,098 0.00453
1097 Surface & Coatings Technology 2.199 28,489 0.03778
1099 International Archives Of Occupational And Environmental Health 2.198 3,229 0.00531
1099 Pediatric Clinics Of North America 2.198 2,469 0.00472
1101 Molecular Imaging 2.191 1,007 0.00287
1102 Epilepsy Research 2.19 5,488 0.0102
1102 Journal Of Hand Surgery-European Volume 2.19 3,740 0.0045
1104 Journal Of Applied Physics 2.185 145,455 0.2539
1105 European Physical Journal E 2.183 3,670 0.00923
1105 Pain Practice 2.183 1,054 0.00341
1107 Journal Of Process Control 2.179 3,474 0.00778
1107 Reproductive Sciences 2.179 1,709 0.00726
1109 Geological Magazine 2.177 3,266 0.00413
1109 Permafrost And Periglacial Processes 2.177 1,434 0.00311
1111 Cognitive Neuropsychiatry 2.176 889 0.0016
1111 Cognitive Neuropsychiatry 2.176 889 0.0016
1111 Ieee Photonics Technology Letters 2.176 14,424 0.03537
1114 Chemical Engineering & Technology 2.175 4,332 0.00881
1114 Evidence-Based Complementary And Alternative Medicine 2.175 4,798 0.00937
1116 Disease Markers 2.174 1,401 0.00397
1117 Journal Of Intelligent Material Systems And Structures 2.172 4,114 0.00837
1118 Bmc Medical Research Methodology 2.168 3,786 0.013
1118 Pharmacopsychiatry 2.168 1,785 0.00258
1120 American Journal Of Managed Care 2.166 2,922 0.01172
1121 Tetrahedron-Asymmetry 2.165 11,366 0.01374
1122 Ieee Transactions On Automation Science And Engineering 2.162 1,244 0.00534
1123 International Urogynecology Journal 2.161 3,977 0.01038
1124 Annual Reports On Nmr Spectroscopy 2.16 486 7.50E-04
1124 European Journal Of Radiology 2.16 8,509 0.02696
1124 Langenbecks Archives Of Surgery 2.16 2,846 0.00751
1127 Journal Of Clinical And Experimental Neuropsychology 2.158 4,848 0.00627
1127 Journal Of Clinical And Experimental Neuropsychology 2.158 4,848 0.00627
1129 Body Image 2.156 1,591 0.00331
1130 Solid Earth 2.155 193 0.00124
1131 Neuropsychiatric Disease And Treatment 2.154 1,229 0.00356
1132 Systematics And Biodiversity 2.153 502 0.00206
1133 Attention Perception & Psychophysics 2.152 1,856 0.01236
1133 Attention Perception & Psychophysics 2.152 1,856 0.01236
1133 Bmc Pregnancy And Childbirth 2.152 1,787 0.00748
1136 Tribology Letters 2.151 3,550 0.00819
1137 Journal Of Microscopy 2.15 5,633 0.00916
1138 Electrochemical And Solid State Letters 2.149 9,490 0.01573
1138 Journal Of Vascular And Interventional Radiology 2.149 6,430 0.01339
1140 Advances In Polymer Technology 2.147 798 7.60E-04
1140 Journal Of Applied Electrochemistry 2.147 7,569 0.00838
1142 European Journal Of Soil Biology 2.146 1,721 0.00358
1143 Annals Of Epidemiology 2.145 5,346 0.01051
1144 Monographs Of The Society For Research In Child Development 2.143 1,775 0.00144
1145 Bioorganic Chemistry 2.141 1,092 0.00148
1146 Journal Of Vacuum Science & Technology A 2.14 7,214 0.00865
1147 Fungal Biology 2.139 790 0.00382
1147 Journal Of Archaeological Science 2.139 8,919 0.01615
1147 Journal Of Paleolimnology 2.139 3,601 0.00717
1150 Cells Tissues Organs 2.138 2,039 0.00493
1151 Health Economics 2.137 4,065 0.01219
1151 Health Economics 2.137 4,065 0.01219
1153 Neurosurgical Focus 2.135 4,269 0.01175
1154 Sedimentary Geology 2.134 7,116 0.00854
1155 Supramolecular Chemistry 2.132 2,175 0.00376
1155 Urology 2.132 19,324 0.03361
1157 Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics 2.131 663 0.00211
1158 Clinics In Perinatology 2.13 1,613 0.0043
1159 Materials Chemistry And Physics 2.129 19,530 0.03821
1159 Pediatric Diabetes 2.129 1,941 0.00638
1159 Spectrochimica Acta Part A-Molecular And Biomolecular Spectroscopy 2.129 16,514 0.02137
1162 Mycologia 2.128 5,754 0.0066
1162 Quaternary International 2.128 7,312 0.01775
1164 Cellular Oncology 2.124 691 0.00213
1165 Materials Science And Engineering B-Advanced Functional Solid-State Materials 2.122 9,469 0.01394
1166 Journal Of Surgical Research 2.121 9,412 0.02057
1167 Intermetallics 2.119 6,189 0.01476
1168 Advances In Chemical Physics 2.118 2,131 0.00185
1168 Journal Of Developmental And Behavioral Pediatrics 2.118 2,897 0.00547
1168 Journal Of Developmental And Behavioral Pediatrics 2.118 2,897 0.00547
1171 Continental Shelf Research 2.115 7,161 0.01449
1171 Current Opinion In Urology 2.115 1,409 0.00446
1171 Forensic Science International 2.115 9,667 0.01582
1174 Ieee Journal Of Quantum Electronics 2.113 9,913 0.01215
1175 Solid State Ionics 2.112 21,499 0.01822
1176 Journal Of Clinical Psychology 2.111 5,302 0.00716
1176 Parasitology International 2.111 1,810 0.00519
1178 Journal Of Environmental Monitoring 2.109 4,890 0.01372
1179 Journal Of Soils And Sediments 2.107 1,625 0.00531
1180 New Biotechnology 2.106 1,015 0.00424
1181 Thermochimica Acta 2.105 12,842 0.01297
1182 International Journal Of Biometeorology 2.104 2,550 0.00447
1183 Health And Quality Of Life Outcomes 2.099 4,179 0.00994
1183 Health And Quality Of Life Outcomes 2.099 4,179 0.00994
1183 Journal Of Applied Meteorology And Climatology 2.099 9,688 0.01861
1183 Ultrasound In Medicine And Biology 2.099 7,532 0.01304
1187 Melanoma Research 2.098 1,832 0.00353
1188 Psychological Trauma-Theory Research Practice And Policy 2.097 405 0.00225
1189 Acta Crystallographica Section B-Structural Science 2.095 9,551 0.00365
1189 Journal Of Endourology 2.095 5,273 0.01355
1189 Journal Of Sports Sciences 2.095 6,288 0.01149
1192 Alcohol And Alcoholism 2.092 3,764 0.00654
1192 Foodborne Pathogens And Disease 2.092 2,583 0.00968
1194 Hernia 2.087 2,169 0.00457
1194 Journal Of Health Services Research & Policy 2.087 1,399 0.00293
1196 Celestial Mechanics & Dynamical Astronomy 2.084 2,022 0.00398
1196 International Journal Of Earth Sciences 2.084 3,034 0.00803
1198 Journal Of Molecular Liquids 2.083 3,594 0.00637
1198 Journal Of Traumatic Stress 2.083 5,383 0.00964
1200 Biotropica 2.082 5,281 0.00674
1201 Journal Of Hospital Medicine 2.081 1,255 0.00629
1202 Annals Of Clinical Biochemistry 2.08 2,584 0.00447
1202 Experimental Thermal And Fluid Science 2.08 4,093 0.00934
1204 Academic Radiology 2.077 4,226 0.01059
1205 Annals Of Anatomy-Anatomischer Anzeiger 2.075 1,295 0.003
1205 Optical Materials 2.075 7,403 0.014
1207 Journal Of The American Water Resources Association 2.074 3,853 0.00646
1208 European Addiction Research 2.073 817 0.00193
1208 European Addiction Research 2.073 817 0.00193
1210 Ieee Transactions On Information Technology In Biomedicine 2.072 2,525 0.0077
1211 Photogrammetric Engineering And Remote Sensing 2.071 5,414 0.00463
1211 Polar Biology 2.071 4,546 0.00931
1213 Seminars In Dialysis 2.07 2,233 0.00534
1214 Acta Crystallographica Section A 2.069 12,476 0.02484
1214 Drug And Alcohol Review 2.069 2,139 0.00616
1216 Annals Of Occupational Hygiene 2.068 2,446 0.00382
1216 Neuropsychological Rehabilitation 2.068 1,406 0.00255
1216 Transportmetrica 2.068 241 0.00122
1219 Biodiversity And Conservation 2.065 7,589 0.01605
1220 Bmj Open 2.063 2,043 0.01028
1220 Journal Of Industrial And Engineering Chemistry 2.063 2,969 0.00679
1220 Journal Of Palliative Medicine 2.063 3,144 0.00932
1223 Geo-Marine Letters 2.062 1,340 0.00249
1223 Inorganic Chemistry Communications 2.062 6,875 0.01007
1223 Micron 2.062 3,022 0.00679
1226 Vegetation History And Archaeobotany 2.061 1,379 0.00316
1227 American Mineralogist 2.059 15,024 0.01715
1227 Applied Immunohistochemistry & Molecular Morphology 2.059 1,571 0.00425
1227 Psychology Of Violence 2.059 136 6.70E-04
1230 Early Childhood Research Quarterly 2.058 1,958 0.00442
1230 Journal Of Plant Growth Regulation 2.058 1,664 0.0023
1230 Land Degradation & Development 2.058 1,503 0.00241
1233 International Journal Of Digital Earth 2.056 370 0.00135
1234 Corporate Social Responsibility And Environmental Management 2.054 582 0.0013
1235 International Journal Of Experimental Pathology 2.052 1,519 0.00288
1235 Polskie Archiwum Medycyny Wewnetrznej-Polish Archives Of Internal Medicine 2.052 755 0.00177
1237 Hpb 2.05 1,791 0.00671
1238 Birth-Issues In Perinatal Care 2.048 1,744 0.00294
1238 Journal Of Marital And Family Therapy 2.048 1,119 0.00176
1238 Sensors 2.048 9,689 0.0319
1241 Polyhedron 2.047 14,311 0.01428
1242 British Journal Of Health Psychology 2.045 1,724 0.00431
1242 Journal Of Chemical And Engineering Data 2.045 16,833 0.02524
1242 Medical Teacher 2.045 4,126 0.01048
1245 Inorganica Chimica Acta 2.041 17,194 0.01883
1245 Journal Of Materials Processing Technology 2.041 19,574 0.02824
1247 Physics Of Fluids 2.04 22,399 0.04004
1248 Optometry And Vision Science 2.038 5,166 0.00893
1249 Statistics In Medicine 2.037 17,469 0.03893
1250 Aesthetic Surgery Journal 2.034 1,320 0.00413
1251 European Journal Of Lipid Science And Technology 2.033 3,335 0.0066
1252 Chemical Physics 2.028 12,971 0.01472
1253 Human Movement Science 2.027 2,981 0.00508
1253 Human Movement Science 2.027 2,981 0.00508
1255 Current Applied Physics 2.026 5,193 0.01543
1256 Journal Of Food Science And Technology-Mysore 2.024 1,433 0.00212
1257 International Wound Journal 2.023 1,162 0.0033
1258 Journal Of Molecular Graphics & Modelling 2.022 5,053 0.00397
1258 Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2.022 5,408 0.01088
1260 Applied Geochemistry 2.021 8,231 0.0167
1260 Memory & Cognition 2.021 6,986 0.01095
1262 International Orthopaedics 2.019 4,641 0.01259
1262 Journal Of The Royal Society Of Medicine 2.019 2,904 0.00287
1262 Mitigation And Adaptation Strategies For Global Change 2.019 1,263 0.00284
1265 Applied Organometallic Chemistry 2.017 2,982 0.00366
1265 Colorectal Disease 2.017 4,099 0.01234
1267 Journal Of Nuclear Materials 2.016 20,784 0.03225
1268 Weed Research 2.015 2,267 0.00323
1269 Applied Spectroscopy 2.014 7,110 0.00806
1269 Integrative Cancer Therapies 2.014 934 0.00185
1271 Molecular Informatics 2.013 515 0.00176
1272 American Journal Of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 2.012 4,042 0.00673
1272 Clinical Journal Of Sport Medicine 2.012 2,832 0.0054
1272 Journal Of Biomolecular Screening 2.012 2,663 0.0065
1275 Journal Of Optics 2.01 1,783 0.00943
1276 International Journal Of Mental Health Nursing 2.009 745 0.00158
1276 Publications Of The Astronomical Society Of Japan 2.009 4,618 0.01438
1278 Journal Of Personality Assessment 2.008 4,864 0.00507
1279 Journal Of Magnetism And Magnetic Materials 2.002 23,573 0.03097
1280 Bmc Geriatrics 2 1,267 0.00478
1280 Contact Lens & Anterior Eye 2 923 0.00206
1280 Ecological Complexity 2 771 0.00297
1280 Journal Of International Marketing 2 865 0.00132
1280 Soil Science Society Of America Journal 2 20,678 0.01427
1285 Journal Of Nephrology 1.996 2,386 0.00606
1286 International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health 1.993 2,794 0.01173
1286 Veterinary Dermatology 1.993 1,575 0.0029
1288 Restoration Ecology 1.991 3,576 0.00698
1289 Digestive Endoscopy 1.989 940 0.0032
1290 Brachytherapy 1.987 809 0.00254
1290 Physiological And Molecular Plant Pathology 1.987 2,195 0.00165
1290 Psychiatric Services 1.987 7,382 0.01521
1290 Psychiatric Services 1.987 7,382 0.01521
1294 Acta Obstetricia Et Gynecologica Scandinavica 1.985 6,282 0.01147
1295 European Journal Of Pediatrics 1.983 6,161 0.01096
1296 Connective Tissue Research 1.982 1,877 0.00278
1296 International Journal Of Sport Nutrition And Exercise Metabolism 1.982 1,482 0.00243
1298 Ecological Informatics 1.98 691 0.00243
1299 Superlattices And Microstructures 1.979 2,862 0.00597
1300 Journal Of Human Lactation 1.977 1,049 0.00174
1300 Sports Medicine And Arthroscopy Review 1.977 707 0.00305
1302 Food And Environmental Virology 1.975 204 9.70E-04
1303 River Research And Applications 1.971 2,424 0.00672
1304 Journal Of Pediatric Health Care 1.97 651 0.00139
1304 Journal Of Pediatric Health Care 1.97 651 0.00139
1304 Journal Of Trauma And Acute Care Surgery 1.97 1,425 0.00496
1307 American Journal Of Community Psychology 1.968 3,499 0.00534
1307 Materials Research Bulletin 1.968 12,897 0.01804
1307 Soil Use And Management 1.968 2,097 0.00342
1310 Carbohydrate Research 1.966 14,886 0.01516
1310 International Journal Of Public Health 1.966 1,081 0.00477
1310 International Journal Of Public Health 1.966 1,081 0.00477
1310 Journal Of Materials Science-Materials In Electronics 1.966 3,862 0.00652
1314 Cardiovascular And Interventional Radiology 1.965 3,801 0.00987
1314 Expert Systems With Applications 1.965 15,895 0.05401
1316 Bulletin Of The Seismological Society Of America 1.964 12,838 0.01795
1316 Cognitive Neuropsychology 1.964 2,173 0.0029
1316 Polymers For Advanced Technologies 1.964 4,526 0.00863
1316 Skin Pharmacology And Physiology 1.964 1,359 0.00211
1320 Engineering Applications Of Artificial Intelligence 1.962 2,655 0.0066
1320 Ocean Science 1.962 883 0.00531
1322 Rofo-Fortschritte Auf Dem Gebiet Der Rontgenstrahlen Und Der Bildgebenden Verfahren 1.961 1,604 0.0021
1323 Archives Of Environmental Contamination And Toxicology 1.96 5,996 0.00753
1324 Chemical Engineering And Processing 1.959 4,372 0.00872
1324 Technological Forecasting And Social Change 1.959 2,966 0.00595
1326 Natural Hazards 1.958 4,023 0.01089
1327 British Journal Of Developmental Psychology 1.957 1,839 0.00357
1327 Forensic Science Medicine And Pathology 1.957 470 0.00174
1327 Patient-Patient Centered Outcomes Research 1.957 204 0.00121
1327 Patient-Patient Centered Outcomes Research 1.957 204 0.00121
1331 Preventing Chronic Disease 1.956 2,222 0.00796
1331 Preventing Chronic Disease 1.956 2,222 0.00796
1333 Acta Astronomica 1.955 1,035 0.00236
1334 Clinical And Experimental Ophthalmology 1.953 2,406 0.00667
1334 European Journal Of Dermatology 1.953 2,338 0.00522
1334 Ground Water 1.953 4,446 0.00604
1337 Journal Of Fluorine Chemistry 1.952 5,571 0.0077
1338 Experimental Psychology 1.95 1,058 0.00409
1339 International Journal Of Gynecological Cancer 1.949 4,812 0.0125
1340 Ieee Antennas And Wireless Propagation Letters 1.948 4,537 0.02209
1341 California Management Review 1.944 2,683 0.00211
1341 Community Dentistry And Oral Epidemiology 1.944 3,586 0.00451
1341 Health Education Research 1.944 3,582 0.00637
1341 Hydrology Research 1.944 473 0.00215
1345 Journal Of Cereal Science 1.943 5,125 0.00779
1345 Journal Of Sedimentary Research 1.943 4,057 0.00507
1345 Journal Of Urban Health-Bulletin Of The New York Academy Of Medicine 1.943 2,648 0.00627
1345 Sensors And Actuators A-Physical 1.943 12,623 0.02008
1349 Geochemical Journal 1.942 1,438 0.00236
1350 Injury Prevention 1.941 2,291 0.00453
1350 Injury Prevention 1.941 2,291 0.00453
1352 Journal Of Biosciences 1.939 2,199 0.00401
1353 Analytical Methods 1.938 2,866 0.00908
1353 International Perspectives On Sexual And Reproductive Health 1.938 170 0.0011
1355 Bmc Urology 1.937 474 0.00122
1355 Seminars In Pediatric Surgery 1.937 956 0.00275
1357 Advances In Chronic Kidney Disease 1.935 903 0.00333
1357 Journal Of Ophthalmology 1.935 329 0.00164
1359 European Journal Of Paediatric Neurology 1.934 1,425 0.00474
1359 Journal Of Oral Rehabilitation 1.934 4,478 0.00627
1361 Surgical Clinics Of North America 1.932 2,866 0.00415
1362 Early Human Development 1.931 4,288 0.00919
1362 Transactions Of The Royal Society Of Tropical Medicine And Hygiene 1.931 8,411 0.01065
1364 Artificial Life 1.93 727 0.00108
1364 Clinics In Dermatology 1.93 2,613 0.00469
1364 Language And Cognitive Processes 1.93 2,017 0.00521
1367 User Modeling And User-Adapted Interaction 1.929 495 0.00118
1368 American Journal Of Human Biology 1.928 2,471 0.00601
1369 Scandinavian Journal Of Trauma Resuscitation & Emergency Medicine 1.926 605 0.00281
1369 Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 1.926 3,503 0.00548
1371 Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening 1.925 1,373 0.00286
1371 Central European Journal Of Energetic Materials 1.925 168 4.60E-04
1371 Journal Of Management Information Systems 1.925 3,021 0.00349
1374 Sar And Qsar In Environmental Research 1.924 817 0.00119
1375 Human Resources For Health 1.922 855 0.00299
1375 Journal Of Environmental Sciences-China 1.922 4,774 0.01287
1377 Archives Of Clinical Neuropsychology 1.921 2,935 0.0038
1378 Blood Purification 1.92 1,473 0.00372
1378 Cuaj-Canadian Urological Association Journal 1.92 454 0.00218
1378 Ieee Intelligent Systems 1.92 1,648 0.00374
1381 Diabetes Educator 1.919 1,626 0.00365
1382 Bmc Pediatrics 1.918 1,857 0.00756
1382 Twin Research And Human Genetics 1.918 1,610 0.00468
1384 Journal Of Physics B-Atomic Molecular And Optical Physics 1.916 12,901 0.02768
1385 Journal Of Microelectromechanical Systems 1.915 5,533 0.00996
1386 Oryx 1.914 1,814 0.00447
1387 European Journal Of Health Economics 1.913 921 0.00289
1388 Control Engineering Practice 1.912 3,961 0.00759
1389 British Journal Of Management 1.909 1,764 0.00376
1390 Bilingualism-Language And Cognition 1.907 1,094 0.00328
1390 Journal Of World Business 1.907 1,602 0.00359
1390 Psychology Of Women Quarterly 1.907 2,205 0.00267
1393 Environmental Chemistry Letters 1.906 1,007 0.00227
1394 Palaios 1.904 2,720 0.0045
1395 Psychology Of Music 1.903 853 0.00138
1396 Aquatic Microbial Ecology 1.901 4,042 0.00629
1397 Human Development 1.9 899 0.00146
1397 Structural Chemistry 1.9 1,979 0.00336
1399 Journal Of Marriage And Family 1.899 7,373 0.00976
1400 Bmc Musculoskeletal Disorders 1.898 4,096 0.01557
1400 Mineralogical Magazine 1.898 3,350 0.00653
1402 Australian And New Zealand Journal Of Public Health 1.897 2,418 0.00417
1402 Australian And New Zealand Journal Of Public Health 1.897 2,418 0.00417
1402 Eye 1.897 5,637 0.01322
1402 Industrial Marketing Management 1.897 3,560 0.00403
1402 Journal Of Polymer Research 1.897 2,265 0.00392
1407 Journal Of Womens Health 1.896 3,064 0.01107
1407 Journal Of Womens Health 1.896 3,064 0.01107
1409 Journal Of Rehabilitation Medicine 1.895 3,447 0.00891
1410 International Psychogeriatrics 1.892 3,251 0.00835
1410 Physics-Uspekhi 1.892 5,138 0.00714
1412 Journal Of Infrared Millimeter And Terahertz Waves 1.891 733 0.00386
1413 Archives Of Medical Science 1.89 893 0.00218
1413 International Journal Of Information Technology & Decision Making 1.89 568 0.00134
1415 Journal Of Spinal Disorders & Techniques 1.888 3,607 0.00707
1416 Cardiorenal Medicine 1.887 123 5.50E-04
1417 Systems & Control Letters 1.886 5,291 0.01307
1418 Biotechnology Progress 1.883 7,321 0.0096
1418 Seminars In Pediatric Neurology 1.883 799 0.00208
1420 Archives Of Oral Biology 1.88 5,529 0.00741
1420 Clinical Biomechanics 1.88 6,315 0.01114
1422 Computational Materials Science 1.879 9,374 0.02463
1422 Journal Of The Science Of Food And Agriculture 1.879 13,432 0.01544
1422 Materials 1.879 2,088 0.0081
1425 Annual Reviews In Control 1.878 788 0.002
1425 Journal Of Advanced Transportation 1.878 450 9.80E-04
1425 Journal Of Microencapsulation 1.878 2,171 0.00231
1428 Bmc Complementary And Alternative Medicine 1.877 2,052 0.00455
1428 Swiss Medical Weekly 1.877 2,346 0.00639
1430 Atmospheric Science Letters 1.876 670 0.00372
1431 Artificial Organs 1.87 3,296 0.00513
1431 Expert Review Of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research 1.87 759 0.00271
1431 Expert Review Of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research 1.87 759 0.00271
1431 Journal Of Oral Pathology & Medicine 1.87 3,710 0.0055
1431 Surface Science 1.87 24,897 0.02059
1436 Human Relations 1.867 4,531 0.0074
1436 Journal Of Molecular Modeling 1.867 3,984 0.00761
1436 Journal Of Substance Abuse Treatment 1.867 3,892 0.00707
1436 Ophthalmologica 1.867 1,667 0.00263
1436 Thin Solid Films 1.867 43,169 0.06551
1441 Energy Journal 1.864 1,521 0.0041
1441 Nephrology 1.864 1,686 0.00478
1443 Journal Of Physical Activity & Health 1.863 1,998 0.0087
1444 Environmental Toxicology And Pharmacology 1.862 2,645 0.0049
1444 Wear 1.862 16,755 0.01774
1446 Brain Injury 1.861 4,370 0.00628
1446 Neurosurgical Review 1.861 1,564 0.00314
1446 Personality And Individual Differences 1.861 13,339 0.02277
1449 Health Research Policy And Systems 1.86 587 0.00233
1450 Bioelectromagnetics 1.859 2,522 0.00336
1450 Experimental Parasitology 1.859 5,101 0.01043
1452 Journal Of Strength And Conditioning Research 1.858 8,575 0.0162
1453 Algorithms For Molecular Biology 1.857 325 0.00229
1454 Physica E-Low-Dimensional Systems & Nanostructures 1.856 5,958 0.01597
1455 Journal Of Sea Research 1.855 2,277 0.00437
1456 Pure And Applied Geophysics 1.854 4,304 0.00735
1457 Strategic Organization 1.853 483 0.00176
1458 Ieee Sensors Journal 1.852 5,253 0.01545
1459 Parasite Immunology 1.849 2,333 0.00391
1459 Physica Medica-European Journal Of Medical Physics 1.849 447 0.00151
1461 Journal Of The American Board Of Family Medicine 1.848 2,104 0.00544
1462 Conservation Genetics 1.846 3,575 0.00934
1463 Seed Science Research 1.845 1,219 0.00161
1464 Iet Control Theory And Applications 1.844 3,012 0.011
1464 Motivation And Emotion 1.844 2,050 0.00316
1466 Marine Ecology-An Evolutionary Perspective 1.843 1,617 0.00377
1467 Acta Paediatrica 1.842 10,763 0.0175
1467 Family Practice 1.842 3,402 0.0052
1469 Gold Bulletin 1.84 1,162 0.00163
1470 Medical Engineering & Physics 1.839 4,044 0.00953
1470 Robotics And Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 1.839 1,667 0.00342
1472 Clean-Soil Air Water 1.838 1,680 0.00454
1473 Disability And Rehabilitation 1.837 5,448 0.01162
1473 International Journal Of Radiation Biology 1.837 4,393 0.00514
1475 Burns 1.836 4,876 0.00619
1475 Ionics 1.836 1,669 0.00293
1477 European Journal Of Contraception And Reproductive Health Care 1.835 762 0.0021
1478 Journal Of Toxicology And Environmental Health-Part A-Current Issues 1.834 3,466 0.00591
1479 Globalization And Health 1.833 438 0.00242
1479 Globalization And Health 1.833 438 0.00242
1479 Journal For Nature Conservation 1.833 630 0.00188
1479 Radiologic Clinics Of North America 1.833 2,040 0.00401
1479 Swarm Intelligence 1.833 257 5.90E-04
1484 Aapg Bulletin 1.832 7,282 0.00491
1484 Child Care Health And Development 1.832 2,258 0.00544
1484 Child Care Health And Development 1.832 2,258 0.00544
1484 International Journal Of Obstetric Anesthesia 1.832 1,040 0.0023
1484 Journal Of Aging And Health 1.832 1,486 0.00337
1489 Harvard Business Review 1.831 8,356 0.01094
1489 Journal Of Foot And Ankle Research 1.831 325 0.00145
1491 Sexual Plant Reproduction 1.83 1,073 0.0016
1492 Match-Communications In Mathematical And In Computer Chemistry 1.829 1,442 0.00475
1492 Physica D-Nonlinear Phenomena 1.829 10,008 0.01712
1492 Process Safety And Environmental Protection 1.829 1,192 0.00195
1495 Aquaculture 1.828 24,931 0.02466
1496 Journal Of Composites For Construction 1.827 2,305 0.0046
1496 Rehabilitation Psychology 1.827 1,174 0.00265
1498 Human Nature-An Interdisciplinary Biosocial Perspective 1.826 1,071 0.00225
1498 Journal Of Health Psychology 1.826 2,631 0.00614
1498 Natural Hazards And Earth System Sciences 1.826 3,414 0.0116
1501 Health Education & Behavior 1.825 2,501 0.00419
1502 Bioprocess And Biosystems Engineering 1.823 1,799 0.00466
1502 Mechatronics 1.823 2,070 0.00468
1502 Psychology Of Men & Masculinity 1.823 792 0.0018
1505 Journal Of Arid Environments 1.822 6,544 0.00985
1506 Journal Of Atmospheric And Oceanic Technology 1.82 6,775 0.01688
1506 Marine Mammal Science 1.82 2,540 0.00392
1506 Phycologia 1.82 2,229 0.00254
1509 American Family Physician 1.818 4,447 0.00628
1509 High Altitude Medicine & Biology 1.818 758 0.00266
1509 Journal Of Neuroimaging 1.818 1,356 0.00354
1512 Psychology And Psychotherapy-Theory Research And Practice 1.817 594 0.00137
1513 Polymer Testing 1.816 3,955 0.00553
1514 Ieee Transactions On Knowledge And Data Engineering 1.815 4,642 0.01276
1514 Journal Der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft 1.815 1,268 0.00442
1514 Journal Of Materials Research 1.815 13,732 0.01823
1517 Computer Speech And Language 1.812 870 0.00206
1517 Journal Of Nervous And Mental Disease 1.812 7,162 0.00873
1517 Journal Of Pediatric And Adolescent Gynecology 1.812 1,047 0.00319
1517 Journal Of Tissue Viability 1.812 238 7.40E-04
1521 Behavior Modification 1.811 1,562 0.00229
1521 Journal Of Soil And Water Conservation 1.811 2,637 0.00327
1521 Zeitschrift Fur Medizinische Physik 1.811 296 0.00108
1524 Journal Of Hand Therapy 1.81 940 0.00145
1524 Marine And Coastal Fisheries 1.81 247 0.00175
1526 Aquatic Geochemistry 1.809 794 0.00171
1526 Ieee Geoscience And Remote Sensing Letters 1.809 2,987 0.01144
1528 Journal Of Neuro-Ophthalmology 1.807 984 0.00178
1528 Korean Journal Of Radiology 1.807 1,177 0.00323
1530 Journal Of The Optical Society Of America B-Optical Physics 1.806 11,587 0.02372
1530 Prehospital Emergency Care 1.806 1,324 0.00352
1532 Journal Of Mathematical Psychology 1.805 1,724 0.00386
1532 Mycoses 1.805 2,451 0.00442
1532 Ultrasonics 1.805 3,837 0.00563
1535 Business & Society 1.804 888 0.00167
1535 Geomicrobiology Journal 1.804 1,993 0.00389
1537 Journal Of Chemometrics 1.803 2,822 0.0039
1537 Mit Sloan Management Review 1.803 1,198 0.00254
1537 Networks & Spatial Economics 1.803 517 0.00141
1540 Food Analytical Methods 1.802 836 0.00272
1541 Journal Of Food Protection 1.797 11,353 0.0146
1541 Journal Of Occupational And Environmental Medicine 1.797 5,247 0.0092
1543 Seminars In Diagnostic Pathology 1.796 929 0.0013
1544 Chemistry & Biodiversity 1.795 3,193 0.00774
1544 Japanese Journal Of Ophthalmology 1.795 1,668 0.00348
1546 International Journal Of Environmental Science And Technology 1.794 1,263 0.00295
1547 Computer Methods In Biomechanics And Biomedical Engineering 1.793 1,383 0.00431
1547 Macromolecular Theory And Simulations 1.793 1,042 0.00163
1549 Journal Of Addictive Diseases 1.792 952 0.00224
1550 Journal Of Food Science 1.791 18,597 0.02053
1551 Journal Of Bioscience And Bioengineering 1.79 6,287 0.00986
1552 Nonlinear Analysis-Hybrid Systems 1.789 578 0.00308
1553 Acta Neurochirurgica 1.788 6,572 0.01058
1553 Information & Management 1.788 3,384 0.00356
1553 Journal Of Natural Gas Chemistry 1.788 1,127 0.00285
1556 Bmc Palliative Care 1.787 307 0.00127
1556 Bmc Palliative Care 1.787 307 0.00127
1556 Psychology Of Aesthetics Creativity And The Arts 1.787 397 0.0017
1559 Food & Nutrition Research 1.785 288 0.00122
1560 Expert Review Of Medical Devices 1.784 1,157 0.0033
1561 Fishery Bulletin 1.783 3,393 0.00201
1562 Aging & Mental Health 1.781 2,338 0.00571
1563 European Journal Of Social Psychology 1.779 4,002 0.00993
1563 International Journal Of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 1.779 10,166 0.02034
1565 International Marketing Review 1.778 1,103 0.00115
1566 International Journal Of Heat And Fluid Flow 1.777 4,018 0.00898
1567 American Journal Of Medical Quality 1.776 887 0.00356
1567 Emergency Medicine Journal 1.776 3,122 0.00765
1569 Communications In Computational Physics 1.775 1,411 0.00936
1570 Journal Of Network And Computer Applications 1.772 1,155 0.00344
1570 Journal Of Happiness Studies 1.772 1,394 0.00351
1572 Journal Of Great Lakes Research 1.771 2,906 0.00463
1572 Journal Of Orofacial Pain 1.771 1,157 0.00217
1572 Journal Of Rural Health 1.771 1,177 0.00272
1572 Journal Of Rural Health 1.771 1,177 0.00272
1572 Political Psychology 1.771 1,935 0.00513
1577 Drying Technology 1.77 3,910 0.00373
1578 Ocean & Coastal Management 1.769 2,269 0.00396
1579 Psychology Of Sport And Exercise 1.768 1,755 0.00433
1579 Psychology Of Sport And Exercise 1.768 1,755 0.00433
1581 Corporate Governance-An International Review 1.766 892 0.00189
1582 Origins Of Life And Evolution Of Biospheres 1.765 1,367 0.00167
1582 Special Papers In Palaeontology Series 1.765 397 4.20E-04
1584 International Journal Of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials 1.764 2,603 0.00545
1584 Journal Of Dermatological Treatment 1.764 1,096 0.00225
1586 Neural Computing & Applications 1.763 1,375 0.00291
1587 American Journal Of Health Promotion 1.762 2,201 0.00415
1587 Crisis-The Journal Of Crisis Intervention And Suicide Prevention 1.762 770 0.00162
1587 European Journal Of Cancer Care 1.762 1,692 0.00376
1587 Journal Of Mental Health 1.762 1,147 0.00198
1591 Chaos 1.761 4,602 0.01488
1591 Flavour And Fragrance Journal 1.761 2,346 0.00225
1591 Manual Therapy 1.761 2,027 0.00486
1591 Materials Science In Semiconductor Processing 1.761 1,166 0.00178
1595 European Physical Journal-Special Topics 1.76 2,047 0.01228
1595 Journal Of Water Resources Planning And Management 1.76 2,665 0.00354
1597 International Journal Of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 1.759 1,724 0.00196
1597 Production And Operations Management 1.759 2,245 0.00451
1599 International Journal Of Project Management 1.758 2,879 0.00308
1600 Engineering Geology 1.757 5,021 0.00867
1600 Microscopy And Microanalysis 1.757 2,353 0.00787
1602 Aquatic Conservation-Marine And Freshwater Ecosystems 1.756 2,078 0.00488
1602 Regional Studies 1.756 2,930 0.00587
1604 Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology 1.755 1,318 0.00333
1605 International Journal Of Advertising 1.754 543 0.00151
1606 Journal Of Gambling Studies 1.753 1,316 0.00191
1607 Journal Of Atmospheric And Solar-Terrestrial Physics 1.751 5,529 0.01255
1608 Autonomous Robots 1.75 1,343 0.00313
1608 Journal Of Public Health Policy 1.75 661 0.00229
1608 Journal Of Public Health Policy 1.75 661 0.00229
1611 Archives Of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery 1.748 9,203 0.01017
1611 Journal Of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions Of The Asme 1.748 6,309 0.00972
1613 Multibody System Dynamics 1.747 895 0.00213
1614 Biomedical Engineering Online 1.746 1,139 0.00279
1614 Ieee Systems Journal 1.746 524 0.00272
1614 Journal Of Cross-Cultural Psychology 1.746 3,212 0.00468
1614 Theoretical And Computational Fluid Dynamics 1.746 798 0.00244
1618 Early Intervention In Psychiatry 1.744 547 0.00187
1618 Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 1.744 437 0.00248
1620 Aob Plants 1.743 194 8.90E-04
1620 Data Mining And Knowledge Discovery 1.743 1,717 0.00338
1620 Skeletal Radiology 1.743 4,087 0.00759
1623 Digestive Surgery 1.742 1,590 0.00324
1623 Pediatric Anesthesia 1.742 2,873 0.00589
1623 Semiconductors And Semimetals 1.742 486 5.40E-04
1623 Theoretical And Applied Climatology 1.742 3,488 0.00909
1627 Advances In Botanical Research 1.74 962 0.00188
1627 Biologia Plantarum 1.74 3,003 0.00332
1627 Reproductive Health Matters 1.74 970 0.00222
1627 Soft Materials 1.74 327 7.20E-04
1627 Urban Ecosystems 1.74 908 0.00246
1632 Environmental Values 1.739 471 0.00106
1633 Judgment And Decision Making 1.738 948 0.00748
1634 Health Promotion International 1.736 1,810 0.00327
1634 Journal Of Telemedicine And Telecare 1.736 1,670 0.0036
1634 Neurorehabilitation 1.736 1,532 0.00376
1637 Adsorption-Journal Of The International Adsorption Society 1.735 1,562 0.00259
1637 Bmc Family Practice 1.735 1,644 0.00588
1639 Journal Of Fish Biology 1.734 12,384 0.01678
1639 Mediterranean Marine Science 1.734 387 8.40E-04
1641 Breastfeeding Medicine 1.733 682 0.00216
1641 Nutrient Cycling In Agroecosystems 1.733 3,009 0.00427
1643 Abdominal Imaging 1.73 2,414 0.00461
1643 Metallurgical And Materials Transactions A-Physical Metallurgy And Materials Science 1.73 17,131 0.02333
1645 Environment And Planning D-Society & Space 1.729 2,112 0.00611
1645 European Journal Of Oral Sciences 1.729 3,234 0.00556
1647 Current Bioinformatics 1.726 307 9.10E-04
1647 Structural Control & Health Monitoring 1.726 952 0.00285
1649 General Relativity And Gravitation 1.725 4,048 0.00907
1649 Health Policy 1.725 4,271 0.00957
1649 Journal Of Electromyography And Kinesiology 1.725 3,543 0.00672
1649 Journal Of Micromechanics And Microengineering 1.725 8,899 0.0195
1653 Quarterly Journal Of Nuclear Medicine And Molecular Imaging 1.724 952 0.00256
1654 Psychology Public Policy And Law 1.723 816 0.00168
1655 Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 1.722 1,572 0.00309
1655 Carbon Management 1.722 233 0.00131
1655 Carbon Management 1.722 233 0.00131
1655 Physica A-Statistical Mechanics And Its Applications 1.722 15,866 0.02372
1659 International Journal Of Damage Mechanics 1.721 626 0.00191
1659 Otolaryngology-Head And Neck Surgery 1.721 10,116 0.01588
1659 Pediatric Drugs 1.721 770 0.00155
1659 Surgical Infections 1.721 1,059 0.00304
1663 Materials Express 1.72 154 5.20E-04
1664 Computers & Operations Research 1.718 6,379 0.01917
1664 Transport Policy 1.718 1,555 0.00419
1666 Indoor And Built Environment 1.716 836 0.00119
1666 Journal Of Non-Crystalline Solids 1.716 21,949 0.02276
1668 Corrosion Reviews 1.714 183 4.50E-04
1668 Minerals Engineering 1.714 4,940 0.00754
1670 Hormone Research In Paediatrics 1.713 721 0.00329
1670 Mathematical Geosciences 1.713 454 0.00295
1672 Hydrogeology Journal 1.712 3,388 0.00762
1672 Samj South African Medical Journal 1.712 2,936 0.00391
1674 Ieee Transactions On Instrumentation And Measurement 1.71 7,346 0.01546
1674 International Journal Of Research In Marketing 1.71 1,864 0.00336
1674 Toxicology And Industrial Health 1.71 1,450 0.00239
1677 Journal Of Consumer Psychology 1.708 1,890 0.00456
1677 Upsala Journal Of Medical Sciences 1.708 513 0.00137
1679 European Journal Of Plant Pathology 1.707 3,994 0.00715
1680 Climate Policy 1.703 837 0.00245
1680 Cognitive Therapy And Research 1.703 3,304 0.00431
1680 Environmental & Resource Economics 1.703 2,593 0.00769
1683 International Journal Of Refrigeration-Revue Internationale Du Froid 1.702 4,898 0.00835
1683 Knee 1.702 2,215 0.00627
1685 Laser And Particle Beams 1.701 1,369 0.00255
1686 Ieee Circuits And Systems Magazine 1.7 466 0.00167
1686 Systems Biology In Reproductive Medicine 1.7 329 0.00153
1688 Internal Medicine Journal 1.699 2,263 0.00619
1688 Journal Of Medicinal Food 1.699 2,771 0.00565
1688 Spinal Cord 1.699 3,948 0.00657
1691 Comptes Rendus Geoscience 1.698 1,772 0.00568
1691 Journal Of Wind Engineering And Industrial Aerodynamics 1.698 4,409 0.0066
1691 Sex Roles 1.698 4,879 0.00835
1694 Granular Matter 1.697 1,041 0.00327
1695 Counseling Psychologist 1.696 1,484 0.00268
1695 Orthopedic Clinics Of North America 1.696 2,469 0.00302
1695 Structural And Multidisciplinary Optimization 1.696 2,890 0.00887
1698 Journal Of The Formosan Medical Association 1.695 2,034 0.00348
1698 Optics And Lasers In Engineering 1.695 3,142 0.00731
1700 Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing 1.694 13,200 0.02348
1700 Environment And Planning A 1.694 5,215 0.0137
1700 International Journal Of Fatigue 1.694 5,929 0.01251
1700 Neural Computation 1.694 7,455 0.01059
1704 Journal Of Crystal Growth 1.693 26,415 0.0311
1705 Anxiety Stress And Coping 1.692 925 0.00221
1705 Euphytica 1.692 7,585 0.00913
1707 Journal Of Medical Ethics 1.691 2,839 0.00731
1707 Journal Of Radiation Research 1.691 1,661 0.00403
1709 Computers & Industrial Engineering 1.69 5,060 0.01253
1709 International Journal Of Plant Sciences 1.69 3,284 0.00482
1711 Machine Learning 1.689 7,363 0.00669
1712 Journal Of Rehabilitation Research And Development 1.688 3,324 0.00659
1713 Journal Of Physics A-Mathematical And Theoretical 1.687 21,885 0.05667
1714 Journal Of Display Technology 1.686 1,481 0.00478
1714 Polar Research 1.686 1,081 0.00226
1716 Clinical Medicine 1.685 928 0.0028
1716 Dermatology 1.685 4,646 0.00688
1716 Water Air And Soil Pollution 1.685 10,594 0.01438
1719 Weed Science 1.684 4,192 0.00432
1720 Ocean Dynamics 1.683 1,485 0.00585
1721 European Journal Of Forest Research 1.682 1,370 0.00488
1721 Macromolecular Research 1.682 1,833 0.00379
1723 Comptes Rendus Biologies 1.681 1,897 0.00462
1723 International Journal Of Bio-Inspired Computation 1.681 191 5.00E-04
1723 Limnology And Oceanography-Methods 1.681 1,499 0.00612
1726 Environmental Monitoring And Assessment 1.679 9,366 0.02078
1726 Italian Journal Of Geosciences 1.679 251 7.60E-04
1728 Journal Of Texture Studies 1.677 1,442 0.00135
1729 Annales Geophysicae 1.676 5,688 0.01618
1729 Acupuncture In Medicine 1.676 745 9.90E-04
1729 Fish Physiology And Biochemistry 1.676 2,615 0.00411
1732 Journal Of Electronic Materials 1.675 6,636 0.01429
1732 Revista De Psicodidactica 1.675 123 2.60E-04
1734 Geoheritage 1.674 117 2.90E-04
1734 Ieee Microwave Magazine 1.674 1,163 0.00474
1734 Surgical Oncology Clinics Of North America 1.674 766 0.00144
1737 Evaluation & The Health Professions 1.672 869 0.00126
1737 Geoarchaeology-An International Journal 1.672 714 0.00107
1737 Iet Systems Biology 1.672 396 0.00172
1737 Safety Science 1.672 3,181 0.00754
1741 Clean Technologies And Environmental Policy 1.671 744 0.00197
1742 Journal Of Computational Biology 1.67 2,615 0.00805
1743 Psychosomatics 1.669 3,173 0.00421
1744 Journal Of Public Policy & Marketing 1.667 1,009 0.0014
1744 Journal Of Sex & Marital Therapy 1.667 1,597 0.00159
1744 Legal And Criminological Psychology 1.667 653 0.00164
1744 Pervasive And Mobile Computing 1.667 536 0.0023
1744 Recent Patents On Nanotechnology 1.667 209 6.50E-04
1749 Journal Of Child Neurology 1.666 5,164 0.01032
1750 Aquaculture Nutrition 1.665 2,036 0.00405
1751 Chemistry Central Journal 1.663 819 0.00238
1751 Journal Of Plant Nutrition And Soil Science 1.663 2,759 0.00548
1753 Criminal Justice And Behavior 1.662 2,314 0.00569
1753 Engineering Fracture Mechanics 1.662 8,004 0.01571
1753 Pm&R 1.662 1,018 0.00505
1756 Indian Journal Of Medical Research 1.661 3,943 0.0077
1757 International Journal Of Computer Assisted Radiology And Surgery 1.659 696 0.00283
1757 Journal Of School Health 1.659 2,174 0.00458
1757 Journal Of School Health 1.659 2,174 0.00458
1760 Bmc Womens Health 1.657 601 0.00237
1760 Canadian Journal Of Forest Research-Revue Canadienne De Recherche Forestiere 1.657 10,798 0.01343
1760 Ieee Transactions On Power Delivery 1.657 9,325 0.01581
1760 Ieee Transactions On Reliability 1.657 3,006 0.00518
1764 International Journal Of Adaptive Control And Signal Processing 1.656 968 0.00239
1764 Review Of Palaeobotany And Palynology 1.656 3,953 0.00549
1766 Journal Of Hand Surgery-American Volume 1.655 8,445 0.0122
1766 Limnologica 1.655 891 0.00183
1766 School Psychology Review 1.655 1,610 0.00249
1769 European Journal Of Information Systems 1.654 1,441 0.00344
1770 Health Risk & Society 1.653 773 0.00126
1770 Metrologia 1.653 2,297 0.00558
1772 Journal Of Advertising Research 1.651 1,558 0.00203
1772 Pediatric Radiology 1.651 4,806 0.00895
1774 International Journal Of Surgery 1.65 1,097 0.00478
1774 Reading Research Quarterly 1.65 1,667 0.00223
1776 Applied Optics 1.649 37,117 0.04115
1776 Optics And Laser Technology 1.649 3,145 0.0073
1778 Journal Of Systematics And Evolution 1.648 546 0.00246
1778 Particuology 1.648 932 0.00377
1780 Computers And Geotechnics 1.647 2,055 0.00612
1780 European Review Of Social Psychology 1.647 235 0.00118
1780 Social Psychology Quarterly 1.647 2,041 0.00202
1783 Global Health Action 1.646 566 0.00227
1783 Global Health Action 1.646 566 0.00227
1785 American Journal Of Speech-Language Pathology 1.644 1,109 0.00203
1785 American Journal Of Speech-Language Pathology 1.644 1,109 0.00203
1785 Australian Journal Of Chemistry 1.644 5,575 0.00605
1785 Journal Of Public Health Dentistry 1.644 1,138 0.00215
1785 Public Health Reports 1.644 4,229 0.00684
1785 Public Health Reports 1.644 4,229 0.00684
1791 Cryobiology 1.643 3,064 0.00338
1792 Advanced Powder Technology 1.642 1,262 0.00321
1793 Small Business Economics 1.641 2,611 0.00517
1794 Environmental Politics 1.64 1,080 0.00269
1794 Journal Of Applied Polymer Science 1.64 47,335 0.04942
1794 Plant Ecology 1.64 5,124 0.00962
1797 Archives Of Suicide Research 1.639 645 0.00175
1797 Comptes Rendus Physique 1.639 1,251 0.00463
1797 Ieee Signal Processing Letters 1.639 4,223 0.0145
1797 Journal Of Nonverbal Behavior 1.639 1,047 0.00181
1801 Food Security 1.638 319 0.00157
1801 Internet Research 1.638 611 0.00112
1801 Internet Research 1.638 611 0.00112
1801 Revista Brasileira De Psiquiatria 1.638 1,119 0.00218
1801 Studies In Family Planning 1.638 1,216 0.00206
1806 American Museum Novitates 1.636 2,108 0.00161
1807 Transportation Research Part F-Traffic Psychology And Behaviour 1.635 1,482 0.00329
1808 Applied Physics B-Lasers And Optics 1.634 9,957 0.02352
1808 Advances In Skin & Wound Care 1.634 813 0.00182
1808 Culture Health & Sexuality 1.634 1,126 0.00297
1811 Child Psychiatry & Human Development 1.633 965 0.00275
1812 American Journal Of Enology And Viticulture 1.632 4,464 0.00338
1812 Electronic Commerce Research 1.632 242 3.80E-04
1814 Pediatric Transplantation 1.63 2,321 0.00579
1815 Journal Of Forestry 1.629 1,756 0.00232
1816 Journal Of Polymers And The Environment 1.628 1,827 0.00268
1817 Fottea 1.627 191 7.50E-04
1818 Foot & Ankle International 1.626 6,127 0.00695
1818 Physics Letters A 1.626 25,015 0.04199
1818 Transportation Research Part D-Transport And Environment 1.626 1,666 0.00439
1818 Transportation Research Part D-Transport And Environment 1.626 1,666 0.00439
1822 International Journal Of High Performance Computing Applications 1.625 627 0.00181
1822 Plant Growth Regulation 1.625 3,263 0.00345
1822 Quantum Information & Computation 1.625 1,245 0.00418
1825 Journal Of Hydrologic Engineering 1.624 2,504 0.00478
1826 Archives Of Facial Plastic Surgery 1.623 1,171 0.0026
1826 International Journal Of Contemporary Hospitality Management 1.623 1,037 0.00103
1826 World Wide Web-Internet And Web Information Systems 1.623 316 8.50E-04
1829 Functional Materials Letters 1.622 447 0.00153
1829 Pediatric Rheumatology 1.622 280 0.00116
1831 Journal Of The American Oil Chemists Society 1.62 10,395 0.00618
1831 Substance Abuse 1.62 579 0.00169
1833 Atomic Spectroscopy 1.619 418 3.90E-04
1833 Ieee Transactions On Nanotechnology 1.619 2,070 0.00719
1835 Biosecurity And Bioterrorism-Biodefense Strategy Practice And Science 1.618 334 0.00123
1836 Physiological Measurement 1.617 3,069 0.00597
1836 Transportation 1.617 1,629 0.00392
1836 Transportation 1.617 1,629 0.00392
1839 Personal And Ubiquitous Computing 1.616 988 0.00203
1839 Reproductive Health 1.616 390 0.00148
1841 Environment And Urbanization 1.614 947 0.00208
1842 Lichenologist 1.613 1,285 0.00154
1842 Pediatric Exercise Science 1.613 1,267 0.0022
1844 Computational Geosciences 1.612 750 0.00336
1844 Folia Geobotanica 1.612 894 9.30E-04
1844 Geological Journal 1.612 1,031 0.00162
1847 Journal Of Wildlife Management 1.611 8,846 0.0108
1847 Journal Of Nanomaterials 1.611 2,043 0.00643
1849 Ieee Electrical Insulation Magazine 1.61 721 0.00139
1849 Journal Of Materials Science & Technology 1.61 2,091 0.00543
1849 Scandinavian Journal Of Primary Health Care 1.61 1,050 0.00144
1852 Journal Of Purchasing And Supply Management 1.609 609 9.10E-04
1853 Ergonomics 1.608 5,066 0.00491
1853 Ergonomics 1.608 5,066 0.00491
1853 European Archives Of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology 1.608 4,290 0.0107
1856 Journal Of Environment & Development 1.606 350 0.00103
1857 Journal Of Trauma & Dissociation 1.603 467 9.90E-04
1858 Dysphagia 1.602 1,937 0.00238
1859 American Business Law Journal 1.6 614 2.90E-04
1859 Bmc Medical Ethics 1.6 338 0.00114
1859 Chronic Diseases In Canada 1.6 356 8.20E-04
1859 Current Sports Medicine Reports 1.6 732 0.00217
1863 Plasma Chemistry And Plasma Processing 1.599 1,782 0.00327
1864 Mineralogy And Petrology 1.598 1,440 0.00248
1864 Otology & Neurotology 1.598 4,497 0.00999
1866 American Journal Of Perinatology 1.597 1,967 0.00508
1867 Zoology 1.596 969 0.00208
1868 Acm Transactions On The Web 1.595 281 0.0015
1868 Computational Biology And Chemistry 1.595 687 0.00215
1868 Electric Power Systems Research 1.595 4,241 0.00953
1868 Finite Elements In Analysis And Design 1.595 2,452 0.00608
1872 Harm Reduction Journal 1.594 510 0.00197
1872 Invertebrate Systematics 1.594 563 0.00162
1872 Journal Of Management Inquiry 1.594 708 0.00204
1872 Journal Of Physics And Chemistry Of Solids 1.594 12,329 0.01219
1876 Applied Rheology 1.592 348 6.40E-04
1877 Aip Advances 1.59 1,143 0.00596
1877 Ecology Of Freshwater Fish 1.59 1,468 0.00385
1877 Journal Of The American Academy Of Audiology 1.59 1,446 0.00281
1877 Plant Biotechnology Reports 1.59 338 0.00105
1881 International Journal For Equity In Health 1.589 722 0.00236
1882 Diseases Of Aquatic Organisms 1.586 5,086 0.00582
1883 Packaging Technology And Science 1.584 692 9.90E-04
1883 Review Of Scientific Instruments 1.584 24,499 0.05383
1885 Seminars In Vascular Surgery 1.583 602 0.00163
1886 Myrmecological News 1.582 277 0.00137
1886 Radiation And Environmental Biophysics 1.582 1,136 0.00268
1888 Dynamics Of Atmospheres And Oceans 1.581 763 0.00262
1888 Image And Vision Computing 1.581 3,760 0.00902
1888 Solvent Extraction And Ion Exchange 1.581 1,802 0.00197
1891 Journal Of Evaluation In Clinical Practice 1.58 2,236 0.00708
1891 Photomedicine And Laser Surgery 1.58 1,704 0.0037
1893 International Journal Of Systems Science 1.579 2,526 0.00418
1893 International Journal Of Web And Grid Services 1.579 159 5.20E-04
1895 Multidimensional Systems And Signal Processing 1.578 355 9.60E-04
1896 Habitat International 1.577 1,051 0.00192
1896 Journal Of Family Psychology 1.577 3,761 0.00867
1898 Sexual Health 1.576 813 0.00347
1899 Geriatrics & Gerontology International 1.575 746 0.00252
1900 Journal Of Community Health 1.573 1,447 0.00505
1900 Physical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research 1.573 433 0.00138
1902 Diamond And Related Materials 1.572 7,516 0.01099
1902 Environmental Earth Sciences 1.572 3,103 0.00932
1904 Journal Of Family Nursing 1.568 435 6.60E-04
1905 Biological Bulletin 1.567 4,937 0.00363
1905 Experimental Mechanics 1.567 3,019 0.00669
1905 Ieee Vehicular Technology Magazine 1.567 396 0.00184
1905 Journal Of Computational Science 1.567 221 0.00107
1909 Memorias Do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 1.566 5,757 0.00861
1910 Learning And Individual Differences 1.565 1,608 0.00583
1911 Entropy 1.564 876 0.00418
1911 Geografiska Annaler Series A-Physical Geography 1.564 1,143 0.00124
1911 Rock Mechanics And Rock Engineering 1.564 1,150 0.00324
1914 Mount Sinai Journal Of Medicine 1.563 1,205 0.00335
1915 Computers & Geosciences 1.562 5,532 0.01254
1915 Dermatologic Surgery 1.562 6,464 0.01057
1915 Journal Of Applied Econometrics 1.562 2,995 0.01019
1918 Decision Sciences 1.561 2,671 0.00296
1918 International Journal For Numerical And Analytical Methods In Geomechanics 1.561 2,528 0.00573
1920 Current Problems In Pediatric And Adolescent Health Care 1.56 247 7.50E-04
1920 Journal Of Cutaneous Pathology 1.56 3,358 0.00664
1922 Magnetic Resonance In Chemistry 1.559 3,753 0.00475
1922 Policy Sciences 1.559 882 0.00111
1924 Agricultural And Forest Entomology 1.556 998 0.00241
1924 Ethology 1.556 3,751 0.00649
1924 International Journal Of Technology Assessment In Health Care 1.556 1,552 0.00341
1927 Journal Of The Acoustical Society Of America 1.555 35,737 0.03603
1928 Gender Medicine 1.554 786 0.00269
1928 Polymer Journal 1.554 3,238 0.00402
1930 Journal Of Morphology 1.553 4,587 0.00477
1930 Mrs Communications 1.553 76 4.20E-04
1932 American Journal Of Occupational Therapy 1.552 2,588 0.00276
1932 Chinese Journal Of Catalysis 1.552 2,073 0.00361
1932 Geographical Journal 1.552 1,198 0.00154
1932 International Journal Of Medical Sciences 1.552 1,111 0.00335
1932 Journal Of Business Ethics 1.552 8,411 0.01384
1937 Food Biophysics 1.551 570 0.0019
1937 Transport Reviews 1.551 1,016 0.00285
1939 Journal Of Burn Care & Research 1.55 1,614 0.00493
1939 Pediatric Cardiology 1.55 2,962 0.00759
1941 Postgraduate Medical Journal 1.549 4,229 0.00485
1942 Numerical Heat Transfer Part B-Fundamentals 1.548 1,129 0.00162
1942 Speech Communication 1.548 2,437 0.00439
1944 Journal Of Optical Communications And Networking 1.547 799 0.00429
1945 European Journal Of Mechanics B-Fluids 1.545 1,280 0.00391
1945 Paediatrics & Child Health 1.545 633 0.00162
1947 Ieee Transactions On Device And Materials Reliability 1.544 1,267 0.00369
1947 Journal Of Business And Psychology 1.544 1,163 0.00336
1947 Journal Of Thermal Biology 1.544 1,987 0.00263
1950 Macromolecular Reaction Engineering 1.543 467 0.00124
1951 Agronomy Journal 1.542 9,905 0.00975
1951 European Urban And Regional Studies 1.542 578 0.0013
1951 International Journal For Numerical Methods In Biomedical Engineering 1.542 531 0.00325
1951 Neurosurgery Clinics Of North America 1.542 1,068 0.00182
1951 Optics Communications 1.542 18,419 0.0316
1951 Phytochemistry Letters 1.542 681 0.00233
1951 Social Science Computer Review 1.542 701 0.00202
1958 Ecs Electrochemistry Letters 1.54 130 4.30E-04
1958 International Journal Of Paediatric Dentistry 1.54 1,269 0.00254
1958 Journal Of Orthopaedic Trauma 1.54 5,292 0.00863
1958 Research On Chemical Intermediates 1.54 1,555 0.00215
1962 Crop Protection 1.539 4,722 0.00845
1963 Apidologie 1.538 2,703 0.00403
1964 Postgraduate Medicine 1.537 1,525 0.00403
1965 Annals Of Forest Science 1.536 2,402 0.00476
1965 Ieee-Acm Transactions On Computational Biology And Bioinformatics 1.536 1,076 0.00511
1967 Biodata Mining 1.535 120 6.40E-04
1967 Optimal Control Applications & Methods 1.535 514 0.00146
1969 Journal Of Econometrics 1.533 9,991 0.03651
1969 Journal Of Econometrics 1.533 9,991 0.03651
1971 Andean Geology 1.532 190 6.10E-04
1971 British Journal Of Criminology 1.532 1,652 0.00436
1971 Computers & Fluids 1.532 4,417 0.01391
1971 International Journal Of Medical Robotics And Computer Assisted Surgery 1.532 668 0.00245
1971 Journal Of Ultrasound In Medicine 1.532 4,139 0.00819
1971 Psychology Health & Medicine 1.532 1,129 0.00297
1977 Anatomical Record-Advances In Integrative Anatomy And Evolutionary Biology 1.53 7,438 0.0082
1977 Journal Of Computational And Nonlinear Dynamics 1.53 528 0.003
1979 Intellectual And Developmental Disabilities 1.529 388 0.00133
1980 British Journal Of Mathematical & Statistical Psychology 1.527 1,096 0.00326
1980 British Journal Of Mathematical & Statistical Psychology 1.527 1,096 0.00326
1982 Ieee Transactions On Systems Man And Cybernetics Part C-Applications And Reviews 1.526 2,171 0.00601
1982 Journal Of Instrumentation 1.526 3,875 0.01963
1982 Measurement 1.526 2,229 0.00502
1985 Journal Of Petroleum Geology 1.525 635 6.40E-04
1985 Journal Of Travel Medicine 1.525 1,261 0.00287
1985 Physica Status Solidi A-Applications And Materials Science 1.525 10,134 0.01826
1988 Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 1.524 2,290 0.00529
1988 Emu 1.524 1,119 0.0015
1990 Forest Science 1.523 3,731 0.00303
1991 Journal Of Planning Literature 1.522 408 6.20E-04
1992 Biometrics 1.521 15,966 0.01802
1993 American Journal On Addictions 1.52 1,781 0.0042
1993 Computers Environment And Urban Systems 1.52 835 0.00258
1993 Journal Of Communication Disorders 1.52 1,305 0.00204
1993 Journal Of Communication Disorders 1.52 1,305 0.00204
1993 Journal Of Turbulence 1.52 754 0.00268
1998 International Journal Of Operations & Production Management 1.518 3,238 0.0024
1998 Journal Of Alternative And Complementary Medicine 1.518 3,233 0.00538
2000 Science China-Chemistry 1.516 1,373 0.00407
2000 Tuexenia 1.516 160 1.80E-04
2002 American Journal Of The Medical Sciences 1.515 4,161 0.00711
2003 Creativity Research Journal 1.514 1,160 0.00135
2003 Insect Science 1.514 762 0.00263
2003 Solid-State Electronics 1.514 6,740 0.00975
2006 Science China-Life Sciences 1.512 707 0.00262
2007 Problemy Ekorozwoju 1.51 180 1.90E-04
2007 Surface Engineering 1.51 1,285 0.00186
2009 Journal Of Athletic Training 1.509 2,909 0.00462
2010 Advanced Engineering Materials 1.508 4,169 0.00934
2010 Few-Body Systems 1.508 912 0.00286
2010 Flow Turbulence And Combustion 1.508 1,010 0.00356
2010 Materials And Corrosion-Werkstoffe Und Korrosion 1.508 1,461 0.00279
2014 Journal Of Fish Diseases 1.507 3,282 0.00434
2015 Biometrika 1.506 15,358 0.01723
2015 European Journal Of Mineralogy 1.506 2,970 0.00519
2017 Aids Education And Prevention 1.505 1,684 0.00315
2017 British Journal Of Social Psychology 1.505 2,471 0.00465
2019 Scientia Horticulturae 1.504 7,308 0.01204
2020 Chaos Solitons & Fractals 1.503 7,970 0.01513
2020 Ieee Transactions On Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics And Frequency Control 1.503 7,120 0.01278
2020 Journal Of Investigative Medicine 1.503 1,188 0.00277
2023 Cryptogamie Bryologie 1.5 354 3.60E-04
2023 Disability And Health Journal 1.5 249 0.0013
2023 Disability And Health Journal 1.5 249 0.0013
2023 European Journal Of Emergency Medicine 1.5 926 0.00185
2023 European Journal Of Industrial Engineering 1.5 225 8.70E-04
2023 International Journal Of Precision Engineering And Manufacturing 1.5 1,120 0.00275
2023 Journal Of The International Society Of Sports Nutrition 1.5 421 0.00126
2023 Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 1.5 4,011 0.00608
2023 Operations Research 1.5 9,178 0.01648
2023 Operations Research 1.5 9,178 0.01648
2023 Psychology Of Religion And Spirituality 1.5 189 9.20E-04
2023 Tobacco Induced Diseases 1.5 177 5.80E-04
2035 Propellants Explosives Pyrotechnics 1.497 1,732 0.00224
2036 Food And Nutrition Bulletin 1.496 1,658 0.00403
2036 Mobile Networks & Applications 1.496 1,068 0.00265
2038 Bulletin Of Geosciences 1.495 445 0.00133
2038 Digital Signal Processing 1.495 2,087 0.00484
2038 Journal Of Molluscan Studies 1.495 1,362 0.00154
2038 Mechanics Research Communications 1.495 1,780 0.00581
2042 Modelling And Simulation In Materials Science And Engineering 1.492 2,181 0.00628
2042 New Zealand Journal Of Geology And Geophysics 1.492 1,155 0.00111
2044 International Journal Of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants 1.491 6,786 0.00786
2044 Journal Of Stored Products Research 1.491 1,720 0.00148
2044 Journal Of Thermal Spray Technology 1.491 2,372 0.00395
2044 Patient Preference And Adherence 1.491 465 0.00197
2048 Physician And Sportsmedicine 1.49 677 0.00164
2049 Combustion Theory And Modelling 1.489 976 0.00251
2049 Data & Knowledge Engineering 1.489 1,226 0.00353
2049 Group & Organization Management 1.489 1,284 0.00213
2049 International Business Review 1.489 1,331 0.00204
2049 Journal Of The American Planning Association 1.489 1,725 0.00284
2049 Mathematical Biosciences 1.489 3,930 0.00531
2055 Clinical Transplantation 1.486 3,449 0.00812
2055 Computers And Electronics In Agriculture 1.486 2,798 0.0072
2055 Environmetrics 1.486 1,283 0.00374
2055 Materials And Manufacturing Processes 1.486 2,299 0.00409
2059 Computer Supported Cooperative Work-The Journal Of Collaborative Computing 1.485 569 8.10E-04
2059 Forest Pathology 1.485 784 0.00166
2059 Lighting Research & Technology 1.485 569 0.00115
2062 Annalen Der Physik 1.483 1,805 0.00269
2062 Comptes Rendus Chimie 1.483 2,500 0.00495
2062 Geologica Acta 1.483 494 0.00159
2065 Australian Dental Journal 1.482 1,640 0.0032
2065 Genetic Resources And Crop Evolution 1.482 2,563 0.00343
2067 Learning & Behavior 1.481 613 0.00259
2068 Giscience & Remote Sensing 1.48 314 8.40E-04
2068 Journal Of Near Infrared Spectroscopy 1.48 994 0.00147
2070 International Journal Of Geographical Information Science 1.479 2,653 0.00419
2070 International Journal Of Geographical Information Science 1.479 2,653 0.00419
2072 Acta Ornithologica 1.478 376 9.40E-04
2072 Crop Science 1.478 14,763 0.01325
2074 Stereotactic And Functional Neurosurgery 1.477 1,207 0.00237
2075 Computers In Biology And Medicine 1.475 2,004 0.00421
2075 Criminal Behaviour And Mental Health 1.475 555 0.0012
2075 Developmental Neurorehabilitation 1.475 501 0.00162
2075 European Physical Journal Plus 1.475 463 0.00209
2075 Journal Of The Physical Society Of Japan 1.475 16,080 0.0328
2075 Public Health 1.475 2,563 0.00598
2081 Journal Of Nutrition Education And Behavior 1.474 1,833 0.00284
2081 Journal Of Plastic Reconstructive And Aesthetic Surgery 1.474 3,513 0.01391
2081 Turkish Journal Of Earth Sciences 1.474 622 0.00167
2084 Ieee Transactions On Computers 1.473 5,864 0.00997
2085 Biosystems 1.472 2,304 0.00477
2085 Mechanics Of Time-Dependent Materials 1.472 417 8.90E-04
2087 Aquatic Botany 1.471 4,582 0.00454
2088 Journal Of Population Economics 1.47 1,343 0.00507
2088 Silva Fennica 1.47 1,408 0.00255
2090 International Journal Of Green Energy 1.469 612 9.40E-04
2090 Journal Of Geotechnical And Geoenvironmental Engineering 1.469 4,822 0.01003
2092 Computational Linguistics 1.468 1,200 0.00208
2092 Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 1.468 1,231 0.0048
2094 Area 1.466 1,389 0.00266
2095 Acm Transactions On Sensor Networks 1.463 780 0.00293
2095 Ieee Communications Letters 1.463 5,491 0.01882
2095 International Journal Of Non-Linear Mechanics 1.463 3,290 0.00649
2098 Flora 1.462 1,959 0.00371
2098 Journal Of X-Ray Science And Technology 1.462 420 9.10E-04
2100 International Journal Of Mineral Processing 1.461 3,063 0.00397
2101 Infrared Physics & Technology 1.46 1,760 0.0021
2101 Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 1.46 1,295 0.00403
2101 Transport In Porous Media 1.46 3,252 0.0091
2104 Annals Of Plastic Surgery 1.458 6,549 0.01056
2105 Behavioural Processes 1.457 3,122 0.00742
2106 Aquatic Ecology 1.456 1,342 0.00326
2106 Epidemiologia & Prevenzione 1.456 426 9.70E-04
2106 Journal Of Vestibular Research-Equilibrium & Orientation 1.456 692 7.90E-04
2106 Nurse Education Today 1.456 2,503 0.00353
2110 Ieee Transactions On Nuclear Science 1.455 12,121 0.01889
2110 Journal Of Environmental Planning And Management 1.455 1,110 0.00255
2110 Palaeontographica Abteilung A-Palaozoologie-Stratigraphie 1.455 720 5.80E-04
2110 Polymer Composites 1.455 3,722 0.00617
2114 Youth Violence And Juvenile Justice 1.452 407 0.00112
2115 M&Som-Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 1.45 1,380 0.00556
2115 M&Som-Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 1.45 1,380 0.00556
2115 Radio Science 1.45 3,473 0.00473
2118 Development And Change 1.448 1,649 0.00395
2118 European Journal Of Dental Education 1.448 683 0.00138
2118 Journal Of The Optical Society Of America A-Optics Image Science And Vision 1.448 12,602 0.01432
2118 Journal Of Nanophotonics 1.448 605 0.00289
2118 Reviews In Mathematical Physics 1.448 670 0.0034
2123 International Journal Of Sustainable Transportation 1.447 159 7.90E-04
2123 Maritime Policy & Management 1.447 884 0.00132
2125 Machine Vision And Applications 1.444 917 0.00241
2125 Nanoscience And Nanotechnology Letters 1.444 604 0.00182
2127 Online Information Review 1.443 558 0.00184
2128 Legal Medicine 1.441 888 0.00243
2128 Polymer Engineering And Science 1.441 8,929 0.00883
2130 Acta Otorhinolaryngologica Italica 1.439 885 0.00148
2130 Flexible Services And Manufacturing Journal 1.439 75 6.00E-04
2132 Annals Of Applied Probability 1.438 2,149 0.0108
2132 Archive Of Applied Mechanics 1.438 1,376 0.00385
2132 Computer 1.438 4,120 0.00864
2135 American Journal Of Orthodontics And Dentofacial Orthopedics 1.437 8,960 0.0123
2135 Engineering Analysis With Boundary Elements 1.437 2,611 0.00674
2137 Journal Of Vector Ecology 1.436 1,035 0.00234
2138 Journal Of Adhesive Dentistry 1.435 1,269 0.00263
2138 Scanning 1.435 913 0.00136
2140 Physiological Entomology 1.434 1,761 0.00203
2141 Communications In Number Theory And Physics 1.433 198 0.00283
2142 Inland Waters 1.432 90 4.30E-04
2143 Annals Of Probability 1.431 4,103 0.01525
2143 Continuum Mechanics And Thermodynamics 1.431 608 0.00185
2143 European Surgical Research 1.431 1,006 0.00194
2143 Geofluids 1.431 684 0.00232
2147 Annals Of Transplantation 1.43 603 0.00128
2147 Ieee Power & Energy Magazine 1.43 959 0.00399
2147 Noise & Health 1.43 713 0.00165
2150 International Journal Of Audiology 1.427 2,025 0.00554
2150 Philosophical Magazine 1.427 10,254 0.01615
2150 Remote Sensing Letters 1.427 273 0.00125
2153 Journal Of Inclusion Phenomena And Macrocyclic Chemistry 1.426 2,733 0.00344
2153 Vacuum 1.426 5,274 0.00928
2155 Environmental Entomology 1.424 6,596 0.0084
2155 International Journal Of Rock Mechanics And Mining Sciences 1.424 6,096 0.00724
2157 International Journal Of Strategic Property Management 1.423 158 3.00E-04
2158 Advances In Engineering Software 1.422 1,900 0.00541
2158 Clinics 1.422 1,993 0.00661
2158 Current Nanoscience 1.422 1,004 0.00201
2158 Journal Of Electroceramics 1.422 2,506 0.00342
2162 Management Accounting Research 1.421 856 0.00102
2162 Population Studies-A Journal Of Demography 1.421 1,276 0.00111
2162 Public Management Review 1.421 739 0.00233
2165 Integrative Zoology 1.419 389 0.00178
2165 Journal Of Prosthetic Dentistry 1.419 8,242 0.00434
2167 International Journal Of Material Forming 1.418 672 0.00328
2167 Journal Of The Royal Statistical Society Series C-Applied Statistics 1.418 2,543 0.00357
2167 Physical & Occupational Therapy In Pediatrics 1.418 515 0.00107
2167 Physical & Occupational Therapy In Pediatrics 1.418 515 0.00107
2171 Current Problems In Surgery 1.417 405 6.40E-04
2172 Science & Justice 1.415 499 0.00103
2173 Personal Relationships 1.413 1,484 0.00317
2173 Professional Geographer 1.413 1,237 0.00218
2175 International Journal Of Speech-Language Pathology 1.412 423 0.00156
2176 International Journal Of Intelligent Systems 1.411 1,440 0.00273
2176 Journal Of Aging And Physical Activity 1.411 830 0.00161
2176 Journal Of Social And Clinical Psychology 1.411 1,995 0.00301
2179 Bmc Medical Education 1.409 1,253 0.00387
2180 Journal Of Optimization Theory And Applications 1.406 4,629 0.00902
2180 Journal Of Natural Gas Science And Engineering 1.406 249 0.00167
2180 Journal Of The Iranian Chemical Society 1.406 1,220 0.00258
2183 Asian American Journal Of Psychology 1.405 164 5.70E-04
2184 Resource And Energy Economics 1.404 985 0.00278
2185 Canadian Family Physician 1.403 2,019 0.00434
2185 Physics And Chemistry Of Minerals 1.403 3,177 0.00353
2185 Precision Engineering-Journal Of The International Societies For Precision Engineering And Nanotechnology 1.403 1,786 0.0042
2185 Suicide And Life-Threatening Behavior 1.403 2,298 0.00283
2189 Behaviour 1.401 4,936 0.0039
2189 Chinese Journal Of Integrative Medicine 1.401 724 0.00143
2189 Jom 1.401 3,263 0.00594
2189 Starch-Starke 1.401 3,053 0.0021
2193 International Journal Of Engine Research 1.4 526 0.0013
2194 European Physical Journal D 1.398 4,453 0.01358
2194 Psychology Crime & Law 1.398 900 0.00201
2196 International Small Business Journal 1.397 772 0.00117
2196 Journal Of American College Health 1.397 1,928 0.00384
2198 Archiv Der Pharmazie 1.396 2,119 0.0024
2199 Human Resource Management 1.395 1,498 0.0032
2199 Journal Of Applied Mechanics-Transactions Of The Asme 1.395 9,652 0.00666
2199 Journal Of Electromagnetic Waves And Applications 1.395 1,905 0.00339
2199 Primates 1.395 1,824 0.00176
2203 Calphad-Computer Coupling Of Phase Diagrams And Thermochemistry 1.394 2,133 0.00434
2203 Ieee Transactions On Aerospace And Electronic Systems 1.394 6,627 0.00937
2203 Journal Of Dairy Research 1.394 2,632 0.00258
2206 Chinese Physics B 1.392 6,188 0.01377
2206 Current Opinion In Otolaryngology & Head And Neck Surgery 1.392 1,495 0.00395
2206 International Journal Of Language & Communication Disorders 1.392 1,124 0.00243
2209 Resources Policy 1.391 630 0.00173
2210 European Journal Of Orthodontics 1.39 3,000 0.00498
2210 International Journal Of Forecasting 1.39 1,953 0.00573
2210 International Journal Of Applied Mathematics And Computer Science 1.39 734 0.00134
2210 Materials And Structures 1.39 3,738 0.00706
2214 Inverse Problems And Imaging 1.388 387 0.00359
2215 European Food Research And Technology 1.387 5,469 0.00963
2216 Journal Of Surgical Education 1.386 758 0.00361
2216 Organization & Environment 1.386 482 9.40E-04
2218 Brazilian Journal Of Botany 1.385 1,083 0.00104
2218 Journal Of Aoac International 1.385 4,727 0.00542
2218 Journal Of Computing In Civil Engineering 1.385 1,108 0.00202
2221 Library & Information Science Research 1.384 562 0.00151
2222 Journal Of Planning Education And Research 1.383 815 0.00175
2223 Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 1.382 1,544 0.00261
2223 Medical Anthropology 1.382 371 9.50E-04
2225 Journal Of Engineering Design 1.381 618 0.00142
2225 Journal Of Photonics For Energy 1.381 171 7.10E-04
2227 Science And Technology Of Welding And Joining 1.38 1,669 0.00393
2228 Journal Of Product Innovation Management 1.379 2,886 0.00442
2228 Journal Of Product Innovation Management 1.379 2,886 0.00442
2230 Journal Of Web Semantics 1.377 651 0.00337
2230 Photogrammetric Record 1.377 453 7.50E-04
2232 Phytotaxa 1.376 543 0.00175
2233 Journal Of Minimal Access Surgery 1.374 233 8.70E-04
2234 Croatian Medical Journal 1.373 1,255 0.00226
2235 Journal Of Civil Engineering And Management 1.372 584 0.0012
2235 Journal Of Computational Electronics 1.372 426 0.00116
2237 Engineering Journal-American Institute Of Steel Construction 1.371 262 5.00E-04
2238 Journal Of Constructional Steel Research 1.37 3,591 0.00974
2238 Journal Of Neurosurgery-Pediatrics 1.37 1,609 0.00728
2240 Annales Henri Poincare 1.368 598 0.00507
2240 Bulletin Of Earthquake Engineering 1.368 773 0.00455
2242 Biosystems Engineering 1.367 2,945 0.00561
2243 Chemosensory Perception 1.365 206 0.00121
2243 Land Economics 1.365 2,221 0.00351
2243 Palaeontologia Electronica 1.365 1,334 0.00103
2246 European Economic Review 1.364 4,226 0.01023
2246 Jetp Letters 1.364 6,746 0.01174
2246 Journal Of Energetic Materials 1.364 366 6.10E-04
2246 Topics In Early Childhood Special Education 1.364 584 9.30E-04
2246 Veterinary Research Communications 1.364 1,827 0.00248
2251 American Journal Of Agricultural Economics 1.363 4,680 0.00764
2251 Journal Of Apicultural Research 1.363 1,450 0.00189
2253 Journal Of Banking & Finance 1.362 6,027 0.01519
2253 Sociologia Ruralis 1.362 951 0.00141
2255 Journal Of Small Business Management 1.361 1,336 0.0015
2255 Journal Of Visual Communication And Image Representation 1.361 1,138 0.00326
2257 Frontiers Of Physics 1.36 200 0.00118
2258 International Journal Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery 1.359 5,600 0.00992
2258 International Journal Of Remote Sensing 1.359 14,301 0.01781
2258 Journal Of Heuristics 1.359 843 0.00231
2258 Journal Of Special Education 1.359 865 0.00134
2262 Computer Vision And Image Understanding 1.358 3,098 0.00957
2262 Journal Of Vacuum Science & Technology B 1.358 10,304 0.01512
2262 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-Data Mining And Knowledge Discovery 1.358 114 5.30E-04
2265 Journal Of Career Assessment 1.357 726 0.00133
2265 Metacognition And Learning 1.357 246 0.00119
2267 Artificial Intelligence In Medicine 1.356 1,207 0.00222
2267 Bioethics 1.356 908 0.00246
2267 Bioethics 1.356 908 0.00246
2270 Journal Of Global Optimization 1.355 3,486 0.00725
2271 European Transactions On Telecommunications 1.354 837 0.00193
2271 International Journal Of Food Science And Technology 1.354 4,951 0.00985
2271 Journal Of Criminal Law & Criminology 1.354 873 0.00162
2271 Odontology 1.354 289 8.60E-04
2275 Environment 1.353 642 0.0013
2275 Ofioliti 1.353 381 5.10E-04
2277 Computer Communications 1.352 3,081 0.00877
2277 Journal Of Surfactants And Detergents 1.352 1,042 0.00126
2277 Journal Of Economic Inequality 1.352 279 0.00137
2277 Measurement Science & Technology 1.352 9,306 0.01907
2281 Ieee Transactions On Electromagnetic Compatibility 1.351 2,862 0.00558
2281 Regulation & Governance 1.351 282 0.00169
2283 Journal Of Experimental Zoology Part A-Ecological Genetics And Physiology 1.349 1,107 0.00245
2284 Ieee Transactions On Autonomous Mental Development 1.348 178 6.90E-04
2284 International Journal Of Fracture 1.348 4,509 0.00613
2284 Mathematical Finance 1.348 1,267 0.00417
2284 Mathematical Finance 1.348 1,267 0.00417
2288 Condor 1.347 4,498 0.00347
2288 Journal Of Hydraulic Research 1.347 2,078 0.0047
2288 Journal Of Loss Prevention In The Process Industries 1.347 1,779 0.00353
2291 Canadian Journal Of Zoology-Revue Canadienne De Zoologie 1.346 10,504 0.00613
2292 Industrial Management & Data Systems 1.345 1,211 0.00179
2293 Breeding Science 1.342 1,091 0.00201
2293 Journal Of Rare Earths 1.342 2,468 0.00515
2293 Population 1.342 424 7.50E-04
2296 Biological Research For Nursing 1.341 554 0.00125
2296 Journal Of Geographical Systems 1.341 448 0.00107
2296 Otolaryngologic Clinics Of North America 1.341 2,090 0.00345
2299 International Journal Of Shipping And Transport Logistics 1.34 129 4.20E-04
2299 South African Journal Of Botany 1.34 1,703 0.00348
2301 Facies 1.338 1,111 0.00138
2301 Herpetological Journal 1.338 641 0.001
2301 Microelectronic Engineering 1.338 7,371 0.0181
2301 Modern Physics Letters A 1.338 3,885 0.00823
2301 Plant Breeding 1.338 2,697 0.00375
2301 Research Evaluation 1.338 480 0.00145
2307 Mammalian Biology 1.337 825 0.00292
2307 Ocean Engineering 1.337 3,200 0.00816
2309 Journal Of Hydroinformatics 1.336 683 0.00168
2310 College & Research Libraries 1.333 528 0.00133
2310 Herpetological Monographs 1.333 308 4.20E-04
2310 Information Systems Journal 1.333 832 0.0019
2310 Journal Of Bionic Engineering 1.333 589 0.00159
2310 Libyan Journal Of Medicine 1.333 122 4.80E-04
2310 Proceedings Of The Geologists Association 1.333 863 0.00103
2310 Planning Theory 1.333 356 0.00104
2310 Sport Education And Society 1.333 610 0.00119
2318 Applied Ergonomics 1.332 2,692 0.00438
2318 Applied Ergonomics 1.332 2,692 0.00438
2320 Archives Of Civil And Mechanical Engineering 1.331 316 9.40E-04
2320 Reading And Writing 1.331 1,355 0.00348
2322 Industrial And Corporate Change 1.33 2,206 0.00481
2322 Urban Studies 1.33 4,896 0.00948
2324 International Journal For Numerical Methods In Fluids 1.329 4,869 0.01339
2325 Applied Economic Perspectives And Policy 1.328 174 0.00119
2325 Information And Software Technology 1.328 1,493 0.0046
2325 Scientific American 1.328 4,946 0.0056
2328 Tourism Geographies 1.327 425 6.70E-04
2329 Ieee Journal Of Oceanic Engineering 1.325 2,228 0.00349
2330 Health 1.324 570 0.0016
2330 Ieee Transactions On Applied Superconductivity 1.324 7,257 0.01376
2332 Ageing & Society 1.323 1,534 0.00316
2332 International Journal Of Production Research 1.323 9,031 0.01091
2332 Journal Of Veterinary Pharmacology And Therapeutics 1.323 2,111 0.00258
2335 Journal Of Materials In Civil Engineering 1.322 2,691 0.00598
2336 Economic History Review 1.321 1,056 0.00388
2337 Aquaculture Research 1.32 4,602 0.00847
2337 Heart & Lung 1.32 1,715 0.00286
2337 Journal Of Software Maintenance And Evolution-Research And Practice 1.32 267 9.00E-04
2340 American Journal Of Nursing 1.319 1,028 0.00185
2340 Building Research And Information 1.319 1,020 0.0023
2342 Iet Power Electronics 1.318 926 0.00426
2343 Journal Of Animal Physiology And Animal Nutrition 1.317 1,283 0.00306
2343 Journal Of Financial Markets 1.317 676 0.00268
2345 Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section A-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors And Associated Equipment 1.316 24,188 0.04461
2346 Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 1.314 6,487 0.00731
2347 Canadian Journal Of Chemical Engineering 1.313 3,767 0.00373
2347 European Financial Management 1.313 711 0.00235
2349 Insectes Sociaux 1.312 2,166 0.00263
2349 Laterality 1.312 801 0.00169
2351 Mechanism And Machine Theory 1.31 3,178 0.00596
2352 Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 1.309 2,581 0.00247
2352 Chemistry Education Research And Practice 1.309 510 0.00138
2354 Media Psychology 1.308 663 0.0015
2355 Iet Electric Power Applications 1.307 708 0.00262
2355 Iet Generation Transmission & Distribution 1.307 1,236 0.00577
2357 Journal Of Technology Transfer 1.305 920 0.00223
2357 Journal Of Wildlife Diseases 1.305 3,907 0.00516
2357 Journal Of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics 1.305 400 0.00293
2360 Design Studies 1.304 1,126 0.00116
2360 Electronic Commerce Research And Applications 1.304 604 0.00181
2360 Soft Computing 1.304 1,706 0.00518
2363 Journal Of Helminthology 1.303 1,593 0.00195
2363 Wave Motion 1.303 1,397 0.00304
2365 Policy And Politics 1.302 508 0.00129
2365 Soil Dynamics And Earthquake Engineering 1.302 2,647 0.00673
2367 Journal Of Applied Geophysics 1.301 2,142 0.00484
2368 Acm Transactions On Information Systems 1.3 1,126 0.00151
2368 Assistive Technology 1.3 315 6.90E-04
2370 Symmetry Integrability And Geometry-Methods And Applications 1.299 767 0.00622
2371 Journal Of Urban Affairs 1.298 673 0.00134
2372 Acta Zoologica 1.296 909 0.00174
2372 Bernoulli 1.296 1,346 0.00876
2374 Environmental Education Research 1.295 927 0.0015
2374 Social Politics 1.295 403 0.00136
2376 Social Issues And Policy Review 1.294 108 7.10E-04
2377 International Journal Of Applied Mechanics 1.293 296 0.00137
2377 Phytopathologia Mediterranea 1.293 810 0.00122
2377 Urban Affairs Review 1.293 1,019 0.00255
2380 Tree-Ring Research 1.292 350 5.20E-04
2381 Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing 1.291 2,332 0.00409
2381 Water 1.291 282 0.00122
2383 Applied Composite Materials 1.29 694 0.00121
2383 Human Factors 1.29 3,037 0.00404
2383 Human Factors 1.29 3,037 0.00404
2383 Journal Of Service Management 1.29 299 0.00112
2387 Geoinformatica 1.288 343 9.40E-04
2387 Orthodontics & Craniofacial Research 1.288 680 0.00173
2389 Journal Of Statistical Physics 1.284 7,195 0.01714
2390 Information Communication & Society 1.283 620 0.00255
2391 Computer Networks 1.282 4,896 0.0119
2391 Journal Of Economic Surveys 1.282 941 0.00371
2391 Spatial Economic Analysis 1.282 175 0.0012
2394 Journal Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery 1.28 11,235 0.01822
2395 Opto-Electronics Review 1.279 638 0.00111
2396 International Journal Of Stress Management 1.278 711 0.00124
2397 Angle Orthodontist 1.277 3,904 0.00703
2397 Zoomorphology 1.277 759 7.60E-04
2399 Ethnicity & Health 1.276 777 0.00188
2399 Health Communication 1.276 1,230 0.00301
2401 Augmentative And Alternative Communication 1.275 595 4.10E-04
2402 Journal Of Quality Technology 1.271 1,934 0.00179
2403 Journal Of Mathematical Chemistry 1.27 1,930 0.00451
2404 Public Health Ethics 1.269 151 8.20E-04
2404 Public Health Ethics 1.269 151 8.20E-04
2406 Acta Mechanica 1.268 2,912 0.00627
2406 Australian Archaeology 1.268 271 5.60E-04
2406 Politics & Society 1.268 766 0.00248
2409 Journal Of Developmental And Physical Disabilities 1.267 543 0.00104
2410 R & D Management 1.266 1,500 0.0023
2411 Australian Critical Care 1.265 259 5.10E-04
2411 Australian Critical Care 1.265 259 5.10E-04
2411 Journal Of Electrostatics 1.265 2,487 0.00334
2414 Circuits Systems And Signal Processing 1.264 843 0.00205
2415 Childrens Geographies 1.263 421 0.00132
2416 Applied Ocean Research 1.262 988 0.00188
2416 European Journal Of Ageing 1.262 453 0.00164
2416 Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound 1.262 2,009 0.00264
2419 Journal Of Business Finance & Accounting 1.261 1,161 0.00144
2419 Research Quarterly For Exercise And Sport 1.261 3,173 0.00346
2421 Journal Of Fire Sciences 1.258 509 9.00E-04
2421 Journal Of Hydraulic Engineering 1.258 6,660 0.00652
2423 Journal Of Composite Materials 1.257 5,401 0.00606
2423 Journal Of Knowledge Management 1.257 1,123 0.00117
2425 Global Networks-A Journal Of Transnational Affairs 1.255 751 0.00285
2425 Physics And Chemistry Of The Earth 1.255 2,910 0.00599
2427 Latin American Journal Of Solids And Structures 1.254 169 7.40E-04
2428 Group Decision And Negotiation 1.253 641 0.00126
2429 Hydrological Sciences Journal-Journal Des Sciences Hydrologiques 1.252 3,459 0.00501
2430 European Journal Of Psychological Assessment 1.25 1,006 0.00192
2430 Geographical Analysis 1.25 1,578 0.00128
2430 Journal Of Agricultural & Environmental Ethics 1.25 586 0.00104
2430 Journal Of Intelligent Transportation Systems 1.25 287 8.70E-04
2430 Journal Of The Association For Information Systems 1.25 999 0.00276
2430 Journal Of The Association For Information Systems 1.25 999 0.00276
2430 Research In Organizational Behavior 1.25 2,236 0.00272
2437 Language Speech And Hearing Services In Schools 1.247 1,076 0.0017
2437 Nematology 1.247 1,391 0.00213
2437 Paddy And Water Environment 1.247 361 0.00101
2440 Journal Of Systems And Software 1.245 2,441 0.00741
2440 Management Learning 1.245 807 0.00129
2440 Siam Journal On Applied Dynamical Systems 1.245 802 0.00493
2443 Cultural Geographies 1.244 536 0.00186
2444 Geochronometria 1.243 328 0.00103
2445 Marine Structures 1.242 789 0.0017
2446 Journalism 1.241 557 0.00226
2446 New Ideas In Psychology 1.241 353 8.80E-04
2448 Agroforestry Systems 1.24 2,197 0.00272
2448 Automated Software Engineering 1.24 203 0.00125
2450 Advances In Physiology Education 1.237 887 0.00131
2450 Neural Processing Letters 1.237 755 0.00106
2452 Biometrical Journal 1.236 1,508 0.00729
2452 Ieee Transactions On Components Packaging And Manufacturing Technology 1.236 3,866 0.00942
2454 Information Systems 1.235 828 0.00275
2455 Professional Psychology-Research And Practice 1.234 2,351 0.00402
2456 Journal Of Clinical Nursing 1.233 5,831 0.0139
2456 Journal Of Clinical Nursing 1.233 5,831 0.0139
2458 Aquacultural Engineering 1.232 1,400 9.80E-04
2458 Journal Of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 1.232 3,703 0.00595
2460 Engineering Optimization 1.23 1,146 0.00258
2460 Ieee Software 1.23 1,490 0.00351
2462 Salamandra 1.229 234 4.30E-04
2462 Work Employment And Society 1.229 1,253 0.00312
2464 Animal Welfare 1.228 1,385 0.0024
2464 Ieee Transactions On Dielectrics And Electrical Insulation 1.228 4,071 0.00679
2464 Janac-Journal Of The Association Of Nurses In Aids Care 1.228 714 0.00169
2464 Janac-Journal Of The Association Of Nurses In Aids Care 1.228 714 0.00169
2468 Biodemography And Social Biology 1.227 87 6.90E-04
2468 Journal Of Sport And Health Science 1.227 50 1.70E-04
2470 International Journal Of Psychology 1.226 1,213 0.0016
2470 Statistica Sinica 1.226 2,019 0.01165
2472 Review Of Public Personnel Administration 1.225 361 8.70E-04
2473 Metals And Materials International 1.223 1,116 0.00361
2474 Ieee Transactions On Education 1.221 1,189 0.00192
2474 International Journal Of Mobile Communications 1.221 276 7.00E-04
2474 Journal Of Environmental Engineering 1.221 4,347 0.00496
2474 Journal Of Veterinary Behavior-Clinical Applications And Research 1.221 399 0.001
2478 Environment And Planning C-Government And Policy 1.22 1,065 0.00262
2478 Emergency Medicine Australasia 1.22 788 0.0021
2478 Journal Of Veterinary Emergency And Critical Care 1.22 811 0.00202
2481 Journal Of Feline Medicine And Surgery 1.219 1,513 0.00288
2481 New Zealand Veterinary Journal 1.219 1,457 0.00182
2481 Rand Journal Of Economics 1.219 3,889 0.01033
2481 Scientific World Journal 1.219 3,591 0.01075
2485 Journal Of Empirical Research On Human Research Ethics 1.217 300 0.00158
2485 Journal Of Empirical Research On Human Research Ethics 1.217 300 0.00158
2487 International Journal Of Intercultural Relations 1.216 1,545 0.00276
2488 Human Ecology 1.215 1,702 0.00299
2488 International Journal Of Applied Ceramic Technology 1.215 1,268 0.00344
2490 American Journal Of Veterinary Research 1.214 9,548 0.00712
2490 International Journal Of Industrial Ergonomics 1.214 1,828 0.00276
2490 International Journal Of Industrial Ergonomics 1.214 1,828 0.00276
2490 Microelectronics Reliability 1.214 4,135 0.00907
2494 Behavioral Sciences & The Law 1.212 1,382 0.00275
2494 Review Of International Organizations 1.212 166 0.00139
2496 Youth & Society 1.211 754 0.00209
2497 Optimization Methods & Software 1.21 1,055 0.00405
2498 California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports 1.208 546 7.40E-04
2498 European Journal Of Wildlife Research 1.208 1,081 0.00352
2498 Punishment & Society-International Journal Of Penology 1.208 380 0.00135
2498 Veterinary Clinical Pathology 1.208 1,109 0.00208
2502 Bioscience Biotechnology And Biochemistry 1.206 10,974 0.01406
2502 Canadian Geotechnical Journal 1.206 4,728 0.00662
2502 Engineering Computations 1.206 1,050 0.0021
2502 Geographical Research 1.206 325 9.50E-04
2502 Journal Of Economic Psychology 1.206 2,116 0.0068
2502 Journal Of Linguistic Anthropology 1.206 322 0.00104
2508 Displays 1.205 773 0.00119
2509 Review Of Economics Of The Household 1.204 296 0.00135
2510 Annals Of Tropical Medicine And Parasitology 1.203 2,765 0.00229
2510 Ieee Transactions On Computer-Aided Design Of Integrated Circuits And Systems 1.203 3,477 0.00764
2510 Real Estate Economics 1.203 801 0.00298
2513 Journal Of Field Ornithology 1.202 1,265 0.00172
2513 Journal Of Fusion Energy 1.202 547 0.00146
2515 Advances In Applied Mechanics 1.2 1,050 6.20E-04
2515 European Journal Of Population-Revue Europeenne De Demographie 1.2 557 0.00136
2515 Gender & Society 1.2 2,149 0.00339
2515 Journal Of Early Adolescence 1.2 1,311 0.00237
2515 Journal Of Positive Psychology 1.2 647 0.00264
2515 Software Testing Verification & Reliability 1.2 248 6.90E-04
2521 Journal Of Paleontology 1.199 4,083 0.00309
2522 International Journal Of Geomechanics 1.197 784 0.00172
2523 Decision Analysis 1.196 342 8.60E-04
2524 Jognn-Journal Of Obstetric Gynecologic And Neonatal Nursing 1.195 1,626 0.00305
2524 Jognn-Journal Of Obstetric Gynecologic And Neonatal Nursing 1.195 1,626 0.00305
2526 Political Studies Review 1.194 139 7.60E-04
2526 Wildlife Research 1.194 2,003 0.00362
2528 Crime & Delinquency 1.192 1,171 0.00218
2528 Journal Of Research In Reading 1.192 561 0.00131
2528 Journal Of The Royal Anthropological Institute 1.192 848 0.00247
2531 Journal Of Complexity 1.191 723 0.00296
2532 International Statistical Review 1.19 1,044 0.00297
2532 Review Of International Political Economy 1.19 879 0.00232
2534 Dyslexia 1.189 566 0.00106
2534 Radiation Physics And Chemistry 1.189 5,219 0.00668
2536 Journal Of Reinforced Plastics And Composites 1.188 2,299 0.00402
2536 Optical Fiber Technology 1.188 861 0.00194
2538 Geobios 1.187 1,649 0.00203
2539 Journal Of Scheduling 1.186 818 0.00302
2539 Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials And Atoms 1.186 17,072 0.02348
2541 Cmes-Computer Modeling In Engineering & Sciences 1.183 1,858 0.00528
2541 Papers In Regional Science 1.183 1,045 0.0029
2543 Arthropod-Plant Interactions 1.179 367 0.00147
2543 Mediterranean Politics 1.179 110 7.30E-04
2543 Scandinavian Actuarial Journal 1.179 345 7.40E-04
2543 Scandinavian Actuarial Journal 1.179 345 7.40E-04
2547 Computer Standards & Interfaces 1.177 781 0.00214
2547 Reproduction In Domestic Animals 1.177 2,828 0.00825
2549 Industrial Relations 1.176 1,233 0.00403
2549 Journal Of Comparative Economics 1.176 1,226 0.00266
2551 Journal Of Computational And Graphical Statistics 1.175 2,474 0.00847
2551 Journal Of Emergency Medicine 1.175 3,146 0.00729
2553 Annals Of The Entomological Society Of America 1.174 5,007 0.00415
2554 Annals Of Tropical Paediatrics 1.173 729 0.00137
2554 Journal Of Engineering Mechanics 1.173 6,782 0.00663
2556 Canadian Geographer-Geographe Canadien 1.172 593 9.10E-04
2556 Computers & Security 1.172 991 0.00211
2556 Experimental Animals 1.172 750 0.00161
2556 Exceptionality 1.172 295 6.20E-04
2560 Revista Romana De Bioetica 1.17 129 8.00E-05
2560 Revista Romana De Bioetica 1.17 129 8.00E-05
2562 Ameghiniana 1.169 1,309 0.0014
2562 European Psychologist 1.169 763 0.0019
2562 Journal Of Advertising 1.169 1,886 0.00218
2562 Journal Of Thermal Stresses 1.169 1,319 0.0019
2562 Mobilities 1.169 323 0.00145
2567 Discourse Studies 1.167 576 0.0022
2567 Educational And Psychological Measurement 1.167 4,529 0.0041
2567 Educational And Psychological Measurement 1.167 4,529 0.0041
2567 Extremes 1.167 443 0.00188
2567 Ieee Transactions On Computational Intelligence And Ai In Games 1.167 132 6.60E-04
2567 Review Of Accounting Studies 1.167 826 0.00256
2573 International Journal Of Quantum Chemistry 1.166 7,754 0.00984
2574 Cornell Hospitality Quarterly 1.165 364 9.20E-04
2574 International Journal Of Human-Computer Studies 1.165 2,358 0.00384
2574 International Journal Of Human-Computer Studies 1.165 2,358 0.00384
2574 Journal Of Mechanical Design 1.165 3,702 0.00664
2578 Journal Of Positive Behavior Interventions 1.163 555 0.00111
2578 Journal Of Financial Econometrics 1.163 493 0.00278
2578 Research In Nursing & Health 1.163 2,814 0.00268
2578 Research In Nursing & Health 1.163 2,814 0.00268
2578 Rural Sociology 1.163 1,115 0.00133
2578 Telecommunication Systems 1.163 712 0.00148
2584 European Journal Of Political Economy 1.162 456 0.00264
2584 Journal Of Interpersonal Violence 1.162 3,773 0.00733
2584 Scandinavian Journal Of Caring Sciences 1.162 1,710 0.00306
2587 Acta Theriologica 1.161 1,080 0.00116
2588 Archives Of Insect Biochemistry And Physiology 1.16 1,780 0.00186
2588 International Forestry Review 1.16 587 0.00141
2588 Smart Structures And Systems 1.16 497 0.00167
2588 Topics In Companion Animal Medicine 1.16 184 8.70E-04
2592 Marine Resource Economics 1.159 612 9.00E-04
2593 Worlds Poultry Science Journal 1.158 1,342 0.00152
2594 Ieee Transactions On Consumer Electronics 1.157 3,408 0.00803
2595 Bit Numerical Mathematics 1.156 1,324 0.00361
2595 Fire Ecology 1.156 250 0.00103
2595 Rapid Prototyping Journal 1.156 688 0.00113
2595 Ultrasonic Imaging 1.156 705 5.60E-04
2599 Current Sociology 1.154 646 0.00185
2599 Econometric Theory 1.154 1,748 0.01171
2599 Econometric Theory 1.154 1,748 0.01171
2599 Homicide Studies 1.154 370 0.00153
2603 Journal For The Scientific Study Of Religion 1.153 2,084 0.00317
2604 Constraints 1.152 239 8.00E-04
2604 Mathematics Of Control Signals And Systems 1.152 552 9.50E-04
2604 Studies In Applied Mathematics 1.152 990 0.00191
2607 Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 1.151 5,251 0.02589
2608 Ethology Ecology & Evolution 1.15 637 8.30E-04
2608 Iforest-Biogeosciences And Forestry 1.15 202 6.90E-04
2610 Fusion Engineering And Design 1.149 4,883 0.01135
2611 Annals Of Human Biology 1.148 1,580 0.00278
2611 Software-Practice & Experience 1.148 906 0.00175
2613 Acm Transactions On Knowledge Discovery From Data 1.147 314 0.00172
2613 Journal Of Vibration And Acoustics-Transactions Of The Asme 1.147 1,965 0.00347
2613 Requirements Engineering 1.147 295 6.50E-04
2613 Scandinavian Journal Of Psychology 1.147 1,844 0.00349
2617 Economics Of Education Review 1.146 1,931 0.0066
2618 Criminology & Public Policy 1.144 739 0.00341
2618 International Journal Of Rehabilitation Research 1.144 1,042 0.00173
2620 Njas-Wageningen Journal Of Life Sciences 1.143 555 6.20E-04
2620 Social Policy & Administration 1.143 633 0.0018
2620 Welding Journal 1.143 2,164 0.00137
2623 China Economic Review 1.142 854 0.00289
2623 Ieee Transactions On Very Large Scale Integration (Vlsi) Systems 1.142 2,737 0.01044
2623 International Agrophysics 1.142 595 9.80E-04
2623 Journal Of Nursing Management 1.142 1,575 0.00401
2623 Journal Of Nursing Management 1.142 1,575 0.00401
2623 Journal Of Veterinary Science 1.142 805 0.00185
2629 European Journal Of Criminology 1.141 322 0.00166
2629 Revista De Cercetare Si Interventie Sociala 1.141 152 3.20E-04
2629 Weed Technology 1.141 2,654 0.00243
2632 Ieee Design & Test 1.14 865 0.00182
2632 Radiation Measurements 1.14 4,987 0.00901
2634 Applied Nursing Research 1.139 719 0.00119
2634 Applied Nursing Research 1.139 719 0.00119
2634 Body & Society 1.139 654 0.00175
2634 Forests 1.139 166 8.10E-04
2634 Media Culture & Society 1.139 889 0.00315
2639 Amphibia-Reptilia 1.138 1,192 0.00178
2639 Earthquakes And Structures 1.138 122 5.40E-04
2639 Theoretical And Applied Fracture Mechanics 1.138 874 0.00166
2642 Ieee Transactions On Dependable And Secure Computing 1.137 605 0.00222
2643 Journal Of Creative Behavior 1.135 479 6.80E-04
2643 Journal Of Mining And Metallurgy Section B-Metallurgy 1.135 169 5.00E-04
2645 Journal Of Thermoplastic Composite Materials 1.134 645 9.60E-04
2646 Journal Of Solar Energy Engineering-Transactions Of The Asme 1.132 1,831 0.00264
2647 Journal Of Emergency Nursing 1.131 735 0.0014
2647 Journal Of Emergency Nursing 1.131 735 0.0014
2649 Engineering Failure Analysis 1.13 1,965 0.00446
2649 Instructional Science 1.13 1,068 0.00247
2651 Econometrics Journal 1.128 546 0.00377
2651 Econometrics Journal 1.128 546 0.00377
2651 Telecommunications Policy 1.128 981 0.00197
2651 Telecommunications Policy 1.128 981 0.00197
2655 Public Administration Review 1.127 3,523 0.00586
2656 Journal Of Hospitality & Tourism Research 1.125 587 6.30E-04
2656 Journal Of Public Policy 1.125 464 8.40E-04
2656 Sociology Of Sport Journal 1.125 664 0.00116
2656 Scandinavian Journal Of Occupational Therapy 1.125 484 9.20E-04
2660 American Anthropologist 1.124 2,690 0.00247
2660 Higher Education 1.124 1,949 0.00405
2662 Aci Materials Journal 1.123 3,030 0.00321
2663 Culture Medicine And Psychiatry 1.121 785 0.00128
2664 Australian Geographer 1.12 595 0.00121
2664 Informs Journal On Computing 1.12 1,167 0.0044
2664 Journal Of Psychoeducational Assessment 1.12 644 0.00147
2667 Erdkunde 1.119 258 5.10E-04
2667 Journal Of Mathematical Analysis And Applications 1.119 18,179 0.05805
2669 Demographic Research 1.116 1,077 0.00452
2669 Economica 1.116 1,627 0.00517
2669 Entomological Science 1.116 443 0.00144
2669 Ieee Computer Graphics And Applications 1.116 1,676 0.00306
2669 Industry And Innovation 1.116 546 0.00168
2674 Journal Of Accounting And Public Policy 1.115 724 0.00115
2674 Proceedings Of The Romanian Academy Series A-Mathematics Physics Technical Sciences Information Science 1.115 173 4.20E-04
2674 Scandinavian Journal Of Forest Research 1.115 1,684 0.00218
2674 Systematic And Applied Acarology 1.115 375 0.00117
2678 Insect Systematics & Evolution 1.114 267 6.00E-04
2679 Fibers And Polymers 1.113 1,502 0.00314
2679 Plant Soil And Environment 1.113 977 0.00193
2679 Science China-Technological Sciences 1.113 1,467 0.00523
2682 Elementary School Journal 1.111 1,203 0.00187
2682 Journal Of Management In Engineering 1.111 642 0.00101
2682 Journal Of Empirical Legal Studies 1.111 401 0.00268
2685 Leisure Sciences 1.109 1,105 0.00123
2685 Vertebrate Zoology 1.109 127 3.90E-04
2687 International Journal Of Pavement Engineering 1.108 432 0.00158
2688 Avian Diseases 1.107 4,816 0.00507
2688 Advances In Applied Ceramics 1.107 560 0.00147
2688 Indiana Law Journal 1.107 598 0.00159
2688 Journal Of Waterway Port Coastal And Ocean Engineering 1.107 1,283 0.00169
2692 Esaim-Control Optimisation And Calculus Of Variations 1.105 719 0.00408
2692 European Journal Of Wood And Wood Products 1.105 389 0.00144
2692 Gender Place And Culture 1.105 614 0.00192
2692 Journal Of Insect Behavior 1.105 1,388 0.00133
2696 Comparative Politics 1.104 1,054 0.00301
2696 Journal Of Energy Engineering 1.104 258 3.80E-04
2698 Annals Of Operations Research 1.103 3,638 0.00858
2698 Journal Of Legal Studies 1.103 1,418 0.00147
2698 Journal Of Noncommutative Geometry 1.103 130 0.00185
2698 Notre Dame Law Review 1.103 701 0.00269
2702 Acm Sigcomm Computer Communication Review 1.102 3,581 0.01209
2702 Pharmaceutical Statistics 1.102 507 0.00244
2704 Accounting Auditing & Accountability Journal 1.101 1,205 0.00163
2705 Journal Of Comparative Pathology 1.1 2,798 0.0028
2705 Livestock Science 1.1 3,193 0.01053
2705 Qme-Quantitative Marketing And Economics 1.1 276 0.00272
2708 Small Ruminant Research 1.099 4,004 0.00547
2709 Journal Of Applied Sport Psychology 1.098 1,102 0.00142
2710 Political Behavior 1.097 1,022 0.00409
2711 Evaluation And Program Planning 1.096 1,146 0.00175
2711 Leisure Studies 1.096 628 8.90E-04
2713 Business & Information Systems Engineering 1.095 254 5.00E-04
2713 International Journal For The Psychology Of Religion 1.095 438 0.00103
2713 Journal Of Disability Policy Studies 1.095 241 5.80E-04
2713 Legislative Studies Quarterly 1.095 850 0.00228
2713 Mathematical Control And Related Fields 1.095 51 5.80E-04
2713 Social Forces 1.095 4,826 0.0072
2713 World Bank Economic Review 1.095 1,493 0.00413
2720 Geography 1.094 259 4.10E-04
2720 International Theory 1.094 94 9.80E-04
2720 Journal Of Nursing Care Quality 1.094 602 0.00131
2720 Journal Of Nursing Care Quality 1.094 602 0.00131
2724 Computer Methods And Programs In Biomedicine 1.093 2,510 0.00551
2724 International Journal Of Public Opinion Research 1.093 664 0.00162
2724 Nursing Ethics 1.093 1,074 0.00165
2724 Nursing Ethics 1.093 1,074 0.00165
2728 Journal Of Computer And System Sciences 1.091 2,370 0.00715
2728 Written Communication 1.091 449 8.80E-04
2730 Journal Of International Money And Finance 1.09 2,143 0.00591
2730 Or Spectrum 1.09 1,047 0.0035
2732 Engineering With Computers 1.088 546 0.00108
2733 Journal Of Information Science 1.087 937 0.00206
2733 Journal Of Information Science 1.087 937 0.00206
2733 Quarterly Journal Of Political Science 1.087 246 0.00257
2733 Review Of Policy Research 1.087 372 0.00117
2733 Veterinary Ophthalmology 1.087 1,281 0.00156
2738 Journal Of Irrigation And Drainage Engineering 1.086 2,685 0.00315
2739 Agricultural Economics 1.085 1,500 0.004
2739 Agricultural Economics 1.085 1,500 0.004
2739 Finance And Stochastics 1.085 765 0.00307
2739 Finance And Stochastics 1.085 765 0.00307
2743 International Journal Of Offender Therapy And Comparative Criminology 1.083 991 0.00222
2743 Kyklos 1.083 837 0.00219
2743 Methods Of Information In Medicine 1.083 1,348 0.00208
2743 Psicothema 1.083 1,601 0.00295
2747 Journal Of Fluency Disorders 1.082 600 6.80E-04
2747 Journal Of Ambient Intelligence And Smart Environments 1.082 132 4.70E-04
2747 Mathematical Problems In Engineering 1.082 2,363 0.00462
2750 European Journal Of Applied Mathematics 1.081 650 0.00208
2750 Tribology Transactions 1.081 1,670 0.00217
2752 Harvard Educational Review 1.08 1,293 0.00192
2752 Hastings Center Report 1.08 907 0.00182
2752 Journal Of Social And Personal Relationships 1.08 2,012 0.00343
2755 International Journal Of Pressure Vessels And Piping 1.078 1,990 0.00435
2756 African Journal Of Herpetology 1.077 158 3.30E-04
2756 Financial Analysts Journal 1.077 1,261 0.00205
2756 Journal Of Computational And Applied Mathematics 1.077 8,056 0.02653
2756 Journal Of The Royal Society Of New Zealand 1.077 544 5.70E-04
2760 European Journal Of Entomology 1.076 1,524 0.00273
2761 Journal Of Fourier Analysis And Applications 1.075 1,074 0.00631
2762 British Journal Of Industrial Relations 1.074 971 0.00248
2762 Critical Care Nurse 1.074 479 0.00103
2762 Critical Care Nurse 1.074 479 0.00103
2765 Journal Of The American Academy Of Psychiatry And The Law 1.073 679 0.00126
2765 System Dynamics Review 1.073 536 4.90E-04
2765 Visual Computer 1.073 1,094 0.00463
2768 Harvard Journal On Legislation 1.071 166 4.00E-04
2768 Wildlife Biology 1.071 891 0.00178
2770 International Journal Of Osteoarchaeology 1.07 1,122 0.00152
2771 Experimental Agriculture 1.069 657 8.00E-04
2771 Information Processing & Management 1.069 1,836 0.0039
2771 Information Processing & Management 1.069 1,836 0.0039
2771 Isij International 1.069 6,445 0.01066
2771 Journal Of Engineering Mathematics 1.069 1,309 0.0032
2776 Publius-The Journal Of Federalism 1.068 429 0.00112
2777 Bulletin Of Indonesian Economic Studies 1.067 157 3.00E-04
2777 Herpetologica 1.067 2,330 0.0014
2777 Proceedings Of The Institution Of Civil Engineers-Maritime Engineering 1.067 108 3.50E-04
2780 International Journal Of Central Banking 1.066 364 0.00277
2781 Australian Journal Of Agricultural And Resource Economics 1.065 502 0.00137
2781 Australian Journal Of Agricultural And Resource Economics 1.065 502 0.00137
2781 Focus On Autism And Other Developmental Disabilities 1.065 209 0.00109
2781 Genetic Programming And Evolvable Machines 1.065 164 5.00E-04
2781 Parenting-Science And Practice 1.065 419 9.40E-04
2781 Society & Natural Resources 1.065 1,884 0.00301
2787 Iie Transactions 1.064 3,170 0.00485
2788 Fire Safety Journal 1.063 1,659 0.00358
2788 Scandinavian Journal Of Statistics 1.063 2,336 0.00587
2790 Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny 1.062 159 7.80E-04
2790 Isj-Invertebrate Survival Journal 1.062 208 4.90E-04
2792 Invertebrate Biology 1.061 657 0.00116
2792 Journal Of Intellectual & Developmental Disability 1.061 710 0.00116
2794 Archaeological And Anthropological Sciences 1.06 138 7.20E-04
2794 Public Culture 1.06 796 0.00184
2794 Zootaxa 1.06 10,538 0.02557
2797 Issues In Science And Technology 1.059 253 0.0011
2797 Issues In Science And Technology 1.059 253 0.0011
2797 International Journal Of Structural Stability And Dynamics 1.059 389 0.0012
2800 Fatigue & Fracture Of Engineering Materials & Structures 1.058 2,180 0.00326
2800 Multimedia Tools And Applications 1.058 879 0.00372
2802 Journal Of Economic Dynamics & Control 1.057 2,959 0.01148
2802 Numerical Methods For Partial Differential Equations 1.057 1,455 0.00535
2804 Applied Radiation And Isotopes 1.056 5,951 0.01175
2804 Florida Entomologist 1.056 2,226 0.00257
2804 Journal Of Financial Services Research 1.056 478 0.00115
2807 Computing 1.055 1,320 0.00231
2807 Statistical Applications In Genetics And Molecular Biology 1.055 1,551 0.00337
2809 Pakistan Journal Of Agricultural Sciences 1.054 369 7.90E-04
2809 Veterinary Clinics Of North America-Equine Practice 1.054 935 0.00129
2811 Baltic Journal Of Road And Bridge Engineering 1.053 183 4.80E-04
2811 Cooperation And Conflict 1.053 313 9.00E-04
2813 Acm Transactions On Applied Perception 1.051 365 0.00172
2813 Ilar Journal 1.051 993 0.00201
2813 Journal Of Higher Education 1.051 1,344 0.00185
2813 Journal Of Media Psychology-Theories Methods And Applications 1.051 125 7.40E-04
2817 Simulation Modelling Practice And Theory 1.05 1,040 0.00328
2818 Journal Of Computational Mathematics 1.049 815 0.00348
2818 Journal Of Sport & Social Issues 1.049 505 0.00115
2820 Communication Theory 1.048 962 0.00157
2820 Natural Resource Modeling 1.048 309 6.20E-04
2822 Journal Of The American Society For Horticultural Science 1.047 4,973 0.00245
2822 Management Communication Quarterly 1.047 565 0.00135
2824 Children And Youth Services Review 1.046 2,622 0.00666
2824 Nursing Inquiry 1.046 606 0.00109
2824 Nursing Inquiry 1.046 606 0.00109
2824 Stochastic Processes And Their Applications 1.046 3,785 0.01604
2828 Journal For Specialists In Pediatric Nursing 1.045 335 0.001
2828 Journal For Specialists In Pediatric Nursing 1.045 335 0.001
2830 Animal Science Journal 1.044 851 0.00225
2831 Cmc-Computers Materials & Continua 1.043 398 0.00143
2831 Journal Of Combinatorial Optimization 1.043 646 0.00332
2831 Journal Of Elasticity 1.043 1,526 0.00265
2831 Neuroethics 1.043 167 6.40E-04
2835 Journal Of Economics & Management Strategy 1.042 1,059 0.00487
2836 Journal Of Policy Modeling 1.041 994 0.00227
2837 Journal Of Midwifery & Womens Health 1.039 1,113 0.0022
2837 Journal Of Midwifery & Womens Health 1.039 1,113 0.0022
2837 Veterinary Clinics Of North America-Small Animal Practice 1.039 1,969 0.0032
2840 Child Indicators Research 1.038 178 5.90E-04
2840 Oxford Bulletin Of Economics And Statistics 1.038 1,908 0.00483
2840 Oxford Bulletin Of Economics And Statistics 1.038 1,908 0.00483
2843 Learned Publishing 1.037 213 8.60E-04
2844 Applied Numerical Mathematics 1.036 2,355 0.00911
2844 Cliometrica 1.036 71 9.00E-04
2844 Journal Of Law Economics & Organization 1.036 1,672 0.00282
2844 Zeitschrift Fur Psychologie-Journal Of Psychology 1.036 472 0.00192
2848 Journal Of Documentation 1.035 1,046 0.00182
2849 Bird Study 1.033 1,437 0.00139
2850 Archives Of Psychiatric Nursing 1.032 693 0.00104
2850 Archives Of Psychiatric Nursing 1.032 693 0.00104
2850 Japanese Journal Of Veterinary Research 1.032 182 2.90E-04
2850 Journal Of Economic History 1.032 1,480 0.00387
2854 European Sociological Review 1.031 1,062 0.00373
2854 Mis Quarterly Executive 1.031 262 9.30E-04
2854 South African Journal Of Science 1.031 1,764 0.00194
2854 Veterinary And Comparative Orthopaedics And Traumatology 1.031 914 0.00171
2858 Annales Zoologici Fennici 1.03 1,590 0.00151
2858 Flow Measurement And Instrumentation 1.03 1,036 0.00187
2858 Journal Of Early Intervention 1.03 388 5.50E-04
2861 Complexity 1.029 552 0.00115
2861 Computers & Graphics-Uk 1.029 1,268 0.00514
2861 Oxford Review Of Economic Policy 1.029 1,211 0.0038
2864 Annals Of The American Academy Of Political And Social Science 1.028 2,235 0.00609
2864 Animal Production Science 1.028 879 0.00274
2864 Economic Inquiry 1.028 1,825 0.00594
2864 International Journal Of Plant Production 1.028 213 6.30E-04
2864 Progress In Development Studies 1.028 259 7.50E-04
2869 Gender Work And Organization 1.027 775 0.00178
2869 Journal Of Building Physics 1.027 183 5.90E-04
2871 Annual Review Of Resource Economics 1.026 142 9.80E-04
2872 European Planning Studies 1.025 1,262 0.00273
2872 Games And Economic Behavior 1.025 3,205 0.01995
2874 Economist-Netherlands 1.024 228 9.10E-04
2874 Electronic Journal Of Statistics 1.024 529 0.01073
2876 Disasters 1.023 1,055 0.00207
2876 Journal Of Computer Assisted Learning 1.023 902 0.00241
2876 Language In Society 1.023 946 0.00173
2876 Steel Research International 1.023 1,067 0.00504
2880 Korean Journal Of Metals And Materials 1.022 374 0.00125
2880 Language Teaching Research 1.022 371 0.00125
2882 California Agriculture 1.021 627 7.50E-04
2882 International Journal Of Social Welfare 1.021 485 0.00146
2884 Annals Of Nuclear Energy 1.02 2,457 0.008
2885 Addiction Research & Theory 1.019 762 0.00144
2885 International Journal Of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 1.019 817 0.00161
2885 Lubrication Science 1.019 301 7.20E-04
2888 Australian Veterinary Journal 1.018 3,137 0.00235
2889 International Journal Of Bifurcation And Chaos 1.017 4,328 0.00835
2889 Test 1.017 444 0.00308
2891 Journal Of Educational And Behavioral Statistics 1.016 1,140 0.00261
2891 Journal Of Strategic Studies 1.016 235 0.001
2893 Journal Of Nondestructive Evaluation 1.015 446 8.10E-04
2894 Electoral Studies 1.014 1,126 0.00533
2894 Journal Of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing 1.014 450 7.30E-04
2894 Journal Of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing 1.014 450 7.30E-04
2894 Zoological Studies 1.014 1,111 0.00219
2898 British Journal Of Sociology 1.013 1,642 0.00416
2898 Journal Of Reproductive And Infant Psychology 1.013 616 8.20E-04
2900 Tijdschrift Voor Economische En Sociale Geografie 1.012 737 0.00186
2901 Journal Of Parallel And Distributed Computing 1.011 1,678 0.00428
2901 Journal Of School Nursing 1.011 424 8.90E-04
2901 Journal Of School Nursing 1.011 424 8.90E-04
2904 Bulletin Of The Atomic Scientists 1.01 266 0.00161
2905 International Affairs 1.008 894 0.00354
2905 Journal Of Strain Analysis For Engineering Design 1.008 956 0.00225
2905 Zamm-Zeitschrift Fur Angewandte Mathematik Und Mechanik 1.008 1,676 0.00303
2908 Numerical Algorithms 1.005 1,259 0.00526
2909 Journal Of Turbomachinery-Transactions Of The Asme 1.003 2,911 0.00316
2910 Transactions Of Nonferrous Metals Society Of China 1.001 4,410 0.01139
2911 Agricultural And Food Science 1 425 7.10E-04
2911 Australian Psychologist 1 532 7.90E-04
2911 Asia Pacific Journal Of Human Resources 1 210 5.60E-04
2911 Assessment & Evaluation In Higher Education 1 1,231 0.00275
2911 Bulletin Of The Polish Academy Of Sciences-Technical Sciences 1 549 0.00145
2911 Chinese Journal Of International Politics 1 85 5.40E-04
2911 Cognition Technology & Work 1 261 5.50E-04
2911 Communications In Mathematical Sciences 1 730 0.00618
2911 Cultural Sociology 1 163 0.00113
2911 Distributed And Parallel Databases 1 245 7.30E-04
2911 Earthquake Spectra 1 2,174 0.00645
2911 Entrepreneurship And Regional Development 1 866 0.00126
2911 European Journal Of Communication 1 547 0.0015
2911 Emerging Markets Review 1 290 4.80E-04
2911 Ethics & International Affairs 1 267 0.00103
2911 Fire Technology 1 468 0.00102
2911 Fuzzy Optimization And Decision Making 1 340 0.00121
2911 Ieee Computer Architecture Letters 1 137 8.50E-04
2911 International Regional Science Review 1 605 8.20E-04
2911 International Sociology 1 512 0.0018
2911 Journal For Research In Mathematics Education 1 1,035 0.00139
2911 Journal Of Mathematical Sociology 1 625 6.30E-04
2911 Journal Of Risk And Insurance 1 1,073 0.00207
2911 Journal Of Social Archaeology 1 171 2.10E-04
2911 Journal Of Surveying Engineering 1 349 0.00118
2911 Journal Of Vinyl & Additive Technology 1 451 7.00E-04
2911 Journal Of Dynamics And Differential Equations 1 822 0.00313
2911 Journal Of Geometric Mechanics 1 82 0.00103
2911 Journal Of Wound Ostomy And Continence Nursing 1 806 0.00144
2911 Journal Of Wound Ostomy And Continence Nursing 1 806 0.00144
2911 Psychologische Rundschau 1 207 3.10E-04
2911 Tesol Quarterly 1 1,487 0.00154
2943 Futures 0.995 1,545 0.00201
2944 Quality And Reliability Engineering International 0.994 884 0.00196
2945 International Journal Of Quantum Information 0.992 796 0.00329
2946 Optimization Letters 0.99 535 0.00325
2946 Proceedings Of The Institution Of Civil Engineers-Water Management 0.99 425 0.00128
2948 Kinetic And Related Models 0.989 212 0.00286
2948 Veterinary Surgery 0.989 3,003 0.00373
2950 Sociological Forum 0.988 948 0.00245
2950 Theory & Psychology 0.988 643 0.00128
2952 British Journal Of Politics & International Relations 0.986 400 0.00185
2953 Political Research Quarterly 0.985 1,550 0.00588
2953 Science And Public Policy 0.985 846 0.00219
2955 Mathematical And Computer Modelling Of Dynamical Systems 0.984 233 0.001
2956 Canadian Journal Of Animal Science 0.983 2,019 0.00175
2956 Linear Algebra And Its Applications 0.983 7,960 0.02607
2958 Journal Of Studies In International Education 0.98 463 0.00138
2958 Teaching Sociology 0.98 535 6.00E-04
2958 Theory And Society 0.98 1,347 0.00238
2961 Journal Of The Medical Library Association 0.979 716 0.0013
2962 Journal Of Psychiatric And Mental Health Nursing 0.978 1,589 0.00264
2962 Journal Of Psychiatric And Mental Health Nursing 0.978 1,589 0.00264
2964 Acta Sociologica 0.977 536 9.70E-04
2964 Computational Optimization And Applications 0.977 1,384 0.00653
2964 Prison Journal 0.977 449 9.60E-04
2967 Annual Review Of Financial Economics 0.976 87 0.00249
2967 Combustion Science And Technology 0.976 3,396 0.00382
2969 Journal Of Arachnology 0.975 1,282 0.00179
2970 Journal Of Agricultural Economics 0.974 925 0.0018
2970 Journal Of Agricultural Economics 0.974 925 0.0018
2970 Ocean Development And International Law 0.974 209 5.30E-04
2973 Journal Of Linguistics 0.973 491 0.00119
2974 Environmental And Ecological Statistics 0.972 742 0.00207
2974 Information Society 0.972 598 0.00111
2974 Nanoscale And Microscale Thermophysical Engineering 0.972 150 7.60E-04
2977 Annales De L Institut Henri Poincare-Probabilites Et Statistiques 0.971 740 0.00636
2977 Nodea-Nonlinear Differential Equations And Applications 0.971 489 0.00309
2977 Regional Science And Urban Economics 0.971 1,579 0.00506
2980 Journal Of Child Health Care 0.97 323 8.10E-04
2980 Journal Of Child Health Care 0.97 323 8.10E-04
2980 Tropical Animal Health And Production 0.97 2,034 0.00448
2983 Journal Of Aquatic Animal Health 0.968 926 9.80E-04
2984 Banach Journal Of Mathematical Analysis 0.967 111 8.40E-04
2984 Graphical Models 0.967 629 0.0012
2984 Ima Journal Of Mathematical Control And Information 0.967 348 8.40E-04
2987 Administrative Law Review 0.966 392 0.00102
2987 International Journal For Educational And Vocational Guidance 0.966 104 2.70E-04
2987 International Journal Of Bilingualism 0.966 342 8.70E-04
2987 Journal Of Hymenoptera Research 0.966 264 3.90E-04
2991 American Journal Of Evaluation 0.965 675 0.00116
2991 Journal Of Official Statistics 0.965 622 0.00198
2991 Research In Social Stratification And Mobility 0.965 260 0.00115
2994 Aci Structural Journal 0.964 3,438 0.00448
2994 Road Materials And Pavement Design 0.964 430 0.00118
2996 International Journal For Multiscale Computational Engineering 0.963 341 0.00169
2997 Journal Of Economic Behavior & Organization 0.962 4,307 0.01616
2997 Journal Of Health Politics Policy And Law 0.962 765 0.00253
2997 Personnel Review 0.962 858 0.00139
2997 Sort-Statistics And Operations Research Transactions 0.962 64 4.10E-04
2997 Thermal Science 0.962 752 0.00175
3002 Revista Brasileira De Parasitologia Veterinaria 0.961 620 0.00126
3003 Ilr Review 0.959 1,866 0.00347
3004 Harvard Environmental Law Review 0.958 191 7.30E-04
3004 Learning Media And Technology 0.958 248 0.00108
3006 Minerva 0.957 494 0.00104
3006 Structural Design Of Tall And Special Buildings 0.957 635 0.00159
3008 International Journal Of Design 0.955 124 5.40E-04
3008 Siam Journal On Financial Mathematics 0.955 135 0.00205
3008 Sigmod Record 0.955 1,068 0.00112
3011 Journal Of Money Credit And Banking 0.954 3,036 0.01073
3011 Structure And Infrastructure Engineering 0.954 444 0.00247
3013 English For Specific Purposes 0.953 655 0.00118
3014 Critical Studies In Education 0.952 113 8.80E-04
3015 American Journal Of Potato Research 0.951 781 0.00148
3015 Fixed Point Theory 0.951 306 9.80E-04
3017 Physical Education And Sport Pedagogy 0.95 303 7.90E-04
3018 Cluster Computing-The Journal Of Networks Software Tools And Applications 0.949 276 9.70E-04
3019 Education Finance And Policy 0.947 192 0.00218
3019 International Journal Of Industrial Organization 0.947 1,898 0.00736
3021 Journal Of Forecasting 0.946 862 0.00237
3021 Law & Policy 0.946 366 0.00104
3023 Clinical Journal Of Oncology Nursing 0.945 714 0.00183
3023 Clinical Journal Of Oncology Nursing 0.945 714 0.00183
3025 Journal Of Multivariate Analysis 0.943 2,836 0.01484
3025 Nondestructive Testing And Evaluation 0.943 251 7.60E-04
3027 European Accounting Review 0.942 647 0.00113
3027 Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De Medicina Tropical 0.942 2,027 0.00325
3029 International Journal Of Information Security 0.941 218 7.70E-04
3029 Supreme Court Review 0.941 340 2.10E-04
3031 Disability & Society 0.939 1,004 0.00159
3031 Journal Of Fluids Engineering-Transactions Of The Asme 0.939 3,924 0.00538
3031 Journal Of Law Medicine & Ethics 0.939 1,161 0.00435
3034 Information Technology & People 0.938 351 6.50E-04
3034 Metaphor And Symbol 0.938 266 4.30E-04
3036 Journal Of Empirical Finance 0.937 1,152 0.00448
3037 Race & Class 0.936 277 8.80E-04
3038 International Studies Review 0.935 409 0.00197
3039 International Interactions 0.933 423 0.00147
3039 Journal Of Ethnic And Migration Studies 0.933 1,403 0.00596
3041 Health Information And Libraries Journal 0.932 429 0.00115
3041 Journal Of International Economic Law 0.932 266 0.00135
3043 Berliner Und Munchener Tierarztliche Wochenschrift 0.931 702 0.00119
3044 American Behavioral Scientist 0.926 2,397 0.00446
3045 Feminist Economics 0.925 542 0.00145
3045 Regular & Chaotic Dynamics 0.925 424 0.00142
3047 Mathematics Of Operations Research 0.924 2,522 0.00612
3047 Scientia Agricola 0.924 1,549 0.00323
3049 Discrete And Continuous Dynamical Systems 0.923 2,048 0.01767
3049 International Environmental Agreements-Politics Law And Economics 0.923 254 9.00E-04
3051 Geriatric Nursing 0.922 481 9.90E-04
3051 Geriatric Nursing 0.922 481 9.90E-04
3051 Millennium-Journal Of International Studies 0.922 515 0.00129
3054 Canadian Journal Of Plant Science 0.921 2,904 0.00214
3054 Engineering Applications Of Computational Fluid Mechanics 0.921 180 7.80E-04
3054 Journal Of Education Policy 0.921 877 0.00259
3054 Journal Of Insect Science 0.921 1,403 0.00467
3058 Horticultural Science 0.92 275 4.10E-04
3059 Advances In Data Analysis And Classification 0.919 110 9.80E-04
3059 Etr&D-Educational Technology Research And Development 0.919 935 0.00225
3059 Journal Of Economic Theory 0.919 5,540 0.0244
3062 Review Of African Political Economy 0.918 450 0.00183
3062 Set-Valued And Variational Analysis 0.918 115 0.00156
3062 Symmetry-Basel 0.918 199 0.00161
3065 Journal Of Human Capital 0.917 103 0.00143
3066 Journal Of Pediatric Nursing-Nursing Care Of Children & Families 0.916 1,019 0.00166
3066 Journal Of Pediatric Nursing-Nursing Care Of Children & Families 0.916 1,019 0.00166
3066 Strain 0.916 733 0.00234
3069 Cambridge Journal Of Economics 0.914 1,327 0.00422
3069 Nonlinear Analysis-Modelling And Control 0.914 244 8.30E-04
3071 Macroeconomic Dynamics 0.913 510 0.0032
3072 Presence-Teleoperators And Virtual Environments 0.912 1,145 0.00143
3073 Boston University Law Review 0.911 681 0.00181
3073 International Review Of Economics & Finance 0.911 589 0.00145
3073 Mass Communication And Society 0.911 518 0.00126
3073 Theoretical Medicine And Bioethics 0.911 286 9.00E-04
3077 Annali Di Matematica Pura Ed Applicata 0.909 1,330 0.00298
3078 Early Education And Development 0.908 738 0.00178
3079 Comparative Education Review 0.907 380 9.00E-04
3079 Journal Of Neuroscience Nursing 0.907 573 0.00121
3079 Journal Of Small Animal Practice 0.907 2,627 0.00275
3082 Analysis & Pde 0.906 110 0.00273
3082 Journal Of Nonlinear And Convex Analysis 0.906 495 0.00119
3084 Research On Social Work Practice 0.905 1,017 0.0024
3084 Social Justice Research 0.905 703 0.00161
3084 Wind And Structures 0.905 345 9.10E-04
3087 Acm Transactions On Multimedia Computing Communications And Applications 0.904 366 0.00136
3087 Clinical Nurse Specialist 0.904 343 6.70E-04
3089 Review Of World Economics 0.903 468 0.00192
3090 Heat Transfer Engineering 0.902 1,455 0.00344
3090 International Journal Of Agriculture And Biology 0.902 1,543 0.00254
3090 Journal Of Women & Aging 0.902 289 5.60E-04
3090 Quest 0.902 620 8.20E-04
3094 Informatica 0.901 284 7.70E-04
3095 Review Of Research In Education 0.9 589 0.00137
3096 Information Technology & Management 0.897 139 4.30E-04
3096 Journal Of Tribology-Transactions Of The Asme 0.897 2,822 0.00272
3098 International Journal Of Satellite Communications And Networking 0.896 207 5.50E-04
3098 Theory And Practice Of Logic Programming 0.896 240 7.80E-04
3100 Avian Biology Research 0.895 93 4.00E-04
3100 Health & Social Work 0.895 615 8.10E-04
3100 R Journal 0.895 102 0.00101
3103 Computer Aided Geometric Design 0.894 1,284 0.00405
3103 Electronic Transactions On Numerical Analysis 0.894 524 0.00264
3103 Esaim-Probability And Statistics 0.894 219 0.00143
3106 Archives Of Animal Nutrition 0.892 708 8.50E-04
3107 Journal Of Pragmatics 0.889 2,528 0.00706
3107 System 0.889 888 0.0019
3109 Computer Journal 0.888 2,471 0.00406
3109 Ethnic And Racial Studies 0.888 1,705 0.006
3109 Performance Evaluation 0.888 1,083 0.00275
3112 Journal Of International Financial Markets Institutions & Money 0.887 446 0.00111
3113 Childhood-A Global Journal Of Child Research 0.882 589 0.0012
3113 Discrete Dynamics In Nature And Society 0.882 749 0.00212
3113 Scandinavian Journal Of Hospitality And Tourism 0.882 230 5.30E-04
3116 American Politics Research 0.88 495 0.00292
3116 Computer Assisted Language Learning 0.88 378 8.50E-04
3118 Advances In Applied Mathematics 0.878 1,045 0.00613
3118 International Journal Of Bilingual Education And Bilingualism 0.878 347 0.00145
3120 Mathematical Methods In The Applied Sciences 0.877 1,889 0.00757
3120 Social Work 0.877 1,181 0.00125
3122 American Review Of Public Administration 0.875 603 0.0016
3122 Anais Da Academia Brasileira De Ciencias 0.875 1,433 0.00234
3122 Australasian Journal Of Educational Technology 0.875 513 0.00188
3122 Field Methods 0.875 723 0.00143
3122 Government And Opposition 0.875 375 0.0014
3122 Wood And Fiber Science 0.875 1,487 0.00149
3128 Labour Economics 0.874 1,253 0.00725
3129 Du Bois Review-Social Science Research On Race 0.873 153 8.30E-04
3130 Journal Of Language And Social Psychology 0.872 560 0.00121
3131 Czech Journal Of Animal Science 0.871 573 0.00111
3131 Journal Of Regulatory Economics 0.871 580 0.00149
3133 Foreign Policy Analysis 0.87 153 0.00115
3134 Journal Of Science Education And Technology 0.869 823 0.00243
3134 Political Studies 0.869 1,236 0.0048
3136 Economic Development And Cultural Change 0.868 1,353 0.0024
3137 Journal Of Construction Engineering And Management 0.867 2,842 0.00359
3137 Review Of Higher Education 0.867 479 0.00142
3137 Science & Society 0.867 224 5.30E-04
3140 Men And Masculinities 0.865 436 0.00127
3141 International Journal Of Transitional Justice 0.863 203 9.60E-04
3142 Discourse & Society 0.862 970 0.00218
3142 Family Relations 0.862 1,654 0.00215
3142 Physicochemical Problems Of Mineral Processing 0.862 256 5.60E-04
3142 Technical Communication 0.862 260 2.40E-04
3146 Journal Of Difference Equations And Applications 0.861 970 0.00347
3146 Library Quarterly 0.861 291 5.10E-04
3148 Scandinavian Journal Of Economics 0.86 1,183 0.00428
3148 World Rabbit Science 0.86 375 4.20E-04
3150 Journal Of Geography In Higher Education 0.859 516 5.80E-04
3150 Washington Quarterly 0.859 331 0.00169
3152 Structural Concrete 0.857 178 5.70E-04
3153 Mathematics And Computers In Simulation 0.856 2,360 0.00804
3154 German Economic Review 0.855 268 0.0015
3154 Hortscience 0.855 6,429 0.00681
3154 Iowa Law Review 0.855 661 0.00158
3157 Human Resource Development Quarterly 0.854 499 6.10E-04
3158 Language & Communication 0.852 563 8.60E-04
3158 Radical Philosophy 0.852 115 7.00E-04
3160 Oxford Economic Papers-New Series 0.851 1,667 0.00325
3161 Journal Of Sustainable Agriculture 0.849 519 7.80E-04
3162 Journal Of Educational Research 0.847 1,323 0.00139
3163 International Journal Of Law And Psychiatry 0.846 1,019 0.00247
3163 Journal Of The Ceramic Society Of Japan 0.846 2,055 0.00393
3165 Applied Ontology 0.844 123 6.20E-04
3166 International Journal Of Educational Development 0.841 637 0.00189
3166 Journal Of Supercomputing 0.841 694 0.00217
3168 Journal Of Theoretical Politics 0.84 454 0.00121
3168 Selecta Mathematica-New Series 0.84 403 0.0038
3170 Behaviour & Information Technology 0.839 1,035 0.00162
3170 Southern California Law Review 0.839 580 9.30E-04
3172 Amfiteatru Economic 0.838 209 3.30E-04
3172 Oil Shale 0.838 340 3.40E-04
3174 Asia-Pacific Journal Of Teacher Education 0.837 243 8.30E-04
3174 Materials At High Temperatures 0.837 477 0.001
3176 Boundary Value Problems 0.836 788 0.00234
3176 Global Governance 0.836 412 0.00122
3176 Journal Of Homosexuality 0.836 1,271 0.0024
3176 Journal Of Sandwich Structures & Materials 0.836 316 8.50E-04
3176 Qualitative Social Work 0.836 331 6.90E-04
3181 Cellulose Chemistry And Technology 0.833 520 8.60E-04
3181 Cognitive Linguistics 0.833 621 0.00142
3181 Current Science 0.833 7,772 0.00774
3181 Journal Of Housing Economics 0.833 455 0.00155
3181 Journal Of Literacy Research 0.833 231 6.90E-04
3181 Second Language Research 0.833 493 0.00106
3187 Journal Of Community Psychology 0.832 1,831 0.00314
3188 Acm Transactions On Modeling And Computer Simulation 0.829 501 9.90E-04
3188 Anziam Journal 0.829 328 9.90E-04
3190 Journal Of Political Philosophy 0.826 508 0.00211
3190 Journal Of Computing In Higher Education 0.826 119 3.40E-04
3192 Journal Of Wood Science 0.825 1,479 0.00168
3193 Child & Family Social Work 0.824 555 0.00107
3193 Educational Technology & Society 0.824 1,066 0.00301
3193 Journal Of The Japanese Society For Horticultural Science 0.824 1,038 8.70E-04
3196 Feminism & Psychology 0.823 492 0.00109
3197 European Journal Of Industrial Relations 0.822 291 9.40E-04
3198 Agricultural Sciences In China 0.82 853 0.00273
3198 Building Services Engineering Research & Technology 0.82 299 4.50E-04
3200 American Ceramic Society Bulletin 0.818 1,212 5.40E-04
3200 Mathematical Physics Analysis And Geometry 0.818 139 8.00E-04
3202 Ships And Offshore Structures 0.817 150 7.40E-04
3203 Acta Astronautica 0.816 2,389 0.00636
3203 European Political Science Review 0.816 127 0.00147
3205 Milan Journal Of Mathematics 0.815 220 0.00213
3205 Public Administration And Development 0.815 404 8.20E-04
3207 Integral Transforms And Special Functions 0.814 770 0.00195
3208 Journal Of Business Economics And Management 0.81 280 5.50E-04
3208 Language Acquisition 0.81 423 4.80E-04
3208 Public Choice 0.81 3,011 0.00924
3211 Open Systems & Information Dynamics 0.808 249 8.50E-04
3212 Rare Metals 0.806 891 0.00201
3213 European Journal Of Womens Studies 0.804 371 0.00103
3213 European Journal Of Teacher Education 0.804 278 8.00E-04
3213 Journal International Des Sciences De La Vigne Et Du Vin 0.804 327 7.50E-04
3213 Materials Science And Technology 0.804 4,172 0.00605
3217 Applied Mathematics And Mechanics-English Edition 0.802 1,190 0.00276
3218 Fruits 0.8 434 4.30E-04
3218 Journal Of Politeness Research-Language Behaviour Culture 0.8 221 6.50E-04
3218 Kolner Zeitschrift Fur Soziologie Und Sozialpsychologie 0.8 426 8.60E-04
3218 Language Testing 0.8 561 0.00119
3218 Transactions Of The Royal Society Of South Australia 0.8 386 2.10E-04
3223 Pacific Journal Of Optimization 0.798 256 0.00191
3224 Journal Of Geometry And Physics 0.797 1,421 0.0083
3225 Journal Of English For Academic Purposes 0.796 300 0.0011
3225 New Genetics And Society 0.796 218 7.90E-04
3227 European Political Science 0.794 168 9.20E-04
3227 Vitis 0.794 959 7.10E-04
3229 Asia-Pacific Education Researcher 0.793 185 4.60E-04
3230 Ethnos 0.792 284 0.00115
3230 Journal Of Law And Society 0.792 309 8.50E-04
3230 Journal Of Pension Economics & Finance 0.792 103 8.40E-04
3233 Higher Education Research & Development 0.791 757 0.00197
3233 Journal Of Modern Dynamics 0.791 139 0.00296
3235 American Law And Economics Review 0.788 260 0.0017
3235 Linguistics And Philosophy 0.788 936 0.00173
3237 Journal Of Productivity Analysis 0.787 1,077 0.00151
3237 Journal Of The Japanese And International Economies 0.787 439 0.00124
3239 Adult Education Quarterly 0.786 350 5.80E-04
3239 International Journal Of General Systems 0.786 655 7.80E-04
3241 Acm Transactions On Autonomous And Adaptive Systems 0.785 212 0.00118
3242 Concurrency And Computation-Practice & Experience 0.784 1,064 0.00341
3243 Journal Of The International Phonetic Association 0.783 181 5.70E-04
3244 Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics 0.78 802 0.00152
3245 Journal Of Curriculum Studies 0.779 643 0.00128
3246 Geopolitics 0.778 462 0.00152
3246 Indian Journal Of Fibre & Textile Research 0.778 512 9.20E-04
3246 Journal Of Engineered Fibers And Fabrics 0.778 247 7.60E-04
3249 Proceedings Of The Royal Society Of Edinburgh Section A-Mathematics 0.777 1,409 0.00447
3250 Journal Of Cryptology 0.771 612 0.00136
3250 Journal Of Youth Studies 0.771 641 0.00215
3250 Optimization 0.771 887 0.00311
3253 Journal Of The Textile Institute 0.77 1,253 0.00144
3254 Journal Of Middle East Womens Studies 0.769 62 3.90E-04
3255 Journal Of Inequalities And Applications 0.768 1,366 0.00388
3256 Numerical Mathematics-Theory Methods And Applications 0.767 119 0.00128
3257 Anthropology & Education Quarterly 0.765 449 0.00104
3257 Journal Of Environmental Education 0.765 768 7.70E-04
3259 Archives Of Metallurgy And Materials 0.763 652 9.70E-04
3259 Advances In Differential Equations 0.763 684 0.0027
3261 Siam Journal On Computing 0.762 3,649 0.01081
3262 Quality & Quantity 0.761 1,214 0.00285
3263 Foreign Language Annals 0.76 616 0.00127
3263 World Economy 0.76 1,266 0.00495
3265 Elt Journal 0.759 531 8.90E-04
3265 International Political Science Review 0.759 462 0.00132
3267 Feminist Theory 0.758 294 0.00103
3267 Medicine Science And The Law 0.758 525 6.00E-04
3269 Metalurgija 0.755 380 6.80E-04
3270 Research Papers In Education 0.754 322 9.30E-04
3271 British Journal Of Sociology Of Education 0.753 813 0.00164
3271 Filomat 0.753 272 0.00109
3273 Tappi Journal 0.752 1,902 7.80E-04
3274 European Journal Of Migration And Law 0.75 132 5.80E-04
3274 Feminist Legal Studies 0.75 123 4.90E-04
3274 Human Organization 0.75 851 8.40E-04
3274 Interactive Learning Environments 0.75 253 8.60E-04
3274 Island Studies Journal 0.75 79 8.00E-05
3274 Publications Mathematiques De L Ihes 0.75 872 0.00258
3280 International Review Of Research In Open And Distance Learning 0.748 349 0.0011
3281 Transactions Of The Institute Of Metal Finishing 0.747 444 5.90E-04
3282 Africa 0.745 607 0.00132
3282 Archives Of Mechanics 0.745 396 6.30E-04
3284 Young 0.744 226 6.80E-04
3285 Communications In Contemporary Mathematics 0.742 486 0.00471
3286 Canadian Journal Of Mathematics-Journal Canadien De Mathematiques 0.741 1,874 0.00531
3286 International Feminist Journal Of Politics 0.741 238 0.00104
3286 Social Science Quarterly 0.741 2,187 0.00495
3289 Qualitative Inquiry 0.738 1,833 0.00237
3290 Language Assessment Quarterly 0.735 154 7.40E-04
3291 Bulletin Des Sciences Mathematiques 0.733 686 0.00263
3291 Forum Mathematicum 0.733 512 0.00469
3293 Anthropological Quarterly 0.732 488 0.0018
3294 Homo-Journal Of Comparative Human Biology 0.729 352 7.10E-04
3294 Medical Law Review 0.729 156 6.00E-04
3296 International Journal Of Coal Preparation And Utilization 0.727 93 3.30E-04
3297 Ciencia E Agrotecnologia 0.726 1,355 0.00322
3298 Distance Education 0.725 282 6.60E-04
3298 Security Studies 0.725 357 0.00224
3300 Comparative Education 0.724 465 0.0011
3301 Journal Of Algebraic Combinatorics 0.721 577 0.00472
3302 Algebras And Representation Theory 0.719 296 0.00302
3303 Journal Of Marine Science And Technology 0.718 302 0.00112
3303 Journal Of Mathematical Inequalities 0.718 221 0.00121
3305 Revista Espanola De Documentacion Cientifica 0.717 174 3.80E-04
3306 Advances In Life Course Research 0.714 154 6.10E-04
3306 Journal Of Pidgin And Creole Languages 0.714 116 3.20E-04
3306 Journal Of Bioethical Inquiry 0.714 185 8.00E-04
3309 Ergodic Theory And Dynamical Systems 0.713 1,773 0.00793
3310 Journal Of Competition Law & Economics 0.712 212 0.00111
3311 Calcolo 0.71 289 7.80E-04
3311 Science China-Mathematics 0.71 475 0.00602
3313 Kyoto Journal Of Mathematics 0.709 75 0.00154
3314 Applicable Analysis And Discrete Mathematics 0.708 162 0.00112
3314 Communications On Pure And Applied Analysis 0.708 706 0.00656
3316 Canadian Journal Of Agricultural Economics-Revue Canadienne D Agroeconomie 0.707 391 8.00E-04
3317 Europe-Asia Studies 0.706 564 0.00227
3318 Telematics And Informatics 0.705 263 8.30E-04
3319 Transformation Groups 0.701 402 0.00469
3320 English Language & Linguistics 0.7 173 7.80E-04
3320 Hyle 0.7 91 4.00E-05
3320 Linear & Multilinear Algebra 0.7 836 0.00354
3320 Political Science 0.7 92 2.10E-04
3320 Zeitschrift Fur Analysis Und Ihre Anwendungen 0.7 354 0.00127
3325 Bulletin Of The London Mathematical Society 0.699 1,570 0.0091
3326 Esa Bulletin-European Space Agency 0.698 591 7.50E-04
3327 World Englishes 0.694 467 0.00117
3328 Journal Of Navigation 0.691 595 9.60E-04
3329 Mineral Processing And Extractive Metallurgy Review 0.69 297 5.90E-04
3329 Philosophical Psychology 0.69 429 9.00E-04
3331 Chinese Journal Of Aeronautics 0.689 533 0.00159
3331 Revista De La Real Academia De Ciencias Exactas Fisicas Y Naturales Serie A-Matematicas 0.689 171 0.00142
3333 International Journal Of Sexual Health 0.688 105 5.00E-04
3333 Soldering & Surface Mount Technology 0.688 161 3.10E-04
3335 Journal Of The History Of Medicine And Allied Sciences 0.686 336 6.30E-04
3335 Studies In Comparative International Development 0.686 484 0.00126
3337 Balkan Journal Of Geometry And Its Applications 0.684 142 4.00E-04
3337 European Constitutional Law Review 0.684 81 5.50E-04
3337 Rendiconti Lincei-Matematica E Applicazioni 0.684 145 0.00198
3340 Protection Of Metals And Physical Chemistry Of Surfaces 0.683 279 6.60E-04
3340 Topics In Language Disorders 0.683 411 7.70E-04
3340 World Trade Review 0.683 142 0.00111
3343 Positivity 0.682 303 0.00178
3344 Mathematische Zeitschrift 0.681 4,263 0.01535
3345 Journal Of Agricultural Science And Technology 0.679 364 9.50E-04
3345 New Zealand Journal Of Agricultural Research 0.679 1,067 8.70E-04
3345 Psychoanalytic Psychology 0.679 415 8.80E-04
3348 Globalizations 0.676 351 0.00193
3348 Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira 0.676 3,476 0.00599
3348 Swiss Political Science Review 0.676 137 7.70E-04
3351 International Journal Of Materials Research 0.675 991 0.00442
3352 Advanced Nonlinear Studies 0.674 322 0.00265
3352 State Politics & Policy Quarterly 0.674 304 0.00105
3354 International Journal Of Numerical Analysis And Modeling 0.673 305 0.0017
3355 Revista Ciencia Agronomica 0.672 468 0.00145
3356 Journal Of Graph Theory 0.671 1,530 0.00719
3357 Journal Of Comparative Germanic Linguistics 0.667 70 5.00E-04
3357 Philosophy Of Science 0.667 2,142 0.0023
3357 Philosophy Of Science 0.667 2,142 0.0023
3360 Israel Journal Of Mathematics 0.659 2,553 0.01089
3361 International Journal Of Heritage Studies 0.658 235 4.30E-04
3361 Linguistics 0.658 695 0.00116
3361 Mathematische Nachrichten 0.658 1,836 0.00758
3361 Taiwanese Journal Of Mathematics 0.658 936 0.00396
3365 Documenta Mathematica 0.656 456 0.00365
3365 Random Structures & Algorithms 0.656 982 0.00467
3367 Expositiones Mathematicae 0.654 338 0.00217
3367 Hastings Law Journal 0.654 506 0.00139
3369 Journal Of Psycholinguistic Research 0.653 903 9.40E-04
3369 Mediterranean Journal Of Mathematics 0.653 243 0.00149
3371 Complex Variables And Elliptic Equations 0.65 352 0.00304
3371 European Journal Of Psychology Applied To Legal Context 0.65 39 1.50E-04
3371 International Insolvency Review 0.65 23 2.00E-05
3374 Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae-Mathematica 0.648 791 0.00262
3374 Microgravity Science And Technology 0.648 386 0.00139
3376 Michigan Mathematical Journal 0.646 925 0.00369
3377 International Journal Of Aeroacoustics 0.644 229 0.00115
3378 Journal Of Evolution Equations 0.643 383 0.00311
3379 Carpathian Journal Of Mathematics 0.642 145 5.50E-04
3379 Results In Mathematics 0.642 579 0.0023
3381 Lingua 0.639 1,157 0.005
3382 Electronic Journal Of Qualitative Theory Of Differential Equations 0.638 360 0.00159
3382 Monatshefte Fur Mathematik 0.638 920 0.00487
3384 Synthese 0.637 1,963 0.00466
3384 Synthese 0.637 1,963 0.00466
3386 Annales De L Institut Fourier 0.635 1,684 0.00852
3386 Journal Of The Mathematical Society Of Japan 0.635 1,114 0.00298
3386 Pure And Applied Mathematics Quarterly 0.635 216 0.00383
3389 Advances In Difference Equations 0.634 627 0.00208
3389 Mathematika 0.634 551 0.00102
3391 Journal Of Numerical Mathematics 0.633 99 6.70E-04
3392 Combinatorica 0.63 1,247 0.00414
3392 Studia Mathematica 0.63 2,120 0.00569
3394 Mathematical Research Letters 0.629 1,157 0.01123
3395 Journal Of The American Helicopter Society 0.627 583 0.0012
3395 Proceedings Of The American Mathematical Society 0.627 9,794 0.03335
3395 Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica 0.627 375 0.00117
3398 Electronic Research Announcements In Mathematical Sciences 0.625 115 0.00113
3398 English World-Wide 0.625 163 7.90E-04
3400 International Journal Of Lexicography 0.622 180 4.70E-04
3400 Journal Of The History Of Biology 0.622 404 7.50E-04
3400 Journal Of The History Of Biology 0.622 404 7.50E-04
3403 Acta Mathematica Scientia 0.62 593 0.00303
3404 Combinatorics Probability & Computing 0.619 619 0.0055
3405 Journal Of Canadian Petroleum Technology 0.617 1,079 0.0023
3406 British Journal For The History Of Science 0.614 308 8.00E-04
3406 Psyche-Zeitschrift Fur Psychoanalyse Und Ihre Anwendungen 0.614 348 6.80E-04
3406 Publications Of The Research Institute For Mathematical Sciences 0.614 674 0.00257
3409 European Journal Of Combinatorics 0.612 1,554 0.01265
3410 Materials Transactions 0.611 5,875 0.00834
3411 Collectanea Mathematica 0.609 281 0.00157
3411 Discrete Mathematics And Theoretical Computer Science 0.609 235 0.00235
3411 Interpreting 0.609 99 1.10E-04
3414 Discrete & Computational Geometry 0.606 1,269 0.00634
3415 Journal Of Algebra 0.604 6,926 0.03056
3416 Tohoku Mathematical Journal 0.597 862 0.00226
3417 Science As Culture 0.596 278 0.00103
3418 Arkiv For Matematik 0.595 582 0.00155
3419 Journal Of Inverse And Ill-Posed Problems 0.593 370 0.00191
3419 Quarterly Journal Of Mathematics 0.593 1,150 0.00245
3421 Journal Of Convex Analysis 0.592 532 0.00353
3422 Topology And Its Applications 0.587 1,901 0.00854
3423 Differential Geometry And Its Applications 0.585 500 0.00343
3423 Revista Matematica Complutense 0.585 206 0.00152
3425 Integral Equations And Operator Theory 0.583 990 0.0048
3426 Algebra & Number Theory 0.581 184 0.00466
3426 Language Policy 0.581 132 6.70E-04
3428 Child Language Teaching & Therapy 0.571 206 3.20E-04
3428 Journal Of Germanic Linguistics 0.571 41 2.80E-04
3428 Review Of Cognitive Linguistics 0.571 21 2.30E-04
3431 Journal Of English Linguistics 0.565 143 6.50E-04
3432 International Journal Of Corpus Linguistics 0.564 222 9.80E-04
3432 Studies In History And Philosophy Of Science 0.564 380 8.00E-04
3432 Studies In History And Philosophy Of Science 0.564 380 8.00E-04
3435 Physics And Chemistry Of Glasses-European Journal Of Glass Science And Technology Part B 0.562 1,329 6.20E-04
3436 Medical History 0.556 450 9.60E-04
3436 Medical History 0.556 450 9.60E-04
3438 Journal Of Semantics 0.552 303 0.00114
3439 Engineering Studies 0.545 37 2.20E-04
3439 Engineering Studies 0.545 37 2.20E-04
3441 Journal Of Multilingual And Multicultural Development 0.541 341 9.30E-04
3442 Journal Of The History Of The Neurosciences 0.537 204 2.10E-04
3443 Perspectives In Biology And Medicine 0.536 770 0.00128
3444 Pacific Review 0.533 285 9.20E-04
3445 Bulletin Of The History Of Medicine 0.529 454 7.20E-04
3446 Asia Pacific Viewpoint 0.525 246 6.00E-04
3446 Review Of Symbolic Logic 0.525 97 0.00108
3448 Ieee Annals Of The History Of Computing 0.524 140 3.70E-04
3449 Petroleum Science 0.523 222 7.90E-04
3450 Korea Observer 0.52 56 6.20E-04
3451 Journal Of Logic And Computation 0.504 499 0.00288
3452 Middle East Policy 0.5 128 9.90E-04
3453 Journal Of The Japan Petroleum Institute 0.495 276 5.60E-04
3454 History Of Psychiatry 0.493 251 5.50E-04
3455 Algebra And Logic 0.488 484 0.00156
3455 Biosemiotics 0.488 85 7.00E-05
3457 Journal Of Eastern African Studies 0.479 96 7.30E-04
3458 Modern Asian Studies 0.477 473 0.00162
3459 International Journal Of Middle East Studies 0.472 354 0.00102
3460 Journal Of Symbolic Logic 0.467 1,414 0.00423
3461 British Journal Of Middle Eastern Studies 0.459 81 4.80E-04
3462 Slavic Review 0.453 356 0.00107
3463 Annals Of Pure And Applied Logic 0.451 799 0.00438
3464 Journal Of Southern African Studies 0.449 673 0.00139
3465 Pacific Affairs 0.444 272 4.50E-04
3466 Spe Production & Operations 0.44 146 9.60E-04
3467 History Of Psychology 0.438 122 1.90E-04
3468 Philosophia Mathematica 0.433 141 3.30E-04
3469 International Journal Of Cultural Studies 0.429 293 0.00123
3470 Asian Survey 0.425 678 0.00217
3471 Social Dynamics-A Journal Of The Centre For African Studies University Of Cape Town 0.419 184 4.20E-04
3472 Journal Of Latin American Studies 0.41 335 0.00126
3472 South Atlantic Quarterly 0.41 311 0.00119
3474 Technology And Culture 0.407 424 7.60E-04
3475 European Journal Of Cultural Studies 0.405 255 8.90E-04
3476 Cultural Studies 0.402 571 0.00155
3477 History And Philosophy Of Logic 0.4 82 3.30E-04
3477 Social History Of Medicine 0.4 271 9.60E-04
3479 International Journal Of Cultural Policy 0.387 250 6.00E-04
3480 Libraries & The Cultural Record 0.381 26 1.20E-04
3481 History Of Education 0.377 192 7.90E-04
3482 Forum Der Psychoanalyse 0.375 96 2.80E-04
3483 Latin American Research Review 0.366 452 0.00142
3484 Journal Of The History Of The Behavioral Sciences 0.364 232 5.60E-04
3485 Planning Perspectives 0.356 151 1.60E-04
3486 Journal Of African History 0.353 471 6.00E-04
3487 Journal Of Cold War Studies 0.349 85 4.00E-04
3488 Historia Agraria 0.345 70 2.60E-04
3489 Space And Culture 0.34 216 7.60E-04
3490 Psychoanalysis And History 0.333 25 2.80E-04
3491 Continuum-Journal Of Media & Cultural Studies 0.326 251 0.00113
3491 Journal Of The History Of Economic Thought 0.326 116 6.60E-04
3493 Journal Of Policy History 0.319 72 3.50E-04
3494 Information & Culture 0.316 8 3.00E-05
3495 Asian Studies Review 0.311 104 3.70E-04
3496 Revista De Historia Economica 0.31 81 3.40E-04
3497 Identities-Global Studies In Culture And Power 0.292 251 6.90E-04
3498 International Journal Of The History Of Sport 0.291 278 8.60E-04
3499 Social Science History 0.289 274 9.70E-04
3500 Journal Of Visual Culture 0.288 98 2.20E-04
3501 International Review Of Social History 0.271 157 4.00E-04
3502 Diplomatic History 0.267 217 6.10E-04
3503 French History 0.262 75 1.20E-04
3504 Journal Of Family History 0.25 206 3.80E-04
3505 Journal Of Early Modern History 0.243 50 2.70E-04
3506 War In History 0.237 46 1.60E-04
3507 Contemporary European History 0.224 108 4.30E-04
3508 Britain And The World 0.208 6 1.00E-04
3508 Journal Of Contemporary History 0.208 335 6.90E-04
3508 War & Society 0.208 34 5.00E-05


Quartile 1 Journal List

Following is the list for Quartile 1 Journal (based on impact factor 2013)

Rank Full Journal Title Journal Impact Factor Total Cites Eigenfactor Score
1 CA-A Cancer Journal For Clinicians 162.5 16,130 0.06027
2 New England Journal Of Medicine 54.42 257,469 0.65916
3 Chemical Reviews 45.661 124,463 0.2176
4 Reviews Of Modern Physics 42.86 37,647 0.12878
5 Nature 42.351 590,324 1.60419
6 Annual Review Of Immunology 41.392 16,653 0.04788
7 Nature Reviews Genetics 39.794 26,358 0.12699
8 Lancet 39.207 176,528 0.38168
9 Nature Biotechnology 39.08 42,156 0.14398
10 Nature Reviews Cancer 37.912 36,052 0.11209
11 Nature Reviews Drug Discovery 37.231 21,454 0.06325
12 Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 36.458 34,124 0.13375
13 Nature Materials 36.425 54,962 0.20038
14 Nature Reviews Immunology 33.836 27,024 0.10349
15 Nature Nanotechnology 33.265 27,858 0.15695
16 Cell 33.116 191,226 0.59956
17 Science 31.477 537,035 1.2763
18 Nature Reviews Neuroscience 31.376 30,120 0.0891
19 Chemical Society Reviews 30.425 63,071 0.21388
20 Jama-Journal Of The American Medical Association 30.387 124,822 0.25174
21 Nature Photonics 29.958 18,623 0.11878
22 Nature Genetics 29.648 81,548 0.27583
23 Physiological Reviews 29.041 23,974 0.04169
24 Nature Medicine 28.054 60,002 0.16308
25 Progress In Polymer Science 26.854 17,446 0.03058
26 Annual Review Of Biochemistry 26.534 20,070 0.04981
27 Nature Methods 25.953 24,560 0.15317
28 Progress In Materials Science 25.87 6,903 0.01506
29 Nature Immunology 24.973 34,765 0.14263
30 Lancet Oncology 24.725 20,565 0.0931
31 Surface Science Reports 24.562 4,410 0.00828
32 Accounts Of Chemical Research 24.348 47,005 0.11178
33 Annual Review Of Astronomy And Astrophysics 24.037 8,312 0.02248
34 Cancer Cell 23.893 24,929 0.11487
35 Nature Reviews Microbiology 23.317 16,774 0.06896
36 Nature Chemistry 23.297 12,440 0.07213
37 Physics Reports-Review Section Of Physics Letters 22.91 21,386 0.03948
38 Annual Review Of Neuroscience 22.66 13,345 0.02782
39 Cell Stem Cell 22.151 15,492 0.11745
40 Annual Review Of Pathology-Mechanisms Of Disease 22.128 2,767 0.01441
41 Lancet Neurology 21.823 17,534 0.06726
42 Trends In Cognitive Sciences 21.147 18,076 0.0439
42 Trends In Cognitive Sciences 21.147 18,076 0.0439
44 Nature Physics 20.603 20,321 0.17336
45 Annual Review Of Psychology 20.533 11,810 0.02458
45 Annual Review Of Psychology 20.533 11,810 0.02458
47 Annual Review Of Cell And Developmental Biology 20.241 9,224 0.02485
48 Nature Cell Biology 20.058 34,482 0.14265
49 Immunity 19.748 34,787 0.14034
50 Lancet Infectious Diseases 19.446 11,710 0.04036
51 Endocrine Reviews 19.358 13,623 0.02068
52 Annual Review Of Plant Biology 18.9 15,228 0.02559
53 Pharmacological Reviews 18.551 11,069 0.0171
54 Annual Review Of Pharmacology And Toxicology 18.523 7,373 0.01213
55 Nano Today 18.432 3,855 0.01466
56 Annual Review Of Genetics 18.115 7,015 0.02496
57 Advances In Physics 18.062 5,026 0.0102
58 Journal Of Clinical Oncology 17.879 130,991 0.37119
59 Alzheimers & Dementia 17.472 3,821 0.01606
60 Progress In Energy And Combustion Science 16.909 5,978 0.01309
61 Cell Metabolism 16.747 15,636 0.07873
62 Living Reviews In Relativity 16.526 1,600 0.00634
63 Annual Review Of Marine Science 16.381 1,628 0.01243
64 Bmj-British Medical Journal 16.378 85,434 0.16067
65 Aldrichimica Acta 16.333 1,066 0.00243
66 Annals Of Internal Medicine 16.104 47,309 0.10285
67 Clinical Microbiology Reviews 16 12,781 0.01946
68 Neuron 15.982 71,989 0.22641
69 Cancer Discovery 15.929 2,210 0.0175
70 Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology 15.696 3,523 0.02286
71 Annual Review Of Physical Chemistry 15.678 7,570 0.01