2021 Day 64 Tasks – Mock Presentation 1st Stage MKKK for my Master Student

Today in the morning I arranged for this mock presentation with my master dissertation student from Libya. Various research management matters to be completed and reported at the end of the day. InsyaAllah. Stay tune

Other highlighted official tasks of the day:

  • Checked Efa’s Master Thesis corrected version for the last time, hopefully and signed her thesis.

2021 Day 63 Tasks – Miscellaneous Post Graduate Students Matters

The fact that it is a Friday allowed me to relax a bit today. After all, I have been working very hard, almost non-stop since since several weeks. I need some break and once in a while breaking my daily pattern. I did not immediately work in the morning as usual, but I pampered myself with waking up a bit late… haha…

After that, I woke up and strategize my day. I started by listing down tasks to do for today while waiting for my laptop to stabilize after I switched it on (it’s a 7 year old laptop and it takes time for it to get ready after i pressed the on button).

I checked Efa’s (my full time research master student) abstract again, after my other half corrected it yesterday. It looked simple but it really is not that simple. Need to carefully check both English and Malay version of the abstract. After completing it I emailed it back to Efa.

Other highlighted official tasks of the day:

  • Checked Wirda’s paper for the 3rd time (Pak didi’s student).
  • Checked and commented ABSI’s (my Master Mixed-mode student) presentation slide since he’ll be presenting his 1st stage this coming Sunday).
  • Fast scan AbdelRahim’s (my Engineering Education PhD student from Egypt/Sudan) Chapter 1 draft, but still need to read in great detail tomorrow.
  • Passed Ammaru’s thesis to Sham for references on the analysis part.
  • Communicated with Anwar Hazeem (my ex-MKKH master student from 2017) on his new manuscript project.
  • Hosted Zaqwan who visited us at our home after Friday prayers. He wanted to consult about IEM Mentorship.

Day 340 Task – Progress Report Check for My Research Students

Today, on this lovely Saturday, I took the time to check on the progress of some of my PSM, Master and PhD research students. I checked and commented the progress of Abdelrahim Minalla (PhD Engineering Education Research), Raihan Aulia Zaky (Master Mixed Mode), Arif Hut (PSM) and Nasyitah (ex-PSM and hopefully soon to be a PhD student that I Co-supervised). That took quite some time too.

At night, I had a Webex meeting with Arif Hut to discuss his progress and direction on his Palm Oil Sustainability and Carbon Footprint project. After having the night meeting, I realized that even though the meeting was awesome and fruitful, I should not held the meeting on a Saturday night. That is a time I need to spend with my family. I believe maybe my student also may have activities with his family or friends, but has to commit for the meeting. Another aspect for me to improve.

Read all my “1 Official Task Per Day Record Challenge for 2020” —> https://people.utm.my/zakiyamani/category/1-activity-1-day/ 

Day 259b Task – Meeting my PSM and New PhD Student

Today is another super hectic day for me. From the early morning till after the office hours, I am fully occupied with numerous activities. But the one that I want to highlight today is my meeting with my new PhD student. He will be doing an experimental research about sago pith waste as a catalyst to produce biodiesel.

Read all my “1 Official Task Per Day Record Challenge for 2020” —> https://people.utm.my/zakiyamani/category/1-activity-1-day/ 

Day 245 Task – Checking, Reading & Proof reading my Master Student Thesis

Today is the independence day of Malaysia. It has been 63 years since we celebrated our victory and freedom. It’s a public holiday here in our country.

Although it was a holiday, I was rushing to read my Master Student’s thesis. I would always prefer not to delay any thesis or proposal checking, paper reviewing etc. Luckily I have gone through her thesis between May and June, which was my first round of reading her thesis and have corrected it massively. Hence, this round, my reading was significantly faster than before as the mistakes were far less, few tiny problems or issues that I may have missed before. It’s very important for me to read her thesis so that we’ll minimize any problems during the VIVA session, which has not been confirmed yet. All the best to my master student…  and me 🙂

Read all my “1 Official Task Per Day Record Challenge for 2020” —> https://people.utm.my/zakiyamani/category/1-activity-1-day/ 

Day 85 Task – Checking my Master Student Thesis & Planning for Plant Design Project Interim Presentation

Today it’s the 6th day of working from home deal and the 8th day of us all staying quarantine at home. No matter what we need to stay focus, plan and organize our task, job etc from home. I have arranged my time just like the normal working days accept I am doing work from home. This means I will work in the morning till late afternoon. After that we will do some exercise activity before at night, after dinner/Isya prayer, I will work on my other non-official projects.

Anyway, to update today’s task. The main task was checking my Master Student’s Chapter 4 which I just received yesterday. Alhamdulillah I completed the task around 6pm. In between that, I also discussed with the PDP coordinator team about how to manage the Interim Plant Design Project presentation that should be taking place on the 7th of April 2020. This must be carefully planned so that the execution will be smooth, consider all kinds of situation of students and panels. I have drafted the schedule and also instruction yesterday and today was mainly further improving and discussing the management of the Interim Presentation.

It’s now 10.10 pm and I just finally updated a revised schedule of the Interim Presentation which is to be discussed again with our PDP coordinator. So, let’s just see how it goes.


Read all my “1 Official Task Per Day Record Challenge for 2020” —> https://people.utm.my/zakiyamani/category/1-activity-1-day/