Where My Location Data come from?

Basically, your Browser feature -Geolocation-, will try to determine your position using one of these several ways. These list, show the ordered devices about what Geolocation will give your location.

  1. GPS (Global Positioning System)
    This happen for smartphone / anything which has GPS inside. If you have smartphone with GPS capabilities and set to high accuracy mode, you’ll likely to obtain the location data from this. GPS calculate location information from GPS satelite signal. It has the highest accuracy. In most Android smartphone, the accuracy can be up to 10 metres.
  2. Mobile Network Location
    This happen if you use a wireless modem or phone without GPS chip built in it. Rather than GPS satellite’s signal, this one use signal from mobile provider. The accuracy may vary. 
  3. WiFi Positioning System
    If you are indoor, and using Wifi, this is the likely you’ll get. Some WiFi have location services capabilities, which able to obtain or save location data. If you’re concern with this stuff, try accessing this website from laptop with your Wifi network. If you can get exact location with very good accuracy, then your WiFi might have such feature. 
  4. IP Address Location
    This one will detects your location based on nearest Public IP Address on your devices, (can be your computer, or the router, or your ISP provider). Depend on the IP information available, but in many case, the public IP is often hidden behind Internet Service Provider NAT, resulting poor accuracy. This is the most often case for PC / laptop user which access internet from cable LAN, or WiFi without Geolocation capabilities. The accuracy is in level of city, region, or even country.

Source: https://mycurrentlocation.net

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