Top five trends in GIS technology

According to Dangermond, the top five trends in GIS technology today are as follows:

  1. Location as a service
  2. Advanced analytics
  3. Big data analytics
  4. Real-time GIS
  5. Mobility

Dangermond continues: “The last leap in computing was the shift from the server to the cloud. Software as a service (SaaS) opened a world of opportunities for GIS, as shared map services like the World Imagery basemap are no longer separate from the unique services offered to users. GIS users can share data, collaborate, make mashup maps in the server, and then connect to the cloud.

The next leap in GIS technology and computing is connecting to the vast network of devices providing data in real time. This technology is a revolutionary change and brings great opportunity. The more accessible data is, the more important it will be to understand it. And maps are the visual language for understanding the context of data.”

Excerpt From: Amor Laaribi. “GIS and the 2020 Census.” iBooks.

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