A young man named Ahmed [Part 5]

As a senior lecturer, Ahmad became increasingly involved in departmental management and administrative tasks. While he found these responsibilities challenging and rewarding, he began to realize that they were taking up a significant portion of his time and energy, and that he was missing the aspects of his job that he loved the most: teaching, research, and development.

He missed being in the classroom, interacting with students, and sharing his passion for GIS. He missed the thrill of discovering new insights and solving problems through research. And he missed the satisfaction of developing new tools and techniques that could help people and organizations make better use of their spatial data.

Despite his busy schedule, Ahmad made a conscious effort to carve out more time for teaching, research, and development. He started to take on fewer management responsibilities, and instead focused on mentoring his students and developing new research projects. He also began to collaborate with colleagues on multidisciplinary projects that brought together his expertise in GIS with other fields such as environmental science, urban planning, and disaster management.

Through his hard work and dedication, Ahmad was able to strike a balance between his management duties and his passion for teaching, research and development. He was able to continue making a positive impact in the field of GIS and in the lives of his students. He felt fulfilled and content with his work, and was grateful for the opportunity to continue making a difference in the world.

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