A young man named Ahmad [Part 9]

Despite the challenges he faces as an academician, Ahmad remains determined to follow his passion and do what he loves. He knows that writing books will be a lot of work, but he is willing to put in the time and effort to make it happen. He doesn’t care what other people say, he is going to do what he wants.

Ahmad is fortunate to have the support of his family. They have always been there for him, encouraging him to pursue his dreams and follow his passions. With their encouragement, he knows that he can achieve anything he sets his mind to. He is grateful for their support, and it gives him the confidence to keep pushing forward.

Ahmad’s dedication and passion for GIS is admirable. He is determined to make a difference in the field and to share his knowledge and experience with others. His family’s support and encouragement will be a big help for him as he embarks on this new journey of writing books on GIS related topics. He is excited to see where this new venture will take him, and he is ready to face any challenges that come his way.

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